Wisdom And Truth Matter



"Too many go by tales and lies that the truth of the matter defies."
The poet, author


Ties in with my pages The Evil Of Violence, Humanity and World Concerns.

Where there's Christian content, "Christian content or degree" is stated above such poems.

"A corrupt society produces corrupt leaders who endanger that society, but a
corrupt world produces corrupt leaders who endanger the world."
The poet, author


"When leaders go astray, they soon fleece the sheep, pull the wool over their eyes,
somehow lull them to sleep, and sometimes truck them away."
The poet, author

1.  Cause For Real Concern

I’m no fan of the left or right, both having proven injurious, and more so

The greater their swing has been, because from such, even more injury’s seen to flow.
Oh yes, the reckless, libertine left and the tight-fisted, draconian right, who
Instead of just governing, their own particular agendas love to pursue.

And thus when things swing too far one way, they’re soon seen to swing too far the other way,
Both sides always pushing the envelope, then that backlash, all why such doesn’t pay.
And maybe there’s a bigger backlash coming than any have ever seen before,
Given those loud liberal gains that have seemingly sought to storm every door.

Just as there’s many who want this or that, there’s many who do not want this or that,
And where it’s worldwide, a worldwide backlash, some epicentre, a roar and not clap.
Capitol Hill but a reminder and warning of how things can go, left or right,
And all why I’m not a fan of either, a cause for real concern clearly in sight.

Yes, there are zealots on both sides, some with a religious face, and well astray,
Willing to wield the sword in God’s name or legislation chase; somehow gain sway.
All how rightful governance is hijacked, we not having learned from history,
The folly and fickleness of humanity seemingly a mystery;

Both fanaticism and liberalism nothing but a travesty.

All why the conservative path seems the wiser path, it more balanced, centred,
And thus neither
liberal or fanatical, but more rightly seen and heard.
Society needing boundaries and safeguards, standards by which to live by,
All carefully weighed and measured, the ship steady, no left or right danger nigh.

But because society's lost its rudder, confusion and anger abounds,
The left and right having caused a polarisation, hence those groups doing the rounds;
Be they the bigoted, racist far right, or the boundary sacking far left,
Or the conspiracy brigade, and why of soundness, society’s now bereft.

Balance having bitten the dust, the head of one not connected to its heart,
And the heart of one not connected to its head, and thereby, they world’s apart.
And we all the worst for it, ill growing by the day, hence that cause for real concern,
Lest via the very worst of scenarios, we awaken and too late learn.

But so it goes, that constant swing between the left and right, neither getting it right,
And no surprises there, both unbalanced, and which their voters help incite.
Yes, their left or right demands aiding and abetting, society askew,
And why seldom’s seen a government that’s sound, and cause for real concern in view.

Once again, politicians are there to run their country, not seek their own ends,
Nor should they take part in protests, certain parades, which a biased message sends;
Thus gone their neutrality, ability to operate impartially,
Which makes them unfit for such an office, and hence those wrong directions we see.

Having to toe the party line creates dishonourable women and men,
Who, on certain matters, should go by conscience, thus making a stand there and then.
But no, and thus forced choices leading to errant introductions, foolish laws,
Which free choice may’ve prevented, and how society’s soon clenched in folly’s jaws.

The truth is, that the hallmark and benchmark of every government should be:
Integrity, Balance and Heart; and leaders being servants of humanity.
In other words, not there for themselves, but the well-being of society,
Governance free of the self-serving, marked by honesty and transparency.

But that sad left and right bias always getting in the way, spoiling it all,
Affecting so much, acting like a toxin, cancer, one oft seen to appal.
And come elections, a swing to the right again, or a swing to the left, when
More balanced governance would've saved the day, instead of here we go again.

Also true: Americans, say, can be fed propaganda as much as Russians,
Enter fascism wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross; all how fate grins.
It hardly conservatism at fault, but those hard left and right swings we see,
Which are devoid of balance, and which either way, endanger humanity.

When presidents court envangelicals, or vice versa, it's a real bad sign,
And where Church and State are wed, you've a forbidden marriage that's far from divine.
One that history's proven to be disastrous (both on different levels);
And often found hiding behind religion, cunning men and callous devils.

All why Church and State should always remain separate, but not so, I fear,
A very real threat looking eminent, though in the minds of most, not so clear.
Oh yes, what’s happened before can happen again when people forget the past,
And why I believe that certain freedoms that many have enjoyed will not last.

At the end of the day, we know this world is really run from behind the scenes,
Though appearing not so, thus what will be will be, despite those left and right leans.
All why I personally have a hope beyond this world, where there’s pure intent,
No disinformation, trickery, falsehood, delusion, force-cum-devilish scent.

By Lance Landall

This poem was penned on 26 March 2023, tweaked and added to on 1 October 2023.

"Who we vote for can make us accountable too."
The poet, author

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes."

Felix Frankfurter,  American Supreme Court Justice (1882-1965)

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), past UK prime minister.

