"The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of
nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace,
more about killing than we know about living."
Omar Bradley
Poetry With A Mission
As you can see,
My website, Poetry With A Mission,
contains purpose based poetry,
Poems that care passionately about our planet and humanity.
In other words, love using poetry as a vehicle to express
Its concern over many things that we need to face and quickly address.
Yes, poetry (alias me) that is wanting the best for you and
Which is why it’s terribly concerned over things that are going awry,
And why it’s attempting to play a part via the use of rhythm and rhyme,
'Cause changes are badly needed; we’ve rivers to cross and mountains to
And hence its very thought provoking content that hopefully
you’ll dwell on,
Lest silence, indifference or inaction soon see certain
liberties gone,
And then freedom too, 'cause both will certainly go if they’re
not protected,
All why subtle erosions and any foul play need to be detected.
You see, our choices, dear friend, individually or
Determine not only our
destiny, but also this planet’s
Whether crime will rise, warring continue, strife, starvation or
In other words, friend, whether good or evil will triumph, ultimately.
There’s no question that this world is in a mess, and quickly
heading downhill,
And in fact, there are those of us who consider it terminally ill.
But whether it's terminally ill or not, it’s clearly in a bad way,
Hence those things we need to face and address, not
tomorrow, but now, today.
Yes, sometimes we need to be stirred — that
is, shaken out of our apathy,
Or perhaps we foolishly have our head in the sand, believe
something falsely,
Maybe we're biased, prejudiced, have been somewhat programmed or
Or are simply not prepared to do or say anything because we’re scared.
Well, fear’s certainly understandable sometimes, but fear
won't get us far,
Unless we want to be controlled, that is, for those who let fear win,
soon are.
Life without that freedom and liberty that we've known is just
Kowtowing, capitulating, and thus tyrants and dictators assisting.
Today, and far more than ever, we need men and women who’re
not for sale;
That is, those who can’t be bought or sold, and who’ll see right
and not wrong prevail,
Yes, those who're prepared to call a spade a spade and remain honest
and true,
Those who're prepared to make a stand, and despite whatever they
might go through.
Sometimes — even often — straight things need to be
said, need to be heard or read,
And far more so, wherever people only want to hear nice things instead.
After all, reality needs to be faced, lest some danger overtake,
And which it will
do if we're falsely lulled, have a closed mind or
aren’t awake.
We may not like what others have to say, but hey, we should
never stop them,
And all attempts to curb or halt freedom of expression strongly
'Cause after all, it’s only via such freedom that truth can ever be
Hence why those who've something to fear, or hide, want the truth gone,
or tightly bound.
There are certain medicines that we hate, yet need in order
to get well,
Which only the very foolish would refuse, and whom we would soon
Yes, “No pain, no gain,” is certainly true — thus, some medicines we
should take,
Be that via the mouth, the ears, or other, lest we badly suffer or ache.
And therefore, with the greatest of respect and via poetic
I've put together my poetry website Poetry
With A Mission.
A website that contains both poetry and articles that
soon reveal
An open, inquiring, receptive mind, or a closed one, some Achilles heel.
By Lance Landall
poem was upgraded on the 17 January 2021.
masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with
illusions is
easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their
illusions is always their victim."
Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931)
2. Don't Want To Offend?
If you don’t want to offend, how can you be honest and say
what you really
think, as one should,
Otherwise, such simply becomes a game, a charade, which doesn't do anyone any good.
And in fact, can even lead to injury, and that “Well why didn’t you
say then?” so oft heard,
All because someone was too scared of treading on someone’s toes, thus
withholding that needed
Such is often tied in with that "political correctness" nonsense, a
plague on all of us,
For it gets in the way of honesty, just pussyfoots around, and hampers
what folk discuss.
And so too that fear of offending, for though there’s a time and place,
many still won’t say a word,
Which is why many aren’t told what they should be, or if they are, “I
heard it from a little bird.”
And then there're those who get someone to do their dirty work for
them (as some say), and this
They seek the bravery or foolishness of someone else, thus sometimes
wisdom contravening.
'Cause go-betweens can complicate things, even cause things to worsen,
hence some explosions we see,
Such all part and parcel of what can happen when we’re not honest with
others like we should be.
The truth is, that if we really do
care about others, we will
be honest, though it offend,
'Cause those who act differently often act irresponsibly, hurting folk more in the end.
And meantime, kowtowing to weakness and popularity, neither they nor
the other growing,
And this being why we shouldn’t be afraid to offend — and thus our
thoughts, others clearly
All due care and thought, of course.
By Lance Landall
"We can shut down hate speech but not hateful hearts — and therefore, our loss much
greater than our gain come freedom of expression and liberty."
The poet, author
3. Never Hinder Protest
When folk aren’t given the opportunity to air their
discontent, have it taken seriously,
And in a supportive, safe, impartial setting, they’re oft left
feeling mistreated, helpless and angry.
And there you've the makings of trouble, something that could even
make headline news, and unsurprisingly,
'Cause such can have folk festering inside, outraged at the
unfairness, and thus plotting treacherously.
It never pays to treat anyone’s grievance lightly or casually, nor
to put things in their way,
And I meaning, any obstacle that will make it hard for them to air such, to at least have their say.
'Cause those who hinder or deprive folk of this basic right, are not only
acting very inhumanely,
But are playing with fire, 'cause who might they be dealing with? Someone
who’s unstable emotionally?
And this not apparent, or not to a degree that raises concern, hence
those surprises that we can get,
We never thinking someone would do what they did, nor they, perhaps, but
they did, which they may well regret.
Oh, how anger can burn, and sometime, somehow, somewhere ignite, 'cause no one likes being treated unfairly,
And hence why all should be listened to, given a fair hearing, even if their
complaint's rather silly.
When folk can’t have their say, air some grievance, they can lose
heart, give up, stop contributing and walk away,
Which is how valuable input can get lost, and why many as a
result of such, go astray,
Or why they become zealots, their anger fuelling some mission, they
kicking back at some organisation,
Or taking it out on society, and who’s to blame, but those who created that situation.
By Lance Landall
4. Just Say It
“It’s not what you say, but how you say it,” they say, which
to be honest, isn’t entirely true,
For no matter how we say some things, folk can still get upset, and
what we're saying misconstrue.
And sometimes people need a jolt, enter those sharper words and that
firmer approach, otherwise,
They might remain in danger, or continue their ill, which in this case,
a tough stance justifies.
And hence the strident pen, one hoping that the written word will do
what one can’t do verbally,
For many aren’t approachable, they as sensitive as the Richter scale,
reacting angrily.
Yes, no matter how carefully we choose our words, there are those who
react very childishly,
But if something needs saying, it should still be said, such being the
unpleasant side of one’s duty.
And that’s where many bomb out, their backbone hardly straight and
strong, excuses coming thick and fast,
They not even bothering
with words, let alone carefully
chosen words, lest they get a blast.
But better a blast and someone better off — well, hopefully — than we
simply saving our own skin,
And bearing in mind that warnings not given can sometimes kick back at
us, and then be rubbed in.
Seems no one wants to be told, and that no one wants to do the telling,
and hence much ill we see,
And things would be even worse if it weren’t for those few brave souls
who refuse to behave PC.
Yes, time we returned to those days when folk spoke their mind, and
didn’t let others get away with things,
For out of that silence that’s motivated by fear and self-preservation,
nothing good springs.
By Lance Landall
5. Best It's Hollered
When someone is near the edge of a cliff, do we smile and
casually say, “Nice day, take care,”
Or do we holler, “Look out! You’re too close! Get back!" our concern
clear, thus creating healthy fear?
Well, if someone asked me,
I’d say to do the latter, such displaying far more loving concern,
And under the circumstances is exactly what’s needed, lest too late,
one’s fellowman learn.
However, many can’t see the danger even when it’s hollered, and don’t
like folk hollering;
Not that that casual “Take care” goes down any better, for to that
which is cherished, most cling.
Yes, they not wanting to veer from that path they’re on, even though
it’s taking them close to the edge,
And the likelihood of a fatal fall — their view obstructed by a
deceiving self-imposed hedge.
But though such be the case, something should still be said; and given
that neither
approach goes down well,
One might
as well holler, though such warnings should be loud and
clear, and this, even if looks could kill.
For folk need to know — and thus one’s duty done — and bearing in mind
that others
could be affected,
And hence why love does all it can to ensure that certain principled
fences are erected.
Yes, best it’s hollered — we having done our uttermost — and given that
these days, fewer
seek to warn,
Which is why those fewer voices need to be louder, just like the
chirping of birds heard at dawn.
And this, in order to also bring reality home to those who have their
head in the sand,
And who the noble intentions of those who’re trying to help them see,
sadly misunderstand.
By Lance Landall
"The greatest dangers to
liberty lurk in insidious encroachments by men of zeal, well-meaning
but without understanding."
Louis Dembitz Brandeis
6. Canaries In The Mine
You know, when it came to a title for this poem, I was caught
between two, the other one being:
Love’s Last Chance Before Darkness Falls, given the encroachments on
liberty that some aren’t seeing.
Well, Canaries In The Mine won the day, for canaries were once critical
in many mines,
And so too today, given the darkness and explosiveness of the times,
and certain bad signs.
But you know, encroachments on liberty aside, watchmen are required throughout society,
They sounding the alarm wherever there’s good reason, and given some
ills that many can’t see.
For once certain doors are opened — and in some cases, tightly shut —
it’s too late to do a thing,
And oh, the baleful results, and hence that need of human canaries,
one’s who will loudly sing.
And they brave souls, for there are those who don’t want those canaries
singing their warning songs, you see,
And who try to shut their singing down, such treachery being at the
expense of society.
Or indeed humanity, which is why certain canaries are heard above the
rest who sing,
For there are degrees
of ill, and the ill that some sing of, heralding what greater ill will
And thus, love’s last chance before darkness falls, perhaps, for only
those who truly care seek to warn,
And given all the heads in the sand, it’s not just chirping needed, but
a locomotive’s horn.
And who likes jarring blasts? — but with deadly serious danger only
moments in time away,
Those who see the danger are left with no choice, hence their cries,
which all should very carefully weight.
Yes, too many far too busy, distracted, disinterested or asleep.
By Lance Landall
"You have
enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in
your life."
Winston Churchill
7. Are You A Mere Shadow?
Yes, it’s better to speak up, stand
up, and do something rather than nothing, even should you err,
Than to live a life of sheer
mediocrity, as far too many people seem to prefer.
Better your presence be
noticed and felt, you thus contributing and provoking worthwhile
Rather than living an
introspective life that humanity wise achieves little or naught.
Better to be thought a fool
than to be
one via failing to try and halt any wrong you could have,
And via letting anyone’s
thoughts about you get in the way of whether you should or shouldn’t
Better to face opposition for
the sake of what’s best and right than to keep quiet and distant,
You not kowtowing to threats,
frowns, jeers or sneers, but rather, being courageous, true and
Yes, it’s better to leave this
world having made a difference, having brightened, lightened and shared,
Having pondered on the meaning
of life and the lot of others, and having shown that you cared.
And thus you at peace having
not stood idly by, nor sought your own comfort, or self-preservation,
But rather, having lost
yourself in what really
makes a life, and becomes an inspiration.
Better to say and do what one
should and not simply please, as if wanting to look good to all,
For where’s the honesty and
transparency in holding back, not being who you are, warts and all?
And thus you just another one
who passed through life as if a shadow-cum-minus what made it,
You far too absorbed with
being Mr Nice and not treading on toes to be of much benefit.
Or a Mrs Nice,
forgetting that those who dare not offend cannot be honest, (nor
They not wanting to upset by
saying the truth, even though the truth would prove more beneficial.
And such being why a “Hands
off,” “Keep out of it,” “Don’t rock the boat” approach does far more
harm than good,
For falsehood, wrong and evil
will simply prosper, and some errant ones not attain adulthood.
Hence the question: Are you a
mere shadow? — and thus this world little better off for you being here,
Not that anyone’s worthless or
not precious, but context wise, you a tree that little fruit will bear.
In other words, you drawing a
lifetime of nutrients from this Earth with little in return,
Your looking the part and
avoiding being bothered by the elements being your only concern.
Well, I hope that’s not the case, and
you, more concerned with right than with what others think of you,
And thus speaking out,
standing up, doing something rather than naught or little, where you can do.
And also packing as much
effort into others as you would your life, you no mere shadow,
But a living example of what’s
really a
life, one that substance and not just froth will show.
By Lance
8. Crosses Come With Every Such Hero
Many who’re trying to stand up and
speak out are struggling under that burden,
For it’s an unpopular road, a
heavy weight to bear, and supporters thin.
Yes, trumpeters sometimes
silenced, often hindered, and some of these folk aren’t well,
But love and duty calls, and
they respond, come applause or some personal hell.
And they can feel like a fool,
others even treating them so, but on they press,
Some forfeiting their life,
many forfeiting comforts and even happiness.
Their mission oft a solemn
one, much at stake, listeners few, scoffers many,
And as for some deserving
medal — well, there usually isn’t any.
And many feeling inadequate,
aware of their own failings, but still they stand,
Despite anxieties, knocking
knees, or any threats that might be close at hand.
And sadly, some pulling out,
the toll too much to bear, and it no wonder so,
But least they tried, and bravery rare, for crosses come with every
such hero.
By Lance Landall
9. It's A Sad, Sad Situation
It’s a sad, sad situation when you
express your opinion, and next thing,
Those who think you’re not very nice for saying such, respond badly.
Ring! Ring!
Yes, they just not getting it, and having shot themselves in the foot,
thus guilty too,
Ignoring your right to express your opinion with their added “How dare
If it weren’t so disturbing, such would be great fodder for comedies,
and is,
Audiences laughing at pots calling kettles black, that cheek of hers or
But accusers oft too thin skinned, unable to accept some truth, and
They shooting the messenger, those who’ve a good point, even when love’s at the core.
When they mistreat those who they think are wrong, even not nice, one
thing’s very clear,
And that is, they’ve just made a fool of themselves, all why hypocrites
shouldn’t dare.
Oh, the folly of condemning those who we think are wrong whilst doing wrong, and why
Those who foolishly do so should think twice before that knee-jerk
“Foul!” that they cry.
Yes, hypocritical words and actions make a fool of the accuser, who
Should be what they think that other person isn’t, and thus not acting
Their ground lost the moment that they point their finger, like those
rioters we see,
Mouthing hate and setting fire to things whilst condemning police
Yes, the latter wrong, but not ill on their part, it seems, all why I
shake my head,
And others downing some supposed
ill whilst engaged in their own,
in the same bed.
Their ill perhaps spam, say, dead phone calls, certain looks, a rant —
the list goes on, and
Their response thus worse than the supposed offence, and all why more guilty they
At the end of the day, all are entitled to their opinion, right or
So, if someone’s not inciting or threatening violence, why the loud
An opinion’s an opinion (hardly some law), and time oft proving such
And freedom of speech a safety valve giving others the same release as
Our response to an opposite opinion (indeed the person them self)
Our true character and/or state of development — yes, those Achilles’
We too easily offended or bothered by things, and sometimes wrongly so,
Thus we the one with the issue, and that opposite opinion good to go.
By Lance Landall
"You may not like what
someone says, but let them say it lest the cork in their bottle blows."
The poet, author
10. The Real World
We live in the real world where
it’s a balancing act, and this being why we see
Those who’re wanting hate speech banned, and those who reason such will
impact on liberty.
