Have A Nice Day



"Be the booster shot that someone needs."
The poet, author




1.  Have A Nice Day

Yes, I hope you have a nice day, that the sun will appear and a bright blue sky,
That passers-by will stop and chat, and very sweetly smile, having first said, "Hi."
That the wind will take a day off, or just tickle you with a lovely warm breeze,
And that everyone that you have need of in any way will seek to please.

Yes, I hope you have a nice day, that a kiss, hug or cuddle will come your way,
That someone will pay you a nice compliment, or something encouraging say,
That someone will surprise you in a really special way, somehow make your day,
And that any opportunity or chance that you take will wondrously pay.

By Lance Landall

A mistake on this poem was spotted and corrected on 8 March 2021.


2.  A Hug Means A Lot

When the world’s in a mess, and what’s next is anyone’s guess, a hug means a lot,
And the more reassuring hugs the better when your tummy is in a knot.
Oh, the difference it makes when one awakes and another hug is given,
'Cause such is a soother, an uptightness smoother — oh, now that’s really livin’.

And all because it hollers love, love, love, that all is well despite any ill,
That there’s someone who’ll help you deal with it, help you climb that daunting hill.
And on the way, encouraging things do and say, hence your steps all the lighter,
'Cause loving hugs that start and end each day, always leave one feeling much brighter.

By Lance Landall

3.  The Flower

It’s a beautiful flower — yes, a belle in a flowerbed,
One cradled in pink petals, and with a fetching lilac head.
It brightens up the garden, it cheers the hearts of passers-by,
Who stop to view its beauty, and also, its type identify.

It stands tall amidst the others that adorn the garden too,
The Queen of all the flowers that were planted and quickly grew.
Yes, it surveys the scenery with much dignity and style,
For it’s truly a lady, one that will have you pause awhile.

It relishes the sunshine, and it’s seen waltzing to the breeze,
It jostles with the raindrops, even causes some folk to sneeze.
It brings joy to the observer, it plays host to busy bees,
And delights the gardener too, who each day this monarch sees.

Yes, it is lovingly tendered and watched over faithfully,
It’s a classic, a prize-winner — all the judges would agree.
It’s the pick of the bunch, it’s out on its own, royalty born 'n' bred,
But in a vase inside a home this charmer will go instead.

By Lance Landall

4.  When Life Up And Gives Us A Boot

We often wish that the rain would go away, but without it where would we be?
And so it is with set backs and so forth, growth occurring via adversary,
Or hopefully.
’Cause calm seas never make good sailors, and a trouble-free life bears little fruit,
And hence why we should simply rub our bottoms when life up and gives us a boot.

Yes, it’s better to splash in life’s puddles, to sing in the rain or laugh out loud,
’Cause wherever reality is, there’ll be a spot of rain or surly cloud.
And sometimes a winter, and hence that need of mental coats and umbrellas too,
’Till that wind and hail has passed, and there with a big summer smile stands steadfast you.

By Lance Landall

5.  Like Sun And Rain

It’s very sad that people come and go,
They here today and gone tomorrow.
Well, so it seems to me, life so fleeting,
And thus "rest in peace" folk oft repeating.

Yes, it’s so sad that people come and go,
And their special place isn’t filled, you know.
'Cause there’s only one you, only one I,
And thus cause to celebrate, cause to cry.

By Lance Landall

6.  Doctor's Advice

Kisses and cuddles are good for the heart,
And should always be a daily affair,
First thing in the morning, last thing at night,
And in-between; anytime, anywhere.

In other words, there’s no time that’s not right,
A healthy heart top of the agenda,
And thus any excuse excusable,
'Cause kisses and cuddles keep hearts tender

By Lance Landall

7.  Seize The Day

Yes, death is very certain and can catch one by surprise,
So seize the day when from your fitful slumber you arise.
Make the most of every moment, each opportunity,
Not dwelling on what might have been, but rather, what could be.

Wisely waste no time on hate, 'cause such devours from within,
And put the past behind you so a new life can begin.
Tap into the positive, shake off negativity,
Embrace a new perspective that will have you better see.