"NPR reported that Mike Johnson [speaker of the US House of Representatives] has ties to the New Apostolic Reformation, an extreme far-right Christian movement seeking to dissolve the US’s separation between church
and state by “any means necessary.”

"As Christians we are not here to provide an ethic for society or the state, but to clearly define an ethic for disciples
of Jesus Christ. In the American system of government it is difficult for this stance to be understood. We operate with
the myth of being a Christian nation, and we seek to interpret for society an ethic that we can bless as Christians.
We need a new awareness of the pluralism of the New Testament, that the crucial issue is the difference between
the church and the world, and that the church operates "within the perfection of Christ," while the world operates outside the perfection or will of Christ. Christians influence the state for good through Christian ethics and integrity, but they do not equate church and state. Only an in-depth understanding of this issue can save us from a cultural
and a civil religion."
Myron Augsburger, pastor, professor, theologian, and author.

"We Christians may not do as Americans something that we must not do as Christians. As we listen to and
 debate arguments about going to war, note how often our Christian identity is subordinated to our American identity.
We have been so formed by the collusion of the church with America that we find it difficult to even distinguish
between Christian and national identity, and harder to subordinate our national identity to our identity in Christ."
Jonathan R. Wilson, pastor, professor of theology, and author.

"I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish — where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source — no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials — and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all."
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), past American president.

"Christians aren't here to change the world via the political realm, but to simply change hearts and minds
via the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which, by the way, is the only way that the world can ever be changed."

The poet, author

"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not
seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy
(1917-1963), past American president.

By the way: 
God does not appoint Presidents (Rom 13:1-5). The ruling power of human governments is entrusted to humans by God, according to His own purposes for our welfare. Thus no authority exists except by God's permission and under His control. However, what He allows doesn't always meet with His approval, though ultimately, He's still in control, and in due time, errant leaders will be held accountable. Likewise, God entrusts the electing of pastors and elders to humans, who, so very often, choose wrongly. And thus how we bring things on ourselves, be it via the Church or government. It was the Jewish revolts against Roman authority that provoked the Roman government's wrath. And so, God is effectively saying to us, "Don't go down the same path (despite the badness of certain leaders), or you'll make things worse for yourself, suffer as did the ancient Jews (who were dealt to, scattered), create anarchy, and rebel against My overall authority. So meantime, choose your leaders wisely, accept your lot, and wait for My coming rescue." Yes, God's providence is absolute, but His approval is not, otherwise He would simply be the author of evil.

You may wish to check out my article regarding the left, right and centre of the political spectrum which
is titled, My Take, In Light Of Today, and which can be found on my page Things Worth Pondering.
For more regarding the possibility of Church and State, see my page World Concerns and the section
titled The Changing Of America. Particularly note my poems I'm Concerned, America and I'm Shocked, America.
Also see my page Further To which contains my article Why Church And State Should Always Remain Separate,
as well as poems and articles regarding the dangers of cancel culture. This page is accessed via my page
This World And Us.

2.  Character, Remember

AMERICA! If you’re proud of your ship, don’t sell it short via errant captains,
Those at the wheel, presidents unfit for the task, be it character or sins.
Yes, even cognitive decline, ’cause it’s not about what they may do for you,
But how they steer the ship, whether it’s peace or warmongering that they pursue.

In other words, do they have a love for humanity, are they there to serve,
Or are they simply political creatures whose arrogance has quite a nerve?
Are they noble, impartial, upholders of civil-religious liberty,
Or are they easily bought, hypocritical — a danger, actually?

Most people ignore the bigger picture for their own desires, and why we see
Voting that’s selfish and shallow, a government that’s bad for society.
All why your president should be above reproach, and not someone who dismays,
Nor a user of religion, ’cause our world’s all the worse off for such, these days.

And so, sound in mind, sound in action, an example to the nation, one who
Keeps his or her integrity, knows when to step down, and their word follows through.
No boaster, slanderer or propagandist, but balanced, kind-hearted and true,
Admired by both friend and foe
yes, someone that everyone can look up to.

So don't be fooled by religious pretensions, 'cause God's been used like that before,
And the U.S. a sitting duck for such, and given that shout over God's Law.
Yes, it's such an American thing, and thus, "God bless America," they say,
Which rings so hollow when words and actions but a glaring difference convey.

You know, God's Word actually says that the world will continue to worsen,
So any professing Christian promising a brighter future here on Earth
Is a real concern, a president who mixes his politics and religion,
When politics and Christianity are world's apart, and when wed, a sin,

Good character knowing better, 'cause God's not to be used to further votes win.

By Lance Landall

See my poem I'm Shocked, America which is found on my page World Concerns.

3.  It's All About Character

Yes, it’s all about character, GOOD character, not a good and bad mix here,
The latter simply allowing someone to incite an insurrection, and then to dare
Wax lyrical about God, or to remark regarding violence, “It’s sick,
It’s sick,” whilst supplying bombs that kill innocent kids, the white phosphorus thick.

And there’s the problem, that mix, we able to see bad character coming, but
That mix confusing or fooling us, and which, across everything can cut.
Our world’s in a mess because of that good and bad mix, or plain bad, and hence why
Only GOOD character is the answer, sparing us from injury and lie.

