Poetry With A Mission

...a thought provoking poetical exercise.

Up The Garden Path

So you’ve seen a UFO, or maybe a ghost or two,
Or a friend who’s passed away reappear in front of you.
Perhaps you’ve had a message from a loved one who has died,
Who supposedly is watching from the so-called ‘other side’.

Well, sadly you’ve been hoodwinked by the devil and his crew,
Whose very clear intention is to fool and mislead you.
Everywhere we see today, predictably appearing,
These things that you’ve been seeing, or lies that you’ve been hearing.

Yes, the devil’s full of tricks, and unless you’re wide awake,
He will take you for a fool, and a fool of you he’ll make.
He’ll quickly have you figured, and will tailor make a trap,
Which, round any carelessness, very cleverly will wrap.

Up the garden path he’ll lead anyone who’s half asleep,
Or any who have a penchant for following the sheep.
If you give him half a chance, you’ll be down within a blink,
And looking at his henchmen, he’ll give the thumbs up, and wink.

This master of illusion knows exactly what to do,
When it comes to trickery that’s difficult to see through.
He has plied his craft for years, and successfully ensnared,
The foolish and the careless, the uninformed and unprepared.

This devil’s primed his cohorts as to all that can be done,
And provided weaponry that’s seen many battles won.
Thus, bringing down a Christian they consider heaps of fun,
But the icing on their cake, is prey dozing in the sun.

Yes, don’t be fooled by tactics Satan and his buddies use,
Be they UFOs or ghosts, or whatever means they choose.
Just send old Satan packing, along with all his cronies,
For he and they are liars, just cruel and heartless phonies.

By Lance Landall