Pseudo Christians
Many say that they're a Christian, when in fact, such really isn't so,
'Cause they're just a Christian in name — yes, less substance and more show.
And why within the Christian Bible, it says how true Christians will act,
And therefore, going by that Bible, the following is but a fact:
A genuine Christian person will never hide behind politics,
And nor do they indulge in game-playing, or any underhand tricks.
A genuine Christian person doesn’t wilfully break any law,
Hates bigotry and prejudice, and gossip just chooses to ignore.
Any genuine Christian person doesn't hide behind the Church,
Misuse position or power, or someone’s reputation besmirch.
And a genuine Christian person doesn’t act promiscuously,
But firmly stands on principle, and will always act transparently.
No, a genuine Christian person won’t rape, beat, maim, pillage or kill,
Nor indulge in some backroom deal, or what cruelly fuels a rumour mill.
No, a genuine Christian person will not fiddle the books, or steal,
Nor indulge in lying and cheating, and shared secrets will not reveal.
A genuine Christian person keeps to promises that they have made,
Practicing what they preach, not acting vainly, and wealth doesn't parade.
And a genuine Christian person will always call a spade a spade,
Never force another’s will, and investigation won’t evade.
No, a genuine Christian person doesn’t violate human rights,
And never goes seeking attention or the limelight, and never skites.
A genuine Christian person will defend freedom of expression,
Uphold civil-religious liberty too, and condemn oppression.
A genuine Christian person doesn’t spit, rant, curse, blaspheme or swear,
But always acts impartially, and is never harsh, cruel or unfair.
A genuine Christian person, if they’re blessed with much wealth, such will share,
And uphold biblical standards, shunning that extra-marital affair.
And no, a genuine Christian person doesn’t verbally abuse,
Never tries to control or manipulate (thus others wrongly use).
No, a genuine Christian person doesn’t damage our fragile Earth,
Nor tells jokes that show bad taste, and never indulges in bawdy mirth.
A genuine Christian holds no grudge, seeks to reconcile and forgive,
Shows compassion, mercy, acts justly, and a moral life's seen to live.
Yes, a genuine Christian person shows all an open-hearted love,
Honours and guards that Bible that's been entrusted to them from above.
And therefore, only those who act like Christ have the right to claim His name,
And not those who’re acting contrary, 'cause such Christians bring God shame.
You see, either they are a genuine Christian person or they’re not,
And those who aren't genuine are usually quite easy to spot.
And so, Christianity’s a package, not a case of take your pick,
And nor is it some selfish Pick ‘n’ Mix, make believe, plain rhetoric.
No, it’s something that must be lived, otherwise it’s nothing but a sham,
Nothing but pure hypocrisy, which God and His Bible clearly slam.
Sure Christians will make mistakes, because we’re all human, obviously,
But mistakes are hardly the same as one acting plain rebelliously.
However, any genuine Christian will try to avoid mistakes,
They well knowing that it’s their behaviour that their witness makes or breaks.
By Lance Landall
This older poem was upgraded on the 12 November 2022.
The Convenient Christian
When Constantine made Christianity popular, the Church was quickly flooded with half-baked Christians,
Those who thought they’d have the best of both worlds, thus still
clinging to pagan ways, still clinging to cherished sins.
Hence the worldly practices and heresy that just as quickly entered as well, conveniently,
All thanks to those convenient Christians who’re still around today, and indulging in the same folly.
Yes, the “Just accept Jesus and you’re saved” brigade, they not worrying too much about doing God’s will,
Hence the worldly practices and heresy that's just as quickly entered the Church of today as well.
Yes, the convenient contemporary Christian who's still clinging to pagan ways and cherished sins,
That hardly know the Word, end justifies the means, pretty much anything goes Christian — oh, how Satan grins.
Yes, Hollywood has its share of them, the rock, pop and whatever else circuit, as worldly as the worldly,
But it doesn’t matter, they’ve accepted Christ, are saved now, don’t even need to go to church, apparently.
Well, so it’s said, but not by Christ, and such is nowhere to be found in His Word, it but a fallacy,
One that one soon coming day, could see these convenient Christians missing out on eternity.
We can’t accept Christ as our Saviour and not as Lord of our life, thus hardly submitting to His will,
'Cause acceptance of God’s grace must include repentance, so that thereby, His desires we might fulfil.
He a jealous God, and Christians are meant to be His ambassadors, and thus they witnessing correctly,
So tell me, how can they if they've a foot in both camps? 'Cause that’s confusion — Babylon, actually.
The convenient, lukewarm, Laodicean Christian who's lost their saltiness and smothered their light,
Isn’t worthy of Heaven, 'cause they've not taken up that cross they've been asked to, thus troubles don’t invite.
No, they hardly irritate the world by their godly difference, 'cause there’s little difference to be seen,
Given they’re still in love with Earth — and thus salvation wise, their head resting under Satan’s guillotine.
By Lance Landall
This older poem was upgraded on the 12 November 2022.
The Cheek Of Hypocrisy
There're prayers that God won’t answer, and some assemblies He won't attend,
That is, where hypocrisy is present, or a forbidden blend.