Hate speech is a horrid thing, thus those calls for an end to it
But so too those calls for the protection of free speech, inroads but another ill.
Yes, there’s few perfect answers, and therefore, we sometimes having to
live with some ill,
Not that I’m on about hate speech here, but simply using such as an
A law here coming at the expense of freedom of expression, which, I
must say,
Many have paid a price to protect, and all why we have democracies
So many holler, “Love!”, and rightly so, but love won’t rule every
heart and mind,
Hence why this world will never be an Eden, most being too selfishly
And so, we working with what we’ve got, idealism belonging with fantasy,
Because one thing’s for sure, we’re never going to get away from
And therefore, we weighing up what’s more important in the scheme of
things, and which means
Some will be happy and some won’t, and this all played out in those
everyday scenes.
We hardly able to have it both ways, though midst it all, minding
The rights of all protected where it matters most — yes, ones freedom
and liberty.
Losses here seldom coming in one big blow, but in incremental steps,
and then
We discovering what we’ve exchanged, or allowed to be taken by evil men.
All why I ask, how many laws and losses does it take before this fact
is realised?
A finger, an arm, and then a leg, having been gradually weakened and
All why we need to mind what we holler for, weighing things carefully,
lest by chance
We foolishly end up repeating history, when the object is to advance.
Though at the same time having realistic expectations, this world no
movie scene,
But reality — and where the path we’re on, either a fool or wise one
has been.
And dare we take that path where fools
have been, many sincerely thinking they were right,
And even having thought that God
was on their side, ’till the truth of things came to light.
Yes, we not able to rid the world of every ill, and this why we should
Lest we end up with bigger monsters, too quickly having joyfully wined
and dined.
By Lance Landall
"We should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe."
Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr (1841-1935)
11. There's A Worrying And Dangerous Trend
So many seem to be too frightened to say what they disagree with today,Lest they get this or that backlash, so who’s bullying who, I’m compelled to say.
Such shutting down of someone’s opposite opinion and right to express it
Is a most worrying and dangerous trend, and hardly to our benefit.
Such simply favours the one side, clearly, those people who don’t want such said,
And thus even a majority being gagged, and a certain something fed.
Everyone nodding in order to avoid flak, backbone having decayed,
Given many don’t want to nod in agreement, but still joining that parade.
Yes, a minority oft having a majority by the throat, and so,
One howled down if disagreeing, and how freedom of expression’s seen to go.
Opposite views deemed everything from hate speech to whatever else, sadly,
One only allowed to say what’s wanted, and that’s dictatorship, if you ask me.
Once upon a time people believed in healthy debate, and all was okay,
But now opposite opinions/beliefs seem to be quickly labelled HATE, say.
Gay marriages a prime example, ’cause how dare you disagree with such, and
As for saying so publicly — well, mind that roar — and oh, how people soon brand
(Not that I’m making a statement here about Gay marriages, please understand).
Yes, all you were doing was expressing your own opinion, and, let me say,
Not treating them badly personally, though too many not seeing it that way.
We only to say what people like, which isn’t very grownup to me,
And how growth is stifled, and hence why challenging is very necessary.
But oh, how challengers are persecuted these days, bullies everywhere,
And shouting, “How dare you say that!” as if ones right to speak out is in their care.
Yes, they dictating what one can and can’t say, thereby stealing ones liberty,
And acting in a way that’s completely contrary to a democracy.
So who are they?
Well, whoever they be, they’re creators of a worrying and dangerous trend,
Thus one having cause to wonder where such behaviour will ultimately end.
Who wants a gagged society, ones mind and right to speak not meant to be policed,
And why from such imposed prisons and shackles everyone should be released.
It’s as if all are being forced (and moulded) into a one-size-fits-all view
Regarding this or that, past lessons forgotten, a coming future we’ll rue.
High profile voices (rich, famous or influential) bagging dissenters, who
Though right, maybe, something outside of the clamour aren’t allowed to say or do.
Once you could say exactly what you thought, folk agreeing or not, but not now,
All and sundry visited upon you, as if to their wishes one should bow.
Otherwise, your job or business at risk, hate mail coming your way, sad to say,
So much for them being in the right, because love simply doesn't act that way.
On one hand they condemn what they call hate, and on the other, act nastily,
Which effectively makes them hypocrites, because they’re also acting badly.
Yes, they’re supposedly all about stopping such, but that’s far from what we see,
They branding, maligning, mistreating and shunning those with whom they disagree,
Who have the right to hold an opposite view, even if very poor it be.
If someone believes that white people are superior to black people, say
(As stupid as that is), Iets respect their right to hold that view, hoping that one day
They’ll realise how wrong they were, having been helped to see in a loving way
(And providing public hate rants and violence had never come into play).
Laws and shouts simply push things underground, when the idea’s to help people see,
They more receptive when kindly shown — force creating more resistance, you see.
Some wrongly informed via Darwin’s racist, survival-of-the-fittest theory,
Which is responsible for many negative things within society.
And so, we’re going from “I am Charlie!” to something the opposite it seems,
Freedom of expression and civil-religious liberty the stuff of dreams.
Inroads into such coming as quick as a robber’s dog, ’cause stealing they are,
And it’s looking like most won’t wake up until all the nonsense has gone too far.
Such howlers want their views respected, but aren't respecting the views of others, who
Often show far more tolerance, fairness and love, like people once used to do.
We're all in different stages of growth, and force always the way of evil,
So when will people learn that it's more about education and example?
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 3 July 2020.
Darwin's theory of evolution has aided white supremacy (so-called white superiority), racism in general,
and eugenics. Note the following quote:
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes,
as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider,
for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape
as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
Eric Arthur Blair, pen name George Orwell (1903-1950)
12. Don't Cave-in
Don’t cave-in to all the silly nonsense going down, removing this or that,Just because some can’t handle freedom of expression (opposing cyber chat).
We’re all entitled to our opinions, be they intelligent or silly,
The road to growth and understanding seldom flat, but more bumpy and hilly.
It’s like everyone is running scared, can’t handle the backlash they might get,
Too quick to apologise for what they shouldn’t — popularity, I bet.
Yes, they don’t want to lose friends, fans or even customers, and how we all lose,
Debate an enemy now, and why self-preservation over truth most choose.
By Lance Landall
This poem was inspired
by the Charlie Hebdo tragedy, 7th
January, 2015,
but is not condoning the content of any Charlie Hebdo cartoon.
"Freedom of expression is
the matrix, the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of
Benjamin Cardozo (1870-1938)
13. I Am Charlie, But...
Say, if God himself has given us the freedom to choose our own destiny,To accept Him or reject Him, to praise Him or curse Him, then hey, who are we
To tell others what they should or shouldn’t say, take their life because of offence,
Thus sneering at liberty and democracy; and by casting aside sense,
Ushering in tyranny as a consequence?
Who are we to so arrogantly set ourselves above others, or dictate,
To cry foul because of their right to freedom of expression even should it grate,
To act as if we’re God himself — and hey, are we so immature and thin-skinned
That we can’t handle someone’s poor judgment, bad taste? — and as if we’ve never sinned!
We might not like what someone says or draws, but dare we tinker with such a right,
For only the errant or those with an agenda would have such in their sight.
Yes, such being the first thing chomped on by evil insiders dressed to deceive,
And it so easily impinged on by the clumsy or afraid, I believe.
And why the word sacrosanct comes to mind, the concreting of free speech our aim,
And why when it comes to freedom of expression, everything must be fair game,
Because any line drawn is an automatic infringement, a crying shame,
(Even if done in Heaven’s name),
And one step always being the beginning of more, folk soon lamenting what became.
All why I am Charlie, another defender of unfettered expression,
But one who likes to infuse such with a certain thoughtfulness-cum-discretion.
For why pointlessly anger, and there are always those who’re easily upset,
And those who just can’t help themselves and foolishly give even worse than they get.
If God’s for real like I believe He is, and given how long we’ve all been here,
He’s far more generous than men, who when it comes to others, long aren’t seen to bear.
And who would have more reason for wrath? — yet here we still are, most cursing His name,
And some even wrongly claiming His permission to dictate, oppress, murder or maim.
Or Muhammad's.
And why it’s also perilous to follow and revere some man — plain folly —
For even good men err, and conmen hardly proclaim their moral poverty.
Hence why no one should be exempt from scrutiny, and why pens should write and draw,
And as for humour, it oft near the truth of things, ill folk foresee, or foresaw.
All why I am Charlie, but not a mocker, nor racist and a complete fool,
For free speech shouldn’t be abused, and therefore, one rightly handling any tool.
And not just that, but we treating others as we’d like them to treat us, and why
I will only go so far, and then, where necessary. Thought and sense nearby.
By Lance Landall
"For why pointlessly anger" is referring to those who say or write something provocative
simply for a laugh, or where there isn't a good enough reason for doing so.
"Hate speech is a horrid thing, but any inroad into freedom of expression is a perilous thing."
The poet, author
14. Hate Speech
When we outlaw hate speech we endanger
all speech, and thus free speech hardly free,
But rather, restricted, an oxymoron, it either free or not, surely.
Limits automatically being antagonistic to free speech, and
Always the way of those who throughout history have had something evil
When we start defining what free speech should and shouldn’t be,
We effectively render free speech useless, albeit incrementally.
Such defining prone to changing times and hands, a clear threat to
Free speech only free when its not handicapped by limits that weren’t
meant to be.
Restrictions and free speech are incompatible, the former its enemy,
And so, we allowing what might appal, though some folk are riled too
And their idea of what should or shouldn’t be said perhaps draconian,
A return to sanity much harder or lost, nor helped by heads in the sand.
Yes, best we just ignore
those horrid rants, nor attend their meetings, prudently,
Thus not stopping them from speaking lest democracy become mobocracy.
Too many who’re not happy about hate speech acting just as ignorantly,
Just as intolerantly — and hence why sacrosanct, free speech should
always be.
Debate with such folk if you want to, though many have already,
But never fight fire with fire; and why protest if free speech is just
that, free?
Yes, responsibility comes with free speech, but one can only educate,
Because a loving heart and a noble mind aren’t things that we can
Encouraging others to maim or kill anyone, is quite another thing,
Just like debate and fighting are worlds apart too, despite how much
words may sting.
And thus such evil inciting going well beyond free speech — a crime, in
And why here, law has its place, and thus why here, every government
must act.
But when it comes to speech that simply isn’t nice or kind, and even
Words are just words, and bigger we must be in order to attain maturity.
We grow by meeting confrontation head on, not by running away from it,
Nor by outlawing it, but by assessing whether those words spoken
may fit.
And you know, this world’s hardly Heaven, and thus thick-skinned we
somewhat need to be,
Lest we make someone’s problem our problem too by reacting just as
This planet’s not made up of saints, and thus perfection hardly reality,
And hence why we must learn to live with things, including begging to
And hey, how else can tolerance be?
So, should you come across a group ranting or marching that you can’t
stand, just go,
Leave them alone, ’cause they’ve that right, and you could be the cause
of trouble, you know.
’Cause angrily confronting such folk is like putting a match to paper,
You the one having produced that match, when violence, say, they may
not have planned.
People are getting upset over anything and everything today,
They far too sensitive or petty, not made of tougher stuff, it’s sad to
So rather than condemning hate speech, which all should, they want it
banned, foolishly,
When that is far more dangerous given its serious threat to liberty.
At the end of the day, our words are our thoughts, and our thoughts are
our own, and so,
Given they belong to us, who has the right to control them, and decide
No one, and hence why we should be able to speak our own mind, say this
or that,
Though surely sense and thought dictating, thinking of others being
where it’s at.
And thinking of others includes letting them be themselves, letting
them have their say,
No matter what we think of them, or what they’ve got to say, ’cause
that’s the fair
And fair for us too, those of us who don’t like hate
speech, and thus our
thoughts convey,
In the hope that those foolish imparters of hate speech will see the
light one day.
It’s not just free speech we endanger by rushing to outlaw rot some
might say,
But justice too, in the sense of laws and punishment getting carried
Hence why it’s better to just ignore or condemn certain hollerings, you
Keeping laws and punishment for the truly serious, not stupidity.
Derogatory things are one thing, inciting violence quite another,
All families having their spats, but who would threaten their sister or
Or attack them? And that’s where law certainly has its place, and why
we should mind,
Lest through drawing the bow too tight, even more losses to liberty we
And justice being misused.
The object should be to help folk see, not gag them, laws far too often
turned to;
Oh, what folk will give away for perceived security, when they
shouldn’t do.
Many talking of tolerance, and yet too quickly removing what offends,
Which hardly produces giants, and hence why it’s no wonder where it all
We should never encroach on the freedoms of many just because of a few
(Those who abuse things), because such is hardly fair, hardly the right
thing to do.
There needing to be other
ways lest the future become hostage to the past,
We learning too late (having rushed) that on the side of folly our lot
we’ve cast.
Stop hate speech and such folk will just get more frustrated and turn
to other
Secret evil actions, having gone underground, thus working behind the scenes.
Best we see and hear them, not remove their pressure cooker valve, but
keep an eye,
We knowing who and where they are, and jumping quickly when "maim" or
"kill" they cry.
By Lance Landall
This poem
was added to on 3 July 2019.
When we become hypersensitive (over-reactive), we start seeing slights
(personal, racist, sexist or bigoted
comments or behaviour) in everything, everywhere; things that one would
normally ignore (even not see)
given they’re so minor, a real stretch, or simply perceived as an ill.
"Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer
has eternal life in him" (1 John 3:15, NIV).
See my poem Creative Love which is on my page: Further To.
"If we don't believe in
freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at
Noam Chomsky (1928- )
15. Fake Hate Speech
It seems that anything said that
others disagree with is now deemed hate speech;
Or given how badly some are
reacting, that’s effectively what they teach.
One hardly able to say
anything these days without some sort of backlash,
Be that in the form of certain
threats, or an unnecessary, childish clash.
Just as Christ condemned
hollow traditions and certain cultural practices
That were hardly wholesome,
and not in harmony with Heaven’s pure ways, nor His,
So should we condemn attacks
on that same free speech that checks one-sidedness and
That provides an open forum
where unwanted but needed truths can still stand.
However, that’s not what that
roaring crowd is wanting, and why it is today
That everything’s seemingly
hate speech, racist, sexist, and no shade of grey.
And hence that danger that’s
wanting certain voices silenced as its
judgment deems,
All why free speech, healthy
debate and fair play are coming apart at the seams.
It seems no one wants to hear
what doesn’t suit, hence their overreacting,
And many are too prissy about
things, yet their angry calls for love attracting.
Yes, ironic, isn't it, they
fighting fire with fire, fake hate speech oft their rage,
Because much that’s deemed
hate speech, racist or sexist, isn't so, yet war they wage.
And many are Christians, but
their God not like them, He permitting all to speak,
Thus the whole truth and
nothing but the (unpopular) truth would not seek to tweak.
Oh yes, He a straight talker
alright, yet falsely accused and put on trial too,
His voice silenced; that
so-sure-they-were-right mob the forerunners of today’s crew.
And where will it stop? Their
noose pulling tighter and tighter, ignorantly so,
’Cause when it comes to losing
freedom and liberty, free speech is the first to go.
Little by little, that is,
can’t say this, can’t say that, thus tolerance not learnt,
And how eventually the bridges
of freedom and liberty are burnt.