When we’re a mix, we’re still indulging in bad; all why Christ said of some Christians,
“I wish you were either hot or cold,” He not wanting them still committing sins,
’Cause hypocrisy, trying to have it both ways, is a false witness, and thus
Confusing or fooling, hurting or harming, thereby misrepresenting Jesus.

Hot or cold — yes, GOOD character, nothing less, ’cause there’s simply no other way;
Otherwise ill will continue, like those saintly charlatans who’re after prey,
Or those leaders whose promises are dubious, and who often seek glory,
Their misdeeds, misjudgements, and moral lapses but a continuing story.

By Lance Landall

4.  America Aflame

America’s a very polarised country, thanks to that hard left and right,
And that dangerous, emotion baiting, political spiel that’s far from bright.
Yes, that Hitler-like stirring up of the crowd, and hence that shot at Donald Trump,
And thus rhetoric instead of facts giving democracy another thump.

All why both the left and right need to dial back on that rhetoric, and become
More balanced and centred, more humble and wise, free of that trouble causing drum.
America a hotbed of out-of-control groups, all seeking their own end,
Along with errant leaders, those with some agenda, hence that worsening trend.

And thus a pot shot at someone being of little surprise, emotions high,
Many unhappy with both Biden and Trump, many seeing both as awry.
But the far right seeming to gain the ascendancy, and in tow, religion,
And the latter courtesy of the misinformed or radicalised Christian.

Oh, that crazy see-sawing, tragic carousel, reckless swinging that we see,
It never ending, the voting so entrenched, sense having left the Land of the Free.
And where it’s all heading is more than a guess, and so many loving their guns,
Donald Trump simply lucky, and why such sad rhetoric and ways, wisdom shuns.

Yes, President Biden, it's sick, it's sick, but there is something else that's sick too,
And that is, dropping bombs on innocent kids, thus hypocrisy through and through.
Violence seeming the American way of life; and an example set
Via a president supporting war crimes, a legacy many won't forget.

And yes, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" being more insurrection talk, classic Trump, wild
And why in America there's such a highly charged atmosphere, tick, tick, tick.
And hence that crazy sniper, because what has he gained, and killing plain wrong too,
But there you go, it hardly surprising, many ingredients in the stew.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

5.  It Doesn't Belong There

Yes, keep politics out of the Church and churches, ’cause it doesn’t belong there,
But only the sacred, the spiritual, and hence that need of healthy fear.
In other words, respect for its Head, Jesus, it's sole purpose being Him too,
Not the mire of worldly politics, corrupt politicians, mere salesmen, who

Have no place there, and who oft assault its inner sanctum with false pretensions,
Lies, promises that they don’t keep, earthy business, and plain selfish intentions.
Oh yes, such worlds apart from the heavenly, the divine, and how it dirties,
It not worship one day and politics another, and why God says, “No!" Not “Please.”

Yes, the Church is supposed to be all about truth, religious exercises,
That which is in harmony, not out of sync with, like that which advertises;
No "vote for me” to be found there, the Church not about parties, but a Saviour,
Who, regarding His set apart sanctuary, condemns such speech, behaviour.

Nor are pastors to play politics, their lips sealed regarding who to vote for,
Which party or candidate; such but a personal thing, which here’s seen to war.
Christ not sharing His pulpit with politicians, nor those speaking on their behalf,
His Church but there for His glory, thus free of business, banter, that hoot or laugh.

Yes, too many have secularised the Church and churches, assaulting them, and
All why we see what we do; God’s archenemy having got lay of the land.
And all why politicians shouldn’t dare, nor pastors too, it not their calling,
And all why Christ removed the money changers, their ignorance and gall appalling.

And likewise, churches are to be free of any activist activity,
Be it climate change, an antiwar protest, or whatever, thus pure and free,
And not perceived as a threat, and all why Christians should mind what they say and do,
Even when operating outside the Church, or a church, thus not acting askew.

The Church and churches are no less important to Jesus today than they were
When He was here on Earth, and why those who act differently here, badly err.
Churches are but for the godly alone, the Good News Gospel, God’s Holy Word,
And why within those walls, no politician's or activist’s pitch should be heard.

A church stands for Someone, and as a symbol in a God-forgetting world, where
To avoid corruption, it needs to be set apart, treated with thought and care.
And thus distinct, all realising it's no mere building where anything is done,
But a heavenly portal, say, or divine embassy, regarding the Son.

And yes, so it should be with Christians, that same distinctiveness in their lives too,
Thus their hearts and minds set apart, they careful what they take in, think say or do.
The world's rubbish left well behind, it not polluting them either
praise the Lord!
'Cause it's Him they're to reflect, like a church, and not the ways of a rebellious horde.

By Lance Landall

"How dare you use the church and words of Jesus as a shield for genocide."
Marc Lamont Hill

"Her priests have done violence to My law and have profaned My holy things; they have
made no distinction between the holy and the profane..." (Ezekiel 22:6, NASB).

