


The poems regarding HURTING begin with poem number 1.

The poems regarding BEREAVEMENT begin with poem number 25.

The poems regarding WHEN BAD HAPPENS begin with poem number 35.
These poems cover one's response to hurt. For reasons as to the why of Earth's woes and all the suffering that's taking place, see my page Planet Earth, purple box, garden One, or more so, my page Suffering which is accessed via my page With God In Mind, purple box, garden One.

The poems regarding REVENGE AND GRUDGES begin with poem number 48.

"Those who we wound might be those who we'll need, and hence how
we can harm ourselves, and likewise bleed."
The poet, author



"When we alleviate suffering of any kind, or simply display genuine sympathy or empathy,
we join hands with heroes and angels; and conversely, when we deliberately hurt or injure
someone, we join hands with cowards and devils."
The poet, author

1.  You're Not Alone

I wish I could remove your suffering, or is it heartbreak you’re going through?
But all I can do is show that I care via word or act, thus thinking of you.
'Cause who’d ignore a fellow traveller struggling with pain or grief? No, not I,
This world having given me many a reason to sigh, cry and question “Why?”

Yes, there’re many of us who’ve suffered too, though I’ve no desire to talk of me,
But rather, to let you know that you’re not alone, though feeling so, possibly.
And if so, understandably so, for this world can be very harsh and cold,
Or so it seems until the cheer of a caring rosebud is seen to unfold.

Perhaps it’s just a hug you need, or arm around the shoulder, such no mere token,
'Cause sometimes greater thoughtfulness is shown via an act where words aren’t spoken.
In fact, words oft getting in the way, some folk kind of clumsy with what they say,
But meaning well, though who among us never errs, isn’t seen to wrongly weigh?

Yes, be it physical or emotional, some things are very hard to bear,
And why it’s reassuring to know that folk who truly love and care are near.
'Cause though they can’t wave a magic wand, they can seek or pray on our behalf, and
In the meantime, via word or act, show that they really feel for us, understand.

By Lance Landall

2.  Dear Hurting Soul

Dear hurting soul, and no doubt tired of platitudes, I truly feel for you,
Because I’m a fellow traveller who has suffered from such crippling pain too.
Yes, emotional pain having us just as doubled up, but differently,
Such wounds not visible ones, except for any tears that somebody might see.

And behind those tears, a bloodied heart or tortured mind, even both, possibly,
And bandages of little use here, and nor for such, some liquid remedy.
No, only time, a listening ear, a consoling arm — yes, a friend indeed,
A fellow traveller who camps awhile, or walks with you, given your need.

By Lance Landall

3.  I Sincerely Wish You Well

Life is random, Bob, some not even reaching older age, Earth so full of pain,
Just like you’re experiencing, sadly, sunshine having been replaced by rain.
And oh, how I feel for you, no stranger to pain myself, but thinking of you,
And wanting to encourage, because life is full of the miraculous too.

And so, who knows what tomorrow will bring — improvement, I hope, all being why
FAITH and HOPE are my companion, and why despite any darkness, I still try.
Oh yes, because hills can be climbed, and mountains scaled, and successes there’s been,
Hopeless cases proving not so — yes, fooling and inspiring, stealing the scene.

So hang in there, Bob, because who knows what’s around the corner, and good I hope,
Possibly slow but sure changes that will tip and change that seesaw’s present slope.
Oh yes, both life’s seen and unseen hands pushing down on the other end, until
You’re in control again, up and not down, and why I sincerely wish you well.

By Lance Landall

4.  When Silence Conveys As Much

When pain’s too deep for words of comfort, ones presence is all that should be felt, so
Leave those heartfelt words for where they have their place, and let love’s quieter side show.
Yes, gently, gently, feather-like tender, only caring arms saying it all,
Until those lowered eyes rise to seek, and those necessary tears cease to fall.

To rush would be a shame, ’cause the deeper the pain, the fuller that well inside,
Which must empty its buckets of sorrow, helped by those loving arms open wide.
Yes, no need of words, love just quietly doing its thing, simply being there,
Because not only via our words, but via our quiet presence, we show we care.

By Lance Landall

5.  Dear Afflicted One

I believe with all my heart, that those who take the lives of others, or make them suffer terribly,
Will get their comeuppance, and that their punishment will be appropriate, and they then cease to be.
And though I base this on the Bible, something inside of me hollers that such couldn't fail to be,
So please take heart, dear afflicted one, 'cause those who carry out such evil, will surely pay, shortly.

'Cause as much as there is an evil force (bathed in darkness), there’s also a loving force  (bathed in light),
And this not just an opinion, but something that’s clear for all to see, 'cause all know there's wrong and right.
Yes, I don't believe that good won't triumph in the future, but that it’s letting evil have its day,
So that the entire universe will soon see its ultimate plan, and never again go astray.

'Cause after all, the kind of loving force I see, would hardly make robots out of humanity,
Unlike the evil force to whom absolute control is paramount (which it's seeking actively),
'Cause how else could it enforce its will, knowing that there are those who’d never accept its dictates,
'Cause such a force, despite candy coated disguises, just chains, troubles, deceives, scares, harms, lies and hates.

So, no matter what this force may do (or what the future brings), don’t give in to it, nor buy its plans,
'Cause should you do so, you’ll sell your soul to the devil (vile men, and greatly suffer at their hands),
And might even suffer their fate too, 'cause rest assured, dear afflicted one, there’ll come a day
When the loving force that is bathed in light-cum-truth will finally, and rightly so, have the last say.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded 3 February 2020.

6.  Teardrops

Only little teardrops, maybe, but not so little that pain that many have inside,
Pain that seems loath to go, it a very tiring foe, pain that's too difficult to hide.
Teardrops that trickle, and possibly tickle, tears that well up and invariably slide,
Tears that despite any efforts made, still have their way, their say, and resolve override.

Tears on the faces of children, friends and strangers, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives,
Tears that too often are seen, even foreseen — yes, featuring in far too many lives.
Tears that can last for ages, chapters or pages, tears that sometimes simply come and go,
Weeping that disturbs, sobbing that perturbs, tears that impatiently burst and overflow.

Yes, only little teardrops, they salty to the taste, they smudged, dabbed at, or brushed away,
Tears that are destined to fall, tears that momentarily stall, tears that much hurt convey.
Teardrops that flow, rapidly or slow, tears that gush, rush, and pride reluctantly forgo,
A single tear, a stream, such a very common theme, one that too many people know.

Tears that cross the genders, each race or caste, tears on the faces of rich and poor alike,
Tears that respect no position, nor any condition, tears that can suddenly strike.
Tears that lie in waiting, they seemingly anticipating, tears that appear on cue,
Tears that are caused by others, or over others, and those things that one cannot undo.

Yes, only little teardrops, maybe, but not so little that sadness that’s deep within,
Pain bubbling from an inner well, tears that one really can’t quell, they moist upon one’s skin.
Tears that coyly peek, then softly and quietly sneak, or hurriedly roll down one’s cheek,
They pain's outward expression, sorrowful confession — yes, teardrops, with their telling streak.

By Lance Landall

Also see my poem The Weeping Heart which can be found on my page
The Heart Of The Matter, Home page, purple box.

7.  Today

Someone needs an arm around their shoulder today, a kindly word in their ear,
An encouraging uplift, something tangible that conveys your love and care.
Yes, they’re struggling, feeling the weight of some load they’re carrying, or nursing pain,
And surely we’re all well aware of how the rigors of life on Earth can drain.

Oh, those tender expressions of concern, how they mean so much, but where are they?
Far too often left ’till tomorrow when some poor soul’s needing that touch today.
Even a caring smile helps, they looking for anything — so please, don’t delay,
Because who knows what they might be contemplating, many brittle jars of clay.

By Lance Landall

8.  Burdened Souls

Who knows the burden that another is carrying, perhaps anguish and pain,
And why their behaviour might surprise, and our reaction deliver more rain.
Yes, such poor souls suffering enough, and why all should be treated with great care,
Someone’s burden perhaps something very personal that they don’t wish to share.

And who could they truly trust, 'cause how many of us have let other folk down?
Their initial smile at our “You can trust me” turning to a “No I can’t” frown.
Oh, how once-upon-a-time friends can blab, or any that folk open up to,
And hence why so many keep things to themselves — and to be honest, wouldn’t you?

So best we mind, for burdened souls are everywhere, though some not appearing so,
They good at hiding such, toughing it out, but when alone, tears are seen to flow.
And sad it is, for no one should suffer alone, nor feel that such they can’t share,
And what might this say of us? Or might we be that struggling burdened soul? Oh dear.

By Lance Landall

9.  Portals Of Love And Sunshine

I don’t want to dwell on myself (though oft kind of forced to) but rather on you,
Thus losing myself in your needs, because I’m sure that you have your struggles too.
Maybe depression, a certain heartache, physical pain, some potential threat,
Or simply loneliness — and those ills that beset the age, one mustn’t forget.

Yes, this world’s so full of hurting, suffering souls, people needing thought and care,
There so many heart-wrenching, cruel and unfair human stories begging out there.
All why we so need each other, those helping hands and prayers, that faith and hope too,
So that portals of love and sunshine may be found midst all that we’re going through.

By Lance Landall

10.  Please

“Life goes on,” they say, and that is true, and attitude everything too, but hey,
Some things in life can really hit hard, put a slippery mountain in our way.
Enter hardship and misery, depression and tears, the desire to opt out,
And when we are needing it most, support and empathy often not about.

And so we suffer alone, have to make it on our own, battling with despair,
We desperately seeking this or that, and oh, how we sometimes badly veer.
Enter condemnation, as if platitudes haven’t been bad enough, and now
We having more on our plate to deal with, could be clinging to a breaking bough.

Yes, far too often, too little attention is paid to those in agony,
And why they suffer more, even choose the wrong door, oft become a tragedy.
And then, they another conversation piece, when what they needed was a hand,
One with a loving arm attached, for that’s oft the only way that some can stand.