Our right to speak
means their
right to speak, rights not being a one-sided affair,
And this why opposing voices
should be heard despite not liking what some share.
This world’s hardly just for
those who think and feel the same, but for everyone,
Otherwise we’re hardly
upholders of human
rights but our
rights, wrongly won.
Political correctness but an
enemy, man-hating feminists too,
The former small-mindedness,
the latter throwing the baby out, as they do.
The “Me Too” movement taking
things too far as well, but that’s how it is today,
Fake hate speech right up
there with fake news, and why for the return of sense I pray.
If ones not said something supposedly racist, sexist, or somehow hate
It’s homophobic, and one's shouted down, penalized or publicly
Thus accusations flying thick and fast, our words censored to the inch
And they’re calling this skewed, medieval approach love — well, you
could’ve fooled me.
By Lance
16. Fake Bigotry
Knock someone’s religion or
denomination and you’re a bigot, some say,
Because that’s the silly state of things today, commonsense having gone
’Cause though we all have the right to our own beliefs, those
beliefs could be askew,
Or at least somewhere, and that somewhere (if embraced), could well
prove harmful to you,
Or to others, and hence why that error should be pointed out for all to
Lest not just you, but others
embrace it, and so that those errant
ones may see,
Those teaching
such, who could clearly do with that knowledge too, and hence why we
’Cause in order for all
to decide rightly, all the info needs to be out there.
Then there’s freedom of choice, this too why that info should be
Otherwise we’re shot, and as far as what’s right or not goes, hardly
able to see,
’Cause much said and done in God’s name knows nothing of Him, ISIS one
But error’s error and best corrected; more so where two draw from the
same well,
Like the Bible.
Yes, what many call knocking is but informing, a fair and right thing
to do,
Helping both the holder of error and those who might embrace that same
wrong too.
Yes, some drawing arguments from the same source, and why it’s
important that we
Discover who is
right, but how can we if deprived
of that ability?
Truth’s only found where we’re free to pursue it, and the truth is oft
It sparing many in the past, and might many in the future, from some
Hence why we shouldn’t disparage knocking, ’cause it’s really not
knocking at all,
But informing and correcting, lest via falsehood, anyone stumble or
However, we knocking the error, not the person, conveying things fairly,
Not thoughtlessly, ’cause all have a right to their beliefs, same right
to disagree.
It's not knocking but rubbishing
that’s the problem, condemning ignorantly,
Or because of what others have said incorrectly — and there's found
Or, ignoring and mistreating someone ’cause of their
beliefs, as if they’ve no right,
Or mind and conscience of their own (and whereby, they too can choose
darkness or light).
This world belonging to individuals, not groups, who’ve no right to
Whatever it is that they think everyone else in the world should
Were we stopped from challenging another person’s beliefs (religion or
Such would simply aid error and falsehood, and into further darkness
we’d lurch.
All why knocking is necessary, though some people do knock incorrectly,
But better that than banning the right to challenge, ’cause there would
go liberty,
And then enter intolerance, which can be another name for bigotry.
Like with beauty, knocking’s in the eyes of the beholder, a good or bad
And either used rightly or wrongly — and if rightly, positive results
can bring.
Yes, someone realising their error or folly as a result, and hence why
When it comes to knocking (showing something up), folk should think
before “Foul!” they cry.
By Lance Landall
poem was tweaked and added to on 16 February 2020.
When I can no longer challenge your beliefs, and you can no longer
challenge mine,
Liberty has been assaulted, God offended, and those in power have
crossed the line.
When we can no longer point out error, and a charlatan or tyrant expose,
Freedom has become a memory, man enslaved, and truth dismantled by its
17. Are You Just As Bad?
If someone said (for example) they
didn’t approve of Gay marriages, or
Abortion, say, would you then
not want anything to do with them anymore,
Thus displaying intolerance —
or bigotry, ’cause of what you read of theirs
(Maybe), and choosing not to
read the rest, though it fine, even worthy of cheers.
Yes, I’m simply asking, having
taken two controversial things, and here
Wanting to know whether you
condemn intolerance, yet intolerance share.
In other words, pointing the
finger whilst acting the same, but in reverse, say,
Writing off the whole of someone’s
garden when there’s good food there too — oh, dismay.
Such not making Earth any
better, but just turning a pocket inside out,
It still the same pocket, and
hence why I would mind that hypocritical shout.
Yes, that kind of pocket
having a hole in it, not much use to anyone,
All being entitled
to their view (or their belief), when all is said and done.
And that’s freedom, true freedom, or
freedom of expression, say, it real or not,
We having or not having it,
and if we haven’t, then what
have we got?
Yes, a holed pocket, I’d say,
we running to the tune of who, and I would say
A dictator of our choosing,
everything to be done his or her way.
It’s one thing to be
sympathetic to Gay people, say, and kind we should be
But quite another thing to be
intolerant to those who’re anti
them, sadly.
We all at different levels of
growth and understanding, and free should be,
To hold the view or belief
that we do, and that meaning, rightly or wrongly
(It not about those who're born Gay, but same-sex sexual acts,
Yes, everyone’s on about love
and tolerance today, but oh dear me,
Look at how many of them act
just as badly midst condemning bigotry,
Or intolerance, and how
they’ve jumped on a boat with a faulty rudder, and
The truth that it cuts both
ways, seem to be extremely sluggish to understand.
Hence my question, are you
just as bad, fighting fire with fire, thus a problem too,
Your tie done up, but your
shirt hanging out, or could it be that it’s a dirty shoe?
Yes, you leaving a muddy
footprint after telling someone to mop up, and
There, my friend, is
duplicity, even a frame-up — yes, a very flawed stand.
By Lance
" 'But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you' " (Matt 5:44, NKJV).
18. Why Pick On Fundamentalists?
Everyone’s entitled to their beliefs
and the strict observance of them,
And if we truly believe in
liberty, such people we shouldn’t condemn,
But only those who maim,
torture and murder due
to their beliefs, like ISIS,
Or who throw bricks, spit at,
yell at, and anything else as bigoted as this.
And so, there no problem with
fundamentalists, because they have their rights too,
And shouldn’t be confused with
zealots, those who a bully boy type path pursue.
Fundamentalists not enforcers
but upholders, who truly love and care,
And who what they believe (and
in the best interests of others) want to share.
In every religion,
denomination, there’re those who lose the plot, and
Act in ways that aren’t
acceptable, and which the God of Heaven never planned.
He himself a fundamentalist,
leaving no one in doubt as to His will,
But giving all the right to
choose, some doing what’s best, and some turning to ill.
Far too many confuse
Christianity with Christendom and heresy,
And oft ignorantly given that
they’re uneducated biblically.
Some confusing God’s straight
talking with harshness, His commands and boundaries too,
All designed to spare us ill,
and others too, who’re affected by what we do.
Yes, God calls a spade a
spade, points out the sad results of ignoring His will,
He knowing best, and His
morals, principles and standards beneficial still.
But He not going around
mistreating anyone, nor seeks to maim and kill,
Such but the work of a devil
who somehow inspires men to do his
So why pick on
fundamentalists, because that’s a form of bigotry too,
And just as intolerant,
because all have a right to an opposite view.
We may not like it, nor
believe it like them, but never should we cross that line,
One that even God won’t cross,
His “come let us reason together” suiting fine.
Or would we rather become
man-in-the-street dictators, tyrants of a type,
Just another braying mob
that’s caught up on political correctness hype,
Another type of
fundamentalist, our
behaviour askew, who thereby
The foundation on which truth,
justice and fairness are able to stand, kiss goodbye.
Yes, it’s not fundamentalists, but individuals who take things too far,
Or a deluded religious power block made up of those who also mar.
Just like those whose sad placards state things like, “Homosexuals will
burn in Hell,”
Bringing shame on other fundamentalists who would never turn to such
Yes, the Gospel message is straight, but not rude, nor cruel, and
there’s a time and place,
But there’s always some individual or group who’s shamefully in ones
And as a result, all
fundamentalists bagged, when ill comes from others too,
Who don’t have a religious bone in them, but just as errant a path
By Lance
poem was added to 7 March 2020.
For other related poems see my page Apologetics, which
can be found on my
page With God In Mind,
Home page.
Or the Christian poems in the box titled Bigotry, second poetry garden, Christian section,
orange box, or my page Racism
And Bigotry, Home page.
19. Love Speech
As you’d assume, love speech is the
opposite to hate speech, it thoughtful and kind,
But never foolish, because when it comes to right and wrong, love has
to remind.
And thus its tone changing at times, ’cause censure it must, and given
how it cares,
Love knowing that the early introduction of discipline saves future
Yes, love’s tone
may change, but not its heart, full of encouragement and empathy,
Those words that uplift and inspire one, those words that
convey patience and mercy.
Love responding to the users of hate speech with words that might
soften and heal,
In fairness acknowledging the way that someone rightly or wrongly may
No, love speech knows nothing of anything resembling hate
speech, and why we see
Very carefully chosen replies, an assertiveness tied to dignity.
Love speech recognising insecurity and ignorance, and holding back,
Nought gained by fighting fire with fire, and how silly it is to
Love speech or hate speech, the choice is yours, your heart dictating
which one you’ll choose,
Love speech not afraid to say what it thinks, but more lovingly conveys
its views.
And needed words (no matter how they’re couched) won’t please some, but
love speech wise and fair,
It pointing to a better way that’s practiced, and it more easy on the
Yes, love only knows love speech, those words that promote love and
never injury,
Those words that convey positive sentiments, and thus praise heard
Yes, love speech is helpful speech, speech that thinks before it says
anything, and why
It’s only what’s good, right, wholesome and heavenly that it seeks to
By Lance Landall
20. Those Calls For Love And Not Hate
Oh, the outrage over mass shootings,
and then there’s those calls for love and not hate,
Yet something isn’t gelling
here, because once some are back behind their own gate,
Out comes those violent movies
and computer games, and that same hyped up state,
Which knows nothing of an
inner peace, but how to kill well, and retaliate.
No, we can’t have it both
ways, ’cause if killing’s wrong, then so is pretending to,
Such kind of laughing at that
outrage, and why their calls for love don’t quite ring true.
And, by the way, why laws only
prevent hate’s public
face, ’cause within some hearts,
Hatred still resides, and it
being there in those darkened chambers where it all starts.
If some moral code isn’t
written on our conscience and sown in our heart,
Laws won’t mean anything,
hence why the former’s more important, and where to start.
Yes, knee jerk laws oft more a
threat, and as I said, hardly deal with the root cause,
Just its public face, and so
it’ll be until hearts change, and here I want to pause,
Because what’s love? For
surely we’re talking morals, principles and standards too,
Not just warm fuzzies, because
love needs to know why certain things one shouldn’t do.
Enter that code I mentioned,
laws not stopping many from still dong what’s wrong,
But a well reared conscience,
and thus both the heart and mind singing the same sweet song.
We can outlaw hate speech, but
hate will still exist, along with racism too,
Which is why (one way or
another) they’ll still raise their ugly heads, ill say and do.
All why calls for love and not
hate are merely cosmetic, including laws too,
And this why those once held
values and well grounded beliefs we need to rescue.
By Lance
Also, and importantly so, see my poems:
Let's Get Love Right
How Love's Embarrassed
Stop! In The Name Of Love
I've Heard A Lot Of Talk About Love
which can be found on my Home page, purple box titled: Love, Thought
And Care.
21. Toes And Unity
It could be said (tongue in cheek),
that one way to find out what someone’s really like
Is to upset them, they responding admirably, or shouting “On your bike!”
One treading on a religious toe, condemning wrong they still want to do,
And hence that intolerance shown, they firing off at you, even ditching
You having trod on some sacred cow, or challenged some error they’ve
wrongly held,
And so, despite their calls for love and such, its war — you thinking,
“What in the world?”
Funny, isn’t it, they loudly condemning intolerance and bigotry,
Yet slamming your
opinion or belief, thus acting hypocritically
Some mistake unity for uniformity, thinking all should think the same,
Or do what the rest are doing, even condemning dissenters in God’s name.
The funny thing though, is that it’s where there’s
disagreement and yet unity,
That the power of love, and their God, is more clearly seen, and felt
more strongly.
In other words, Christians from different denominations all holding
Full of love and warmth, yet leaving decisions in the individual’s hands.
They loved and treated like a loved one, despite not going along with
the herd,
Keeping a different
worship day, say, believing the others had erred.
So what would be the common goal here? The glory of God, that same love
He shows,
Which God's Word says is how the new creature in Christ, and true
disciple, one knows.
But where there’s the opposite — mistreatment! — one knowing there’s a devil at work,
’Cause where such love would be, bigotry, intolerance
and hatred wouldn't lurk.
No, such love has hardly been where there’s persecution of any kind,
and so
Those going on about love, yet persecuting, God and His Word wouldn't
Or certainly not as they should
Such ill belonging to Christendom, not
Christianity, an ill they’ll rue,
In time, that is — and how “by their fruits you’ll know them,” their
words and acts a clue.
Some toes are too soft, and unity’s too oft a mistaken word, I’m afraid,
And how the heralder of truth, or rightful challenger, has heavily paid.
But such is the cross they oft bear, fault not on their side, though
one led to think so,
Going by accusers who a certain disregard for God and His Word show.
By Lance Landall
poem was altered on 16 May 2020.
22. Pet Themes
“Ban hate speech!” they shout, or what
they deem
as hate speech, but excuse me rioting,
Drug driving, annoying my neighbours with my music, even graffiti-ing.
Oh, and excuse my foul language too, my own angry
outbursts, or bad manners;
Which is why I’m kind of dubious about those protesters with their
One could be forgiven for thinking it’s only hate speech that’s a
problem, when
There’s so much else that’s not right that’s coming from those same
riled women and men.
Seems we’ve pet themes these days, political correctness aiding and
When the truth is, that when it comes to all things, an
example we should be setting.
One wonders if the clamour is counterproductive, thus increasing the ill,
Because since the clamour, things haven’t got better, and why cruel
things are heard still.
All those coming together being birds of a feather, the converted, say,
The racist, sexist, homophobic person still feeling and acting the same
By Lance Landall
poem was added to on 19 December 2019.
23. We Are One?
First that shooting of Muslims in New
Zealand, then that cry, “We are one!” — but oh,
If only that was true, those loud voices clearly not mirroring all, and
Such folk really kidding themselves, racism and bigotry alive and ill,
That “We are one!” cry even angering some people further (whose hearts
aren’t well).
Yes, it’s just another knee jerk, many not feeling that way, but anti
And more so where negatively affected; that street soon turned into a
Some possibly less happy living there now given the future potential
(For more hits), thus things not that simple, concerns over any mosque or
What I’m trying to say is:
Shouting “We are one!” hardly works, even if it draws the crowds — it
like a lie,
Because hatred still exists out there, and resentment may well be
running high;
Behind the scenes, perhaps, but there nevertheless, and how the object
gets lost,
The teeth of racism and bigotry needing to be extracted, not flossed.
We're no doubt closer to that “We are one!” in our disgust of such
killings, but
Not come that acceptance of another’s faith or culture, some doors
firmly shut.
And love not something that we can force, but just encourage via our
Leaving room for others to grow, ’cause reality delivers problems still.