Christian content or degree.

6.  There're Christians And There're Christians

Forget the Old Testament for now. What does the Gospel of Jesus Christ say
(Though I could say, shout)? Well, here’s some things it makes very clear, and meaning today,
And this by statement and principle, and regarding life and humanity,
Because Jesus Christ is the God of love who opposes any injury.

Christians (and the reason I say Christians is, because many are erring here)
Are not to indulge in civil unrest, violence, murder, hostility,
Tyranny, oppression, genocide, ethnic cleansing, cruelty, criminality,
War crimes, abuse, indifference, racism, bigotry or partiality.

Not only are Christians not to indulge in such, but they’re not to support such,
Yet, when it comes to Gaza, say, that maiming and killing, many have done such.
Yes, they’ve supported those weapons sent, and shouted “No ceasefire!” too, and thereby
Have contravened the very Word of God, who defensive arguments won’t buy.

Christians are to live by a very different order of things, but sadly,
Here they’ve been complicit in hypocrisy, aiding war crimes — evil, frankly.
Yet Christians are supposed to be anti war, peacemakers, thus their conscience clear,
Because when it comes to injury of any kind, Christ has said, “Don’t you dare!”

And in Gaza, against those Gazans, we’ve seen both apartheid and bigotry,
And such coming right from the top, not just those Israelis on Facebook, horribly.
Oh yes, their hate for Gazans has been palpable, and war crimes boasted of too,
Thanks to the money and weapons sent that many Christians hollered “Yes” to.

And all this when Christ has said, “Love your enemy,” “Turn the other cheek,” which means
Returning good for evil, not feeling joy over apocalyptic scenes.
No, Christians aren’t to be praying for what they think is Armageddon, but for
The saving of souls via the Good News Gospel, not child and woman slaughtering war.

Quite honestly, it’s very disturbing, and not Christianity at all,
But a wayward Christendom that has foolishly taken its eyes off the ball.
All how the world’s turned off Christians, who, if not supporting murder in Palestine,
Are getting involved in insurrections, immersed in the earthly, not Divine.

All why Christ will say to many Christians, “Depart from Me, because how could you?
All being My creation, made in my image, whose welfare you should pursue.”
Oh yes, if only they knew their Bible like they should do, because God has said
That rather than being starved and killed, humanity’s to be protected and fed.

Yes, He’s told us to look after widows, and to not harm kids, and don’t forget
That good Samaritan, there not to be any partiality, and yet,
The Western World having given Arabs a bad name, and among them, oh dear,
Those who should know better, and why many support Israel's carnage, I fear,

That bombing of hospitals and homes, that killing of journalists (the scale sheer),
And amongst the wanton destruction, seekers of food shot at without a tear;
That's when food got through, of course, necessities of life destroyed or withheld, and
Along with the slaughter and demolition, the seizure of more of their land.

And all why Christ said, “Those who say they love Me, yet don’t love their fellowman, are
Most untruthful,” and why from the joy of Heaven, such hypocrites He will bar.
And all why Christ said, “If you don’t forgive, I won’t forgive you,” thus gone revenge
(Oft carried out in the guise of self-defence; such thinking older than Stonehenge).

Christians need to remember that they themselves are fallen humanity too,
And that once upon a time, God loved every Gentile as much as every Jew.
And that still applies today, so who’d dare call some of His children animals, and when
Christ died for all, knows each one by name, and hence the fire and passion in my pen.

Oh yes, there’re Christians and there’re Christians, hence why by their fruits you’ll know them,
Because those who truly love their fellowman, such ill in Gaza will condemn.
And same ill anywhere in the world, because no life should be maimed or taken,
And why those supporting such an atrocity, are at best, badly mistaken.

Think about it: Thousands and thousands of CHILDREN killed by big bully Israel,
Who cruelly provoked the Gazans for decades, thus reaping that October gale.
And rather than awakening to its sins, it opted for revenge, and hence
That evil atrocity committed in Gaza in the guise of self-defence.

And America as complicit as can be, and more so, I have to say,
Because Biden could’ve pulled the plug long ago, stopped sending those bombs their way.
Oh, all those children, who, only a few years of life got, and then there’s the rest,
Crippled and mentality scarred, savaged by bedfellows in a complicit nest.

And to think America and the West have tried to shut down dissenting cries,
Images and witnesses
oh, the propaganda, and those Israeli lies.
The International Court Of Justice and international law ignored,
And to think that many Christians have supported such in the name of the Lord!

Oh, how could they? Israeli soldiers raping, burying Gazans alive too,
Raiding hospitals, shooting staff, hence that condemnation from many a JEW.
Gaza known as an Israeli laboratory for testing this and that,
And then exporting that cruel knowledge 
and those Christians think they know where it's at.

It makes me shudder as a Christian, but speak out, and it's anti-Semitic,
Which is utter nonsense given the atrocious war crimes,
the stench of them thick.
But so much of this withheld from the American and Israeli public,
Whose heads are receiving the proverbial, condescending pat
— oh, how sick.

