Things You Should've Been Taught



Includes a number of
and under which there
are five other relevant ARTICLES.

"The best thing an older person can do is to offer sound advice, and the best thing a younger person can do is to apply it.”
The poet, author

"To have respect for ourselves guides our morals; and to have a deference for others governs our manners."
Lawrence Sterne

"Bad company corrupts good character."
Greek Proverb

Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always in the wrong if one is rude."
Maurice Baring

"Discretion is being able to raise your eyebrow instead of your voice."
 Author unknown

"How we react as an adult has much to do with how we were trained as a child."
The poet, author

"If you keep the laws of the land and show thought for your neighbours, you're on the right side
of life."
The poet, author

"It's not others getting in the way of your loud music, but your loud music getting in the way of others."
The poet, author

“Though each generation has similarities in the main, there can also be glaring opposites and changes for the worse.”
The poet, author

“Though it’s only a fool who thinks that perfection can be attained, it’s a bigger fool who thinks that its pursuit is a waste of time.”
The poet, author

You should be
concerned, because the minds of today's youngsters are being formed by:

Reckless examples.
Bad role models.
Unrestrained sexuality.
Unhealthy food.
Disturbing music.
Mind altering drugs.
Subliminal messages.
Primitive practices.
Over indulgence.
The glorification of the occult.
Corruption in high places.
The preoccupation with self.
Fiction and fantasy.
The hopelessness of evolution.
Errant parents.
Sexual abuse.
Animal cruelty.
Throw away goods.
Gender confusion.
The distorting of Christianity.
And New Age goggle-de-gook...