And so, we starting with the young, installing the sanctity of
life in their hearts,
And with it, tolerance, ’cause some things may still grate, some
folk using other
Yes, their ways and beliefs differing from ours, even arousing the
(Whose cruel acts stretch beyond their victims), and why “We are one!”
is a might too shrill.
Yes, “We are one!” or “They are us!” sounds nice, but it actually rings
Far too much evidence to the contrary, one way or another, and so,
It’s possibly better to leave such slogans alone, and work on changing
Which one can never do by force or legislation; love the greatest of
the arts.
We can err either way, it not about mobocracy but democracy,
Shouts and protests oft being a concern, despite the good or sincerity.
Care needed in all
that we do, and fear a bad adviser, and why soon is seen
Another set
of problems, or we returning to where we’ve already been.
Shouting “We are one!” is simply preaching to the converted, if you ask
A protesting that should be seen over any act against
It not about “We are one!” but “How dare you!”, Muslims not the only
ones here,
But Christians targeted too, let alone the random cruelty
By Lance Landall
This poem was tweaked and added to on 19 July 2019.
24. That Much Debated Word: Immigration
I heard Donald Trump say, “God, family
and country,” and I thought, “No, not so,
But rather: God, family and
humanity,” which every Christian
should know.
Thus it all about humanity,
not ones country, humans first and foremost,
Patriotic fervour prone to
certain ills, and oh, how some people like to boast.
Sure we must consider our
country, compassion coupled with sense, ’cause we know,
Every country needs to be run
responsibly, or down the tubes it’ll go.
And therefore, immigration a
balancing act, no country made of money,
Even a country that through
other eyes looks like a land of milk and honey.
And thus refugees and freedom
seekers presenting a dilemma, which we,
Amidst acting prudently,
should always see as our extended family.
Thus doing all we can, race
and religion not stopping us, we all as one,
And from a Christian
perspective, this the attitude wanted by Christ the Son.
But Darwinism isn’t helping
here, survival of the fittest at play,
Life cheap, laws of small
consequence, and where’s the source of accountability?
A devil more at home where a
Creator’s less part and parcel of the scene,
And hence why greater vices,
evils and problematic issues are soon seen.
This why I’m all for God,
family and humanity, and less so country,
But that doesn’t mean that
when it comes to immigration we should be silly.
Many countries struggling to
cater for their own, thus a wave could sink their ship,
All why trickles create less
problems, and why immigration needs a firm grip.
Waves can be intimidating,
seen as a threat, and thus clashes more likely,
Growing hospital waiting lists
quickly fuelling racism and bigotry,
And a housing and job shortage
upping the rage, a pot that was sure to boil,
And which the kind efforts of
sincere but ill-informed people was bound to foil.
And midst all this, existing racism and
bigotry, hence the need for care,
Helping one thing, setting an
explosive stage another, and then there is fear.
Yes, an attack on a mosque,
say, one of the potentials, peace leaving ones shore,
Citizens facing what once they
didn’t, hearts and minds not changed by any law.
Yes, racism and bigotry can’t
be banned, because they exist in the heart
(And the mind), and hence why
a lack of prudence here can see countries torn apart.
Enter reality, sense mixed
with compassion, otherwise all one will see
Is, one problem exchanged for
another, an even bigger one, possibly.
And so, even though I speak in
terms of God, family and humanity
(Leaving out self-serving
patriotic fervour many have for their country),
No country can afford to get
carried away, displaying naivety,
But rather, should condemn the
cause of
waves, like wars, oppression and poverty.
The sad thing is, there’s much
that could
be done, and of which God would no doubt want done,
But things getting in the way
of those solutions, nothing new under the sun.
Victims of war and starvation
hardly half dead cats lying in the gutter,
Nor another squashed hedgehog
glued to the road while we down our bread and butter.
Seeing them as any less than
ourselves simply reduces our value too
(Survival of the fittest
returning to mind, a theory that’s well askew),
Our personal preservation best
served by the preservation of all, who,
Should be seen as precious
individuals, and not like primates in a zoo.
But once again, laws only
going so far, ill still lurking in hearts and minds,
Which isn't helped by knee
jerk reactions, the foolish pulling down of blinds.
Certain concerns justified,
the sad results of poor decisions clearly seen,
Having fuelled as much as
helped, wisdom mixed with compassion missing from the scene.
The truth is, cultures can still clash despite our best efforts, and
even more so
Where there’s too many too fast, or acts and demands that tread on a
country’s toe.
Entrance a privilege, not a right, but all of us linked via humanity,
And hence why we need to mind that dehumanizing border mentality.
By Lance
poem was tweaked and added to 23 February 2020.
25. Hang On A Minute!
“Homosexuals will burn in Hell,” he
was declaring on his blog, and oh,
The nasty response from people accusing him of being nasty,
and so,
Here I am, asking via pen and paper, “What makes them think they’re
better than him?”
Their retaliatory rants making their chances of improving things very
Yes, some think that they’re good people because they condemn racist
words and acts, say,
But hang on a minute! If they’re so good, why have their own actions
gone astray?
Their responses equally as nasty, or certainly lacking thought and care,
They either better or not, and clearly not, but just as crook in their
own sphere.
Now, I don’t believe anyone will burn in some Hell ’cause of being born
And nor do I condone any kind of racist word or action, by the way.
But retaliatory nastiness isn’t right either, and exposes flaws,
Ones true character, state of maturity; and why over this, all should
And by the way, Bible versions I’ve
read talking ’bout same-sex sexual acts,
Not the homosexual, hence why certain Christians should make sure of
their facts.
But all being entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, right or
And only the weak
responding badly to any perceived wrong, not the strong.
And this not surprising, because according to the Cambridge dictionary,
Bigots are those who’re intolerant of the opinions of others, sadly.
Not those who simply express
their opinions or beliefs, as most of us do,
Without any ill intention, and therefore, condemnation of such, hardly
Yes, hang on a minute, is right, ’cause there’re too many knee jerk
reactions, and
Too many people who’re fighting fire with fire, leaving liberty’s post
Thus free speech put just as much at risk by them as some
accused of inciting,
And why it’s time to sit ’round the table and sensibly turn on the
But what do we see, some simply being punished for their opinion or
Their so-called victim (or victims) having become their persecutor —
good grief!
“You’ve really riled us, so we’ll slag you now,” their
hypocritical actions shout,
They seemingly having no idea what free speech and liberty’s all about.
By Lance Landall
of this poem were altered on 26 June 2019.
For another poem that relates to this one, and which I would strongly
recommend, called
Regarding Israel Folau,
see my page Further To.
For further enlightenment regarding Hell, see my page With God In Mind,
Home page.
"Whoever would overthrow
the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
Franklin (1706-1790)
26. Long Live Free Speech!
Once we legislate to curb ill that
some folk may say, we lessen our own
rights, and imperil what rights remain,
For freedom of expression is
where it’s all at, regardless of hate filled words that may cause a
certain pain.
And hence why we shouldn't
play with freedom of expression, for there's not one reason good enough
for doing so,
And let’s bear in mind that
many an ill has begun with some well-meaning but very unwise embryo.
Yes, it’s bad enough that
there are those who would like to curb freedom of expression to achieve
some evil end,
Without us playing into their
hands by going along with legislation that would curb what might offend.
And besides, there’ll always
be those who’ll think, speak and act wrongly, regardless of that which
is designed to curb,
And why in this imperfect
world of ours, there will always be things that will anger, distress,
pain and disturb.
But sometimes we need to hear
the truth — warts and all — and need to face up to things, though
unpleasant they may be,
And hence why even the provocative has its
place in all this, be such expressed via the pen or verbally.
However, whether it be this
way or that way, the right way or wrong way, let all have their say,
and freely,
We asking for nought but due
respect and thoughtfulness, for limiting free speech acts far more
Yes, some things said may not
be nice, even wrong and cruel, but we need to toughen up, not respond
For we’re hardly living in a
nursery, weren’t meant to be wrapped in cotton wool, for that’s
In fact, we grow by being
confronted, not by being sheltered from reality, nor those harsh things
some may say,
Which often convey what we
need to hear, and what’s better allowed than not, lest with even more rights, folk
Rather than curb, we need to
educate, both by word and deed, for laws don’t solve, but simply
restrict and prevent,
Thus hardly changing the heart
and mind — and if they are foolish
laws, they simply cause discontent to ferment,
Or worse — and hence why
freedom of expression should never be played with in any way, for such
will bring ill,
And in time, the greatest ill
of all — a total
loss of freedom and liberty — which here, I fear I foretell.
By Lance
The following poem was
penned 9 August 2019.
27. But With Hong Kong In Mind
Despite those dictators who oppress,
or those governments who act somewhat the same,
Even incorrectly declaring that they have the right to do so in God’s
Protesters should never turn to violence, their swords destined to
pierce their own hearts,
They not only guilty too, but this being how even greater suffering
And what becomes of their country — therefore, better oppression than a
basket case,
’Cause destroyed cities and infrastructure, and fleeing refugees, what
they may face.
Yes, better hardship than the loss of loved ones, starvation or
imprisonment, say,
Little or nothing gained in the end, a happier life not having come
their way.
Too many protesters not weighing things carefully enough, fighting fire
with fire,
A path that past experiences, wisdom and common sense would never
One’s own nest fouled, the authority’s heart hardened, battles lost
before they’ve begun,
All why millions end up worse off, soon to find that what folk did they
have done.
Yes, it’s a risky thing, such protesting not godly nor wise, and more
doomed to fail,
The backlash oft like a winter storm with weaponry-like thunder,
lightning and hail.
And sometimes one simply exchanging one dictator for another, at what
Oh, how easily a life that’s somewhat bearable, for a life that’s not,
gets tossed.
Maybe life was better before, until….but riots taking things from bad
to worse,
Hence how some rock or Molotov cocktail throwing protesters soon leave
in a hearse.
Those prepared to die
for what’s right should live
for what’s right, thus setting an example,
Nobleness only found in right doing, not those things that destroy and more blood spill.
If a Christian, you believe in a coming rescue, and thus pain temporary,
But even if you aren’t a Christian, why worsen your life unnecessarily?
Bad enough what you’re going through already, perhaps, so why go and
stoke the fire,
Some things simply out of our hands, and it’s bearing things well that
is seen to inspire.
Riots are the hallmark of undisciplined hordes, hypocritical, lawless
Who, not worrying ’bout how they might affect their own kind, reach for
the devil’s tools.
Maybe having indulged in too much violence via the computer or TV,
And ready to take to the streets in a skewed attempt to demand
Too many protesters push the envelope, and violence being a sure way,
Especially when hardly in a democracy, and been ordered to obey.
Freedom and liberty all very well, but foolishness quite another thing,
This being why some should mind how they go lest they simply strengthen an iron
By Lance Landall
Christian content or
28. Capitol Hill
The non-believer doesn’t think in
terms of a coming rescuer, Saviour,
But only in terms of the present, hence why we see much unwise
Capitol Hill a prime example, though certain Christians amongst that
horde too,
Who, due to getting God’s Word wrong, or not going by it, same wrong
paths pursue.
Such showed just how easily democracy can be lost, but my concern here
Is more about people taking things into their own hands, ’cause well,
most don’t fare.
Uprisings often resulting in greater
oppression, and terrible loss,
And why even where people are mistreated, they need to mind what line
they cross.
Every Christian should know that the answer isn’t here, but hey, that
Many sold
such earthly promises soon find such folk have actually lied.
And there’s always a devil behind faulty avenues, and oft greater pain,
Because fighting fire with fire is never the way, and just a hypocrite’s game.
God hardly wants His followers to storm Capitol Hill or any hill, and
Stated that His kingdom is not of this world, which many fail to
Oppression only ending with His return, there no paradise beforehand,
All why undisturbed peace and harmony has never come from what man has planned.
And so, for the Christian, it’s all about hanging in there, and causing
no grief,
No matter the circumstances or oppressor, lest they run aground on
some reef.
Yes, Christians suffering in the meantime, maybe for their seventy odd
But what’s that compared to an eternity in Paradise where there’s no
Yes, for me it’s all about faith, hope and promise, aware the answer’s
not here,
Though still standing up and speaking out in the meantime, without
favour or fear.
But hey, never crossing that line that led to that assault on Capitol
Because midst such wild hordes you don’t find Jesus, but a devil and
man-made hell.
And thus many involved losing the very freedom they sought — yes, hello
They having rushed their so-called oppressors, unlike Christ who
accepted each nail,
And who also rebuked Peter for that severed ear, ’cause such isn’t
God’s way,
And how from the God who has proven very real to many, such Christians
Oh yes, that lot having made things worse for themselves, reaching for
the devil’s tools,
And those tools being weaponry, angry threats, force and violence — oh,
the fools.
And death visiting that same scene too, as it’s prone to, little gained
in the end,
And hence how battles are lost before they’ve begun, and much worse
often portend.
By Lance Landall
The following poem was
penned 30 May 2020.
Regarding this poem: Cain and Able (going by the Bible ) were two sons
of Adam and Eve,
one choosing right, one choosing wrong; and so it is with us.
"Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek."
Martin Luther King Jr
29. Regarding Those Rioters In Minneapolis
“I can’t breathe!” he cried, but that
officer’s knee on his neck remained ’till he died,
Hence those Minneapolis riots, all that violence from the other side.
Buildings on fire, livelihoods up in smoke — yes, that mad fouling of
ones own nest,
Innocent people badly impacted, love, thought, care and sense having
gone west.
Their anger justified, but not that same sad knee-on-the-neck mentality,
They no better, just as violent, it both a black and white problem, you
All why we see reverse
racist behaviour (like that of Robert Mugabe),
Bigger men far and few between these days, and why the world’s getting
more scary.
Midst those calls for blood, they should also remember that officer’s
deserving of punishment, but not them, now full of insecurity.
Their lives
at risk thanks to him, and good officers bearing the brunt of it too,
But such is how it goes when the angry seek justice via ways just as
Yes, it’s both a black and white problem, he wrong, they wrong, a Cain
and Able thing,
We taking the right path in all things, or the wrong path (where sense
we’re seen to fling).
I’m sure that you know the story, we followers of either Able or Cain,
Allowing enlightenment, or a dark ages, eye for an eye stance to reign.
Oh, how we’re obsessed with punishment, and punished he should be, but
just mind here,
Because that officer’s life is ruined — and thus sleep robbing pain too, will
Well so I'd imagine, he having been charged with murder, his life a
real mess,
Things following and haunting him wherever he goes now (though
not far, I'd guess).
Yes, his life’s been turned upside down, and so to that town, one death
not enough, no,
Those rioters acting like devils too, any high ground gone, so who’s the foe?
Not just him, but those who smash, grab and incinerate, they too
children of Cain,
Crying foul while acting foul, inflicting their own sad brand of
evil and pain.
We simply can’t have it both ways, ’cause being a Cain-and-Able mix
won’t work,
Such nothing but a kind of schizophrenic state where ill is still seen
to lurk.
Earth not able to be changed by such, but just via one, so lets act
like Ables,
Not like Cains, who’re forever adding
to the problem, still overturning tables.
Rioting’s a thuggish
way to protest, it selfish, stupid and criminal,
And dare there be Christians
among them, terrorist-like too, just aiding the ill,
Turning on officers that they may need one day (should ill befall
them), but hey,
That’s madness for you, unbridled anger and not love and sense having
the say.
There’s good and bad people in every
organisation, thus ill there’ll be,
And so, we dealing with the Cains, and thus not acting indiscriminately.