So please...

By Lance Landall

11.  Having Just Sauntered Along

When the affection of your spouse is stolen by another, it’s a cruel thing,
Both evil in origin, selfish in intent, and oft for the sake of a fling.
Yes, that person you love in the arms of another, and no doubt in their bed,
And you, dear badly wounded one, not only torn apart, but soon seeing red.

And you’ve a right to feel angry, because there’s no greater theft, horrible wrong
Than stealing the love of your life, severing that bond, having sauntered along.
Oh, how seeing them together must pain, and knowing what’s being shared as well,
As if your spouse is saying, “I’ve found better. It’s theirs now,” and how they too, kill.

Yes, it’s a two way street, one’s spouse just as bad, though clever are the ways of some,
Beguiling too — thus one responding here, both treacherous and certainly dumb.
The other person’s grass often turning brown in time, and one’s bridge having burnt,
And you, dear badly wounded one, betrayed and discarded, and when bad, things weren’t.

By Lance Landall

For more like this, see my page Concern For Women.

12.  John And Joan

John and Joan had been married for ten years, and all was well in their relationship,
Neither unhappy, and neither causing any grief, thus no holes in their ship.
Well, not until someone took an interest in Joan, and stole her affection,
Thus leaving her husband behind suffering from serious hurt and rejection.

However, that angry husband took his wife’s lover to court, which does seem fair,
Given that when it comes to someone’s marriage, who has the right to interfere?
Oh, the pain they cause the rightfully indignant spouse, their partner no trophy,
But theirs by law, chosen consent, who though seduced, has succumbed to robbery.

It’s like breaking into a couple’s home and one agreeing to that robbery,
Yet their house was still entered, they not having jointly granted the thief a key.
And once in, that thief convincing the desired spouse to leave with them; such cruelty,
And a form of manipulation, and if you ask me, utter treachery.

And thus the intruder worthy of a juries guilty verdict, “Lock ’em up!”
’Cause such thieves get away far too easily, and left behind, a bitter cup.
The lonely spouse paying the price, when it should be the thief, and strong words said too
To the one seduced, whose disloyalty also says much, and ’cause it takes two.

Personally, I feel the aggrieved spouse had a right to seek damages here,
He not having lost a girlfriend, but his rightful wife, who to him was very dear.
They both having chosen to spend their lives together, not just ten years, which here
Was where it all ended, and all 'cause someone chose to go where one shouldn’t dare.

By Lance Landall

For more like this, see my page Concern For Women.

13.  Tell Someone

Dear child, suffering from savage deeds that still remain hidden, please tell someone,
Because such evil should never remain hidden; it’s time that justice was done.
And I’m sure you’re longing for such, in need of healing too, but such will not come
Until both the ill and that perpetrator are revealed, time beating a drum.

We’re aware of the tears, that inner cry within you, ’cause you’re one of many,
When there shouldn’t be any, such vile wrong knowing nothing of love and mercy.
So, it doesn’t matter who it is, you must tell someone, someone who’ll help you,
Not letting fear gain your silence, ’cause who knows how much you’ve already been through.

Yes, all the trauma, hurt and pain, it seeming like an eternity, no doubt,
And hence why that darkness needs sunlight — in other words, for the truth to come out.
And that time could come now, if you’ll just choose, not worrying who you betray,
'Cause they’ve betrayed you, and to every such ill done, there needs to come a day.

By Lance Landall

This poem is repeated elsewhere.
You might wish to check out my Christian poem on the same subject called Don't Worry Little Boy
which is found in the orange box titled Stop The Charade!, Christian section, garden TWO.

14.  That Failure To Understand

As I’ve gone through life, observing this and experiencing that, the most problematic of things I’ve seen,
Is that failure to understand others, and that when it comes to relationships, so oft gets in-between.
The truth is, our understanding only goes as far as the effort we make, or should I say, want to make,
For how oft do any of us really go to any great lengths-cum-serious action for another’s sake?

And therein lies the problem, we not sufficiently interested, or just not interested at all,
And why we fail to understand, or only partially grasp things, such oft leading to some bad judgment call.
And then there’s our personal bias, for how can we truly see when our thinking’s coloured by this or that?
Such possibly glaringly obvious come some confrontational encounter; even general chat.

To be fair, there are some things that we may never fully understand, or grasp at all, sometimes sadly so,
But what a shame should such be due to a lack of effort, or that callous, “I really just don’t want to know.”
It’s bad enough that lack of experience or personal growth can get in the way, without apathy,
Or we simply too caught up in our own little world, too content, too busy, or too distracted to see.

And as a consequence, many having to live with being viewed in some unfortunate way that isn’t so,
Or they not getting the support and attention they need, from which sad things can flow, or destructively grow.
And we then pointing the finger and condemning, thanks to failing to understand, or not wanting to see,
All of which often has its roots in selfishness, or that only prepared to go so far mentality.

Yes, what we fail to understand can work against us, let alone its impact on others, and hence why we,
Should not only try to understand (proof that we do care), but to the fullest of our capability.
And you know, it’s oft via our understanding of others that we grow, we thus seeing things differently,
As our own little world is simply just that, and why it needs enlarging at every opportunity.

By Lance Landall

15.  Unfairly Deprived

All need a mum and dad, and yet, so many are deprived of either one, or both, when they shouldn’t be,
Or they're deprived of a brother or a sister, and of which, such leaves them deeply affected emotionally.
Whether they’re adopted out, fostered out, abandoned by some renegade mum or dad, such is hardly fair,
And so often a terrible burden that throughout the rest of their tortured lives those poor souls have to bear.

To add insult to injury, many are mistreated by their care-givers, newly assigned family,
Whether such abuse be via some orphanage-like institution, or via some surrogate mum and dad, and,
Amidst it all, many longing to one day find those ones they’re badly missing, questions burning in their mind,
But more so one — “Why?” — a question that they will not receive an answer to if those missing ones they can’t find.

And sometimes when they do, there's a happy, successful reunion, but mostly such not how it goes, sadly,
'Cause those missing ones have passed away, can’t be found, or if they're found, they add to past rejection, cruelly.
Yes, some who're found not wanting to be found, and to be honest, not worth finding, given their coldness, cruelty,
All of which could fill the pages of many books, and does, though in the scheme of things, but a minority.

Hence why the world is full of rudderless souls torn from a much needed anchor, a mum and a dad, family,
Many drifting through life like some lost child, or thrashing about in waters of emptiness others can’t see.
Hence those inner tears, tears that shouldn’t be, 'cause all were meant to have a mother and a father, family,
And not just for a while, but for as long as life permits, given that life’s curtain descends, eventually.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 23 October 2022.

16.  Hurting Others Is A Sickness

Hurting others is a sickness, and it’s time we recognised this as being so, as it's clearly true,
'Cause unkindness hardly comes from a loving source, but rather, from something that’s not well, sadly askew.
Thus when we hurt others, we display an illness that’s present in us, something on the surface, maybe,
Or something that is rooted deeply within us, that rather than treatment, needs serious surgery.

Hurting others is no small thing, 'cause at the very least, such has within it seeds of savagery,
The origin of such being a dark, evil force, one that’s unleashed the moment that we act unkindly.
And as to the results — well, a little can lead to a lot, 'cause once the lid's off that bottle of ill,
Who knows the quantity waiting to be spilled, let alone potency that in an unkind act may dwell.

Oh, how lightly we oft take those little things we do, those thoughtless words and deeds that hurt more than we think,
In other words, that behaviour that oft returns to haunt, and that with the force of good is not in sync.
Yes, ever doing so, and seemingly never learning, an illness that’s more oft needing surgery,
A sickness that has clearly afflicted us all, though in varying degrees, and some, terminally.

Oh for the day when a loving, caring antibiotic surges though the veins of humanity,
Curing as many as possible given some seem incurable, hooked on acting selfishly.
But having said that, I know there’re those of us who’re already on the mend, consciously trying to be
Everything to others that we’d like them to be to us, thus helping them a better way to see.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 23 October 2022.

17.  With Thought And Feeling

Many people suffer at the hands of someone within their own family,
Their life made miserable, or their reputation shattered, tragically.
Perhaps there may’ve been clashes, and one trying to reconcile, put things right,
But the other one not responding likewise, though they the cause of any fight.

Yes, the innocent one, or peace maker just treated as if they’re the villain,
And friends of the other one accusing too, and all why one feels one can’t win.
And the truth not always coming out, which adds to the lot of such victims here,
Who wonder why life is so cruel, and why justice in some form doesn’t appear.

Well, if you’re the innocent one here, having forgiven and tried to repair,
But to no avail, then rest assured that your heart is clean and your conscience clear.
Perhaps you tried more than once too, but without success, thus still suffering so,
And why I feel for you, but you’ve done what’s right, and are the bigger one, you know.

And you can leave it there, ’cause the ball’s in their court now, and thus you moving on,
’Cause there’s little you can do, it but the way it goes, and oh, how soon life’s gone.
You not alone, though no doubt feeling so, some things in life not easy to bear,
But in the end, and despite those heroic wounds and bruises, you will get there.

And as for the other, your sad sister or brother, who’s wrong or hard of heart,
One can only pray for that change that will see the cruelty within them depart.
Yes, it’s better to move on having wished them well, we all having our sad flaws,
And kindness, compassion and forgiveness both healing and leaving open doors.

Meantime, your suffering is real, and shouldn’t be, and not all thinking like you,
And in this case, a family member who a lot of grief is giving you.
Sometimes we less believed, or not at all, which makes it a lonely hill to climb,
And why with thought and feeling I’ve sought to empathise — and kind, I hope is time.

Remember that you’re the one with the right attitude, and that you’ve tried your best,
But that sibling not receptive, can’t see that they’re at fault, so best let it rest.
Yes, you the bigger one, the hero or heroine, and why I wish you well,
Praying that peace will engulf your being, and those tears and that heartache farewell.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

18.  There's Enough Sorrow In This World

When I look at all the hurt, suffering and pain, I just can’t understand why
You, Vladimir Putin, would choose to add to it all, and why “Foul!” millions cry.
No loving God behind it, but an evil mastermind, one who’s got your heart,
Because inflicting misery is cruel and evil — love and such, world’s apart.

