Persuasion, Not Force
I may well disagree with you regarding your beliefs, but
I’ll do so respectfully, and my open mind will not shut.
Yes, I’ll always listen to you, and chew over what you say,
But then, it’ll be my conscience and not yours, that I will obey.
And you should act the same as well, and your conscience obey too,
Lest it be that you’re soon misled by embracing what’s not true.
Yes, make up your own mind when what others have said you’ve thought through,
But don’t let others pressure you, force you, ’cause they shouldn’t do.
You have a right to your own view, and to follow that view through,
Where physically or emotionally harm you won’t do.
’Cause your rights stop where others’ rights start, which hey, is only fair,
And surely you’ll accept that if you’re genuine and sincere.
When we pressure and force, we cross a line — yes, we violate,
And lay bare our own darkness, provoking anger, hurt or hate.
We bringing about resistance, or resistance just make worse,
And then wonder why we’re disliked, and why they, such darkness curse.
Any who force may well get their way, but true allegiance? No,
Nor acceptance, ’cause we can’t win over when such a way we go.
All those whose heart and mind is sound, and who’re holding to what’s right,
Don’t resort to pressure or force, nor hassle, argue or fight.
Yes, it’s a form of mind control when people manipulate,
A serious invasion that no one should accommodate.
Sometimes it’s very subtle, and other times blatantly clear,
But whether subtle or clear, it’s unacceptable, unfair.
And so, I will listen to you, and chew over what you say,
But please don’t condemn me should I disagree, go my own way.
And please do not pressure me, ’cause my mind is my mind, not yours,
And as said, it’s persuasion, not force, that often opens doors.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 24 November 2022.