Those buildings, owners and bosses having nothing to do with that black
man’s neck,
But just that errant Cain-behaving officer whose world has become a
So why would rioters turn their
world (and that of others) into a wreck too,
Destroying jobs, shops they might frequent, and disfiguring their nice
hometown view?
Well, there’s only one explanation, that Cain-like streak that resides
in them too,
And that always will until they become an Abel, and what’s right, choose to do.
Yes, it’s an old story, Cain ending up killing his brother (who right had done),
But that’s anger for you, where it leads, the mindless turning to a
knife or gun.
All those rioters having killed that officer too, though in their
heart, I mean,
Two wrongs not making a right — and thus their fingerprints too, all
over the scene.
Though wrong’s been done, the police have a horrid job to do, and
amidst it all
Adrenaline can kick in, distorting judgment, and why sometimes they
Their workday stressful, they even feeling besieged (that sad them and
us mindset),
Ill feeling towards them not always justified, and they human too,
don’t forget.
When they’re dealing with certain groupings of people who’re the main
source of trouble
(Understandably or not), an attitude can develop, aiding such ill.
This understandable too, though not a good thing, all why it takes much
Easily lost in the heat of things, and so to be fair, one taking in the
Something that such rioters fail to do, and why I’m glad that they’re not the
Otherwise we’d be seeing hangings again, a mindset difficult to budge.
Yes, ill on both sides, sadly, and progress most unlikely until there’s
a change,
One that has to take place in the heart, though there’s things in the mind to rearrange.
Yes, rioters show no foresight, don’t think beyond their present
They blinded by their backward, primitive response, a curse to any
’Cause all that such does is fuel things, add trouble to trouble, and
loudly proclaims
They’re no better, ’cause who is, who torches, destroys, and their town
too, also shames?
They so like kids throwing a paddy, chucking this and that, stomping
and yelling,
Lashing out at all and sundry, their protest and sad actions hardly
Their parents at fault (supposedly), so take this Mum or Dad, and who’s
And likewise when it comes to those riots, that hypocritical civil
That condemns wrong whilst doing wrong, and in the process, just fouls
ones precious nest.
But hey, what an even bigger crime when Covid Nineteen is rampaging too,
Oh, the irresponsibleness of those rioters who such folly pursue.
Even those benign street protests aren’t wise at this time, so when
will people learn,
And to those ways that are better and wiser (and more
so at this time), return.
And who's laughing, America, relishing it all? Your enemies, sadly.
By Lance Landall
This poem was tweaked and
added to on 1 June 2020.
"Christendom is not the same as Christianity, as the Danish theologian
and philosopher Kierkegaard pointed out.
violence was not Christian, for the simple reason that it was
diametrically opposed to what Christ himself taught. People who engage
in violent and cruel activities at any time, in Northern Ireland or the
Balkans or anywhere else, while invoking the name of God, are certainly
not obeying Christ when they do so, whatever they may say to the
contrary. After all, the name "Christian" means a disciple or follower
of Jesus Christ. Following Christ means obeying his commandments. And
one of those commands was the explicit prohibition of the use of force
to defend Christ or his message. That command has been very well known
since it was issued at a point of high tension in the Gospel narrative,
the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus taught his
followers not to hate their enemies but to love them; and he acted
accordingly when the armed crowd came with Judas to the Garden of
Gethsemane to arrest him. In that historic encounter he specifically
forbade his disciples to use violence. Jesus rebuked one of his
disciples, Peter, who, untrained in swordsmanship, swung wildly with
his sword and cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant, Malchus.
"Put your sword back into its place," Jesus said, "for all who take the
sword will perish by the sword" (Matt 26:52, ESV). He could not have
made it more plain. To take the sword, gun, or bomb in Christ's name is
to repudiate both Christ and his message. He will have none of it.
Gunning for God, in the sense of taking a weapon into one's hands on
God's behalf, is a contradiction of and an affront to the Christian
From the book "Gunning
For God" by John C. Lennox.
"Distrust everyone in
whom the impulse to punish is powerful."
Friedrich Nietzsche
30. In Fairness To The Police
Those corrupt or racist officers
aside, the police have a job to do,
Which includes bringing a stop
to riots (that foolishly chosen avenue),
And no matter the grievance,
’cause riots impact badly on society,
Creating more financial outlay
and debt, let alone more anxiety.
Buildings and vehicles
torched, smashed windows, and businesses badly affected,
Enter lost jobs, lost profits,
all why riots should be totally rejected.
No one ever thinking to go
that far, everyone
being hurt by such,
And some even physically given
those weapons that rioters oft clutch.
And bearing the brunt of such
mobs, someone’s much loved mum or dad within the Force,
Who’s simply doing their job,
which includes keeping the rest
of us safe, of course.
Rioters no respecter of law
abiding citizens, nor what they own,
And seemingly relish
endangering the police via bottle, brick or stone.
Corrupt or racist officers
don’t wear signs, and hey, even if they did do,
It’s not for us to act like
lynch mobs, and the skin of all
officers pursue.
Such but the way of mindless
thugs who leave behind a mess that hurts you and I,
Who, despite our own anger, the
insanity of rioting do not buy.
It seems those rioters forget
that they
may have need of the police one day,
Should they be attacked,
raped or burgled, or some violent street mob come their way.
And who might turn up? Those
they spat at, fire bombed? Someone’s sibling, poor mum or dad,
Doing what they’ve a right to,
and if we didn’t
have such people, who’d be glad?
But rioters don’t care, all
the more why even the army
might be needed,
Because without the likes of
these, there’d be hell on Earth, it must be conceded.
They there for a reason, a
reason that we should never be the cause of, but
Fully supporting them, even
applauding — yes, a case that’s open and shut.
Riots are a frightening thing,
even for the police who’re thus keyed up too,
Adrenaline oft part and parcel
of their job, given what they’ve got to do.
Thus even good officers
making mistakes under pressure, hence that leeway,
That consideration that they
should be shown, which we like to come our way.
Yes, how many of us would like
to do their
job, they risking their lives each day,
And riots taking them away
from where they’re needed, which hardly’s seen to pay.
No, we all the worse off for
such, and as if there’s not enough troubles already,
So lets not cause even more
grief just because of those wrongs of that few we see.
Why’s there not the same
outrage over those four policemen shot at? And here
We’re talking about lives too,
and their
upset families who distress share.
Their lives matter too, don’t
they, ALL lives, so amidst all that solidarity,
Let us shout over any life taken or
maimed, ’cause neither assault should be.
Many no doubt feel as angry
over those riots, more so those who’re racist
(I’d imagine), and thus racism
fuelled by
such, a point that seems to be missed.
Two wrongs not making a right,
but stoking
the fire, all why more
things occur, sadly,
Until sense prevails on both
sides, and laws are respected as they should be.
But given who cops oft have to
deal with, heavy-handedness is no surprise,
Sometimes an automatic
response, I guess, hence those condemnatory cries.
All why we should put
ourselves in their position, imagining how we’d feel,
Given those unobliging, even
nasty characters, with whom they must deal.
And those entrenched bad attitudes perpetuated by errant parents whose
Lawless children (if not they) keep popping up all the time, or making
the News.
The police having to put up with being called everything under the sun,
Certain groupings always coming to their attention, some with a knife
or gun.
Thus that racist tag not always justified given familiar faces,
Too often the cause of criminal acts, and found in the usual places,
And thus a picture forming, it not racist but simply some reality,
The cops caught between a rock and a hard place, so who would want
their job, sadly?
Yes, who’d want to be a policeman anymore, and why balance is called
Those howls of protest showing anything but balance, and ill wise,
causing more.
Not all officers are brutes, nor racist, and many within the Force are
All there to do a job, and when mistreated too, must find it hard not
to hit back.
Oh yes, officers are constantly abused, seriously provoked, and so
We minding here, it not an easy thing to live with being seen as some
They effectively taking all that stress-cum-those tough incidents home
with them,
And deserve a medal, I say, yet people only too happy to condemn.
Sure there’s bad officers (and they need dealing with), but why tar
them all the same,
The police there for good reasons, and there’s many bad protestors one
could name.
Yes, be they black or white, rioters endangering someone’s mum and dad,
Joined the Force in order to faithfully serve, thinking of me, thinking
of you.
This being how we’re able to sleep at night, and why we have no fear of
Unless we’re lawless, indulging in rioting, say, which we all should
George Floyd’s death hardly justification for such, but simply wise
Lest we display hypocrisy, and in wrongdoing, are also investing.
And those riots having nothing
to do with democracy, but anarchy,
They not only lawless and
violent, but dangerous to society.
My heart going out to those
mums and dads, those siblings too, who, at great risk here,
Have to deal with such
rampaging mobs, and their own
brand of brutality bear.
By Lance
poem was added to on 7 June 2020.
It should be borne in
mind that regarding those four policemen who dealt with
George Floyd, one was white, one asian, one latino, and one African
Christian content or
"When we
hate those who hate us, our
heart becomes a depository of hate, and thereby, we infected too."
poet, author
31. Punishing Is Our Hang-Up
Yes, punishing is our hang up, not God’s, who hates to punish, yet will one day,Such but His strange work, His Word says, He never having wanted to go that way.
It starting with an angel, then with humans, who despite God’s grace, howl for blood,
So-called sweet revenge, and thus forgiveness rare, reaction roaring like a flood.
I was thinking of those policemen charged with George Floyd’s death, and so they should be,
They subject to the laws of the land too, as all are to God’s Law, and rightly.
But midst those howls for blood, lets pause, in case they have a wife and a family,
Who’ll be badly affected, and this dumping more ills on society.
Yes, it’s like one big merry-go-round, fix one problem, cause another, and yet
Many not happy until their howls for blood (or that eye for an eye) are met.
Prison hardly melting the criminal’s heart, but certainly amazing grace,
Undeserved yet freely given, I thinking of that Saviour who took man’s place.
Yes, punishing is our hang up, we obsessed with such, but not the God of love,
Who’s wanting us to respond in a way that is more in keeping with above.
No brooding over things there, no plotting, no raging, but compassion, mercy,
Another chance for the repentant, God feeling for fallen humanity.
So why aren’t we feeling for fallen humanity, those who make big mistakes,
And you know, just a bad day, and a whole lot of pressure is all that it takes.
Those policemen constantly dealing with really bad characters, and hence why
Heavy handedness oft figures, though one shouldn’t ignore some “I can’t breathe” cry.
When I was a boy, having saved up some money, I purchased a radio,
A brand new one, which I wanted to look after, ’cause it cost a lot, you know,
And thus I was most upset over how rough the shop assistant seemed, when she
Put new batteries in it, and I looking at careless scratches, possibly.
She having lost some sensitivity having handled lots of radios,
And I guess those officers too, used to being challenged, or copping sharp blows.
They having to use degrees of force at times with some not coming quietly,
And restraint lost in the heat of the moment, adrenalin pumping wildly,
All how a line is crossed.
Excess aside, and bad behaviour, officers no doubt tread a fine line, and,
As with those particular officers, act in some way that they’d never planned.
Thus it a tragedy all round, that black man dead, and their lives ruined, sadly,
Not that I’m condoning any racist and outright police brutality.
But God forgives all who’re genuinely repentant, and who turn from wrong, though
Due punishment must be faced (no secrets here), or up to Heaven one won’t go.
And so justice seen to be done, but do such officers get a fair trial,
Or a harsher punishment because of the howls, which surely God would rile.
He impartial, we’re told, not swayed by braying mobs, more so those who act as bad
(Despite that mercy that God would show to them, and of which they would be so glad).
No, God loving the sinner, just hating the sin, and who of us haven’t sinned?
And that telling question being why the ranks of accusers are quickly thinned.
We won’t know we’ve made it until we feel sorry for those officers as well,
One moment doing their job, and the next, facing what could rightly be called hell.
Yes, years in a cell, their innocent families suffering too, sad to say,
The roar of lawless rioters making sure that they’ll pay, or else, they say.
Though there’ll come a day when God will do His strange work (’cause punishment He hates),
Most want God to zap now — yes, they only too happy to have those heads on plates.
But God knows the anger in their hearts, such different to His wrath, true and fair,
’Cause every ill must end (and then, that gracious God will wipe away each tear).
Yes, those rioters want justice, but justice they'll have to face, one soon day,
If they've not repented and owned up to that building or car that they torched, say,
And done the time too, thus their shouts a tad too loud given their own evil crime,
Which if they haven't paid for now, they certainly will be paying for in time.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 1 July 2020.
Also see the article God, War And Violence which is found on my page:
The Evil Of Violence, Home page.
This poem was penned 8 June 2020.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity."
Martin Luther King Jr
32. Protester Culpability
When have we seen anything like Covid
Nineteen, and all those lives lost, and yet,
Despite Covid
Nineteen, all those protesters, who the madness of it don’t get.
Enter protester culpability if
there’s more
deaths (riots aside here),
Social distancing, sense and
thoughtfulness lost to blind rage, as if they don’t care.
Yes, black lives matter, but
so do other
lives they’ve put at risk, thanks to their ill,
And how more blood
(courtesy of their sweat and venomous droplets) could spill.
Yes, in the form of an aided
pandemic, thus their
day of reckoning due,
Come that spike that one can
only hope won’t
come, and that could cost them their life too.
By Lance
following poem relates to that black man who died due to an officer
pushing on his neck with his knee when he was down on the ground.
"To holler 'Love!' yet mistreat those who hate, is to
declare our own
guilt, which
makes a mockery of what we state."
The poet, author
33. Marring The Memory Of George Floyd
Yes, people can have a legitimate
grievance, but when it just festers away,
It can go from grievance to malice, and hence those shocking riots we
see today.
And thereby some with that legitimate grievance just turning into
And how onto the innocent and enforcers of rightful law their poison
And how they were seen marring the memory of George Floyd, which a sad
story tells.
Yes, what a dreadful way to memorialise the tragic death of George
Floyd, who
(If I’ve got things right here), such a foolish path wouldn’t have
wanted them to pursue.
He clearly knowing such isn’t the way, and even if it did achieve some
good end,
It wouldn’t be to any rioter’s credit, and just a flawed message would
And all that violence on TV not helping that rioting mentality,
Those computer games too, and those perpetuated feelings that are so
The police having a job to do, like protecting the rest of us from
nasty mobs,
All those who wreck havoc on society, and who some Molotov cocktail
No, George shouldn’t have died like that, that officer a
criminal, well askew,
Just like those rioters — and oft amidst them, some with an agenda to
Yes, they oft within and behind such chaos, and all this why rioting’s
The mindset of a fool, who here, the memory of George Floyd just
blackens, sadly.
So protest do, but don’t riot, ’cause the whole world’s on your side,
but for a number,
Who're ridiculously displaying as much intelligence as a cucumber.
George Floyd's a human too, and colour’s just colour, which the
sensible person knows,
So shun those riots we see today that just animalistic
behaviour shows.
It’s painfully clear that black Americans have been treated very badly,
We more than aware of that dark history of apatite and slavery.
And yes, there’s that police brutality of which not just they have
suffered from,
That’s also been fuelling that justified anger ticking away like a bomb.
And there lies danger for both them and those who aren’t racist,
hence that need of care,
Which is far easier said than done, I know, but very necessary here.
A bad built-up reaction exploding on all, and enter more injury,
And how much success, because have hearts
changed? Which is what we really
need to see.