There’s enough sorrow in this world, stories that wrench the heart, and yet, there you are,
War crimes growing by the day, though war’s a crime itself, and hatred on a par.
No, no loving God behind such, so don’t hide behind your religion, for there
Any blessing given such would reek of hypocrisy, and the same guilt share.

No, my God’s not like that, nor would He burn people forever, such but a lie,
An ignorant interpretation that the better informed simply don’t buy.
Nor your excuses, Vladimir, your actions deliberate, cruel to the core,
Cancer and so many other sad things having already knocked at our door.

Yes, there’s so much ill that’s laid us low, physically or emotionally,
And hope beyond this world our only hope, the evidence so clear to see.
And that’s what keeps me going, Vladimir, this world so full of many like you,
Who love hardly know, and why they add to it all via those things they say and do.

Yes, love’s failed to rest in their bosom, it having alighted but quickly fled,
Any welcome mat dirtied by callous acts, hence the hurting, injured and dead.
Be it Ukraine or civvy street, misery afflicting the lives of many,
And when it comes to needed help, who’s there, or needed relief, where is any?

We, the world, are hurting already, Vladimir, it a struggle to survive,
Many of us beset by this or that, and who will save us, or help revive?
Not you, Sir. No, not the likes of you, Sir, but Saviours, and I can think of One,
A God of justice who’s noted all the evil that you and others have done.

Yes, saviours come in various forms; doctors, nurses, medics, or plain heroes,
Who’re the complete opposite to villains and murderers, creators of woes.
But there’s only so much they can do, all why we need a Divine Saviour, who
Can halt all the ill and misery, and a perfect Paradise take us to.

And there, no Vladimir Putin’s, no missiles, hardship, hurt, suffering and pain,
But boundless joy, nothing to mar or spoil, like sickness, sadness, grey clouds or rain.
And such I’m longing for, it but a battle here, and on so many fronts too,
So why would you add to it all, Vladimir, when there’s so much good you could do?

But no, and there is set your destiny, Paradise hardly being for you,
Nor for those who follow in your footsteps, and the same ills and evil pursue.
No, you can’t have it both ways, inflicting horror and yet be saved, such not fair,
And why the consequences of such ill and evil, the God of love’s made clear.

You’ve got to remember that a devil’s responsible for it all, and you
Having been conned by him, and hence why his terrible bidding you’re seen to do
Hence that age old battle between good and evil, you having chosen your side,
And why in your heart, not love, nor goodness, but ill and evil’s seem to abide.

And as a result of the likes of you, injury added to injury,
Hence all that weeping and wailing, and it won’t end until Christ’s return we see.
Meantime, we helping each other, not fighting each other, everyone on board,
And in the end, where hearts are right, there’s that wonderful, sweet, eternal reward.

Oh yes, they’re too many heart wrenching stories without more to read, pictures too,
Scenes that break the heart, so why those depressing movies? We’ve better things to do.
Like being there for others, like spreading hope, like fixing what we can, and so
I trying midst my own woes, that midst the darkness, others may see my small glow.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

19.  There's A God Who Deeply Cares

Midst that oh so lonely pain that afflicts you, that horrid darkness that dogs you,
Of which even your loved ones may not understand, and thus kind of adding to,
There’s a God who deeply cares, One who the same loneliness and darkness knew too,
Having been there, felt that spirit crushing weight, that cruelness that distresses you.

Yes, Christ having suffered it all — betrayal, hurtful words, sadness, fatigue too,
Those emotional and physical rigors that drain, that’s made life hard for you.
Oh yes, Jesus is well aware, and He’s longing to relieve you of it all,
His heart bleeding with compassion, His ears hearing every desperate call.

Hence why He’s always there, always near, and His watchful heavenly angels too,
Which means you really aren’t alone despite others seemingly deserting you.
No, Heaven full of encouraging shouts — oh, if only you could see and hear —
And when you get to Heaven (praise God for His grace), all those supporters will cheer.

So suffering’s clearly not due to the absence of God (our Saviour and Lord),
But the presence of a devil who tries to sever our spiritual cord.
We so in need of that connection, God our hope and sure friend, right till the end,
That blesséd time when safe in His loving arms we’ll sigh with joy and wholly mend.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

20.  God's Hurting Too

Some think that You’re heartless, cruel and indifferent, Lord, given all the terrible suffering that we see,
But I reckon it must tear You apart inside, Lord, You no doubt wishing you could’ve stopped it instantly.
But You knew better, for had You done so, there would’ve been murmurings throughout eternity about You,
And all, Lord, wondering if Lucifer had a point, and whether he should’ve been given time and chance too.

For how could he prove his case if the required evidence he couldn’t pursue, he having been zapped by You?
Not that he has ever found any, nor will, but still, fairness would surely give him the chance to such pursue.
And this being why Adam and Eve had to be given the chance to discover who was telling the truth or not,
As your kingdom, rulership-cum-reputation, Lord, can’t afford the slightest doubt, shadow, taint, smear or spot.

And hence why things have to play out, and You knowing the required length of time, for we can’t see things like You can,
You knowing Satan’s ultimate plan, an outcome that the whole universe must see, and not just fallen man.
And meantime, You no doubt wishing it all could’ve been ended long ago, such tearing You apart inside,
But any interference from You, Lord, would defeat Your hands-off transparency, and wisdom override.

Yes, You knowing that those murmurings would resurface, and that therefore, You have to wait as much as we do,
For You never created robots, nor are You a dictator; and thus dammed if You don’t, dammed if You do.
All of which is why things have to play out, and then, all will truly see and understand why such had to be,
But meantime, You bearing the brunt of unfair accusations, Lord, and hurting within just as much as we.

Yes, just like we hurt when allowing our children to go through certain things that we wish they didn’t have to,
Some of them things we could shield them from, but in the long run, such would see them suffer more so, and we such rue.
And thus how we know that You value freedom of choice and expression, and why this lesson will serve all well,
For once the final outcome is seen — forever to be known — no one will doubt You again, Lord, nor rebel.

By Lance Landall

See my poem Where Was Christ In Las Vegas? which is on my page The Evil Of Violence.

Christian content or degree.

21.  Under His Watch And Care

Midst the depths of pain we suffer, God sends His angels, either seen or not seen,
Thus our cries not going unanswered, despite the depressiveness of the scene.
Yes, God always moved by our tears, His love for His children ever deep and true,
And why despite how things may look, we’re not left alone, Jesus feeling such too.

Once Christ felt forsaken himself, and it’s no wonder given the weight He bore,
So forsaken you’ll never be — you, the apple of His eye, at His heart’s core.
And thus pain being because of the presence of a devil who’s caused it all,
Not due to the absence of the God of love who hears every desperate call.

By Lance Landall

"You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book"
(Psa 56:8, NLT).

Christian content or degree.

22.  A Few Days Short Of Paradise

Have you been in a relationship that’s broken up, they having chosen so,
Not badly heartbroken you, pleading and hoping, but they still conveying “No?”
Oh, the hurt and pain that’s felt, the loss and rejection, your love for them still strong,
But off they went, and maybe with someone else, and healing often hard and long.

Yes, many pleading, even begging, thus trying everything that they can,
’Cause they so want that person back, are missing them badly; such well-known to man,
And to Someone else, you know, but His hurt and pain deeper and longer, sadly,
And oh, the lies that have been told about Him, He thus maligned really badly.

And yet, the Bible’s all about Christ making one effort after another,
All in order to restore that broken relationship, dear sister, brother.
It starting with Adam and Eve, and continuing throughout Earth’s history,
Hence that cruel cross and greater wound, and there no stronger appeal than Calvary.

Yes, we’re so loved, dearly wanted, ’cause we were made for Him, all why He still tries,
 But most still conveying “No,” a devil having romanced them via cunning lies.
And Christ so hurt by that turn of one’s back, that departure that tears Him apart,
Each one of us desperately wanted, there being room for all in His heart.

I was thinking ’bout those soldiers killed in Kabul just days before their return,
And how of that tragic irony the world and their loved ones were soon to learn.
Yes, a few days and they would’ve been home, but then, gut wrenching grief in their place;
Oh, the terrible cruelty that so many in this sad world are left to face.

Well, we’re almost home, Christ’s return near, and how sad it would be if we were lost,
Having turned our back, gone off with a cad — and for both Him and us, what a cost!
Christ deprived of our company forever, and we of His, regretfully,
Too late realised though, unless repentant and having returned, and may that be.

Oh yes, ’cause imagine it, a few days short of Paradise, kind of thing, and
All for what? A fling? Christ far better than that cad who wants us dead, please understand.
Satan the ultimate in suicide bombers, and Christ so well aware, friend,
Who doesn’t want us conned and taken out, ’cause hey, who knows what’s around the bend?

The loss of loved ones is the most hurtful and painful of things, and so it is
For Christ, and more so, no one loving as deeply as He, there no heart like His.
All why it aches, and as if you’re the only one in the world, so please, dear friend,
Stay faithful and true, and if you’ve a broken heart, Christ’s love is how it will mend.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

23.  Always Make Time

“I’ll remember you in prayer,” they say, and that’s the last you hear,
Or they simply forget, which somewhat suggests how much they care.
Sure some may offer there and then to say a short prayer for you,
But that’s it, 'cause they're far too busy, and thus such will have to do.

Yes, too often such is the case
in fact, it’s quite commonplace,
Which is very lamentable, a kind of slap in the face.
'Cause prayer’s a serious business, and so too is someone’s plea,
And thus not one prayer or cry should be treated casually.

Often more time’s required when people are in need of prayer,
'Cause they may have a burden that they are needing help to bear.
And therefore, they may well desire
in fact, actually need
Someone who’ll seek God, and for them, earnestly and often plead.