Yes, this is a war that's been fed and fuelled by religion, errant religion,
Because religion shouldn't be behind any war, so woe such a Christian.
To misinterpret God's Word is one thing, but to carry it to such a degree
Is not just evil at its worst, but Christianity-wise, outright heresy.

Seems like some are trying to create a Middle East explosion, one that suits,
One that fits their biblical misinterpretation, ill and error in cahoots.
Then Christ will come, they think, though He's coming anyway, and much He'll have to say,
Because Christians aren't to start, aid or use wars, and nor with the Word of God play.

But such not surprising in the U.S. where there's that Christian militancy,
Something Christ never indulged in, nor asked Christians too 
it sin, actually,
And the reason why is, because it's not Christ-like, but the way of the world, where
It's shove, shout, demand and force
and wasn't such injury seen at Calvary?

By Lance Landall

See my page Humanity, and poems relating to Armageddon. Also see my page Apologetics.

“The children of God and the children of the devil are revealed in this way: all who do not do what is right
are not from God, nor are those who do not love their brothers and sisters” (1 John 3:10, NRSV).

"There are six things the Lord hates — no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands
that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out
lies, a person who sows discord in a family" (Prov 6:16-19, NLT).

"Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him"
(1 John 3:15, NIV).

“And at another moment I [God] may declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it,
but if it does evil in My sight, not listening to My voice, then I will change my mind about the good that
I had intended to do to it” (Jer 18:9,10).

7.  What Do You Do?

When words are not enough, and you have written all that you feel you’re able to,
At least without repeating yourself — overwhelmed by it all — what do you do?
Oh, the wickedness of it, that killing of innocent men, women and kids,
That bombing and destruction perpetrated by stony hearts and brainless heads.

Yes, when words aren’t enough, having been angered by the cruelty and blatancy,
And now exhausted given it never ends, carried out with impunity,
What do you do? What do you do? One weeping over the sheer idiocy,
That evil with its guilty stench, and total disregard for humanity.

And so, when words aren’t enough, and prayers seem unanswered, tell me, what do you do?
The ink of many pens having run out, and many writing pads used up too.
Guns speaking louder, having more say, those errant leaders and cohorts too, who
Everything but the right thing — and as if they’re God — are determined to do.

Oh, the blood, it’s everywhere, bodies having been tortured, or torn apart,
Previously oppressed or imprisoned, and how resistance is seen to start.
There’s no end to it, red lines ceasing to exist, and thus anything fair game,
And words no longer enough — even more so, where such is done in Heaven’s name.

Yes, what do you do when words aren’t enough, and such sadism is seen and heard.
That propaganda, that particular narrative — so why believe a word?
People taken for fools, and hence our right to speak, and somehow justice pursue,
But what do you do when words aren’t enough, and a numbness soon overtakes you?

’Cause it’s beyond words, beyond the pale, beyond sense and understanding, and yet
There they go, slaughtering, fouling, their conscience dead, arrogant jaws firmly set.
Words ceasing to come, at least in time, one overwhelmed by the sickening scene,
It all a nightmare, satanic legacy, all seen on Earth’s real-life big screen.

So what do you do? What do you do? It all becoming so routine, and oh,
Dissent quickly stifled, journalism under threat, and thus where next to go?
Yes, life’s always been full of questions, but hey, none bigger than, what do you do
When words aren’t enough, and you’re overwhelmed by the hell many are going through?

And when it's, "You really shouldn't do that, you know, wink, wink, so mind those bombs, please,
Though we'll still be sending them
and ceasefire wise, we'll hardly be down on our knees."
Yes, what do you do? Sanctioned atrocities being greater atrocities,
And all why the cries of the innocent should be our cries, which wisdom foresees.

Oh yes, the war crimes crystal clear, but the perpetrators shielded, and therefore,
Not receiving the penalty due; so much for international law.
Hypocrisy never so loud, corruption never so obvious, and why
I ask, what do you do? And oh, how awful that there are people one can buy.

Oh, the game-playing too, some pretending to condemn what's their real agenda,
And shifting blame to where it suits them, when they're actually the offender.
Most only knowing the half of it, or completely duped, so what do you do?
Up against power, money, secrecy and trickery, empire building too.

And so, the slaughter continues, any tit-for-tat, leaders bereft of sense,
And perpetrators playing the victim, occupiers claiming self-defence.
The madness off the scale, so-called collateral damage too, the net closing,
Evil in the guise of saintly attire and heavenly morality posing.

By Lance Landall

Contains Christian content or degree.

8.  The Second Greatest Commandment

Yes, to love others with that same love that God has for us, THAT’S this command, and
We’re not left with any excuses — NONE — which we clearly need to understand.
Yes, as hard as that may seem given our fallen nature, it’s what God expects,
So woe betide the Christian who upon others hurt and suffering inflicts.

The further we are from Christ, the taller that order seems, but there it is, friend,
Regardless of where we’re at, and why at no stage can injury we defend.
But rather, we’re to learn to love like Christ, and that means sacrificially too,
Self to be bludgeoned to death, and thus our witness not weak or faulty, but true.