By Lance Landall
poem has been altered, added to, and its title changed (10 June 2020).
"An injustice committed
against anyone is a threat to everyone."
34. We Understand Your Anger
My dear black friend, we understand
your anger, and certain changes should occur,
But rioting, threatening a revolution, and harsh words are where you err.
Martin Luther King Junior knew this, so please, keep that
anger under control,
Lest you alienate some who’re sympathetic to your cause (that dreadful
Yes, we feel your anger, even share
your anger, but don’t go making things worse,
Otherwise you’ll leave the high ground behind you, as happens when
wounds we nurse.
damage has been done, enough
blood has been spilt, every
life counting,
And strong opposition to racism and police brutality is mounting.
Anger should be used constructively, not destructively; such
plain sense to me,
Having long seen the results of the two — and personally, actually.
Many of us having felt angry over something
in our life, felt the fire,
But only one
path worth taking, anger mixed with hate just leading to what’s dire.
Racism, like bigotry, will always be with us, despite legislation,
And thus law and shouts only going so far in fixing the situation.
Just as Christians have borne up under persecution, so it has been with
And thus we applauding
how you’ve borne your heavy cross, found that inner strength too,
So hold fast to that same spirit, retain your dignity, and the right
thing do.
Yes, we’ve
felt moved to cry “I can’t breathe,” and have known that silence too,
And hence that day that we look forward to when so much better off we
will be.
The object being not to make the meantime worse for ourselves, and why
I say:
Mind how you go, the best results always coming from choosing the better way.
One of your own kind was shot during the looting, yet black lives
matter, you say,
He an officer trying to protect some shop, but in the rioter’s way.
So what does that say? Such not helping your case, anger often not
making sense,
All why clear and objective heads are needed, mud not helping if on your fence.
Ranting at white people is spreading your own poison, and also sad to see,
Given how many have been supporting your protest, speaking out on TV.
Yes, we feel your anger, share your anger, but aren’t impressed with
So yes, mind how you go, and we will be there, working for all humanity.
By Lance Landall
35. I'll Say It 'Till Blue In The Face
We can introduce laws, force people to do (or not do) this or that, but hey,We can’t change hearts, and thus minds will think as they do, only love able to sway.
But not all responding to love’s appeal (and evidence to the contrary),
Their hearts too stodgy, their minds long set, and all why they can’t or don’t want to see.
And so, people turning to laws rather than the root cause which needs surgery,
Aided by loving reasoning, gentle education, what they need to see,
And that being, a good example, along with tolerance, ’cause force won’t do,
They needing to come willingly (grabbing then by the throat the wrong avenue).
And so, though laws may come in, if the heart’s not changed, that ill will still lurk within,
Nothing having altered, it still found under one’s putting-on-a-false-front skin.
Laws not the answer, they simply satisfying the angry, who need to learn
That despite some law, and in many hearts, that thing that was outlawed will still burn.
And perhaps it’s racism, which, as I said, will continue to eat away,
Thus show it still will, though more deceptively (since some new law’s had its say).
All why some won’t get that job, or an invite, and why force isn’t worth its weight,
And why love is the only real answer to racism, bigotry and hate.
Laws oft create less freedom and liberty, and for what, some concealed ill thought?
All why that rush for laws, ones true best interest is less likely to support.
Time, money and effort better spent on bringing both sides together somehow,
Not on punishment, that ferocious demand for something to be done RIGHT NOW!
All why I’ll say it till blue in the face, laws can’t change hearts, and nor someone’s mind,
All why there’s still those criminal acts (heat of the moment or mentally signed).
It all stemming from the heart, and why hearts we need to be focusing on, and
What’s being allowed to fill precious minds, ’cause that’s where it starts (lets understand).
Yes, what’s taken in soon displays itself one way or another, and why is seen
Good or bad, right or wrong, a great or poor response, a helpful or destructive scene.
Love having the say, or those angry demands that fall down all the time, sadly,
Because the heart of the matter is our hearts, and there we are failing badly.
By Lance Landall
Christian content or degree.
"Serious wrongs aren't always planned, but of the foolish moment, and how
many become a criminal by chance."
The poet, author
36. That Knee-On-The-Neck Man
Manasseh was the evilest king in the Bible — yes, wicked through and through,But a man who finally found God and completely changed, as others have too.
And this being why we should pray for all evil men, that they may turn around,
And men like that knee-on-the-neck man, remembering we’re all on shaky ground.
In other words, hardly squeaky clean ourselves, all why saints don’t go to Heaven,
But repentant sinners (courtesy of God’s gift of grace) who have changed within.
Yes, there no saints on Earth, because every one of us is terribly flawed,
Thus that change within starting the process, perfection coming when safely moored.
And by that I mean, when in the arms of our returning Saviour (nearly here),
Who tells us to love our enemies like He loves them, thus showing thought and care.
God certainly hating the sin, but not the sinner, who He hopes will change, and,
So it is with that knee-on-the-neck man, and why revenge should never be planned.
No, we needing to forgive, or God won’t forgive us, and this being why we
Should always mind those howls for blood, which aren’t heavenly but horribly earthly.
God not wanting any strong desire to punish residing in our heart,
’Cause from His company, the one with such a spirit’s soon seen to depart.
You see, love and hate can’t dwell together, we not to be some Jekyll and Hyde,
Some good and bad mix, a smiley faced, sweet talking yet moody, hardhearted bride.
No bridegroom longing for that, and so it is with Christ, who judges by the heart,
How we treat our enemies, ’cause loving our own is easy, though where we start.
Loving hearts seek to rehabilitate and redeem, their pain left with Christ, who
Will bring all deeds into judgement — and that meaning, every secret thing too.
Thus punishment not our worry, but making sure that we’re right, that all is well,
And I meaning, within our heart, which our words and actions are sure to soon tell.
If Manasseh changed, then so can others, and that’s what we should pray for, and so
We praying for that knee-on-the-neck man, that one day his face with love will glow.
Thus good coming out of bad, prisons doing little to change hearts, but Jesus,
Who, whether we're a Manasseh or Daniel, not only loves, but wants to save us.
By Lance Landall
"But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
(Matt 5:44, ESV).
"An evil act cannot be
justified by reference to a good intention."
Thomas Aquinas
37. Mobocracy
Just as greater a danger to freedom
and liberty is mobocracy,
That braying mob, militant majority that abuses democracy.
And so, mobocracy being a kind of people
power dictatorship,
Given its brawling, lawless, forceful way that grapples rights from
another’s grip.
Yes, the minority, in other words, who, due process are thereby denied,
And facing intimidation, their right to disagree simply brushed aside.
Mobocracy determined to get its way, its democracy but a farce,
Mobocracy just another form of tyranny, waiting snake in the grass.
Yes, mobocracy turning on dissenters just like a dictator would, and
Demanding that its
desires be met, thus making its own
laws of the land.
And thereby laughing at democratic elections, freedom and liberty,
It all coming down to its
way and demands, such the essence of tyranny.
By Lance Landall
38. Errant Protestors
We’re all concerned about climate
change (I like to think), and urgent is the need,
But causing disruption and anger by lawless means isn’t how to succeed.
So please don’t go blocking traffic flows, hindering workers and
businesses too,
It all counter productive, just hurting your own, a path that rebels pursue.
Yes, that chaining yourself to things, climbing up and over someone’s
It nothing but foolishness, thoughtlessness, acting very irresponsibly.
Hypocrisy, in fact, condemning ill while creating ill, causing chaos,
And those extra authority call out costs that are to everyone’s loss.
Yes, that time and money needed elsewhere, but no, those public antics
So many getting in on the act, but as far as support goes, losing
If it’s not rioters fouling their own nest, its errant protestors
breaking laws,
Annoying all and sundry, and in the process, hardening hearts, shutting
As far as Christians go, God doesn’t want lawless followers, this He’s
made clear,
Telling them to be at peace with the authorities, and persecution bear.
Their reward and rescue coming with His return when He’ll deal with
Those who’ve injured humanity, those who’ve played a part in the
By Lance Landall
39. It All Seems Hypocritical To Me
We can rage over climate change, inequality, starvation and poverty,Or whatever else we think we should, but it all seems hypocritical to me,
If on the other hand we’re treating anyone, anywhere, less than how we should be,
Like our father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, friend, with whom we disagree.
Yes, “Save our planet!” they shout, “Rid the world of landmines! Stop abusing women too!”
But oh, the selectiveness, given those contradictory things some say and do.
On one hand helping someone, or some cause, and on the other causing ill or pain,
Be it to someone they do or don't know, creating their own form of acid rain,
And thus the moral high ground cannot claim; we each being an Abel or a Cain.
If our life’s not in order, who are we to shout so, and if acting unkindly,
Abusing those who may not share our thoughts and feelings, thus displaying bigotry.
Yes, “Save the whales!” some shout, whilst stabbing a roast chicken, or neglecting their own pet,
It all seeming double-tongued, yet up go those tents, a new kind of order being set.
Yes, the world their way, given they think they’re so right, holes in some arguments glaring,
But there they are, standing for this right or that right, whilst at others coldly sneering.
Oh, are these the ones who’ll soon be ruling, banning this and banning that? — oh dear,
Freedom of expression and civil-religious liberty losing legs on their chair,
Thanks to the ill-thought-out and carried out, which such protestors are seeming to steer.
And all this while they riot, block roads, cause other people’s cash to go down the drain,
Their chants sounding just as caustic, they doing as much harm as any good they gain.
Yes, so sure they’re right, but even if they were, such hardly being the way to go,
Which tells in time, but always far too late, and how the seeds of their own fate they sow.
By Lance Landall
"There’s no greater hypocrisy than acting violently when protesting against the mistreatment of humanity."
The poet, author
40. What Next?
The anger and riots tied in with the Black Lives Matter movement that we see,And given that those who’re racist are getting even more stirred up, troubles me.
Fighting fire with fire just creates more flames, and going at things too hard also,
Riot after riot, march after march — it not everyone else, you know,
But just those errant police officers, yet the focus having gone astray,
And thus other heads popping up, white supremacists, those who’re looking with dismay.
Yes, their town wrecked, they feeling threatened, thus citizen against citizen, and
Where to next, it all such a mess, and might it all play into an unseen hand?
There’s nothing wrong with protesting, but it’s all gone well beyond such, sad to say,
The Black Lives Matter movement having made some bad calls, didn’t carefully weigh.
The anger understood, but such shouldn’t take the wheel, rather wisdom instead,
’Cause looking at the rush for guns now, how many more may be joining the dead?
Yes, both black and white.
“Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek,” Martin Luther King Junior said,
But it’s as if that’s been forgotten, and why other faces are angry red.
Yes, they feeling upset with you, and hence that wisdom found in those words once said,
Ground being lost as quick as it’s gained, certain supporters having up and fled.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 11 Septemver 2020.
41. Hypocritical Protestors
We may not approve of same-sex sexual acts, abortion, porno, prostitution and so on,But when it comes to those who are indulging in such, it’s not for us to such people set upon.
By that I mean, we shouldn’t abuse them in any way, thus treating them rudely or unkindly,
For such will speak very poorly of us, and thereby place us on the wrong side of humanity.
In other words, we all have two choices, either to behave lovingly and compassionately,
Or to join hands with the evil powers of darkness, via acting coldheartedly and savagely,
For at the end of the day, it’s one thing to disapprove of certain things, and to freely say so,
But quite another thing to disagree with others distastefully, and to act despicably.
When we take the moral high ground, there is a greater onus on us to behave exemplary,
Otherwise, we are simply hypocrites, down crying what we believe is wrong whilst acting wrongly.
And there goes credibility, not to mention dignity, for such a response is badly flawed,
Inevitably leaving us looking worse — thus, is it any wonder we’re rubbished or ignored.
Those who are truly loving and genuine, do not go about things in such an injurious way,
But rather, express their thoughts and feelings in an acceptable way, minding what they do and say.
Yes, there’re some things that we should condemn, but far too often it’s the person rather than the wrong we bag,
And thereby, right through all the muck and mire, not just others, but ourselves as well, we shamefully drag.
By Lance Landall
42. Those Errant Protestors
When one is watching the news on the TV, it’s not uncommon to see civil unrest in some foreign country,And by that I mean, a riot of some sort, due to that country's government introducing some disliked policy.
That is, something that was legislated, and possibly most unfair, or wrong, and yet, was still foolishly pursued,
And which caused an immediate reaction, or perhaps a later one, over which many citizens had stewed.
And hence that wanton destruction that occurred, the upturned cars, the smashed windows, and the buildings that were set on fire,
Yes, all that rioting to which no lawful, loving, just, sensible and self-respecting protestor would aspire.
For not only is such protesting (rioting) a form of anarchy, it is also akin to insanity,
Given that such simply fouls our own nest, and destroys or harms many things that are required within society.
It's somewhat the same when those who're seeking freedom effectively set about destroying their own country,
That is, by doing or causing what sees livelihoods ruined, and certain infrastructure too, somewhat suicidally.
For it’s one thing to grab at freedom, but quite another to ruin ones own country, or to set it back injuriously,
As the sad results can affect its inhabitants just as badly as if they were living under tyranny.
Now, I’m not condoning any horrid dictator, nor any oppression, or some injurious legislation,
For each and all of these things are most deserving of our active attention, and of our strongest condemnation.
But to foul our own nest, or to ruin our own country, via attempts at freedom, or via some misguided civil unrest,
Is to act just as crazy as whatever enemy, to invest in future woes, and such can wound us in the chest.
By Lance Landall
"The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum."
Adlai E. Stevenson (1900-1965)
43. Footnote
Liberty and freedom are usually lost by sleepiness, lethargy,Not enough voices, bad choices, and that failure to research and truly see.
The wrong people elected, even the right path rejected, and so it goes,
Like those riots that bring in stricter measures, those riots that contempt too, shows.
It’s who we place in power that matters, that demand for accountability,
Those copious checks and balances, and that eye for any skulduggery.
Oh, how too much power is given to some, and they not always fit, and how
Liberty and freedom are slowly chipped at, and how another nest we foul.
And as I mentioned, rioting aiding such, ’cause the Law has to respond, and
Rightly so, all rioters a threat to all and sundry in every land.
They but agents of a devil, dispensing their own form of justice, sadly,
Knowing no law, respecting no one and nothing, behaving just as badly.
And such riots as we have been seeing only hardening the racist mind,
And the authority's response too, hence why with soldiers the streets might be lined.
Rioters but a small segment of society, the rest having more sense,
Because condemning wrong whilst doing wrong puts a massive hole in ones defence.
And as for those statues that they’ve pulled down, here we see mob rule again, sadly,
They taking the law into their own hands, once again acting outrageously.
What next? Mount Rushmore, Darwin, statues of bad kings and queens — oh, where would it end,
And slavery once the norm, by the way, not that such I would ever defend.
Yes, down with statues of Roman emperors who fed Christians to the lions, and
Any other statue reminding of past brutality in any land.
And what about museums, they too having many sad reminders of past ill,
It not just slavery that’s wrong, and then there’s our own wrong, but please don’t tell.
Yes, we having created our own little images, statues, if you like,
They adorning Facebook, say, and those pictures shouting things as if they’ve a mike.
And what wrongdoing may lurk behind them, some rioter’s Molotov cocktail,
Brick, bottle or shared Covid Nineteen? And yet how on those streets they’re seen to wail.
