Don't We Know Better?
So many Christians are watching movies they shouldn’t be,
Or they’re reading certain novels that they also shouldn’t be.
Like: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings,
Along with Harry Potter and other similar things.
Their excuse? Good triumphs over evil, or there’s some moral,
Well, over such excuses one could certainly quarrel.
You see, good may well triumph, but it does so dubiously,
And in a way that is clearly a false testimony.
We should never use the wrong methods to achieve a good end,
Nor — in order to suit — misrepresent, twist, slant or bend.
“The end justifies the means” is not biblical teaching,
Yet, into the realms of Christianity, such has been reaching.
Tell me, would you sit and watch a pornographic movie,
If in such, good triumphed over those acting evilly?
Or if in such, it showed how wrong-doing led to misery,
And how all those involved stopped acting wrong sexually?
“Don’t be silly,” you may cry. Well, the principle’s the same,
A means to an end, a good ending or lesson being the aim.
One is porn, one another realm of Satan, the occult,
And on the way to their end via those means, oh, how they assault.
Anything to do with the satanic, God denounces,
And on the likes of witches, mediums, judgment pronounces.
That judgment falls on us too, should we let such amuse us,
For such belongs to that world where Satan’s hordes Jesus cuss.
“But a Christian wrote the book, made the movie,” you may cry,
Well, if that in fact is so, the Word of God they defy.
Scripture condemns such, it’s using Satan’s tools, territory,
And Christians have no business there, for that’s plain hypocrisy.
The world of wizards and the likes is a fantasy one,
It’s a world any discerning Christian will surely shun.
Besides, what Christian needs to wade through such territory,
Given the insight that God has given them already?
Rather than some moral that such books and movies may teach,
It’s the dark side of them, that more so, tender minds will reach.
For it’s the fantasy that excites and carries away,
And soon destroys a thirst for the Scriptures, to God’s dismay.
Yes, a taste for fiction lessens the taste for non-fiction,
Hence why for many fantasy has become an addiction.
Is it any wonder that error’s replacing truth, and,
That the old devil appears to have got the upper hand.
Fancy Christians watching witches and wizards casting spells!
What we’re seeing here is some ancient Israel parallels.
King Saul paid a price for playing with such territory,
And so will Christians too, for it’s satanic, not heavenly.
Using the Satanic, its twisted logic and evil tools,
Just aids the prince of darkness, who over such guides and rules.
Christians should only use God’s ways and means, not stoop but reach,
For that’s what God has ordained, lest Satan sacred walls breach.
By Lance Landall