Giving Credit Wrongly
Tell me, have you seen the actors who on receiving an award,
Not only thank all those gathered, but amazingly, thank the Lord?
The fact of the matter is, that pleased, God certainly wouldn't be,
Both with how they got that award, and any credit given He.
You see, God does not condone sexual immorality,
And that such pervades many movies, we know is reality.
Hence why wherever there’s a TV, very frequently is seen,
Two married actors acting very intimately in some scene.
Now that is adultery, which their kissing alone makes a fact,
However, the celluloid with even more evidence is packed.
Thus, is it any wonder that feelings between these actors grow,
That harm each others (real life) marriage, and the seeds of divorce sow.
Christians shouldn’t watch such intimate scenes, given what God’s Word conveys,
As any Christian who watches such, their God clearly disobeys.
Such acted sexual presentations in their life don't belong,
For though these actors are just acting, their act's real, and very wrong.
No, it isn’t just a harmless kiss that these married actors share,
But rather, an immoral action at which Christians shouldn’t stare.
Kisses aside, sexual intimacy God has very plainly said
Shouldn’t occur or be seen outside of the marital bed.
Such actors who give God some credit for their dubious award,
Are giving credit wrongly, thereby grossly offending the Lord.
It’s clear that they know little about the Holy righteous God above,
Who’ll soon dispense His justice, (wrath), having first warned us out of love.
Why is it that married actors their own marriages jeopardize,
Via this intimacy with others that is wrong and most unwise?
Why do they allow themselves to behave in such a foolish way,
For they, via such intimate action, gross unfaithfulness display?
And others also credit God with the success that they have found,
Like singers whose lyrics and actions with iniquity abound.
They too, appear to be unaware that God cannot bless their act,
For it too, with the immoral (and its sensual beat) is packed.
Besides, our God isn’t into fame, for such just engenders pride,
Yes, it’s a very slippery slope, a pathway that's worldly wide.
Any who desire adulation, or any earthly acclaim,
Will hardly bring glory to God, nor rightly uphold His Holy name.
Yes, giving credit wrongly to the Holy righteous God on high,
Isn’t something that we should do, as it’s effectively a lie.
Such will falsely portray God, and no Christian such a thing should do,
So tell me, how well do you know God? Is your witness false or true?
By Lance Landall
Note comments under the poem "There's No Virtue in Pretense"