If young people want true freedom, they need to learn to co-exist with people
Who’ve different opinions and beliefs, and be they good or bad ones, as well.
But we’re hardly teaching them this, speedily pandering to every howl,
And thus they becoming the weak generation, demanding this or that right now!
Yes, toleration’s not in their vocabulary, they playing into hands,
Hands that want things their way, like they do too, which inroads into liberty fans.
They going too far, still wet behind the ears, gagging never being the way,
Nor lawlessly attacking statues, but rebellion seeming to have the say.
Trying to get everyone to think and act the same is conformity
(Not unity), the ultimate expression of this found in dictators, see.
We’re meant to be unique individuals, not pressured to be like some other,
But accepted in our differences, and yet, still loving one another.
Toleration's only learnt by the presence of what anoys and iritates,
And thus others learning to tolerate us when something we say irritates.
Greater danger lying in restricting free speech than in permitting its abuse,
And why we need to watch lest via shutting some things down we just cook our own goose.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 8 July 2020.
Will the statue of John Newton be next, one wonders? Newton was a former slave trader who
became a Christian (turning away from slave trading) and wrote the hymn Amazing Grace.
Darwin's theory of evolution has aided white supremacy (so-called white superiority), racism in general,
and eugenics. Note the following quote:
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes,
as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider,
for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape
as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
The following poem contains Christian content or degree, and was prompted by the illegal
protest and eventual riot that took place in the capital of New Zealand regarding vaccine mandates.
However, it has universal application.
44. An Open Letter To Christian Protestors
(Midst any protesting throng)My dear fellow Christian, the Bible makes it patently clear that each of us
Is to behave in a way that will glorify and not bring shame on Jesus.
All why we’re to live lawfully and peaceably, not acting militantly,
Keeping well clear of illegal protests, force, riots, revolts and weaponry.
Our voice is to be heard, but our ways must be as pure as the ends sought, which means
No zealotry, wild rants, and Capitol Hill being one of those forbidden scenes.
In other words, Christ wants humble, gentle, loving, caring followers, not hordes,
Nor lone rangers, who in His name, throw poisonous verbal darts, wield callous swords.
And therefore, Christians are only to speak for Jesus, not fight for Him, and so
They not causing any trouble, but rather, the “fruit of the Spirit” should show.
All why they shouldn’t be stirrers and aggravators, nor should cause pointless flak,
But rather, they should act transparently, and only what’s right and sound should back.
“My kingdom’s not of this world,” Christ said, thus Christians just His representatives,
Not His army, and therefore, it via that difference that the true Christian lives.
They taking up their cross, enduring all things patiently until Christ’s return,
Thus not seen as some homeland threat, but simply those who for Christ and Heaven yearn,
And who fill others with that same hope they have in a new world to come (that’s near),
Christ the answer, they believe, not any earthly man or plan, and thus why fear?
Their freedom and reward coming later, thus they to be content in all things,
Joyful midst their sorrow, full of faith and trust, ’cause more ill from discontent springs.
Meantime, they not meddling with, nor interfering in, what they shouldn’t, which means
Keeping away from those factious, demanding, public nuisance creating scenes.
The police simply there to do their job, upholding law and order for all,
And what would we do without them? And why upon them, everyone’s seen to call.
Within protests oft lurks shadowy figures, anarchists and the unstable,
And hence how the innocent, peaceful protester gets seen as part of that ill.
And this why Christians have been told to avoid any appearance of evil,
And to love their enemies, which includes any who are in power as well.
And so, they not involved in, nor seen anywhere near, those problematic scenes,
No matter what good they might have in mind; it hard to tell the sauce from the beans.
Some of you who're not involved may want to witness to those protestors somehow,
But where there's such issues, anti-government rhetoric, it's out one should bow.
And Christians not there to milk things for God, nor should they act like opportunists,
The world's ways not their ways — and why on absolute integrity, God insists.
There's always a time, place and way, too many feeling Spirit led when they're not,
And thus doing more harm than good, and earning a reputation one can spot.
Eyes noting that mingling going on that's open to misinterpretation,
Or that could deviously be turned into some self-serving accusation.
All why one needs to exercise caution and wisdom, not getting caught up in
Quarrels and so on that aren't for the Christian, and that could well constitute sin.
But being part of groups that may damage property, cripple businesses, and
Disrupt lives and traffic, is not only folly, but hardly what Jesus planned.
The Christian to be thoughtful and respectful, the user of better channels,
And not the cause of, nor even indirectly a part of, any such ills.
Many followers of Christ aren't following His example, they thus askew,
And the bane of Christianity, but that this would be the case, Jesus knew.
Thus “Depart from Me” being something that they might hear soon, despite their protests,
One’s Christian walk to be free of hypocrisy, and there the truth of it rests,
’Cause once Christians pick up weapons, or flex their muscles, Christians they cease to be,
Who, by the way, aren’t even to think to enforce things for God legislatively.
Render unto Caesar what’s his, Christ said, and render unto Me what’s Mine, and
Before you sit in judgment, remember those things that I once wrote in the sand.
Christians are called to share the Good News Gospel, not get entangled in what's bad,
Doing good where they can in appropriate ways, not ways that are wrong and sad.
Hence that demarcation line that God’s drawn, lest Christians stray where they shouldn’t, and
Via doing so, distort the Christian witness, thus playing into Satan’s hand.
Yes, Christians aren’t to be in-your-face, bail-you-up types, pushing this, pushing that,
Nor bumper sticker, placard waving warrior types, ’cause that’s not where it’s at.
They to be thoughtful, respectful, refined informers, loving persuaders, who
Rather than turning people off, turn them on, ’cause they’re as if they're Christ on view.
By Lance Landall
"Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted,
and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves" (Rom 13:2, NIV).
"And the servant of the Lord must not strive [quarrel]; but be gentle unto all men..." (2 Tim 2:24, KJV).
"A protest lacking dignity equals a rabble."
The poet, author
For more such poems, see my page Apologetics, accessed via
my page With God In Mind, Home page.
Contains Christian content or degree.
45. An Open Letter To Christians Who're Anti-abortion
Though the Bible’s stance is clearly pro-life, and the sanctity of life’s upheld,Christians are simply to be a respectful voice, not the police of this world.
And so, you’ve got it all wrong if you’re hollering, harassing and demanding,
'Cause it’s only the due process open to all that one should be pursuing.
Yes, taking to the street like some militant horde is where you badly err, and
Shame the God who’s taught you better, you but witnesses, not some vigilante band.
Yes, many of you would storm Capitol Hill, and that’s how you harm God’s cause here,
’Cause He’s never said to do that, nor to piously wave His Word in the air.
What you’re doing is simply turning people off Christianity, I fear,
And embarrassing other Christians at the same time, who, your pro-life stance share.
However, they’re more thoughtful, and aware that all have the right to their own view
(Be it right or wrong), and why the same sad un-Christ-like antics they don’t pursue.
Christians have been called to share God’s wishes on the matter, but not to enforce,
And nor’s that waving of placards outside of abortion clinics the right course.
No, Christians aren’t to cause trouble, and nor distress, but to reason peaceably,
Knowing there’s a time and place, and not outstaying their welcome, like so many.
Christians are to live by example and teaching, not erring misleadingly.
The latter being why Christianity’s oft confused with Christendom, sadly.
Hence why the Bible conveys the standard of Christian conduct that God expects,
'Cause the way any Christian behaves, either rightly or wrongly Him reflects.
Too many Christians have lost their saltiness, or are blinding with their headlights,
They too like the world, or self righteous zealots, which God’s truth and character blights.
It’s one thing to abhor abortions, another to mistreat those having them,
And why those having them aren’t entirely off track when such Christians they condemn.
Yes, we can’t condemn wrong whilst committing wrong, 'cause that just makes us hypocrites,
And our argument somewhat impotent; so time to back off, if the cap fits.
How we treat others being where it’s at, which both sides need to see, by the way,
’Cause via our behaviour, it's either a God or a devil that we portray.
And it's Christ who will judge the world, we're told, not us, and therefore, mind things we should,
Too many too quick to pass judgments of their own, and would sentence if they could.
Hence why certain and erring Christians eye the halls of power, a scary thing,
'Cause from the linking of Church and State, forced dogma and persecution will spring.
By Lance Landall
“ ‘Because He [the Father] has fixed a day on which He will judge the world [us] in righteousness by a Man [Christ] whom He [the Father] has appointed; and of this He has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead
[Christ’s crucifixion]’ ” (Acts 17:31, ESV).
Note also my poem Roe Versus Wade.
Contains Christian content or degree.
46. The Christian Right Has No Right
Things you saw on Capitol Hill had nothing to do with Christianity,
But certain Christians, who, as far as their Saviour’s will goes, acted contrary.
So please don’t judge God or the Christian faith by them, and nor other Christians too,
Who wouldn’t think to take that path, nor act like that, and why they condemn such too.
And many of them being conservative evangelicals, so please mind,
Not throwing the baby out with the bath water, ’cause that’s acting just as blind.
The rightly informed Christian knowing not to interfere with the authority
Or administration of those who’re in power, as did Peter, foolishly.
Hence why Christ rebuked both him and such militancy, force and weaponry out,
Along with riots and demands, even that angry “Ban hate speech!” shout.
It’s one thing to express views via the proper channels, but quite another thing
For Christians to agitate or aggravate, and thus troubles on themselves bring.
“My kingdom’s not of this world,” Christ said, thus Christians to simply witness and love
(Knowing that laws don’t change hearts), and that they’re to run to the tune of God above.
And as for being offended, they’re hardly to indulge in such luxury,
But rather, they should ponder on the following text, and act accordingly:
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44, NKJV).
Such hardly what we saw on Capitol Hill, the means not pure, nor the ends sought,
And all how both the believer and non-believer have ended up in court.
The believer having brought shame on God, put others off Christianity,
When they should’ve stayed at home, kept aloof, and not indulged in such anarchy.
Dare it be that any Christian be seen as a domestic terrorist, or
Turn anyone off the Good News Gospel; Christ condemning all who break the law.
“Slaves, obey your master,” Scripture states, liberty soon coming with Christ’s return,
The Christian bearing all things, both the Church and State separate — oh, when will they learn?
Earth’s not where the Christian’s hope and trust is meant to be, nor in those plans of man,
Because only Christ’s their answer, and Christians should know this, scrapping any plan.
In other words, they leaving things in His hands, their job just to impart and shine,
Church and State and patriotic fever being where such Christians cross the line.
In God we trust, huh, but it not seeming so, more store in presidents, I say,
Or that Church and State scenario that many are wishing would come their way.
God not found in either, but in faith and trust, that daily walk that stands alone,
Because the plans of humans and nations will always leave us with cause to groan.
And so, for the Christian, it’s all about hanging in there and causing no grief,
No matter the circumstances or oppressor, lest they run aground on some reef.
Yes, Christians suffering in the meantime, maybe for their seventy odd years,
But what’s that compared to an eternity in Paradise where there’s no tears.
No, the Christian right has no right, God never having told them to interfere,
Politics not their domain, nor the earthly, but only the heavenly sphere.
So they shouldn't cause any trouble, nor turn to men instead of God, 'cause they
Run to the tune of a different order, He who is the life, truth and way.
By Lance Landall
"As Christians we are not here to provide an ethic for society or the state, but to clearly define an ethic for disciples of Jesus Christ. In the American system of government it is difficult for this stance to be understood. We operate with the myth of being a Christian nation, and we seek to interpret for society an ethic that we can bless as Christians. We need a new awareness of the pluralism of the New Testament, that the crucial issue is the difference between the church and the world, and that the church operates "within the perfection of Christ," while the world operates outside the perfection or will of Christ. Christians influence the state for good through Christian ethics and integrity, but they do not equate church and state. Only an indepth understanding of this issue can save us from a cultural and a civil religion."
Myron Augsburger
For more such poems, see my page Apologetics, accessed via
my page With God In Mind, Home page.
Contains Christian content or degree.
47. Know This First And Foremost
Many have been turned off Christianity (and God Himself, I must add here),When Christendom’s been the problem, many Christians going astray, who guilt share.
Yes, they having distorted or misinterpreted God’s word, many also
Having behaved hypocritically, hence all those ills that shamefully show.
All why we really need to get to know both God and His Word for ourselves, you see,
Giving both Him and Christianity a chance, and thus acting more fairly.
But no, many wander off in the opposite direction, it’s sad to say,
Where there are charlatans and much gobbledegook, and how they too, go astray.
Christianity is all about God’s great love for us, which He wants shown,
And all about beneficial, promise filled truth and practice, which He wants known.
Not that nonsense and ill that crept into the Church after the apostles died,
And which they (the first proclaimers of Christ’s gospel) warned of, and hence that slide.
So please, don’t throw the baby out with that nonsense and ill, as with anything,
People always soiling and spoiling things, and hence some once pure polluted spring.
Christianity all about God, Christendom all about people, you see,
And where there are people — well, enough said, and why we need to act sensibly.
Yes, know this first and foremost, one altering one’s focus to see more clearly,
Thus looking beyond it all, ill found in every institution, sadly.
Yes, imperfect world, imperfect people, and why we see those faulty Christians,
Who, God may or may not excuse, given ignorant and not so ignorant sins.
And some well off track, much done in God’s name knowing nothing of Him, and hence why
There’s that coming day, God a God of justice too, all why for such, victims cry.
But this no reason for shunning Christianity, and nor that God above,
Whose message is conveyed via fallen humans who often lack wisdom and love.
Far too many have a head knowledge and not a heart experience, you see,
They believers and not reflectors, or plain deluded, have been misled, sadly.
Both love and truth often dogged by the errant, or wolves among the flock, and why
We simply need to be aware of this, and not blame or curse the One on high.
By Lance Landall
“Many [Christians] will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name?
and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will
I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ”
(Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
New Zealand related.
Contains Christian content or degree.
48. Hey, Brian
We’ve seen you on TV a number of times, mostly where there’s controversy,Even causing controversy, somewhere, somehow, which isn’t Christ-like to me.
You even stirring up your congregation, marshalling them like soldiers, and
Marching or bellowing; no apostle acting like that, it all out of hand.
Then off on your loud bikes, as if they’re some sort of power symbol to you,
Such reminding of a pack, and there’s an aggressiveness coming across too.
Your protesting voice seeming loud and angry, and there’s much trashing that you do,
Be it about this or that, him or her, and there’s that same lot that follows you.
It’s very sad, Brian, you seemingly hyped up, and as if some Christian knight,
Your stabbing words your sword; and your claimed authority, naught but misguided might.
Oh, what might you do if you held the reigns of power, it really quite scary,
The past full of the persecuted who held a different belief or theory.
I’m sorry, Brian, but I just can’t see Christ in it all, those tears in His eyes,
That love that He has for sinners, like you and I, no more worthy of some prize.
And nor can I see the same humbleness, simple life style, it all worlds apart,
And I’m reminded of those errant crusades, God in the head, not in the heart.
Your role’s to share the Good News Gospel, to live up to it, and by example,
Not to rise in opposition to those in power, thereby inviting ill.
Each Christian should be a rightful witness, not a shameful one, ’cause that turns off,
Capitol Hill one example, and why of Christianity now, some scoff.
I remember that march of yours that hollered, “Enough is enough!” All dressed in black,
It reminding me of the Third Reich, those jack boots; all how you encountered flack.