Yes, many people don’t receive the response that they should get
When they are in need of others, and with troubles are beset.
Often just a passing prayer, a quick word, a smile or a pat,
Is all that some are given when they're needing far more than that.

And so, some are left still hurting, or still struggling with their plight,
And sometimes even more so, and thus feeling rather uptight.
'Cause hurt can soon lead to anger, and anger then lead to ill,
Though even though people know this, they still fuel that carousel.

Oh yes, it greatly matters to God how we treat someone's plea,
And why He’s no doubt displeased by such insensitivity.
He knowing why we’re too busy to respond the way we should,
Regarding someone’s very real earthly or eternal good.

Our Saviour’s never too busy to intercede for us,
And why we too should seek the Father, and others’ needs discuss.
Yes, we too should always make time for those who would seek us out,
And respond as is needed, right there and then, and all throughout.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 26 november 2022.

Christian content or degree.

24.  Quickly

Has someone been mistreated via the church that they attend?
Has someone stopped attending, now at home that same time spend?
Is someone feeling raw, upset, and quite legitimately?
Another wounded Christian treated far from heavenly.

Well, pursue them QUICKLY, lest Satan makes hay while the sun shines,
Ensuring the incident and the fallout further declines.
But much more importantly, show them just how much you care,
By how quickly you respond in an attempt to repair.

It’s bad enough that things happen that are not heavenly,
But not responding quickly, or at all, adds insult to injury.
Any hurt may fester, even lead to suicide, revenge, and
On both church and wrongdoer shame and exposure land.

Some hold back who are caught up on a certain psychology
That says, “Leave them alone, they’re acting like a child, a baby.
They’re just using staying away as a club, a lever;
They’re just a petty, immature, uncommitted believer.”

Well, that may be true of some, but pity help those who get it wrong,
Should suicide or revenge eventually come along.
What member really knows another member’s heart and mind,
And what right have we to judge, to add to pain, acting blind?

We should never take chances — besides, what Christ-like Christian would?
So pursue such members QUICKLY, like true Christians really would.
Don’t go throwing blame on them, for even if some may fit,
Just resolve the issue, and more so, where their claims legitimate.

Yes, none of us are perfect, and sometimes when folk wrong us,
We fire off when we shouldn’t, adding to the wrong and fuss.
But even so, if we’ve been wronged, justice we should receive,
An apology, a putting right, lest Christ have more cause to grieve.

By Lance Landall

“ ‘In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you,
for this is the Law and the Prophets’ ” (Matt 7:12, NASB).

“ ‘And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you
did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’ ‘Then He will say to those
on the left hand , ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the
devil and his angels’ ” (Matt 25:40,41, NKJV).

“ ‘So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or
sister has something against you [because you’ve wronged them], leave your gift there
before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and
offer your gift’ ” (Matt 5:23,24).

“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others”
(Phil 2:4).

“And we urge you, brothers….encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient
[long suffering] with them all.” (1 Thess 5:14, ESV).

“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak...” (Rom 15:1, NIV).


25.  Spring And Autumn

It’s always sad when another flower droops, drops its petals and wastes away,
It soon a memory, a precious rose, say, that’s perfume enhanced life’s bouquet.
And so it is with the passing of loved ones, those members of Earth’s family,
Which leaves us with an emptiness, the reality of our mortality.

And why from seedling to bloom we should nourish and cherish each life-jostled head
That resides in that same and yet ever changing spring and autumn flowerbed.
And when life’s ticking clock claims another, we grieving again, and,
Keeping the love-light burning, sympathy and empathy always close at hand.

And we recognising that there’ll never be another you, another me,
Each human flower a personal expression that’s been crafted uniquely.
Hence why we’re all the lesser for someone’s passing, but richer for their having been,
And why via life’s spring and autumn, a deeper, more striking tapestry is seen.

By Lance Landall

In memory of my mother-in-law who passed away on the 13 of August 2016, aged 86.

26.  Mother

Our dear mother’s gone now, she’s blissfully at rest, free from crippling age,
Her funeral her final curtain call and farewell from earth’s stage.
But mother won’t be forgotten, nor remembered infrequently,
'Cause she continues in her children, each one of us, individually.

Mother bore us in her womb, raised us faithfully and lovingly,
Now we’re chapters in her book, woven threads in her tapestry.
And in the depths of our hearts, our love for our mum will never cease,
Nor our memories of her, until we too, are resting in peace.

From the clutches of death — yes, dust to dust
nobody is immune,
'Cause life is but a fleeting span, and too often it ends too soon.
Therefore, it pays to treasure moments, 'cause our memories live on,
And they’re better when they’re sweeter, after one’s final breath has gone.

And the memories of our dear mother are very sweet indeed,
Thus, over her sad departure, our hearts will most certainly bleed.
But amidst that sadness, the perfume of her love will linger, and,
Each of us will know that though she’s gone, she’s still very close at hand.

By Lance Landall

In memory of my mother who passed away on the 24th of August 2009, aged 94.

27.  In Memory

In this world in which we live, Summer gives way to Autumn, hence those falling leaves,
And so it is with loved ones, those chilly Winters that arrive, and why one grieves.
But midst it all, that coming together of friends and family, the grief shared,
Others thus seeing that over that fallen human leaf, there were those who cared.

Life’s so very short, and the years seeming to race these days, as if conveying:
Show that same care every day midst all those other things you’re doing and saying.
Regret only adding to grief, and each human an individual leaf,
One that cannot be duplicated, and their presence in this world very brief.

And so it is that a loved one’s farewelled, but left living in the heart and mind,
Where the same love, thought and care for every individual we should find.
Every life precious, every leaf a loss, but more buds soon appearing,
Winters giving way to Spring, and once again, another life this world sharing.

Each death nourishing those family trees, those connecting branches that we trace,
Leaves coming and leaves going, and hence those returning blossoms that busy bees chase.
Departed loved ones having played their part, their essence living in their offspring,
Who, just like birds, nestle in that same family tree, and similar songs sing.

By Lance Landall

Penned in memory of my brother Basil who passed away 27 May 2019 at age 82.

28.  Don't Forget The Grieving

In this sad old world in which we live, the loss of loved ones is part and parcel of it all, a burden that we share,
Well, at least a burden that we should share in the sense of being there, but oh, how quickly people seem to disappear.
Yes, it’s not that many weeks after the funeral that they’re no longer around, and when help is perhaps needed more,
So tell me, why is it that after the initial fuss and affection is over, there’re far less knocks on the door?

After all, the pain of losing a loved one hardly ebbs away as quickly as many unthinking people do,
Who forget that when all the attention has dropped off, a greater emptiness can surround, and there're those night-times too.
And many grieve for a very long time, and suffer terribly from such loss, thus needing as much help as before,
That being, as much help as they got initially when people heard the sad news; and in many cases, need far more.

The loss of a loved one can be devastating, one of the hardest things to bear, and for some, it is the hardest,
Hence why they need support throughout, and given that for some folk it’s all too much — yes, they no longer want to exist.
And such a state isn’t always clear to those around them, 'cause folk can bottle things up inside, things that they may not share,
And hence why when it comes to those who have lost a loved one, they should continue to receive our thought, time, love and care.

Yes, that drop in attention after a number of weeks is a very sad thing indeed, adding insult to injury;
Along with the fact that many after the loss of a loved one are also faced with difficulties financially.
And, let me add, burying a loved one is hardly cheap, a cost that seems an injury in itself, quite frankly,
And why things should be set up in such a way that no one benefits personally from funerals financially.

Well, in my mind anyway.

By Lance Landall

29.  R.I.P Simba

The saddest thing that I ever did was to put a much loved cat down, Simba, who,
Forever sought affection, those chin type smooches that he quickly cottoned onto.
In fact, his demands were quite insatiable, too much at times, a kind of strain,
Though he was very passive and yet restless, hated being stuck inside come rain.

His brother thus on his own, once thirteen years together, and he showing the loss,
Such a very sad thing as well, despite him always acting like the boss.
That choice to put his brother Simba down being very hard indeed, and hence why
It hurts when I think of him, but freedom from misery I just couldn’t deny.

It seems so unfair that he’s no longer here, his brother still alive, until
That time that comes to all, man or beast, and beneath the ground we lie quiet and still.
And I regretting those moments of frustration or avoidance, and much more so
Near the faster approaching end of his life, which, until then, I didn’t know.

It only a cat, you might say,  but a life is a life, and he once smooching me,
Hence why I feel for those people who’ve lost a member of their human family.
No life (be it that of a human or creature) should pass without tears in ones eye,
And bearing in mind that there will also come a time of passing for you and I.

By Lance Landall

On the 9 May 2018, and at the human age of 13 years, Simba had to be put down due to kidney failure.

30.  San-Yai

And sad to say, my little buddy, the time soon came for you to leave us too,
A few years later than your brother, who we truly missed, just like we’ll miss you.
Oh yes, you had your feelings, your expressions, your own ways, and you a fighter,
The runt of the litter, who finally surrendered, much weaker and lighter.

Yes, old age cruel, and death inevitable, that parting that truly pains so,
We simply left with memories; and one, that sad decline, you sleepy and slow.
You running from and not challenging, your pride wounded (that Siamese royalty),
And you having chosen this poet as yours, and right to the end, showed loyalty.

By Lance Landall

On the 25 July 2022, and at the human age of 17 years, San-Yai had to be put down due to kidney failure.

Christian content or degree.

31.  Dear Grieving One

Oh, how we await that day when the sting of death we’ll feel no more, that heartbreak,
Yes, that pain that only those who grieve know, that loneliness-cum-that gnawing ache.
And come that day will, 'cause Christ has promised such relief, and hears each griever’s cry,
He meantime seeking to comfort with expressions of love till those tears He’ll dry.

So take heart, dear grieving one, 'cause Christ is grieving too, He well knowing your pain,
'Cause your loved one’s loved even greater by Him, and hence why those nail prints remain.
All why you can be assured of His love too, and more so at such a sad time,
'Cause Christ will be holding the ladder when from those grieving depths you seek to climb.

