A Certain Type Of Beat
I’m really quite perplexed, dear Lord, by a certain type of beat,
A beat that in a Christian church I never thought that I'd meet.
This beat that I’ve been hearing that's mostly played upon a drum-kit,
Has a rhythm that I’m sure cannot rightly ones worship fit.
And one reason that I say this is, because this type I hear
Daily on my radio via the sound waves that stations share.
This entertaining rhythm that they repeat throughout the day,
Seduces with its body stirring beat, leading folk astray.
This beat is so very common in the music of our day,
Its very earthly rhythm holding so many in its sway.
Thus, I guess it’s not surprising that in church it’s wanted too,
But given that worship’s Holy, how could such be right with You?
I’ve always understood, Lord, that our worship is just for You,
Therefore, why should we think that we can have our own way here too?
So surely when we’re worshiping we can forgo our own way,
Given that all You ask of us is only one worship day.
You showed Your great displeasure when the Israelites of old
Thought that wrong ideas of worship they could equally uphold.
So surely today, Lord, Your displeasure would be just as strong,
Should any Christian introduce what in worship would be wrong.
We’re told in Revelation of a Babylonian power,
That You'll very soon destroy, Lord, at Your second-coming hour.
And we’re told that its musicians receive the same destruction,
For presumably they aid this power in its corruption.
Now what I find so intriguing is, that Babylon of old
Also engaged musicians to aid its wrong; they brassy bold.
Thus out on the plain of Dura stood an image of its king,
That all had to bow down to, or death on themselves they’d soon bring.
Now I’ve noticed there’s also an image in Revelation,
That all are forced to worship or face same extermination.
It seems it’s connected to the Babylonian power
Whose musicians will be destroyed at Your second-coming hour.
In the book of Revelation there’s another thing that’s said:
Christians should flee Babylon, correctly worship You instead.
This clearly shows that in Babyon Christians are residing,
And that those who choose to stay there, Your will won't be abiding.
And the reason that I mention all these things that I have here,
Is because this beat I’ve heard may well be Babylon’s, I fear.
So could it be that Babylon is religion gone astray,
Its music and musicians helping steer people Satan’s way?
Thus could Babylon be Christians who have made a compromise,
An alliance with the world that no true follower would prize?
And could Babylon be worship that is seeking its own way,
An erring, compelling movement that has universal sway?
You see, Earth’s history has shown much done in Your name was wrong,
And how apostasy has plagued Jews and Christians all along.
Therefore, I can’t help thinking, Lord, that this beat in church I hear,
Is rebellion’s End-time swan song, a sure sign Your coming’s near.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on the 11 May 2016.
Also check
out my poem "It's not Just A Guitar," poem list.
Sources drawn from include —
"Music in the Balance" by Frank Garlock and Kurt Woetzel.
"Restoring True Worship" by Ruth Webb.
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