Take the time to meditate on what elevates the mind,
On that which changes the heart and will benefit mankind.
Lose yourself in others, seek to give rather than receive,
And an atmosphere of hope and healing calm deftly weave.

Let love be the motivation for all you do and say,
Scatter rays of sunshine, seeds of kindness, along the way.
Where there’s wrong, seek to right such, where there’s heartache, seek to mend,
Show mercy to everyone, treat each stranger as a friend.

By Lance Landall

8.  Public Libraries

Behind those library walls, that quiet full of mystery, those furtive glances periodically,
There’s a world of its own, enjoyed there or on loan, and found within books of every category.
A world that awaits that lifting of each cover, where there’s much to discover, come those turned pages,
That see shelves assisting elbows, seats supporting some bottom (down orderly rows), and oft for ages.

Someone in their own little world, their novel or textbook attentively held, their minds oft far away,
Lost in some adventure (distractions worthy of censure, 'cause libraries aren’t some place to talk and play).
Or perhaps they're engrossed in something academically — history, mathematics, philosophy —
But whatever it be, they're head down and somewhat focussed hypnotically, words holding them firmly.

Their minds full of various pictures, they seriously reflective or in stitches, even tale bound,
Thus not there but elsewhere, perhaps another hemisphere, or on some planet, no one making a sound.
Some minds full of equations and theories, others full of pirates, soldiers, queens and fairies (who knows what),
Each in their own little world, a preferred book resting or held, they lost in deep ponderings or some plot.


The pulling power of words, such captivating romantics and nerds, light and serious readers, who,
Those thousands of books at each library, charged for or free, peruse accordingly, be they old or new.
And thus are lost in each sentence and paragraph, hence those furrowed brows, that sigh or laugh, or busy pen,
Or should those books be loaned, temporarily owned, that glowing bed lamp still burning come something a.m.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded 8 March 2020.

9.  So Cleverly Feathered

Hi wee sparrow, are you coated with a silicon seal, or wax of some sort,
Or could it be you’ve an inbuilt umbrella, so that in rain you don’t get caught?
It all seemingly like water on a duck's back, rain hardly bothering you,
And I guess that’s because come rain or shine, those squiggly worms you must still pursue.

Yes, a flutter of your wings and that wet stuff is gone, when the rain stops, of course,
Because you’re still out there when it’s pouring, and even when the wind is gale force.
I battling such wind like a frustrated wrestler, ducking the odd spot of rain,
While you just hop around unbothered like, seemingly daring the wind and rain.

By Lance Landall

10.  Tell Me, Tell Me

Tell me, tell me, tell me do,
Is it really, really true,
That though dark clouds hide ones view,
The sky above still stays blue?

Tell me, tell me, tell me do,
Is it really, really, true,
That behind that sombre view,
There’s a silver lining too?

By Lance Landall

11.  Let's Not Add To ill

I don’t like to see folk suffer (be they good or bad), hence I’d rather return good for ill,
For any other way is flawed, doomed to fail, and there goes one’s inner peace, for all’s not well.
No, it’s better to treat everyone well, despite what they may do to us, for good returns,
Whereas evil’s to our loss, steals from our soul, and thus only trouble and suffering earns.

Yes, better to have no malice within, no desire to repay ill done, or even said,
For wrong intent and negative emotions toward others put us back and not ahead.
It’s better such folk become like us, rather than we become like them, and pay the same price,
For good leads to an inner security, unlike ill, which tosses and turns like a dice.

Evil’s an ill wind that blows us wherever, one that oft takes us where we’d rather not go,
But such is how it is when the very same baleful seeds as some evil doer we sow.
And oh, how they sprout, ruining our garden as well, where only healthy produce should dwell,
Nurtured and nourished by loving effort, which in turn, invigorates every living cell.

Yes, it’s better to have a pure heart, one that’s undefiled by wrong, and one that’s merciful,
Thus extending forgiveness to those who mistreat us, such being a more potent arsenal.
For loving kindness can oft change the errant heart, but never so, any evil returned,
A lesson that far too many, and far too late, have learnt, and thus heartache and problems earned.