Yes, no one’s had cause to grieve more than Christ, the wounded comforter, healer too,
Who delights in delivering healing balm, helping grievers find their way through.
And you will, despite those dark days, dark days that Christ has known too, hence that light,
Those heavenly rays of sunshine that cut through clouds of grief, and say, “Hope’s in sight.”

And indeed it is, 'cause Christ will soon return, and such grieving will be no more,
All being why we have an eternity of unbridled happiness in store.
Yes, death’s sting finally gone, no more heartbreak, gnawing ache, loneliness or tears,
Christ having dealt with such once and for all, a Saviour who truly loves and cares.

By Lance Landall

In memory of a friend — John Matsis — who passed away on the 29 May, 2013, (and who often,
for a period of time, helped me by checking my grammar and playing the devil's advocate).

Christian content or degree.

32.  When Death Claims Your Loved One

Though death is our enemy, and thus heartache and loneliness the lot of those who’re left behind to mourn,
We've a hope that’s found in Christ, that promise of a resurrection, and His sure presence from dusk to dawn.
And oh, how such is needed, 'cause company and sympathy oft wane, and memories prompt sighs and tears,
But that’s when Christ is even closer and dearer, and we have the reassurance that He hears our prayers.

So should you be amongst the grieving, and your loss keenly felt, know that Christ feels each pang of anguish too,
'Cause His love's still as deep as that of Calvary's, and He too, loneliness and heartache had to go through.
Hence why He’ll not forsake you, and why midst life’s shadows He’s always there, He full of tender loving care,
So rest in that love, 'cause like a father holds his child in his arms, so Christ will hold you, and hush your fear.

Oh, how He sympathises, longs for that day when He will wipe away such tears, and death will be no more,
He never intending that we suffer so, nor be parted from Him (proven by that cross His frame bore),
But that rather, we only know peace and joy, not heartbreak and misery, the latter to disappear,
'Cause with a shout of triumph, and surrounded by clouds of angels, our loving Saviour will soon appear.

But meantime, don't forget that naught escapes His tender compassion, that He’s watching over you,
Yes, every moment of every day, 'cause He who notes each fallen sparrow, takes note of our loss too.
All why midst our grieving we've a friend indeed, 'cause He grieves with us, and bids us rest in His outstretched arms,
No one understanding like Christ, nor caring as deeply, hence those nail prints forever etched on His palms.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded 15 February 2020.

In memory of my sister Juanita who passed away on the 26th of April 2012, aged 72.

33.  The Casketeer

Though not the role most desire, it’s an honourable one nevertheless, and
Most essential, requiring those who’ve sensitivity, and such need understand.
Every coffin still containing a precious soul, though quiet and still they be,
And soon embraced by Nature’s arms, touched up via brush and dressed in their finery.

The casketeer having protectively tucked them in, fussed over that loved one,
The griever grateful for such thought and respect; and death so often seen to stun.
The hearse their gilded coach, the drive their parade, and the grave their sanctuary,
The shovelled dirt their final curtain call, they farewelled by both friends and family.

Casketeers having been entrusted with that solemn responsibly,
And some would say, sacred trust, more so given that intrusive indignity.
But necessity calling, one faced with reality, even some autopsy,
And thus each casketeer left to their noble calling and creativity.

Yes, the deceased one still fussed over, worthy of that time and attention, and
Final viewing, and then each glistening gold or silver handle firmly manned.
It not all in a day’s work, but all in a day’s care, thanks to the casketeer,
Who, in their own specially crafted way, a part of that person’s life will share.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

34.  How I Hate Sin, Though A Sinner I Am

How I hate sin, its deadly infectiousness having ruined everything, and
Why I had to put a much loved Siamese down, which a loving God never planned.
I beside that little buddy of mine as he took his last breath, and there lay,
He thus no longer, though I still stroked him, having told him that all’s okay.

But all isn’t okay, this world full of hurt and pain, horrid death and decay,
Rebellion-cum-self having caused such, and yet, humans still wanting their own way.
And where has it got us, my little buddy dying because of such, then me,
Or you, or your loved one, those grave yards and hospitals the sad reality.

Oh yes, sin’s infectiousness having ruined everything, we all sin-sick,
 Yet demanding better of others, our accusations coming quick and thick.
We wanting the best partner, parent, sibling or friend, and yet, we hardly so,
And hence that merry-go-round of ills that plagues us, even when better we know.

We all wanting to be loved, treated fairly, and spouse wise, demand loyalty,
Yet fall so short ourselves, even the betrayer here, which is hypocrisy.
Though loved and spoilt, my little buddy demanding too, oft causing frustration,
Sin’s infectiousness having found its way into every corner of creation.

Demands and expectations often making one feel guilty, when not so, say,
Though none of us fully living up to what we should, at the end of the day.
All why we need an inward makeover, and a power beyond ourselves too,
Because sin-sick we all are, and thus corrupt is Earth, given Earth’s me and you.

So, my little man died, his presence missed, his chair empty, and why I hate sin,
That selfishness, unkindness, cruelty, dishonesty and evil found within.
Yes, by degree, but sin, sin, though not many wanting to admit such is so,
And how we kid ourselves, and why a saving redeemer we all need to know.

Well, one day I hope I’ll see my little buddy again, life beyond the grave,
All courtesy of that Someone who can transform us, restore, renew and save.
But first we must learn to hate sin, not love sin, ’cause such took my little man’s life,
As it eventually does one’s parents, siblings, relations, husband or wife.

By Lance Landall


As mentioned, these poems cover one's response to hurt.

"Sad indeed is the life that's caught up in its own sadness, still clinging to hurts and
grievances at the expense of more joy and happiness, rather than shedding those
clothes of misfortune's making and fashioning its own."
The poet, author

For reasons as to the why of Earth's woes and all the suffering that's taking place,
see my page Planet Earth, purple box, garden One, or more so, my page Suffering which
is accessed via my page With God In Mind,
purple box, garden One.

35.  Seek To Forgive

Yes, people can hurt us, let us down, or simply cause a lot of bother, hence so much upset,
But given failings are common to us all, it’s best we bear long and forgive, even forget.
Many are struggling with serious issues, their background and old ways, change not coming easy,
And they unhappy they’re causing problems, upsetting others, and from such, wanting to be free.

Things that need undoing take time, folk having become programmed, as it were, their habits engrained,
And thus many automatically responding as they’ve always done, or how they’ve been trained,
Or influenced, should I say, and why they often need time, support and forgiving, lest it be
They give up, continue as they are, or get worse, and who’ll be all the worse off? Not just them but we.

It’s also true that many don’t see ’till they’re older, their hearts full of regret — and time left, short —
All why despite their sad trail, we should still forgive, they oft having suffered as well, of a sort;
Such either due to their own unfortunate issues, or their wrongdoings, both undoubtedly,
Many victims themselves, prisoners of their afflictions, and they in need of a saving key.

And sometimes that key comes in the form of forgiveness, an acceptance they haven’t known before,
They having been shunned because of their ways — yes, mistreated too, that mistreatment oft at the core,
And why forgiveness never goes amiss, it blessing the forgiver, for they’ve acted nobly,
And no doubt realising that they may desire forgiveness too one day, and may it be ready.

By Lance Landall

"The perfume of forgiveness is the loveliest of scents."
The poet, author

36.  Grace Is A Beautiful Thing

Grace is a beautiful thing, for what is more noble than extended mercy,
Some undeserving soul being the recipient, such given graciously.
And thereby, both the giver and receiver blessed, each in a different way,
Something powerful and heavenly at play that language can hardly convey.

Yes, grace is a beautiful thing, for such undeserved mercy is love’s offspring,
Something that’s born of an inner beauty, it like a blossoming bud in spring.
And there it blooms on the tree of life, its presence uplifting, its fragrance sweet;
All why where grace is found within the heart there’s a very healthy, caring beat.

By Lance Landall

37.  When Parents Err

Perhaps your father hurt you, or your mother did, maybe,
And you’re still feeling angry, and quite justifiably.
Well, you’re not alone, my friend, 'cause such happens commonly,
And sometimes it can take years to heal emotionally.

However, I’d like to share with you what over time I’ve found,
And that is: Parents are a product of their own background.
Perhaps they were mistreated too, harmed emotionally,
Or simply influenced poorly, even unconsciously.

Now, I know that’s no excuse, but it should be borne in mind,
'Cause we’re all somewhat programmed, and the past seldom leave behind.
Thus what happened to you may have happened to them, in some way,
Therefore, your parents are casualties also, I dare say.

So be kind, try to forgive -- plus, that’s the best way to heal,
Otherwise all that resentment future happiness will steal.
They may be nursing hurt too, remember, struggling as well,
And you, friend, may not know that, 'cause some find such hard to tell.

We all swear we won’t do this or that to our children, but
Sadly, we often do, as things are never that clear-cut.
Thus very few get through life unscathed, scarless, issue free,
Hence why your kids too will have an axe to grind, probably.

Your parents may need your help just as much as you need their’s,
And many who’ve hurt their kids have also been shedding tears.
We often do things we regret, sadly, things we don’t mean to,
And sometimes they’re pretty bad, or a case of deja vu.

It’s easy to knock your parents, hang their faults on the line,
But how many kids
when they’re parents their parents outshine?
The truth is, parenting’s not easy, hence that wake up call
When you become a parent, and your own kids rebel, appall.

By Lance Landall

38.  Always Choose The Right Way

Turning on family, or others who’ve hurt us, and lashing out angrily,
Is the worst way to resolve things, and may see them responding just as badly.
Few liking or accepting truths coming in such a form, and so worse things get,
And who’s prepared to accept blame? There being few such people that I have met.

Shouting fowl or unfair seldom sees people respond or change, I have to say,
They either receptive or not, and force or pressure more likely to delay.
All why its better to simply move on sometimes, though where we do point out things,
It’s better to do so privately than publicly, from which less trouble springs.

