Poetry With A Mission

...a thought provoking poetical exercise.

Struggle On

“For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12).

Jesus never told us that the Christian walk would be easy,
Rather, “Take up your cross and follow Me,” He says, knowingly.
Thus, many struggle, become discouraged, and give up, sadly,
Viewing struggling as negative, when it’s not, actually.

Our struggling shows that we haven’t succumbed to the enemy,
Plus, it’s far better to be struggling than not struggling, you see.
Such shows that we haven’t given up, but are battling still,
And are doing our best to serve Christ and carry out His will.

In fact, should we not be battling, dear friend, what might that convey,
For Satan only hassles those who Christ’s will truly obey.
After all, why would he waste time on Laodicean sheep,
They being, worldly Christians who’re lukewarm and foolishly asleep.

You see, if we’re struggling, then chances are we’re under attack,
That Satan is trying to weaken us, or take us off track.
He doesn’t want us growing in Christ, witnessing correctly,
For such Christians pose a greater threat to him, obviously.

Satan knows very well that the Christian walk isn’t easy,
That is, when a Christian is truly walking biblically.
Thus, he tries his best to make things harder so they’ll give up, fall,
Hence why Christians need to be committed, and give Christ their all.

So don’t get discouraged if struggling — rather, rejoice you are,
Because such will ensure that the devil won’t get as far.
Yes, he may have some success, but don’t let him win, take you down,
And let praises to your Saviour Satan’s evil whispers drown.

Remember, failure is not falling down, but staying down, so
Learn to roll with Satan’s punches, and when he tempts you, say “No!”
And remember, if you’re not in the battle, how can you win?
Though it’s not you that actually does, but the Spirit within.

By Lance Landall

Yes, it's better to struggle than to give up — that’s the context.