By Lance Landall

12.  Gratitude

Even midst the woes on Earth, and our personal struggles and difficulties,
There’s still wonders to behold, and blessings within each day, which gratitude sees.
Oh yes, it’s so easy to complain, life full of ups and downs, but even so,
There’s an awful lot that we can still be thankful for, even heartbeats, you know.

Yes, many do suffer terribly, but far too often whines come too quickly,
Blessings overlooked or forgotten, when gratefulness declares they shouldn’t be.
After all, we know this world isn’t perfect, so make the best of things we should,
Busy salvaging every drop of joy, and counteracting ill with good.

By Lance Landall

13.  Midst

Midst the depth of loss, that pain and loneliness that your loved ones death left behind,
Someone says, “I’ll take their place, that once again, peace and happiness you may find.”
Midst the depth of depression or anxiety, when you truly need a friend,
Someone steps up, gives encouragement and hope that peace may return and fear end.

Midst the depth of  sizable financial need, ill looming for lack of money,
Someone goes without in order to help you, responds very generously.
Midst the depth of wrongful accusations, and your reputation in tatters,
Someone takes your side, shares the cost of doing so, knowing such really matters.

Midst the depth of health robbing age and lessening beauty, though still young inside,
Someone makes you feel good, shows respect and appreciation, returns your pride.
Midst the depth of hurt, those wounds that far too often are caused by  humanity,
Someone puts their arm around your shoulder, responds caringly and tenderly,

And there, is love; there in deed is love.

By Lance Landall

14.  Nothing Says More

In this rough and busy world there is nothing that says more than a tender touch,
That reassuring rub that conveys someone’s empathy and can mean so much.
Or that reassuring word that is thoughtfully given when it’s needed too,
Both coming from the heart and touching hearts, hence those tears that may come into view.

Yes, tears of gratitude, such touches often long in the coming for many,
And thus they even catching by surprise, some souls not having received any.
All why those tender touches are worth their weight in gold; more needed everyday,
And why I pray that Earth may be rich in such, for much those tender touches say.

By Lance Landall

15.  Was That You I Saw?

Was that you I saw today helping someone on their way? Their burden heavy,
But you kindly easing the weight, hence that lilt in their gait, “Thank you” plain to see.
Oh, what a difference it makes when we sooth someone’s aches, lift their spirits too,
And all it takes is oft a little, which helps to whittle, and improve their view.

Yes, it’s wonderful seeing someone acting lovingly-cum-a heart that’s warm,
For sad to say, and in this cold old world today, such caring isn’t the norm.
But even though that be the case, and such not commonplace, it doesn't stop you,
Nor me, from doing what we can to help our fellowman, and no matter who.

And this, even when our own life’s rough, and the going tough, for though it be so,
The pleasure in helping others, our sisters and brothers, can oft lift our low.
For though our lot may remain, we’re less aware of the pain, our thoughts being elsewhere,
We more able to see how others are worse off than we, who less have to bear.

So if it was you I saw today helping someone on their way, good on you,
For you’re an everyday hero, and even more so, if much you’re going through.
And though small your help may seem, it’s adding to life’s kind stream, which you’ll help to swell,
That it may overflow and everywhere go, and more gloomy shadows dispel.

By Lance Landall

16.  Begin Each Day Anew

Within any day, some things are said and done that shouldn’t have been said or done,
And as a result, clouds move in that partly or completely cover the sun.
And such being a very sad thing, and this why we should start each day anew,
Thereby consciously minding what we say and consciously minding what we do.

So always view every day as another chance, yesterday put behind,
And where possible, nothing said about those wrong things that will sadly remind.
Though “Sorry” never goes amiss, but better no need be created for it,
And why beginning each day anew proves to be to everyone's benefit.

By Lance Landall

17.  Pretty As A Picture

Hi there little flower, pretty as a picture, and you such a cherry thing,
Your presence always appreciated come another joyous round of spring.
And all because someone popped you in the ground, planted that leafy tree,
Which is why I often pause and marvel over such beguiling artistry.