Yes, it’s hard enough getting people to admit their ill, but when things are said
Where others can hear, the embarrassment has people turning an angry red.
And thus hopes of admission or reconciliation destined to be dashed,
And thus nothing gained (except for revenge) when on the News, say, things are splashed.

Yes, Harry and Megan a case in point, on one hand talking about harm done,
And on the other, dishing it out, effectively producing their own gun.
And loaded it was, bullets flying in the other direction, they just as bad,
And the whole world told — oh, how we do things sometimes that we wish we hadn’t had.

By Lance Landall

This poem was penned May 2021.
You may also wish to read my poems Hi Harry and Further To, Harry which can be found

on my page Love, Thought And Care, Home page.
Or my poems Family Is Still Family and Spare, Special Poem Cluster, sigment One, garden One.

39. Catch On?

Even when life has dealt us blows, left us with hurt and pain, it’s better to remain loving,
And midst the fog of broken dreams, heartache and loss, to seek out others with whom we can sing.
By that I mean, to lose ourselves in selfless acts and gentle ways, and words that warm and heal,
For responding any differently, even more joy, peace, hope and happiness will steal.

Yes, such is how we make our heart smile again, how we still move forward, and find our way through,
Searching for any little thing that will brighten, found in those things that for others we do.
For as we lift another’s spirit, ease their lot, and via those loving acts of kindness share,
Our own load is lightened, our season soothed, and possibilities are oft seen to appear.

We shouldn’t dwell on what we’re missing, on what might’ve been, or even on what should’ve been,
But rather, make the most of the present and what we have, for things will always intervene.
Hence why life’s really in the living, the being, our sight, our hearing, even our sense of smell,
And not so much in grandiose plans, nor romantic dreams, for many betray, kiss and tell.

Better to thrive on little, for little disappoints less, given expectations are low,
And given that acceptance and contentment are the two greatest friends that any can know.
For we all arrived with nothing, and will leave with nothing, given living is in the being,
And why we’ll never experience true peace until this little gem of truth we’re seeing.

By Lance Landall

40.  Break The Circle!

Sadly so, and far too often, the lives of this Earth’s inhabitants are made up of circles of injury,
Circles that badly need to be broken in order to destroy the cycles of abuse and misery.
Yes, “The sins of the fathers,” one might say — in other words, bad examples, or inherited negative traits,
Or simply some very injurious groove, some most unfortunate habit, that sadly, further ill generates.

And all being destructive paths that encircle lives, destructive paths that can wear depressing and distressing grooves,
Grooves that hurt both the circle maker and those who are encompassed by such, and that the foolishness of such proves.
And that being, the folly of treading those same old injurious paths, and thus adding to the weight that others bear,
Who, when it comes to life’s misfortunes, heartache, suffering and pain, no doubt already have far more than their share.

Therefore, it’s time that these circles were broken, and not just for our own sake, but for the sake of others also,
 Who, far too often have to bear the brunt of such, and who as a consequence, their own injurious seeds can sow.
'Cause many, rather than choosing otherwise, fall into step with the circle maker, thus widening the trail,
And thereby, don’t just add to their own troubles, but the happiness and security of others oft assail.

What the world needs now (other than love), and seemingly more than ever, is circle breakers, groove destroyers, who,
Rather than falling into step with circle makers, groove gougers, a much wiser and brighter path will pursue.
And thereby decrease rather than enlarge the huge stockpile of misery that is afflicting humanity,
Thus adding to what sense, love, care, peace and happiness exists, rather than adding to all the insanity.

By Lance Landall

41.  Any Fool Can Be A Fool

Hey, do you feel like a nobody, have folk oft thought negatively of you,
They condemning rather than helping, and are still clinging to their jaundice view?
And you’re feeling trapped, perhaps, unable to get past it all, though wanting to,
And in your madder moments, dreaming and scheming ’bout bad things you’d like to do.

“And being famous would help,” you’re thinking, “Add wealth and position to that list,”
’Cause you’re wanting to vent your spleen and kick back, wipe sneers off faces with your fist.
You imagining yourself with clout and power, as someone who’s in control,
And there’s the making of another Hitler, someone who’ll exact a high toll.

Well, stop!

For not only would such a path be wrong, but it would add to your misery;
Jail, a premature death, perhaps — and hey, think of what happened to Gaddafi.
And why it’s best you become known for the opposite reasons, famous for good,
’Cause if you’re looking for praise and acceptance, you won’t succeed if you’re a hood.

No, you’ll never live on in the minds of others as a hero, but a fool,
Folk laughing at you all the more; you wasting your time thinking such makes one cool.
And why you’re better to show them up by proving their negativity wrong,
For that is what makes a true hero, and thereby, places one amongst the strong.

By Lance Landall

42.  Reality

“Things happen for a reason,” some say, and such is somewhat true,
'Cause sometimes we can make things happen by what we say and do.
But on the other hand, many things just happen randomly
Due to our chaotic world, or humans acting mindlessly.

And therefore, when bad things happen, there isn’t always a need
To think that there’s a reason for what happened, or to “Why?” plead.
Yes, many things simply happen, oft without rhythm or rhyme,
And why for many, it’s just a case of wrong place and wrong time.

And so, many sad things occur for no good reason at all,
And on both good and evil folk, these very same things can fall.
And given the state this world’s in, we should hardly be surprised,
And why mentally, we need to adjust, get acclimatized.

Sure good can come out of bad 
— yes, we know that can happen too,
And if we’ve the right attitude, good is much more likely to.
But bad things hardly happen just so that good can come from them,
That being naught but misguided thinking, which we should condemn.

So yes, good can come from bad, we learning, making changes too,
And why when things go wrong, we can end up better off, so true.
But not all is for a reason, 'cause much happens pointlessly,
Simply because that’s life, this Earth, the hard facts, reality.

And yes, we oft bring troubles on ourselves, create our own mess,
Foolishly blaming others, and even God, for our distress.
Though upbringing, environment and circumstances affect us,
It’s ultimately our call, 'cause we are to drive our own bus.

So, when bad things happen to us, some soul-searching doesn’t hurt,
But hey, that bad happens for a reason, we should not assert.
Except of course, when we are talking about cause and effect;
In other words, inviting trouble, and thus trouble should expect.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 9 August 2022.

43.  Those Two words

It’s so easy to say those words, “If only,” and often we do,
When we’ve still got much to be thankful for, or when problems are few.
But even should our problems be large, or many, and a concern,
Acceptance and contentment are often lessons we need to learn.

Life is full of ups and downs, and problems can come out of the blue,
And when they’re the last thing we’re wanting, or expecting, come they do.
Even at the best of times, things have a way of going askew,
Thus often in our lifetime, periods of upset we’ll go through.

Though understandable, “If only,” will get us nowhere at all,
Hence why we should make the best of things when we’re up against the wall,
And appreciate what we have in life (little as it may be),
Losing ourselves in others, who’re possibly far worse off than we.

I know life can be hard at times, even cruel and miserable,
Depending on what we’re going through, and more so, when we’re unwell.
But even so, why make things worse, add to grief, and say, “If only,”
And even more so, where we can’t change things, or very easily?

Believe me, I’m not unsympathetic, have said, “If only,” too,
And in fact, there are times when even now, I must admit I do.
But as I said, what’s the point? What’s done is done. What will be will be,
Or to put it another way, things happen uncontrollably.

Sometimes dreams come true, and we get the outcome we want, and life’s great,
But dreams can crash, things go wrong, and trouble once again dominate.
And as they say, “That’s life,” thus acceptance and contentment being the key,
Along with losing ourselves in others, thinking positively.

All we can do is make the best of a bad situation, you see;
That is, should such be our lot, permanently or temporarily.
And we do that by focusing outwards (not inwards), courageously,
And when we do, we grow, become better, develop maturity.

Yes, it’s pointless sawing sawdust. Much better to simply adjust.

By Lance Landall

44.  Play It Again, Sam

Irritating and trite, perhaps, but the following is right, actually,
That when life hands us a lemon, we should make lemonade, act constructively.
“I wish” or “If only” need to fade, for all they do is hamper, hold us back,
Have us on some miserable carousel, heading down some negative track.

Life is unpredictable, it can change at any time, and some ill can intrude,
Thus the only protection, and sensible path, is the correct attitude.
In other words, we should make the best of a bad thing, try and turn things around,
Otherwise circumstances will always dictate, misery no doubt surround.

Such may be hard to put into practice, but it’s always where the answer lies,
For any wrong response to ill that comes our way, that ill simply magnifies.
It’s better to cut our losses, move on, start again, and our blessings tally,
Rather than to drag our feet in worn groves, and dwell in some regretful valley.

I’m well aware that life can be unfair, cruel, stressful, painful, complex maybe,
But the only way out lies ahead, not behind, nor thinking negatively.
Surely lemonade is better than lemons, as far as life’s sour lemons go,
And if we’ve got to make our way up river, why make our boat harder to row.

Yes, far too many people are always wishing this or that, pointlessly, fretfully,
Instead of living for the day, grateful for what they have, knowing worse could be.
If only they had a better spouse, better home, better car, much more money,
If only they could do this or that, be him or her — yes, “I wish,” “If only.”

Or they’re stewing over some grievance, bringing up the past, dwelling on mistakes,
It’s somewhat like a movie set, “Take one!” “Take two!” goodness knows how many “Takes.”
Sometimes they change their partner, find another town, or job, when they’re the cause, and
When they’re told so, it’s, “Play it again, Sam,” as anything but themselves they brand.

It’s best we face up to our flaws, accept our lot, adopt a good attitude,
For that way we’ll be better prepared and able, should negative things intrude.
It’s best to make lemonade, to think positively, let hope flow, not hope dam,
And better to not fall victim to that tired old refrain, “Play it again, Sam.”

