Food For Thought
“...for I am a jealous God…” (Exodus 20:5, NRSV).
Many want to change the church, hence various things we see
Occurring within worship and within God’s sanctuary.
We’ve seen such rapid changes and it seems that there’s no end
To all this remodelling that those responsible defend.
In fact, it makes me wonder if some Christians might prefer
An entertainment centre where similar things occur,
Such as laughter and applause, and drama that real life feigns,
Or dancing that’s in sync with upbeat stanzas and refrains.
Could it be some might prefer a grandiose concert hall,
One where a range of backdrops would regularly rise and fall.
A place where gliding curtains would herald pleasing items,
Plus singers and musicians nourishing various whims.
Or then again, some might prefer a theatre with a screen,
Where images would flicker and regularly be seen.
Where sophisticated sounds would enhance each member’s gaze,
As they sat in comfy seats eating snacks from café trays.
Yes, you may well laugh, but listen, one clearly must admit,
That things I’ve mentioned here have entered churches bit by bit.
Thus thing's seen and heard in places where amusements entertain,
Now in church and worship commonly and heavily reign.
No wonder some are asking, “Do we need a church today?”
And they’ve a point, given what many churches now portray.
It’s like they’re just a building much like any other one,
Rather than a house of prayer dedicated to the Son.
Yes, Satan’s very clever, for he knows church buildings aid
In teaching people reverence for the Holy One who all made.
And knowing they’re also a symbol that God’s spread throughout this earth,
Satan’s busy filling churches with entertainment and mirth.
He’s infiltrated churches with a very cunning blend,
By fooling many Christians that such things won’t God offend.
Thus, he's now worshipped also, due to this unholy mix;
And despite Scripture warning, it’s one of his oldest tricks.
The devil has a hatred for the God each Christian serves,
Because, due to his rebellion he’ll soon get what he deserves.
And as he’s green with envy for the homage God is due,
He’s doing all he can do to see he gets honoured too.
So, please will you consider these things that I’ve expressed,
For this important matter your attention should arrest.
Our Holy, righteous, loving God is deserving of the best,
A building and a worship that’s distinct, untainted and blest.
Yes, it’s not just a building, but something that’s been designed
With a Holy, righteous God very centrally in mind.
It’s not just bricks and mortar, it’s a building that’s unique,
Yes, it’s a place of worship where God we corporately seek.
One architecturally designed to very clearly remind,
That only Holy worship in such buildings should we find.
Yes, a building that’s unique, one that represents the Lord,
One that isn’t just a venue, but a CHURCH, where Christ we laud.
By Lance Landall
This poem was slightly tweaked on the 14 May 2016.