Oh, how each coloured petal preaches so, and conveys beauty’s sweet expressions,
Which the inner soul of every passing admirer lightens and freshens.
Yes, you may be tiny, but you're very fetching, a delight to gaze upon,
And why it’s sad come those colder days, and much duller skies, and you’ve up and gone.

By Lance Landall

18.  Come And Get It!

It’s such a shame to live our lives without considering the little sparrow,
Who knows to wait until his seed bowl’s filled when that kindly person’s seen to show.
Oh, how that little bird loves to splash about in the water provided too,
Of which he also sips from after having his fill, like we all kind of do.

Oh, how that seed bowl’s soon surrounded, more sparrows joining in, and well aware
That tomorrow when that kindly person appears, more seeds they will get to share.
Yes, they not too slow on the uptake, and cute to boot, a pleasant sight indeed,
Only returning to their viewing towers after having polished off each seed.

By Lance Landall

19.  Musing Out Loud

When I look at Earth’s beauty, the miracle of birth, and that love that I see,
Or feel, I sense that life’s not just about me but a bigger reality.
And that I have been blessed with something that I may never have had, and am glad,
Despite any negatives, things and acts that one can only deduce as bad.

And so, reach out I must, self lost in giving, aiding both dying and living,
And I, moving on, not griping at misfortune’s ill, and always forgiving.
For there’s always a pretty flower, a brighter day, happier hour, and you,
Another precious human who shares the same sun and skies having made it too.

And here I sit, nourishing food before me and scintillating company,
We each unique yet joined by that long umbilical cord of humanity.
And then we link arms, forging rivers, crossing seas, scaling heights, sharing the load,
Resting our heads after work and play, after having traversed that time worn road.

And so, I enjoying trees, the birds and bees, and every other creature found,
The beaches and the sunsets, polka dot serviettes, and when my head’s on the ground.
Oh, how stars twinkle and the silence of the night stirs, for there is majesty,
Grandeur as deep as canyons, as high as mountains, and one more reason to be.

By Lance Landall

20.  My Feathered Friend

Let me ask again, little sparrow, what did you see today when on the wing,
Was it cruelty or kindness, was there reason to wail or more reason to sing?
Oh, how you must notice it all, the lame and the fit, the well-off and the poor,
The free and the imprisoned, those with less burdens to carry and those with more.

And what about yourself, little sparrow, were you fed by that which humans shared,
Was your thirst quenched by water left, was your tiny little heart saddened or cheered?
And how’s your nest? Is it undisturbed and your wee ones safe, and you resting too?
For midst my concern for others, I also take the time to think about you.

By Lance Landall

21.  Where Has The Whistling Gone?

Could someone tell me where the whistling’s gone, that once was heard much more frequently?
Its cheery sound greeting one’s ear and exhibiting a certain artistry.
Yes, such more common in days gone by when folk seemed more contented and happy,
And more relaxed, I might add, rather than uptight, dissatisfied and snappy.

Oh, how long ago it seems since I heard somebody whistling, their head erect,
And thus some pleasant little rhapsody having a beneficial effect.
Yes, both the whistler and hearer receiving a message that suggests all’s well,
And where it isn’t so, such still casting its little ray of sunshine-cum-spell.

My father used to whistle, something that I soon picked up on, thus chirping too,
Just like those little birds at dawn that whistle their wee hearts out and right on cue.
Yes, come rain or shine, they still lifting their feathered heads and chirping happily,
As should we, for despite life’s ills, there’s no point in responding negatively.

All why it’s a shame that whistling’s seldom heard today, for such is needed more,
Shadows seemingly at every turn caused by poverty, oppression or war.
Yes, woes of every kind, heartbreak too, which that missing whistling only adds to,
And why we should make the best of things, improve on things-cum-whistle our way through.

By Lance Landall

22.  "Ladies And Gentlemen!"