By Lance Landall

45.  Better Scars Than Wounds

So many people get wounded, suffer along the way,
Be it via things others do, be it via things others say.
And often these wounds are deep, and extremely slow to heal,
Wounds that can drain ones life-force, and years of happiness steal.

For some these wounds prove fatal, having hemorrhaged inside,
And instead of simply scars, it’s a case of suicide.
Not that I’m defending such, 'cause suicide’s not the way,
And leaves behind even more wounds, at the end of the day.

Too many lives are shortened by this wrong choice people make,
The result of letting resentment and pain overtake.
Often people won’t forgive, which prevents their wound healing,
'Cause the bleeding just keeps oozing, rather than congealing.

Therefore, better scars than wounds, 'cause though ugly, scars don’t bleed,
They but simply scars that ones happiness cease to impede,
'Cause with the right attitude, a brighter life one can lead,
No longer a prisoner of those who wound, in control, freed!

Having said that though, wounds can be self-inflicted, sadly,
The result of wrong choices, of going astray, willfully.
Hence why wisdom is required, and why we should do what’s right;
Otherwise, just misery, our life or others will blight.

Yes, this world’s so full of the wounded, weeping wounds, healed wounds [scars],
Those who’ve moved on (wiser, richer), those still trapped behind bars,
Those who've let their wounds heal, those who, sadly so, their wounds nurse,
Those who have made a decision for better or for worse.

Every wound takes time to heal, but heal it will, given time,
If away from pits of bitterness and self-pity we climb.
But better still, let’s make good choices, and spare ourselves pain,
And never wound another, letting love and fairness reign.

By Lance Landall

46.  Why Must It Take Pain

It seems that when people are hurting, it’s then that they tend to be
So much more thoughtful towards others, or at least generally.
Yes, oft amidst their misfortune, people behave more tenderly,
'Cause suffering can humble, and even create dependency.

If apathetic towards others, even harder we might fall,
Should any suffering or hardship inconveniently call.
And if we're foolishly full of pride, with our nose up in the air,
An awareness of our deficiency, a fall could soon make clear.

Yes, sometimes it takes some misfortune to soften a stony heart,
Or to humble someone who’s proud, and a new direction chart.
It’s sad that suffering's needed to turn many people around,
But the fact is, that many don't change until they’re flat upon the ground.

Unfortunately, some people become bitter, harden their heart;
That is, when misfortune strikes them, or things upset their apple cart.
And instead of just accepting the suffering that comes their way,
They bitterly denounce it, and cursing, from there-on go astray.

But as mentioned earlier, there are those who become more humane,
Having become humbled and softened as they rolled with their deep pain.
And who thereby show more feeling towards another who’s struck too
By those tragedies or upsets that so many of us go through.

Tenderness and compassion are what we should cultivate before
The winds of trouble and strife coldly whistle down life’s corridor.
And any pride not befitting too, we should not allow to reign,
Nor an independent spirit either that's somewhat inhumane.

Yes, life is such a fragile thing, and pain can come from anywhere,
Things can be fine and dandy, and then, like smoke, joy can disappear.
Hence why we should be prepared, lest any misfortune strike us too,
And we will be much better prepared if pride and self we subdue.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

47.  Spiritual Muscles

We’re all the same, pretty much, don’t like Lonely Boulevard, Trials Road, Persecution Place, Suffering Street,
Which all those who’re truly committed to their Lord, and walking in accordance with His will, are bound to meet.
The truth is, that we’re all suffering from degrees of spiritual weakness-cum-weakness in general,
Which is why we prefer things easy, or don’t rock the boat, thus avoiding that which is unpalatable.

Well, such is no way to build spiritual muscles-cum-muscles in general that will be for our best,
Which God knows need building, especially given the great controversy raging-cum-Satan’s evil quest.
’Cause not only does Satan want to steal our hearts and minds, but to hassle and tempt us too, every day,
So that we’ll not only get discouraged, but yield to sin, and from the loving arms of our dear Saviour stray.

It’s said that a calm sea never makes a good sailor, and so it is with Christians too, who avoid the rough,
Or who’re sheltered from such, ’cause little opposition or pain doesn’t make for a Christian who’s sound or tough.
And by tough I mean, able to withstand ill winds that blow, but which strengthen if we meet them head on, bravely,
Rather than running for cover, which makes us weaker, and more vulnerable to he who plots evilly.

Yes, no one likes pain, hardship, troubles, attacks or stress, but without such we wouldn’t grow, and grow we need to,
’Cause Heaven isn’t for wishy-washy Christians who haven’t been proven genuine — that is, faithful and true.
But nor would we cope with life in general, or certainly not very well, which God in His wisdom knows,
And which love allows, and upon the head of all those who patiently endure, a coming jewelled crown bestows.

By Lance Landall


48.  People Change

Someone did something to you that really angered; it was like they betrayed you,
And you’ve not forgiven them, have let the world know, it bugging as if on cue.
Well, how tragic's that? They possibly scratching their head as to why they acted so,
And are deeply sorry, would love to convey such, but you’re not letting it go,

So how would you know?

People change, and wouldn’t do such again, and at the time were under stress, say,
Or a number of things were going on, and you might have had a part to play.
Perhaps you annoyed them, despite any kindness you’d shown, and they lost the plot,
They not really the type to act that way, and thus such an unfortunate blot.

We all make mistakes, and that dead bird you left on their doorstep another one,
For they were kicking themselves anyway — and to be honest, what’s done is done,
But now they living with that threat.
So you’re the one who’s carrying it on, effectively, and should you hit back,
It could be that they’re a different person, and now you taking the wrong track.

Have you thought of approaching them to see where they’re at these days? Such worth a try,
Their response possibly surprising you, their sorrowful eyes far from bone-dry.
So hey, don’t let fly, be it now or later, for people regret things and change,
And what a wondrous day when those who don’t forgive are the ones who’re viewed as strange.

But remember this:

On our journey through life (so many with issues), who of us tracks perfectly,
Most veering left and right, they up and down, and thus all over the place, sadly.
It not until later in life that they level out, set a more steady course,
And why it is that when they look back, many are filled with regret and remorse,

They having caused upset along the way — and sadly, it dogging their new course,

Because people change.

By Lance Landall

49.  Revenge

Revenge satisfies that horrible part in us that is bitter and angry,
That part in us that shows a flaw, which we try to justify, foolishly,
For what does such really gain, revenge just as bad as the perpetrator’s ill,
Because it’s born of self and negativity, “Here, take that for hurting me!”

Sure they shouldn’t have done what they did, be they a criminal or enemy,
But that thirst for blood, that desire to torture, doesn't stem from nobility.
It all part of that same sickness that plagues the perpetrator, that drives their ill,
And why justice is one thing and revenge quite another — oh, if looks could kill.

By Lance Landall

50.  Double Dipped

You upset someone by doing something they’d a right to feel annoyed about,
And to rebuke you for, but instead of apologising, you sulk and pout,
And even stay away from them, childishly unable to handle such,
As if they’re the erring one, and at self justification you’re seen to clutch.

But how can you? ’Cause you were in the wrong, and never said “Sorry,” sad to say,
They left feeling bad too, thanks to you, yet you expecting them to come your way.
Yes, you wanting them to apologise, them to put things right, when right they were,
Your ill needing to be rebuked; that stumbling block of yours how they too might err.

But err they hadn’t, though perhaps protesting a tad too loudly, as we do,
Sometimes caught by surprise at the audacity of others who better knew;
Some being repeat offenders who were told before, hence how they upset more,
Yet nursing their supposed grievance, when the other person had more right to feel sore.

Oh, the unfairness and ill of leaving the offended one feeling bad, who
Understandably, and under the circumstances, spoke very stern to you.
Such being your chance to grow or not, your response having a great deal to say,
And why here, given you've acted like this, it’s you who should be heading their way.

Should they head your way, such lets you off the hook, plays into your thinking, sadly,
Given that it wasn’t them at fault, but you — yes, you having acted badly.
Such calling for more understanding on your part, but no, you’ve double dipped here,
Harbouring thoughts and feelings you’ve little right to — and Heaven wise, shouldn’t dare.

By Lance Landall

51.  They Who Take No Prisoners

There’re those who when you’ve let them down, or clashed over the help they once gave, who won’t help you
out again.
Yes, those who take no prisoners, nor who bury the past, hence the reason why I’ve taken to the pen.
'Cause such people only add to another’s mistake, humanity’s problems, thus their heart unwell,
They just as flawed as those they treat so, having not got off that tired “This is what they did” carousel.

Though you need their help again, it’s a loud “No!” They effectively grudge holders, who such don’t forget,
And their forgiveness (if given), more dubious than genuine; their concrete “No!” sealed and set,
Despite you having learnt from your past mistake, but no, no second chances, the gate shut and padlocked,
And where they indiscriminately choose to tattle, both you and your past mistake are thereby knocked.

Well, who are the bigger fools here, but they who act so harshly, and also very immaturely,
'Cause such isn't the response of a sound, loving heart. A
nd what if the tables were turned? Now let me see.
Yes, they probably viewing things rather differently, and were they treated the same, oh dear, how they’d shout,
And why in regards to their sad take no prisoners stance, they should very quickly do a turnabout.

The truth is, we all make mistakes, and sometimes the same one again, which is why people should be fair,
'Cause life’s a learning curve, and many dogged by things that don’t help, erring due to fear, anxiety.
And let’s remember too, that it’s those second or third chances that see many changing direction,
'Cause naught works better than loving kindness that bears long, and why on such, there should be more reflection.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 15 June 2023.

52.  Dancing On Our Own Graves

There are tragic things in life that have happened due to misfortune or folly,
And someone else having caused such, and thereby, we left with the result, sadly.
And this where ones attitude is paramount lest that pain is compounded, and
Lest another’s repentance and efforts to change are hampered by our own hand.

Yes, we nursing our grievance, adding to our wound, robbing ourselves pointlessly,
Rather than making the best of things, our attitude a friend or enemy.
And aren’t there those who’re worse off? They missing limbs and yet positive and happy,
But not us, perhaps, who’re less afflicted, ’cause via ill chosen glasses we see.

