Poetry With A Mission

...a thought provoking poetical exercise.

Unity Within

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1, NKJV).

It is my sincere belief that some differences will always be
Within the church family, and including where there is unity.
So what exactly is unity? Unity is an attitude,
In other words, it's a Christ-like response that allows some latitude.

You see, God hasn’t made us robots — no, we are not a bunch of clones,
Therefore, there's absolutely no one who our mind or our conscience owns.
And hence why we’re to do our own thinking, and reach our own conclusions,
Unhindered by pressured, coercive, and narrow-minded intrusions.

Although we’re a fellowship, we are also individuals, who,
While we are pulling together as one, our own journey must pursue,
For our salvation is an individual matter, quite clearly,
As we do not get to Heaven through interacting corporately.

Yes, unity is a state of mind, it's an attitude that’s expressed,
A type of behaviour that Christ-like Christians will always manifest.
Such put their differences behind them for the common good of all,
Along with their own interests, which is in line with their Saviour’s call.

Let me digress:

Wise and loving married couples work together for their mutual good,
And they do so despite their differences, and so such couples should.
Yes, despite their disagreements, they live together in harmony,
Because unity's an attitude, expressed unconditionally.

When they don’t work together, their marriage is threatened, it's jeopardized,
And should their marriage end up in divorce, we would hardly be surprised.
But when married couples are united in the interests of both,
They achieve their common goal, and thereby, they ensure each other’s growth.


Unity is love in action, it is putting the common good first,
And such is manifested when members for each other’s well-being thirst.
Such is free of self, it's upward looking, focused on a common goal,
It’s the Spirit moving on individuals — yet, the church as a whole.

By Lance Landall