The biggest heroes are those who bear up under testing trials, hurt and pain,
They doing their best to cope with such — in other words, they singing in the rain.
And oh, the effort it takes, they battling against all the odds, but holding fast,
Hence they true heroes indeed, valiantly dealing with their lot, even the past.

And many of them busy helping others, they shuffling their cares to one side,
Their arms and legs engaged in acts of kindness, their tears not even having dried.
And there is seen heroism, 'cause such acts take strength and courage, bravery,
One having to rise to the challenge, rise above one’s own pain-cum-misery.

And thereby, one joining the quiet ranks of those everyday unsung heroes,
They no doubt few and far between, 'cause so many of us succumb to life’s blows.
But who knows, strength and courage oft coming with time, one learning to duck and roll,
And midst the pain or ill, we reaching out to another hurting, struggling soul.

Yes, the biggest heroes are those who bear up under testing trials, hurt and pain,
Such no spur of the moment act, but a daily affair, heroic campaign.
And where they reach out to others who’re likewise beset, the podium’s all theirs,
And they, worthy of the biggest, shiniest trophy, our applaud and loud cheers.

By Lance Landall

23.  Dreamsville

Some of us seem to spend time in Dreamsville, a hiding place of sorts where we go,
Leaving the world and all its disappointments behind, and where ill winds don’t blow.
Our imagination creating a brighter scene, a much happier place,
One where dreams come true, one where we’re successful, a kind of therapeutic space.

And there in Dreamsville we smile and sigh until we return to reality,
That place where things don’t happen the same because we’re not dealing with fantasy.
Yes, a place where we mostly live, we doing our best and hoping that one day
Those pleasant things that we create in our imagination will come our way.

By Lance Landall

24.  So Much More To Life

This world’s full of people we haven’t met, such both exciting and amazing,
Because there are billions of others who something else to our table could bring.
Yes, humanity full of surprises well outside of our own little sphere,
Given every one of us is unique, has something different to share.

And some may indeed come our way, and more so if ’round the globe we make our way,
Or simply extend our circle and a “Hello there” are often heard to say.
Even smiles are oft returned, and who knows what might come our way, ’cause one thing’s sure,
That when it comes to loneliness, or pleasant change, friendliness is oft the cure.

By Lance Landall

25.  Get With The Cheer

Though life is full of ups and downs, and all too frequent merry-go-rounds,
It’s far better to smile and hold out hope than indulge in marring frowns.
For smiles cost nothing and oft reward, unlike frowns that age and repel,
And that on our way can darken a day, and cheery sunshine farewell.

Yes, it’s far better to dwell on happier things from which good oft springs,
For joy’s not found in sombre moods and negative words-cum-stones in slings.
But rather, pleasant thoughts and positive phrases, and selfless acts too,
That buoy and brighten and helpfully lighten, not see things go askew.

Yes, better to sing or whistle, give a tulip and not a thistle,
For even backhanded compliments can see folk puzzle or bristle.
And thus why we should mind what we say and do, and what’s better pursue,
And not hang but lift our head lest any gloom that we spread stick like glue.

Oh, that healing found in laughter, kindness, compassion and empathy,
We sharing such midst our own woes-cum-life’s cruel and random archery.
For such is more oft how our own discomfort is eased, halved or buried,
And how we spare others from added burdens-cum-what sees them wearied.

By Lance Landall

26.  Something

You may not be able to change the world, but you can do something about it,
One smile at a time, act after kind act, ’cause that’s how inner fires are lit.
Love softening hard hearts, encouragement giving hope, empathy dulling pain,
And thus you, friend, like that sun and blue sky that disperses winter cloud and rain.

It’s all about making a difference, and a difference you can make here,
And all you having to do is somehow show others that you really do care.
Yes, one random or planned thing at a time, each revealing that good heart within,
Which, the more that it’s exercised, will help this planet better and brighter spin.

By Lance Landall

27.  Spring Has Sprung

Spring opened an eye today, looked around and said, “I will be getting up soon,”
And she meaning, after she has slept the winter off, lazed around until noon.
And oh, she such a little teaser, an early bloom here, an early bloom there,
And delightful samples of greater warmth to come gently tugging at my hair.