Those suffering from emotional or physical issues may find such hard,
But despite their battle, they too, must still respond to this call, or they’ll be barred,
’Cause Heaven isn’t for those who deliberately cause any injury,
Unless they repent, and repentance means repentance, hence by their fruits we’ll see.

Oh yes, God’s all about LOVE — in fact, He being love itself, love’s origin,
And why His followers are called to REFLECT that love — so take note, dear Christian.
Love to be the beginning and end of everything — yes, the litmus test,
’Cause this is how people will know God’s true followers, and how others are blessed.

Yes, everything hangs on those two commands, and God’s love is for ALL, and thus
We treating everyone the same, impartial and forgiving like Jesus.
This is what is meant by Christ-likeness, that change that’s so badly needed, and yet
Not sought by most, who thereby, the path to selfish ruin and eternal loss set.

Many simply paying lip service to the second greatest commandment, and
Thereby offending the God of love, thought and care (selfless wounds marring each hand).
So no wonder Christendom's looking quite unwell you or I, possibly and
That’s a reason for real concern, ’cause it’s all about love, what our Saviour planned.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

9.  But No, He's Not

Many people think that God’s helping Israel with its war, but no, He’s not,
It’s American bombs — even white phosphorus! — and the West adding its lot.
No, God’s not where there’s such a crime scene, and wipe-them-off-the-map mentality,
Courtesy of a fanatically religious far right regime — dear me!

So where is God manifested?

In guiltless hearts and minds, bloodless hands, and where there’s right, truth and transparency,
A love for all, a passion for peacemaking, human rights, human decency.
Oh yes, God’s not found where there’s plotting, a revengeful spirit, nor bigotry,
Or apartheid, but only where there’s the desire to preserve humanity.

So, God’s heart is where those innocent wounded are, all why He said, “I’ll avenge,”
Referring to a time in the future, and all why no one should seek revenge.
Self-defence? Oh, one could have a field day here — a body for an eye? Come on,
Only bias or ignorance defending such, sense having got up and gone.

Yes, it’s really quite elementary, God but the God of love, a Saviour,
And hence His total hatred of cruel, violent and murderous behaviour.
“Forgive them, Father,” He cried from His cross, so no, God’s not behind those war crimes,
They simply the consequence of errant, deluded fools — a sign of the times.

Oh yes, few as forgiving as that One who bore the sins of all, yours and mine,
Hoping that we’d have a change of heart — and regarding His will, come into line.
And His will being: That we show love and care to all, choosing peace over war,
And wisdom over folly, thus exercising restraint — yes, so far and no more.

"May none wish harm upon another" is a sign I saw above a tunnel,
Which kind of sums things up, because from one's heart and mind comes goodness or evil,
That cause of the problem, desire to hit back, or attempt to resolve things, and
Reveal that love that's the only answer, just like the God of love and peace planned.

By Lance Landall

10.  Love And Wisdom Not Seeming To Suit

Love and wisdom get little say these days, regarding the political realm,
And adding to the problem, a decline in sound men and women at the helm.
Hence why we see selfish motives, certain agendas, power plays, weakness, greed,
Even propaganda and errant religion — and change wise, an urgent need.

And yes, those unhealthy left and right swings, and why we’re all the worse off, sadly,
Money having been irresponsibly wasted, hence the growing poverty.
The elite having the say, seldom you and I, it all position and money,
Love and wisdom not seeming to suit, and there goes our land of milk and honey.

And often, it’s off to war we go, as decided by politicians too, who
Despatch many more billions of dollars, despite the homeless, waiting lists too;
The latter being surgery of some sort, more so come returning soldiers,
But love and wisdom getting little say, and how domestic loss bulges.

By Lance Landall

11.  The Changing Of America

I don’t know about you, but personally, I’m absolutely outraged, and
With mouth wide open, America beginning to show its dastardly hand.
Fancy sanctioning the International Court of Justice, the cheek, the gall,
It simply doing its job — dealing with war crimes — and here, making the right call.

But America not liking that latest call given its complicity,
That dreadful part it’s played in the bombing of Gaza, that cruel atrocity.
Yes, home after home, school after school, hospital after hospital, and now
Sanctioning those who’ve a right to rule as they have — oh, how to evil they bow.

The U.S. is changing, acting as if it’s the world’s court, as if in charge here,
Hypocritically just suiting itself, and why it, we’ve reason to fear.
The ICJ there for a good reason, war criminals needing to be charged,
But not if they’re U.S. or Israeli war crimes, it seems, thus their sins enlarged.

Yes, so much more could be said about America, it having lost its way,
And now, metamorphosing from a lamb into a dragon, it well astray.
And what next? It’s political situation a sure sign, soon Church and State,
Or so I truly believe, errant, militant religion champing at the gate.

