We've Been Warned
Prior to the Lord’s return, (when with angels He’ll appear),
Peace and harmony won't reign, and hearts will fail for fear.
The earth will be in turmoil, there’ll be trouble everywhere,
Increasing and accelerating, showing that His coming’s near.
There’ll be famines, earthquakes, pestilences, nations at war,
Disaster after disaster, suffering like never before.
Love in the hearts of many will grow cold, (who'll duty ignore),
And lawlessness will increase, along with contempt for law.
Yes, it will be like it was in Noah’s day, undoubtedly,
For just evil and corruption throughout the earth we’ll see.
And there’ll be many scoffers who’ll dispute Christ’s soon return,
But like those left outside the Ark, their folly they’ll soon learn.
There’ll be universal calls, (of course), for people to unite
In an effort to resolve earth’s escalating plight.
Many steps will be taken to implement great plans,
Which may seem to be working, but are doomed, because they’re man's.
A “beast” power that persecutes, and control of earth soon gains,
A concern for earth’s inhabitants, and their well-being, feigns.
For in God’s Word we’re told that this “beast” will seek to kill
Those who won’t do as it says -- that is, those truly doing God’s
The “beast” power’s religious, we learn in Revelation,
As we’re told it’s guilty of committing fornication.
A worldly power it’s not, for by nature, they’re corrupt
No, this one’s very pious, and success has made it heady.
What’s seen here is a fusion, a wrongful combination;
Religion wielding power via secular legislation.
Power that resorts to force to achieve what it thinks right;
A man-made edifice, a modern Babel that God will soon smite.
It’s effectively a cult, as cult’s use force and abuse,
They add to and subtract from Scripture, won’t abide other views.
They claim Divine authority for the wrong they propagate,
And put their trust in leaders whom they allow to dictate.
It’s possible -- that Satan as Christ
-- will try to appear,
Setting foot upon this earth, seemingly out of nowhere.
And perhaps he’ll then endorse this End-time power reigning,
While at the same time, a Holy, righteous presence feigning.
Is Satan using terrorism
to achieve an End-time plan?
For rights are being curtailed, (we’re being told), in the interests of
Will fear and uncertainty see that Church and State unite,
Giving the “beast” the opening Satan’s sought with all his might?
Yes, terrorism’s wicked, but there’re other evils too,
Like this “beast” in Revelation that Satan will work through.
Satan’s cleverly packaged his deceptions throughout time,
And sadly, many Christians have unwittingly partnered him in crime.
Scripture says that false prophets, (who mingle truth and error),
Will cleverly, but tragically, mislead many a hearer.
And Satan will surround such with his miracles and signs,
For he, via these charlatans, seeks control of hearts and minds.
Some are seen on television, making the eroneous claim
That they have power to heal or deliver in God’s name.
They tell of their successes, but seldom, if ever, reveal
Any solid evidence that their miracles are real.
So, Christians should be careful, lest they fall into the hands
Of anyone’s agenda, be it Satan’s or fallen mans.
And hence the need for Christians to examine all they’re told,
In case it may be contrary to what Christians should uphold.
Satan’s using every trick in the hope he’ll Christians fool,
Because, as we’ve been warned, he hopes us and earth to rule.
So, watch this crafty devil who works miracles and signs
To authenticate his “beast”, and thus capture hearts and
This power we’ve been warned of, will come about somehow,
And it could be we’re witnessing Satan’s “beast” arising now.
Most of earth’s inhabitants, (we’re told), Satan’s “beast” will follow,
Whether through expediency, or falsehood that they swallow.
Could we see Christians jumping from the pot into the pan,
Even though we’ve been warned don’t trust the plans of man?
Sadly, this world-wide power reigning prior to Christ’s return,
Will persecute God’s faithful, who, its apostasy spurn.
Yes, we’ve been very clearly warned via Divine revelation,
That only Christ
has the answer -- He who rules creation.
And that only His
kingdom, peace and harmony will bring;
A kingdom ruled by Christ, not a devil or a man -- no, just The King.
Hence Satan’s Babylonian power that we’ve been warned to flee,
As Christian’s shouldn’t be found supporting its apostasy.
’Though they may have prophesized, cast out devils in Christ’s name,
Or done wondrous works -- He's said He’ll destroy them just the same.
The followers of the “beast” suffer “plagues” that God will “pour”,
As they’ve supported evil, which God’s wrath will not ignore.
That’s why we’ve been warned to correctly, faithfully, keep His Law,
As only the obedient
live with Christ forever more.
In the meantime, present suffering and trouble that lies ahead
Every Christian won’t be spared, like many have wrongly said.
For we’ve been warned that Christians waiting for their Lord
Such things will have to endure before getting their reward.
However, all this shouldn’t stop us doing what we can
To make this world a better place, so long as false hope we don’t fan.
For after all, we’ve been warned that despite all efforts made,
All these things that God has said will happen -- will -- just like
He's relayed.
All the warnings we encounter in the book of Revelation,
And all throughout the Scriptures, are cause for jubilation.
They show how much God loves us, that His coming’s very near,
Give us time and opportunity to repent, respond, prepare.
They’re God’s attempt to try and save the End-time generation,
And are an open invitation to the Bridegroom’s celebration.
They show God’s love is greater than His condemnation,
And give us hope for the future, hope in our current situation.
Aren’t you glad WE'VE BEEN WARNED?
By Lance Landall