Yes, she slowly arising from her seasonal bed, a bud here, a shoot there,
She yawning and stretching, groggily reaching for garments she intends to share.
And summer waiting to greet her, she soon succumbing to its beguiling spell,
For spring is all about promises that summer fulfils and “Enjoy me!” yells.

By Lance Landall

28.  Little Brown Sparrows

Take a few slices of bread, tear them into pieces and then scatter them, and,
What does one soon see? An empty back lawn filling up with sparrows just as planned.
I’ve no idea where they come from, nor how they know that dinner’s been served, but oh,
How they appear out of nowhere, and in a short while that bread is seen to go.

Well, I’ve never minded company, and little brown sparrows are fine with me,
And I more than happy to help them out with whatever fills their wee tummy.
But bread it tends to be, and it not fancy, toasted, buttered, nor sporting jam,
And I making sure two spoilt cats are sound asleep lest those little sparrows scram.

By Lance Landall

29.  How I Wish

I wish I had a captain’s hat to steer you safely through each storm, raging sea,
Or a pilot’s hat to take you above the clouds where only blue sky you’d see.
And I wish I had a soldier’s hat to fight all your daily battles for you,
Or a postman’s hat to deliver warm fuzzies in an envelope marked: “To.”

I wish I had a policeman’s hat so I could protect you from any ill,
Or a chef’s hat so that when you sickened I could bring some broth to make you well.
But most of all, I wish I had a universal hat, a one size fits all,
Every problem and every person sorted, and sound asleep I’d fall.

By Lance Landall

30.  Can't Be Duplicated

You’re an endangered species, ’cause once you’re gone, there’ll be no one who’s the same,
Even if they live at the same address as you, and have the very same name.
They may disguise themselves as you, imitate you, even sound a lot like you,
But they won’t be you, can’t be you, because you’re unique — and you know what? Me too.

Yep, we can’t be duplicated, no such machine having been invented yet,
And therefore, what anyone sees, or may miss, is what they do or don’t get.
We only here the once, so we’d better make the most of each other, I say,
And all those other unique individuals that (throughout life) come our way.

By Lance Landall

31.  Every Life's A Story

Every life’s a story, one made up of sentences, paragraphs, pages
And chapters, and going through various joyous, bland or upsetting stages.
A story that’s in the writing, one that’s daily read, and with a certain end,
But a book that hopefully others will thoroughly relish and recommend.

And hopefully too, it’s content bound by many years, pleasant pictures within,
Our birth and parent’s joy the preface, and where every story should begin.
And when the final page is turned, and that book’s returned to its shelf, may it be
That every thought, word and deed of ours will be an oft dusted memory.

By Lance Landall

32.  So Much More To Life

This world’s full of people we haven’t met, such both exciting and amazing,
Because there are billions of others who something else to our table could bring.
Yes, humanity full of surprises well outside of our own little sphere,
Given every one of us is unique, has something different to share.

And some may indeed come our way, and more so if ’round the globe we make our way,
Or simply extend our circle and a “Hello there” are often heard to say.
Even smiles are oft returned, and who knows what might come our way, ’cause one thing’s sure,
That when it comes to loneliness, or pleasant change, friendliness is oft the cure.

By Lance Landall

33.  I'm A Believer

Yes, I’m a believer that there’s hope beyond all the evil, pain and chaos,
And that it’s only for a little longer that we’ll have to bear any cross.
And thus a day coming when this life will give way to great happiness and joy,
A happiness and joy that nothing will ever spoil again, and nor destroy.

And you can become a believer too, there clearly nothing that’s gained by gloom,
But everything to be gained by giving hope and a cheery outlook room.
Dreams do come true, and miracles happen too, so why not a new world to come,
All why I’m a believer, and why those voices that shout otherwise I shun.