Oh, how the cries of the wounded and dead demand justice, accountability,
But not here, it seems, those wounds and deaths permissible, and why I shout, “Really?!”
Such NEVER justifiable, nor those responsible being held guiltless, and
Why I’m absolutely outraged, and so should all be, in every single land.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

12.  Sanctioned Atrocities

I wonder who will be the victims of another sanctioned atrocity,
Like that in Gaza, and in the supposed name of God too, delusionally.
And interestingly,
The Bible speaks of an End-time global power that issues a death decree,
Which can only be another genocide, legislated killing spree.

After all, come Church and State in America, say, and it’s power and clout,
Who else might be deemed a threat, and how another atrocity comes about.
Yes, all in God’s name too, the Old Testament used where it suits, and not the New,
Which regarding the likes of genocide, presents a completely different view.

All why politics and religion are bad bedfellows, even partners in crime,
One's religion being personal, and one would think we've surely learnt with time.
The Church being society's conscience, not legislator, but that aside,
NO atrocity should come sanctioned, and no Christian should support genocide.

So when you see some nation that's changing from a lamb into a dragon, and
Church and State getting cosier, you should be alarmed at that changing of hand

Well, going by the Bible, though in general too, soon gone democracy,
And in its place? Oh, I dread to think; all what we should observe most intently.

And might presidential immunity play a part here, none above the law,
Except the President of America, which reveals a dangerous flaw.
Yes, a flaw that rips the heart out of democracy, though in the U.S.A.,
Democracy merely cosmetic, hence that inevitable coming day.

By Lance Landall

Satan has always sought total control over planet Earth and its inhabitants. But he can't achieve such until his
planned global government enters the scene. All why God has to wait before returning and ending Satan's reign,
given that only then will God be truly vindicated in the eyes of all who (via such) will be able to see Satans End-time goal, and that God was right and just all along. This way, no one will ever want to go the way of Satan again.

th"He was granted power to give breath to the image [copy] of the beast [past cruel power], that the
image [coming global government] of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would
not worship the image of the beast to be killed [a reference to dissenters]" (Rev 13:15, NKJV).

"...And all the world marvelled and followed the beast [power]" (Rev 13:3, NKJV).

"Then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and
its image...he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God" (Rev 14:9,10, NKJV).

13.  Well Gone Your Light

War crime after war crime, and yet, "Here’s another three billion," which says to me,
The Biden administration must clearly approve of each atrocity,
’Cause if it didn’t, it surely wouldn’t continue to support such evil,
As if seventy thousand tons of bombs dropped on Gaza isn’t enough
kill, kill.

Thus I assuming their call for a ceasefire is but window dressing — wink, wink —
Biden well aware of all that Israel’s been doing, and a vital link.
Yes, he well aware of the gross inhumanity, just what Bibi's up to,
Thus Bibi surely fulfilling Biden's wishes too, one plus one making two.

Or does the U.S. allow such where it suits its purposes, feigning concern,
’Cause what upright nation would accept and fund such, letting women and kids burn?
Yes, we’re looking at you, America, and it’s sickening, well gone your light,
So please don’t play the saint, hypocrisy your mantle, that which isn't right.

And so, enter the United States of Israel, a lobby run nation,
Firmly in the grip of Israeli hands here
yes, that Zionist creation.
All why, "Here's another three billion," both fleeced and willingly donated,
Whilst at your doors, America, even more homeless folk have congregated.

And, sad to say, many American Christians wrongly endorsing such evil,
Biblically errant, and programmed via inculcated error, hence their ill,
'Cause they too stand guilty of each atrocity
yes, as if wanting such too,
And via the dock of justice should be held as accountable as Netanyahu.

By Lance Landall

This poem was altered and added to on 12 August 2024.

14.  Another Day At The Office Of ILL And EVIL

“Our planet is dying, we’re all in trouble, and you’re warring. What’s wrong with you?!
That toxic waste from all that bombing adding to our woes, the air black and blue.”
Yes, it’s always leaders, Biden, Netanyahu, Putin, the list goes on, and
We the people paying the price, and what good do wars do? They all built on sand.

Sand that’s now polluted, much like everything, everywhere, and all how
Wars just make a mess, cause destruction, yet, before the throne of violence, they bow.
Yes, seemingly addicted to it, making money from it, and here we are,
All the worse for it, and when we can’t afford it, it both wicked and bizarre.

And why I say, “What’s wrong with you?! There’s no sense in it, and it’s not the answer,
But what notice do you take of us? None, continuing to stupidly err.
And killing people as if you’re just swatting flies, flattening towns and cities,
Earth’s resources taking another can’t-afford-it hit, thus down on its knees.

What right have you to take life, destroy nest after nest, which other birds will need,
And to leave men, women and children under rubble where they slowly die, bleed?
No, that’s not hero stuff, that’s not leadership, and what of those soldiers that die?
They apparently dispensable, despatched at will, and do we hear you cry?

So what’s wrong with you?! And when such could’ve been avoided, all that injury,
All those deaths, all that destruction, preceded by propaganda, your jury.”
Yes, all that money for bombs and weaponry robbed from us, so many needy,
But warring coming first, that seeming bloody thirst, heil the monstrous and greedy.

