Poetry With A Mission

...a thought provoking poetical exercise.

Who's To Blame?

It’s so very easy to condemn the perpetrator of a crime,
And such is what we see people doing everywhere, time after time.
And yet, if they were that person, they would be wanting others to be
A lot more understanding, and treating them very differently.

Yes, let's hate the crime, not the offender, whose life’s sadly gone awry,
As, but for the grace of God, that offender could have been you or I.
And bear in mind, that sometimes things go wrong in the life of someone good,
Who, could they turn the clock back, such is the very first thing that they would.

Plus, the brain is very fragile, and hence why injuries to the head
Have seen certain behavioural change that to criminal acts has led;
The frontal lobes especially, which if they are damaged in some way,
Can see even a model citizen going terribly astray.

Yes, the mind is extremely complex, so who knows what really occurs 
Within the mind of many people out there, that wrong behaviour spurs.
And hence why we need to be more careful how we treat those who offend,
For their minds may have suffered an injury, and who knows when they’ll mend.

So many who've been hurt while children, hurt today, or along life’s way
Are emotionally troubled, and hence why so many go astray.
Their plight requires our sympathy, our compassion, and our thought and care,
Lest we simply compound their problems, and thus some of the blame then share.

So many people committing crime are propelled or motivated 
By some such injury, or frustration, that others have created.
And oft a corruptive influence, or the presence of temptation,
Has given birth to some offence, or a serious violation.

What am I getting at?

So many women parade their wares, and yet, are not prepared to share,
Which many men consider as provocative, and very unfair.
And to those men who have a problem, it’s just like red rag to a bull,
And therefore, is it any wonder that the prison cells are so full?

There're many men who may turn to rape via the availability
Of pornographic stimuli that affects them insatiably.
And a sexual dysfunction that is lying deep within a man,
May be triggered off or fuelled by this material that sense would ban.

Now, I’m not condoning crime, but it appears to me that scenes are set 
That soon have certain people failing, and caught in the criminal net.
And therefore, who’s to blame? The offender? Or others who contribute?
And could it be that we only take on board what just happens to suit?

Surely the blame belongs to both, and yet, whenever a crime takes place,
Who comes forward to admit, that some of the blame they as well should face?
Obviously offenders should be made to pay for the wrong they’ve done,
But isn’t it ironic, that those contributing, offenders shun.

So much within society is fuelling the trouble that we see,
Such as drugs and alcohol, and that smut and violence on TV.
Yes, there are so many things that are affecting us all dreadfully,
That many people who down criminals, have embraced quite happily.

Yes, it’s so very easy to condemn any who commit a crime,
Including all those who are in prison, currently doing their time.
But have we somehow aided offenders, even caused what soon became?
And hence the title of my poem that's asking the question, “Who’s to blame?”

By Lance Landall

Yes, it's clear that those in prison are only the tip of the iceberg.

You might like to read my poems "Who's The Victim", "Let's Get It Right".