Yes, where repentance and humility are not playing a part,
And where divided loyalties are residing within the heart.
Hence why there’s a need for revival in the Christian home and Church,
For within the walls of both there has been a very troubling lurch.
Yes, a terrible backsliding that simply makes a mockery
Of such a Christian’s walk, and thereby, also Christianity.
It’s very clear that Golden Calves have taken up residency,
Both within the Christian home and church — that is, the sanctuary.
And that another Trojan Horse has tragically penetrated,
Simply because of what Christians have wrongly accommodated.
Therefore, it seems that a form of religion is masquerading,
And its Babylonian connection thus proudly parading.
It seems the Bride has forgotten how to blush, senses no shame,
And thereby is just trampling all over the Bridegroom’s Holy name.
Oh yes, Christians may well point the finger, but who are they to talk,
Should there be any hypocrisy in their own household and walk?
For after all, Christians should know better, and act accordingly,
That is, they shouldn't embrace the world, but rather, live righteously.
Tell me now, why in such times as these when the call is to “Repent,”
Simply repeat history, and also have much cause to lament?
I mean to say, how foolish is that, when we’ve been warned via Scripture,
And when God via history, has clearly put us in the picture?
It's ironic, isn’t it, decrying the sins of the world, yet,
Those same sins within both our home and the Church choosing to forget,
Or tolerating such, lest we offend man or get criticized,
And thereby allowing consciences to become anaesthetized.
Such wrong toleration, due to folly or fear, won’t get us far,
But rather, a door to even worse predicaments leaves ajar.
And such brings us under God’s strong condemnation, and rightly so,
For where there’s no discipline, destructive seeds very quickly grow.
Oh yes, how often we Christians bemoan the state of the nation,
And then cry out to God when we are under His condemnation.
So tell me then, what makes us think that God will respond to our prayers
When within the home and Church — that which He has condemned — our heart shares?
Yes, “These people honour Me with their lips,” our Lord says in His Word,
“But their hearts are far from Me,” their spiritual vision being blurred.
Yes, time and time again, foolish ancient Israel chose to rebel,
And here we go again, but this time it’s Christians under Earth’s spell.
Thus, within the Christian home and Church, we see those same sins of old,
And hence our Lord's call to “Repent,” and to break from Babylon’s hold.
That is, to rid our homes and churches of the same idolatry,
And from our lives also, the same selfishness and hypocrisy.
Yes, it all starts with us, hence we need to clean up our own backyard,
And rid our homes, churches and lives of such wrong, and stop the charade.
All those worldly ways and things need uprooting quickly, lest we find,
That we haven’t left for Heaven because Christ has left us behind.
By Lance Landall
Cout Me Out
Yes, liberality is often just another word for ME,
And that ME? The focus of those who're acting self indulgently.
Yes, that ME, and liberality, we inevitably see
Within the lives of those Christians who are not walking correctly.
And therefore, don’t count on me to assist such liberality,
For my God won’t have a bar of such, as it’s sheer hypocrisy.
How could I be true to my Saviour, and yet go along with such?
No, for I’m no traitor, betrayer, I love my God far too much.
Besides, I have seen the sad results of such liberality,
And I have read of ancient Israel and its apostasy.
And hence why I’ve no desire to parallel that rebellious lot,
Who God’s wishes rejected, and truths distorted, even forgot.
I’m also not interested in fleeting popularity,
And neither am I concerned about what others may think of me.
For I’m no people pleaser, crowd follower, puppet on a string,
But rather, someone who desires to be faithful in everything.
And nor will I remain silent, for such silence is cowardly,
Something that aids the doer of wrong, even fulfils prophecy.
So don’t expect my support, for I won’t aid liberality,
As when it comes to God’s things, such simply isn't in harmony.
No, Heaven isn’t for liberty takers, those focused on ME,
Those who follow errant paths, and who usurp God’s authority.
And therefore, I won’t join their ranks, nor even aid indirectly,
For such liberality is simply another word for ME.
Yes, so you can count me out, for I’m on God’s side, not on man’s side,
And it is God, and not man, nor self, that I’ve chosen as my guide.
Yes, what my God says, what my God desires, I’ll follow faithfully,
And not liberality, which is just another word for ME.
By Lance Landall
Are you answering God back? How? By rejecting His will,
That is, going contrary to His Word which we should fulfill.
Sure you don’t shout it out (except by your actions, sadly),
But you’re still answering Him back, effectively, foolishly.
“Actions speak louder than words,” it’s said — yes, even shriek,
Thus, when we don’t do His will, we effectively God cheek.
That is, if we are Christians, or at least professing so,
For we shouldn’t take on the name of Christian and say, “No.”
In other words, we should do God’s bidding, and willingly,
Which will prove we’re genuine and walking in harmony.
Otherwise, we’ll show the opposite — that is, hypocrisy,
Which is a slap in God’s face, defiance, audacity.
Yes, we can’t get away from it, we’re answering Him back
Whenever we ignore His wishes and take the wrong track.
And that, friend, is not only rebellion, but disrespect,
A snub, rudeness, backchat — yes, answering God back in effect.
By Lance Landall