And thus even dealing with our wound selfishly, as if paying someone back,
Who’s paining over such too, and different now, but oh, how their guilt we stack.
And why we should be looking out the window and not at the mirror that’s cracked,
Because far too often life’s failed computer is one that folk themselves have hacked.

By Lance Landall

53.  That Was Yesterday

Sometimes in our lives, amidst growth or taxing struggles, we say or do wrong things,
Which, not only causes upset or hurt, but upon us, some sad result brings.
A lost friendship, or we not viewed the same, even treated poorly in return,
And hence why we kick ourselves, and another most unfortunate lesson learn.

Maybe that’s how we were yesterday, a hypocrite even, but not today,
Yet, those we upset or hurt, and said sorry to, still treating us the same way.
They seemingly holding it against us, or not wanting to get hurt again,
When they wouldn’t be, for that was yesterday, and hence the flurry of my pen.

By Lance Landall

Contains Christian content or degree.

54.  A Mega Grace, Mega Love, And Mega God

Grace, precious grace, often lost sight of in a tit-for-tat, revengeful world, where
Fewer are merciful and forgiving, or long with others are seen to bear.
Yes, it’s a very sad situation, a very messy situation,
Where grace seldom figures, but more some seething, grudge holding accusation.

And so, the story of Calvary where grace shone in bright lights, gathering dust,
And thus in many lives that key to eternal joy just reddening with rust.
And yet, if anyone had a right to brood, seek revenge, not forgive, it was He,
That innocent, loving Saviour nailed to a cross midst howling brutality.

Oh, what mega grace He showed, and given His majesty and authority,
His ability to wipe us off the map, this sad, fallen humanity.
We really having little comprehension of it, thus Calvary a must,
That we might see mercy in its fullness, leave hard feelings behind in the dust.

Yes, too many nurse their wounds, but not Christ, hence why we sing of “amazing grace,”
His forgiving arms extended to all, and no condemnation on His face.
All how it should be with us, we reflecting Him, showing same mercy and grace,
And bearing in mind that if it hadn’t been for Him, there’d be no human race.

I mean, think about it, that puniness of many grievances when compared,
Not that we should ever cling to any, but hey, the hopelessness we’re been spared.
We clearly undeserving, more worthy of the maximum, the death penalty,
Yet spared to live, and for eternity — wow, that’s what I call awesome mercy.

Oh yes, grace, precious grace, love abounding, the story of stories, “Hail Jesus,”
The One who’s deserving of glory and honour, the One who died to save us.
A grace like no other, an astonishing grace, and personal sacrifice,
Christ himself putting His life on the line — oh, what a terrible, shocking price.

But rise He did, oh happy day, and so, “I once was lost, but now I’m found,” and
Have Him to thank, and indeed I do, ’cause righteous before His Father I stand.
Not because of anything on my part, but that gracious robe that covers me,
A divine one, one truly woven with sacrifice and generosity.

Mega grace!

Ours can’t compete with that, but grace and mercy we should extend, and from the heart,
’Cause those who don’t, or grudgingly, will soon hear that terrifying word “Depart.”
Thus that love that Christ showed, we must, flawed as it be compared to the heavenly,
We aware of our own failings, and how to us, God’s acted so graciously.

Oh yes, grace, precious grace, but here, a mega grace, it the grace of God above,
Who, despite everything thrown at Him, kept His dignity, showed great love.
A love (that like His grace), outshines any shown on Earth, except when He was here,
Yes, mega grace, mega love, ’cause He’s a mega God, which the Heaven’s declare.

And as I said, a God who doesn’t hold grudges like fallen humanity,
Because such only poison the bearer, thus acting like a double whammy.
All why grudges, and not forgiving, aren’t the way of Christ, whose followers we are,
And why our sights shouldn’t be on wrongs, but on the coming of the Brightest Star.

By Lance Landall

Contains Christian content or degree.
Muammar Gaddafi, ruler (dictator) of Libya from 1969 to 2011.

55.  Hell Bent On Revenge

I couldn’t help feeling pangs seeing Gaddafi’s brutal end on the six o’clock news on T.V.,
And isn’t that how Christians should feel? For Christ takes no pleasure in dealing to men, and nor should we.
Sure Gaddafi (and Saddam Hussein), got their comeuppance given their evil, but should revenge be sweet?
And the last time I looked at God's Word, it condemned revenge, and said we’re never to mistreat.

And by the way, Christ when speaking of the End-time destruction of the wicked, said that He’ll avenge,
Refusing to use the other word with a different meaning. And what would that word be? Revenge.
And the reason why? Avenge refers to justice, but revenge referring to retaliation,
Something Christ isn’t into, and nor should we be, for such is a devilish abomination.

Given Gaddafi was a human, some mum’s son, only justice should’ve been done, nothing more,
'Cause revenge is a sickness, a fallen response to mistreatment, clear violation of God’s Law.
No matter how evil someone is, we’re not to treat them any less than humane, resort to ill,
The latter simply allowing our emotions to dominate, rather than wisdom and God’s will.

When those seeking freedom resort to the same brutality as their oppressor, they’re just as bad,
'Cause only the removal of that dictator, and not the torturing of him, should make them glad.
Hence why I shake my head when I see such hypocrisy, 'cause those seeking freedom should be above such,
But sad to say — revenge, more bloodthirsty brutality — has many of these people in its clutch.

Hence why such are oft not spared the miseries of their past, Iraq being one example, sadly,
'Cause these ones who’re seeking freedom, too oft resort to similar cruel acts against humanity.
One would think they'd know better, but clearly not, they taking the same flawed road as their oppressor did,
And thus it no wonder that strife and pressure (further bloodshed), are still simmering beneath some lid.

And why we’ve seen the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, and prisoners at Guantanamo Bay
By the so-called upholders of right and truth, who the very same twisted morality display.
One can’t take the moral high ground whilst stooping to the same acts of tyrants, nor grinning at revenge,
'Cause those who act so, the same fiery end will know, when Christ at His coming such cruelty will avenge,

Unless they’ve repented, and changed their ways.

Yes, we've been told to love and forgive our enemies, be they some Hitler, Hussein or Gaddafi,
'Cause though such is easier said than done, it’s a prerequisite for receiving eternity.
And should you not believe me, check God's Word, 'cause inhumaneness, hatred, non-forgiveness and revenge
Are the territory of Satan — grave crimes, that as mentioned before, our Saviour will soon avenge.

Remember: Christ died for Gaddafi as much as for you, bad as he was.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 15 June 2023.

“See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone” (1 Thess 5:15, ESV).

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom 12:17-21, NIV).

“ ‘But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses’ ” (Mark 11:26, NKJV).

Contains Christian content or degree.

56.  That's The Difference Between God And Us

We enjoy seeing villains get their comeuppance, but God doesn’t — no, not He —
And that’s the difference between Him and us — yes, a big difference, sadly.
One that He wishes wasn’t so, for someone’s comeuppance shouldn’t fill with glee,
Just as Christ doesn’t enjoy seeing us reap what we sow, though deservedly.

It’s great to see good triumph over evil, but that’s as far as it should go,
We not relishing someone’s punishment, for how much mercy did Jesus show?
And here we all are still wilfully sinning, hardly deserving of God’s grace,
Yet enjoying seeing wrongdoers pay, getting excited over some chase.

And hence why it’s true that though God hates sin, He loves the sinner-cum-you and I,
He well knowing how powerless and doomed we are without His help from on high.
And why His anger’s directed at the sin, not the sinner, unlike our own,
Which sees us clamouring for some villains demise, when dare we cast the first stone.

And yes, that’s the difference between God and us, His love deeper, pure and true,
It not fallen like our flawed love, and why our hearts and minds He wants to renew.
For then, over the destruction of the wicked-cum-some villains fate, we’ll weep too,
Rather than shout, “Serves them right!” — justice reluctantly doing what it has to.

Jesus doesn’t like to see anyone suffer, even if they deserve to,
For all are His creation, every single one, despite what they say and do.
Such being why He died on Calvary, and cried out, “Forgive them, Father,” when they
Committed the greatest sin of all, and how many nails did we whack today?

Yes, that’s the difference between God and us.

By Lance Landall

Contains Christian content or degree.

57.  Just As Guilty

There are those who act violently and cruelly, plain evilly,
And such repulse and anger us, cause fear in society.
Hence why we oft hear people say, “We should do the same to them,”
Which though understandable, say, the Scriptures clearly condemn.

Sure they may deserve the same — yes, cruelty for cruelty, that is,
But such isn't our prerogative, just God’s alone, just His.
Appropriate punishment via earthly courts is right and fine,
But the right to go beyond that, clearly isn’t yours or mine.

Punishment? Maybe. Revenge? No. For that’s not the Christian way,
'Cause we’re to love our enemies, all who hurt us, or dismay.
Thus turning the other cheek, not seeking an eye for an eye,
Lest via such ill, our dear Lord and Saviour we re-crucify.

It’s Satan who whispers revenge, not Christ, so let’s take great care,
Lest it be that we aid evil, and thereby, guilt also share.
Yes, let’s leave it all in God’s hands, whose Coming isn't far away,
'Cause He is a God of justice, and justice will have its day.

Our old self wants to hit back, to retaliate in some way,
Thus doing to them what they did to us, or to others, say.
Yes, we want to see them suffer too, we want to see them pay,
But haven’t we hurt others? Are we any better than they?

Christ pleaded for His killers though racked by pain on Calvary,
Thus practicing what He preached, and gaining the supremacy.
Yes, our Lord took the higher ground, and wants us to take it too,
'Cause He wants our old self turned into something heavenly new.


Father, help me love my enemies, repay evil with good,
'Cause I know that in Your Word, You have told Christians that they should.
Only You can bring about that change, 'cause I'm a sinner too,
Thus just as guilty as those ones who evil things choose to do.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 12 November 2022.