Only the impetuous Peter taking the law into his own hands, and
Seriously rebuked by Christ he was, who wants followers, not some crass band.
No, Christ had no bodyguards, formed no army, militant group, nor power sought,
Hence His donkey, not His Harley, and confrontation was never seen to court.
He a speaker of truth, but never a protestor, nor a breaker of laws,
’Cause anything of such a nature is but a foolish hindrance to His cause.
So, I’d keep those motorbikes just for road trips, and turn to more godly channels,
Freedom of expression one thing, blocking highways another; how anger spills.
Love being where it’s at, Brian, that onward Christian soldiers thing a mistake,
The devil laughing his head off, and as far as Christ’s head goes, it seen to shake.
Christians aren’t enforcers, nor should be trouble makers, public nuisances, who
Thereby show little thought for the rights of others, and nor for their feelings too.
Everything to be done in love, and with due care, so please mind how you go,
’Cause it’s all suggesting that the One whose name you rant in, you really don't know.
By Lance Landall
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
For more such poems, see my page Apologetics, accessed via
my page With God In Mind, Home page.
New Zealand related.
Jacinda Ardern was the prime minister at the time I penned this poem, which was
28 August 2022. However, the essence of this poem could apply to any prime minister.
Contains Christian content or degree.
Don't Attack Jacinda
Though not a supporter of any political party, politician,I’m concerned by certain behaviour that is coming from many a Christian.
Though not a believer in that left and right ill, I’m disturbed by what I see
Coming from these Christians who some party or some politician are anti.
Dear erring Christian, please don’t attack Jacinda, nor knock her personally,
Such not what God has said to do, but to submit to those in authority.
Any complaint to be pursued via appropriate channels, but mind there too,
Lest your words and actions be un-Christ-like, or simply not for you to pursue.
What God has told you is, to bear all things, waiting patiently for His return,
And meantime, being a good and true witness, not some homeland threat or concern.
Those Jewish revolts under Rome doing nothing but causing trouble, and why
You shouldn’t be causing trouble either, and here, Jacinda crucify.
You, dear erring Christian, are to be a responsible citizen, and here
I’m meaning thoughtful too, not shouting, nor blocking roads, because that won’t endear.
All such does is annoy or anger; your God all about peace and harmony,
LOVE, in other words, so hey, why are you agitating politically?
Jesus having shunned such, “My kingdom not of this world,” He said, yet here you are
Some of you acting like a horde — and how shameful, when your presence they must bar.
Jacinda’s simply doing her job as she thinks best, and the rest of her team,
And come election time, you can vote in or out, and thereby release your steam.
Meantime, go about things rightly, even loving your enemies like Christ said,
And leaving things in His hands, not taking them into yours, no doubt having misread
(Misinterpreted God’s Word, that is).
Your focus God’s things, not man’s things, though you’ve a right to your voice and pen, but hey,
You, as a Christian, should know better then anyone, that there’s a right and wrong way.
In time, if your heart’s right, God will reward you with eternal life, so why rant?
You wanting the best of both worlds, when you can’t — and why just for Heaven, should pant.
But is your heart right? Are you praying for Jacinda rather than attacking,
Extending that same grace that Christ has? ’Cause if not, you’d better start unpacking.
Yes, it’s one thing to express your view, but rude shouts and abusive placards
Not only strip you of the high moral ground, but act like thrown mud and cruel shards.
No leader fault free, and err they do, and pointing such out can have its place,
But never should a Christian think to act in a way that’s naught but a disgrace.
By Lance Landall
“Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God. Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinances of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behaviour, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor” (Rom 13:1-7, NASV).
New Zealand related.
Contains Christian content or degree.
At It Again
Hi Brian, I see you’re at it again, giving Christianity a bad name,Painting over rainbow crossings with white paint — Oh, how the Lord Jesus you shame,
’Cause you’re taking the law into your own hands, and those crossings legal, you know,
And God being a lawgiver, not wanting Christians to break any law, so
Why are you acting so rebelliously? God condemning such behaviour, which
Makes Christians look like troublemakers, and you a pastor, which is pretty rich.
Christ (the head of the Church) never acted like that, set such a bad example,
Though its hardly the way for anybody to register their disapproval.
You’re entitled to your view, Gay people too, but lynch type mobs don’t belong here,
Nor anywhere, and not in a democracy, and they simply causing fear.
So back to your Bible you need to go, where we’re told to love our enemy,
And love always going about things the right way, not causing hostility.
By Lance Landall
Australian related.
49. That Rainbow And Controversy
I would never seek to harm via word or action any homosexual,Though opposed to Gay marriages and same-sex sexual acts, thus speak I will.
I someone, who, like those seven rugby players, would refuse to wear same top
One that revealed that Gay Pride rainbow logo, because support such, I do not.
In fact, as a Christian, and given what the Bible says about the rainbow,
I've a right to be offended by such usage, which lack of thought's seen to show.
God having given no such permission, He the one who made male and female,
And said that a man's to leave his parents and be joined to his wife, not husband
(Some male), though here, I really making the point that the knocking of these seven men
By you and others, shows no respect for their rights, and why here, such I condemn.
Not only has God's prerogative been trodden on, but people's conscience here,
Who your take on things simply don't share, and who, should also be shown thought and care.
If you want your rights and feelings respected, remember it’s a two way street,
Or one that certainly should be, lest cries of “Hypocrisy!” you chance to meet.
These men having no malice, but just standing up for what they believe, which we
Should applaud and not reproach, principles all part of freedom and liberty.
It seems as if you want all to conform to your wishes, by hook or by crook,
Certain sympathisers aiding and abetting, who thus your case overcook.
I having no problem with the condemnation of certain sad Christians, who
Rant about burning in Hell because of being Gay, and thereby, erring too.
But hey, if I don’t wish to sport your Gay Pride rainbow, its not because of hate,
Nor because I’m homophobic, and why I, or them, you shouldn’t denigrate.
I’m someone who’s trying to show love to all, as Jesus Christ would want me to,
But some things not going along with, and nor He, of which you’ve the same right too.
So why the attack on such as us? You never liking being attacked, and
Going on about rights, yet trying to remove ours, from what I understand.
Thus ill coming from both sides, but not me and others, who see you as brothers,
But don’t agree with certain things, and beg to differ, just the same as others.
If legislation supported drugs, I still wouldn’t take them (on conviction),
Nor will I show approval of homosexually, such affection.
But love you all, I will, midst not accepting what I believe is any ill,
’Cause that’s my way, what makes sense to me, and is my right, or do I sense some chill?
Loving everyone doesn’t mean accepting everything, which surely
Society should know, not just granting in order to placate, which is folly,
And how it can seal its fate, but grant such, it oft does, and hence why there will be
Those who agree and those who don’t, or are we now forfeiting democracy?
“But wear it for love’s sake,” some continue, as if they've not heard a word I’ve said,
Love knowing better than that, it not just about the heart, but also the head.
We being true to what we believe, not giving a false impression, and why
Truth’s just as important as love — in fact, how we know love, and not false love buy.
It’s better to be divided by truth than united in error, I’ve heard said,
And thus those seven rugby players doing what they should here, using their head.
False love causing confusion, messing things up, like me saying, “You can sing well”
(Just to please), when you can’t; it but a lie, and in the end, it just leads to ill.
Yes, so much done in the name of love knows nothing of love, and which reminds me
Of how Church unity’s trampled on God's Word, it more about conformity.
Others pressured to go along, just like those seven men who’ve rightly said “No,”
Knowing compromise is where it starts, and that there’s a bigger picture. Bravo!
By Lance Landall
"And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood;
neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the token of the covenant
which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do
set my bow [rainbow] in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth"
(Gen 9:11-13, KJV).
50. The Worst Kind Of Protest
I was thinking of Salman Rushdie, how he was attacked by a Muslim manThe attacker offended by what Salman had written, and wanting a ban.
And I thought, there you have bigotry in its fullest form — yes, ban, strike or kill,
Death to free speech as well, which I find more repugnant than Salman’s supposed ill.
If I got a dollar for all those times Christianity’s been mistreated,
I’d be a very wealthy man, but over such, I refuse to get heated.
And God not wanting me to, I to love my enemies, take such on the chin,
And not even think to do what that attacker did, clearly unwell within.
Yes, to have such thoughts is far from godly, such thinking the cause of so much ill,
And one’s religion surely bigger than that — otherwise, it too, is unwell.
We learning to show tolerance, and learning only comes with being tested,
Just like being challenged is good for us too, lest in wrong things we’ve invested.
When religion starts throwing its weight around, it’s not a good one, I believe,
And nor sound is the follower who gives someone such cause to inwardly grieve.
Religion supposed to make us better, not worse, thus hate and violence out,
No matter what’s said of the Koran or Bible, ’cause love’s what it’s all about.
Well, it certainly should be, and I thus leaving things in God’s hands, free of blame,
Unlike those who harm in Allah’s name, and unlike any who harm in God’s name.
Yes, because no one should raise a hand to anyone, but rather, turn the cheek,
Retaliating being but the foolish way of the ignorant and week.
The truth is, that bigotry can’t handle views that differ from its own, and nor
Some perceived insult, its own view and response thus exalted, hence why we saw
Salman Rushdie stabbed repeatedly, someone having become judge and jury,
And thereby, their religion trampling on civil and religious liberty.
All why all should be free to speak and write as they wish, because who has the right
To gag mouths and knobble pens, as if God himself, and persecution ignite?
This world’s been there, and please, lets not go back there, ’cause we’ve too much to lose from such,
And maybe the lot (in the end), should some surprise have us firmly in its clutch.
By Lance Landall
51. Roe Versus Wade
Where’s the respect on either side of the abortion debate, it much like war,The battle lines drawn, abuse flying back and forth, and thus the behaviour poor.
Some would say appalling, as if no one has the right to think differently,
And so it is with that hate speech debate, where the same sad behaviour we see.
Things pass into legislation, things that we’re not always happy about, and
That’s life, as they say, this world not just ours, but his and hers too, lets understand.
And therefore, things sometimes going their way, and things sometimes going our way,
Be it good or not good, and why tirades, clashes and riots simply dismay.
Yes, legislation may go too far sometimes, certain allowances not made,
And that's not good, many will agree, but nor's that bad response that's oft displayed.
Many just as dangerous to society as some government can be,
Given their angry demands, their abuse and assaults, that forcing that we see.
And so, we need to be far bigger than that, despite how upset we may be,
Otherwise we’re acting like dictators, displaying scorn for democracy
(Or due process).
Everyone seemingly wanting the world made to suit their beliefs or views,
And the majority that world of the unborn too, it seems, whose death they choose.
And they not the only ones:
When the Supreme court ruled out abortion, President Biden was outraged, and
Said he wasn’t going to take such lying down (my wording, you understand).
He sounding just like Trump to me, who wouldn’t accept the election results,
And thus how both he and Biden, the rule of law, inevitably assaults.
In my mind, they’re basically as bad as each other, ’cause what they don’t like
They rage over and interfere with, and thus of due process, it’s “On your bike!”
The supreme court’s there for a reason, the democratic process too, so why
Would both seek to overturn such rulings and results? And why “Foul!” we might cry.
One role of the State is to protect its citizens, hence the military,
And laws forbidding violence and any sexual criminality.
And hence why it makes sense to me to protect the unborn too, life being life,
And thus all protected; and why I for one, am all for the sanctity of life.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 7 August 2022.
You might like to check out this link which contains interesting facts in general
amongst the religious comments:
Or, you might prefer to visit this website by non-Christians:
This poem was penned 9 May 2023, three days later.
52. Coronation Protesters
During the coronation of King Charles, there was an anti monarchy protest,
And a number of those protesters were placed under arrest, they but a pest.
Yes, fair enough, I thought, because there’s a time and place, which they should all realise,
Thus not spoiling that special occasion, but how many protesters are wise?
The truth is, so many protesters don’t think beyond their own argument, and
Act without due thought and care, oft going too far, and hence the police at hand.
And in this case, that coronation having a certain significance, and here
Millions who weren’t anti the monarchy, but enjoying the stirring fanfare.
And so, even a quiet protest was out of place here, marring that special day,
England on show to the world, a long held and loved tradition having its say.
Hence the removal of a number of protesters with their anti king signs,
All in order to tone things down, I presume — and rightly so, in many minds.
A violation of rights? Well, I guess that depends on how one views it all,
Those protesters but out of line — thus in many minds too, they having a gall.
There was the week before, or the week after, but no, they had to spoil that day,
Such being the mindset of hard-line protesters determined to get their way.
We may have the right to do something, but doing it may not always be right,
And in this case I believe it wasn’t right, even offensive, impolite.
And the police oft caught in a conundrum, things not always sinister, and
Here, certain laws pertaining to certain times, which the fair-minded understand.
Sometimes they get it wrong, and sometimes they get it right, policing not easy,
And certain people making it harder for them, and hence why errors we see.
But to their credit, sorry's sometimes said, though expectations are oft too high,
One needing to work in the force to understand, though how many bother to try?
And when certain protesters get aggressive, like in this case, and there's concern,
The police need to nip such in the bud, because very quickly things can turn.
They there to see no unsightly scene unfolded, and fair enough too, I say,
Such a once in a lifetime event, history in the making, 6th of May.
Yes, those protesters should've stayed away.
By Lance Landall
53. Those Road Blocking Greenie Protesters
Oh, the fury that those road blocking greenie protesters cause, and injury,
Given some missed operation having to be rescheduled, perilously.
The likes of doctors, nurses and medical couriers running late, sadly,
It cruel and wrong, nothing but a skewed approach, gross irresponsibility.
All why the means we use should be as pure as the ends we seek, and why such greenies
Should be held to account, dealt with firmly, taught they simply can’t do as they please.
It not one rule for them and one rule for us, and hence the motorist’s fury
That sees them taking the law into their own hands, also causing injury.
Oh yes, urgent changes are needed climate change wise — of that, we all agree,
But there’s other and better ways to go about things, acting rightly, fairly.
Breaking the law but the way of fools, their path a danger to society,
Because where to next, and who’s suffered in the meantime? It criminal, clearly.
If they’re going to disrupt anyone, it should be politicians, surely,
Not their fellow citizens, who stepping on the gas, might cause more injury.
Those held up possibly on their way to a wedding, birthday or funeral,
And how such flawed protesting not only infuriates, but causes more ill.
Yes, once that motorway’s cleared, the fury not ending, hence that speed or road rage,
Or crankiness that follows those drivers back to their home or workplace, I’d wage.
Oh, those poor drivers with weak bladders, those poor women who're late in pregnancy,
Or those with a stress related condition, or something else medically.
Such protesters (just like rioters) show a total disregard for the law
With their "end justifies the means" mentality, akin to settling some score.
Precious time and resources thereby wasted, the police badly needed elsewhere,
And everyday life still having to go on despite any climate change fear.
If something terrible happens to these protesters one day, who’ll be surprised,
And, “They had it coming to them,” many will no doubt say, which they should’ve realised.
After all, what a gall to block a motorway, and how wrong to anger so,
Creating what could explode one day, which their folly and thoughtlessness will show.
That “end justifies the means” mentality has been the cause of so much ill,
It but the tool of fools, like Putin, who in Ukraine has created a hell.
Those protesters (just like rioters) destroying the fabric of society
Given they stomp all over rules and principles, and recognise no boundary.
By Lance Landall