That Blood-Soaked Cross
There’s a blood-soaked cross, a wooden cross, etched in history,
And nailed to that cross was a man who came from Galilee.
A Galilean, raised in Nazareth, murdered at Calvary,
An innocent man, a righteous man, convicted wrongfully.
When His life expired, hands took Him down, laid Him in a tomb,
But He rose again as a Saviour, fled that dark stone room.
He ascended to Heaven, took His place again above,
A God who came and died for us because of His great love.
Yes, a King, a Lord — now a Saviour — who other lives saves,
A Creator, Life-giver, who one day will open graves.
A Redeemer, Restorer, who pardons, imparts His grace,
A loving God who on Golgotha willingly took our place.
This is why that blood-soaked cross is now etched in history,
A dead man’s memorial, risen Saviour’s testimony.
Yes, an open declaration that boundless love declares,
A sad, yet beautiful memory, that daily hope shares.
Thus unto us a child was born, a promised Messiah,
Who came as was prophesized by the prophet Isaiah.
Yes, from the womb of a virgin, that is, supernaturally,
Came a babe, a man, a God, who always was and will be.
Yes, a God who has always been, a God who’ll always be,
Who became like man himself in order to set men free.
A Prince of Peace, born in Bethlehem in a lowly stable,
Who after Calvary sent the Spirit to fallen men enable.
From a manger to a cross, a blood-soaked cross, He journeyed,
Having left Heaven on a mission He knew must succeed.
And succeed it did, but it took that cross, that blood as well,
So that you and I, with our Saviour, could forever dwell.
By Lance Landall