Tugging God's Heart
The kind of prayer that our Father loves most is the intercessory prayer;
A prayer that strongly tugs at His heart, a prayer that He always loves to hear.
Such is a prayer that shows concern for others, concern that should always be
At the forefront of our mind, and even more so, when we're on bended knee.
Our Lord prayed on behalf of others too, and did so, even as He died,
For while hanging on that cross at Calvary, “Forgive them, Father,” He cried.
Yes, even when our Saviour was hanging there, He prayed for His enemies;
A loving act of intercession that His Father could only but please.
Thus, whenever we pray for others, we emulate our Lord and Saviour,
And by doing so, participate in what is truly Christ-like behaviour,
For we show that same selfless concern that our dear Saviour himself displayed,
When long ago He journeyed here on Earth, and for others, earnestly prayed.
And such is our mission too, while here on Earth, to be praying earnestly,
Devotedly, eagerly, unceasingly, increasingly and expectantly;
That is, on behalf of others, which will deeply touch and gladden God’s heart,
Thereby ensuring that in His noble plans we will play a special part.
Oh yes, what a great privilege it is, and what a great blessing also,
That we are able to commune with God — we, who're sinners from top to toe —
That we can speak directly with the Father who lovingly reigns above,
And whose Son is still interceding, and pleading, because of His great love.
Oh yes, what a great privilege it is, and what a great blessing also,
That we can pray on behalf of others, and via such, that same deep love show,
That we too, can also intercede, that we too, can also strongly plead
With the Father up on high, whose loving and wise response is guaranteed.
And hence why I repeat:
The kind of prayer that our Father loves most is the intercessory prayer;
A prayer that He delights to answer, a prayer that will always reach His ear.
But oh my, what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer,
Though never is it more so, than when with our Father, other’s needs we share.
By Lance Landall
Revive Us, Oh Lord
At a time when the Church needs to awaken from her sleep, when worldliness prevails within her,
Members are being lulled with generic sermons, warm fuzzies, hence why from their slumber they don’t stir.
Yes, only the odd trumpet is heard now, or watchman’s voice, hence why a revival's sorely needed,
But such has only occurred where Christians have oft fallen on their knees, and passionately pleaded.
“Oh Lord, spare us from a lifeless religion, form of religion, even false revivals we see,
Full of lying manifestations and forbidden mixtures, they hollow, still self bound and noisy.
Yes, Lord, it’s a true revival that’s needed, a return from backsliding, a strong conviction of sin,
We more on our knees than off, a great spiritual awakening, where lost prayer meetings begin.”
Such but an individual thing, not a corporate thing, 'cause true revival starts in one’s heart,
And is accompanied by fervent prayer, a turning from rebelliousness, and hence that change of heart,
That moving forward in the Spirit's power, no shallow revival due to shallow repentance,
But a deep and lasting one, one that seeks the path of truth and righteousness, pleadings in each sentence.
“Oh Lord, create in us a new heart, free us from the weakness of spiritual mediocrity,
That we, just like David, constantly be found on our knees in prayer and praise, eyes always fixed on Thee,
Create in us not only a deeper love for Thee, but for others too, a burden for the lost,
That more may share the joy of knowing Thee, we serving You in every way, whatever the cost.”
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 12 November 2022.