By Lance Landall

34.  Two Little Words

They met one summer when she was there on holiday, and were soon enjoying each others company,
The backdrop a tropical sun drenched beach and adventurous coastline, along with a temperate deep blue sea.
And there, their feelings for each other quickly grew, though his far deeper than he'd realised (so oft the way),
But to their misfortune, they had an argument, and he in a huff, a mending thus chose to delay.

Thinking that that was it, she soon made her way to the airport, unaware that he'd come to his senses,
But her boarding of the plane, and his arriving too late, had its inevitable consequences.
And there he stood, very regretful, never to see her again, and all because of a silly spat,
Something that far too oft plays a part in some budding relationship, which folds up as quickly as that.

Or in relationships that have lasted longer, but not as long as they would’ve if someone hadn’t held back;
In other words, if the likes of pride hadn’t got in the way, thus acting like the proverbial crack.
'Cause during such sad delays, anything can happen, and so oft does, ending what could have been repaired
If someone had been big enough to take the blame, and their pettiness and sorrowfulness had declared.

Injury or misunderstanding in a relationship shouldn’t be left to fester, nor to chance,
Given that this world’s full of opportunists, who, the feathering of their own nest will seek to advance.
But why let a tiff, or even a serious exchange, spoil or destroy something good, something desired,
And more so when just two little but very powerful words like “I’m sorry” are all that's required.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 21 November 2022.

35.  Still Hold Hands

Even if you’ve disagreed, still hold hands when out walking, still act civilly,
Keeping the door open, lessening rather than enlarging being the key.
Otherwise, danger may well take advantage of any distance or upset,
And greater damage or a dismantled relationship is what you might get.

And best you not turn your backs come bedtime, for such too, hampers any, “Sorry,”
And as a further consequence, a good nights sleep not coming as easily.
All why disagreements should only go so far, wisdom being ones best friend,
And a heart that is quick to reconcile and any friction shorten or end.

By Lance Landall

36.  The Greatest Thing

The greatest thing that we can do is love one another, and until we do,
We’ll hardly get off the ground, will never arrive, no matter whatever we pursue.
So we can go on about love as much as we like, but such won’t do a thing,
’Till love’s beating in our heart, blossoming like those promising buds of Spring.

Otherwise, it’s all just cosmetic — a farce, really — hollow like vanity,
An outward makeup hiding an inner truth, an inner contrariety.
One that will always be a fly, it soiling the ointment one needs to apply,
Because anything other than love won’t do the job, won’t ever qualify.

By Lance Landall

37.  May Love

May love draw us together, fill our hearts, our minds and our lives,
A love that our thoughts, our words, and even each action drives.
A love that is strong and enduring, passionate and deep,
A love that shines where there’s darkness, is found where any weep.

Yes, may love grace every country, every city and home too,
May it guide each government, all that those in power do.
May love sit enthroned on earth ’midst liberty and free speech,
And may each race and faith, love always practice and preach.

By Lance Landall

38.  Love And Prayer

If there’s two things we should believe in, it’s love and prayer, both tied to the same source,
Love being the universal language, an uplifting, encouraging force.
And prayer putting one in touch with the One in whom all possibilities lie,
’Cause within us beauty’s waiting to blossom, and selflessness needing to die.

Yes, love and prayer are where all the answers are found, the heart designed to thrive on such,
It bulging with goodness and belief, faith and hope providing one with so much.
Hence that passion and commitment, that hero or heroin waiting within,
That spirit that seeks the best and most, and how we conquer ill and what’s right win.

By Lance Landall

39.  An Ode To Poetry

It seems as if most people aren’t all that fussed about poetry,
And that it is simply the interest of a minority.
“No, it’s not my thing,” you hear people say, somewhat indifferently,
And yet, what’s the content of most ballads one hears? It’s poetry!

Yes, wed poetry to a very enjoyable melody,
And suddenly it’s popular, and loved by a majority.
Not that people consciously recognize that it is poetry,
They being so caught up in that fusion, that magical chemistry.

You see, poetry and music are soul mates, so in harmony,
Both being deftly orchestrated, and propelled rhythmically.
Yes, poetry is eloquence, and music is its finery,
Hence why when wedded, they weave a strong emotional tapestry.

Oh, how poetry waxes lyrical, and most engagingly,
Yes, it being pure sophisticated highbrow creativity.
Poetry has a certain panache, yet, respectability,
And all because it’s not just words — oh no — but rhythmic artistry.

Yes, poetry seduces with its charm, its rich imagery,
Lifting what is mere language from its state of mediocrity.
Oh, how it challenges one's thoughts, entertains, teases mentally,
Conveying whatever it so desires to, very succinctly.

Oh yes, all that clever rhyming that can weary poets greatly,
As they thumb through their stained thesaurus and rhyming dictionary.
But in the end, when their poem’s penned, and charged with mental energy,
They bristle with deep fulfilment, and sometimes slump exhaustedly.

Oh, how they greatly battle with verse and rhyme, heroically,
Thereby attempting to pen an alphabetical symphony.
A poem people won’t forget, one that's inspired and visionary,
Yes, a picturesque masterpiece, all courtesy of poetry.

By Lance Landall

40.  Cuddles

Not an apple, but a cuddle, keeps the doctor away,
Yes, a cuddle a day, not an apple a day, I say.
And not just I, but others too, are saying the same thing,
Knowing that daily cuddles greater improvement will bring.

Though apples improve one’s health, cuddles improve health more so,
Thus right throughout one’s lifetime, cuddles shouldn’t ebb but flow.
Cuddles and relationships, together were meant to go,
As nothing like a cuddle helps make relationships grow.

Cuddles make the world go ’round, they’re like water and sunshine,
They cause seeds to spring and grow, that ’round others’ lives entwine.
They are love’s way of saying, “You mean everything to me,”
They’re love’s outward expression that says, “Yours affectionately.”

Big hugs, little hugs, cute hugs, sweet hugs — yes, all bring pleasure,
They’re beautiful moments in time everyone can treasure.
Long hugs, short hugs, firm hugs and tender hugs, they’re all love’s way,
'Cause love knows any cuddle even more love will convey.

They can lift a person up when they’re feeling rather low,
Add to someone’s happiness, leave them with a warmth and glow.
Cuddles help to emphasize what love whispers in the ear,
And hence why love hopes that each day, cuddles you’ll want to share.

Yes, a cuddle given daily such a lot of good will do,
Though more than one is better, and I’m not just meaning two.
Personally, I love hugs, as that’s just the way I’m made,
'Cause I’m a human being for whom hugs were custom-made.

Yes, I’d rather have a cuddle than an apple any day,
Even though apples are great, and health-wise, certainly pay.
And I’m sure I’m not alone, as cuddles, apples outweigh,
'Cause an apple, unlike a cuddle, “I love you,” can’t say.

By Lance Landall

41.  A Beautiful Day

A beautiful day and what do you see, a lovely blue sky and shining sun,
Lots of cherry flowers, a swing hanging from a tree, and children having fun.
Or a bubbling brook, dragon flies and busy bees, or a gentle hill to climb;
In other words, so many things to see and do, if of course, you’ve got the time.

Oh, how a beautiful day revives, lifts one’s spirit, and so gently conveys
How life can be wondrous still, if we’ve the eyes to see, and such determined ways.
Life rewarding the seeker, and more so that beautiful day, which shouts, “Hello!”
And smilingly encourages one to indulge in it, like a child at play.

By Lance Landall

42.  Making The Best Of Things

Oh, how I wish it were a sunny day — yes, that yellow ball smiling at me,
And sending its warming rays my way, but oh dear, it’s cloudy, wet and windy.
However, one must be positive and turn to other things, like that fire place,
One lost in an exciting story, the shadowy flicker of flames on one’s face.

And yes, a hot drink nearby, even a snack, the wind lashing at the window,
One simply ignoring its tantrum, and enjoying the fire’s warming glow.
Yes, those clouds left outside too, and that pelting rain, one making the best of things,
And maybe tomorrow, one out walking, slipping down slides, enjoying those swings.

By Lance Landall

Looking across to Wellington Harbour