Or is it the deluded, like many have concluded, Earth so full of them,
Power seeking, agenda driven, even religious — please forgive my phlegm.
Yes, I choking over it, my eyes filling with tears for the victims of such ill,
Who, courtesy of such errant leaders, foes of humanity, go through hell.

There’s so much provoking going on, enter a Middle East explosion, or
World War Three, unnecessary steps or unwise steps so often at the core.
But so it goes, errant, deluded, or wicked leaders all taking us there,
The world all the worse for it, and it often seeming kind of devil-may-care.

Yes, blame the terrorists, the likes of Hamas, but hey, they’re hardly alone here,
Many a devil in the garb of a saint, and how the brunt of things we bear.
And sometimes caught up in the spiel, convinced that some war is justifiable,
And where’s it ended? Yes, just another day at the office of ILL and EVIL.

By Lance Landall

"God achieves His ends via love, man achieves his ends via force,
and Satan achieves his ends via deception."
The poet, author

Christian content or degree.

15.  Politics But A Bad Bedfellow For Christians

Sadly, the hope and focus of many Christians seems tied to here, and all why
They back Trump, say
oh dear or push for Church and State, which must make Christ want to cry.
“My kingdom’s not of this world,” He said, He returning to take all to Heaven,
And by all I mean, those who’ve given their life to Him, and turned their back on sin.

And so, the Christian’s hope being Christ’s return, and He’s not sticking around here,
But taking us back to those mansions He’s been preparing, stated loud and clear.
And therefore, He never having told Christians to set up any power base,
Political or otherwise, but only the kingdom of Heaven chase.

Then at sometime He’ll return with us to the Earth made new, it all in His hands,
He setting things up here, not the saved, those who’re wrongly involved in earthly plans.
Politics but a bad bedfellow for Christians, who’re to come out of the world,
Their focus Heaven, their rescuer Christ, because all things in His hands are held.

Yet we still see them courting politicians and presidents, who, by the way,
Are just as fallen as them, and who if not sooner, will disappoint one day.
So, it's not for Christians to legislate beliefs, nor impose Christianity,
But to just set an example, and convey Christ’s Gospel to humanity.

Politics and religion wed are no end of trouble, and regarding this fact
We need look no further than Israel, which is American equipped and backed.
Politics and religion on both counts here, a war fuelled by such, and where we see
A horrid sanctioned bloodbath in the so-called name of God — yes, an atrocity.

Be it religious Zionism or whatever, such is a dangerous mix,
And such not the role of governments — all why on this, wisdom far more than reflects,
But firmly denounces such, lest fascism wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross
Raises its bigoted head and civil and religious liberty’s seen to toss.

The truth is, errant religion can’t help itself, it knowing no line, nor wants such,
And all why power to enforce its dogma and will on all it is seen to clutch.
It ignoring the distinction God's called for between the holy and unholy,
The human and Divine, ’cause the heavenly’s not to be tainted by the earthly.

Yet there’s still that courting of politicians, that obsession with presidents too,
Who, as I said, will only disappoint, even go rogue, as we have seen them do.
No, the answer's not here, but with that coming return of Christ, who’s taking us back
To a kingdom where its noble leader won’t disappoint, and where nothing we'll lack.

Biden is said to be a Christian, Trump too, yet look at their sad behaviour,
It being so far from that of He who they both profess is their righteous Saviour.
And there's the danger, a glaring clue, and why neither one should be voted for,
Hypocriticalness a bad omen, and hey, haven't we been there before?

By Lance Landall

"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare
a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself;
that where I am, there you may be also (John 14:2,3, NKJV).

"We [Christians] are not to be isolated but insulated, moving in the midst of evil
but untouched by it. Separation is contact without contamination."

Vance Havner (1901-1986)

Christian content or degree.

16.  God's Ten Commandments In Schools?

I can't help thinking, who do these Christians think they are, overstepping the mark,
State schools the domain of all, and Christians just meant to witness, not trouble spark.
The world and each country made up of all, so who would dare stamp their own beliefs,
Risking a religious dictatorship, and democracy holed by such reefs.

History has proven the danger here, so why return to such troubled times, and
Bigotry, that forcing on others, even making such a law of the land.
Such not what Christianity’s about, but the heart and mind, and this being where
Those Commandments should be, though chosen, civil-religious liberty here,

And which America was all about, but not if some can get their sad way,
Church and State being their agenda, and how once again, things will go astray.
And as far as hearts and minds go, that’s where parents come in, not the State, which here,
Doesn’t belong, it not the Church, nor anyone’s religion, thus shouldn’t dare.

The Ten Commandments being a doctrinal belief, and even God hands off,
Leaving that choice up to individuals, who of such, might applaud or scoff.
The Church being spiritual, the State secular, and this all being why
Christ said His kingdom is not of this world, and why Christians can’t cry foul, just sigh.

They’re not God’s soldiers, but followers, who are to be an influence only,
Not enforcers, nor even militant, but reflectors of the heavenly.
In other words, Christ-like, walking the talk, and yes, sharing the Good News Gospel,
Which isn’t to be forced in any form, nor plastered, but lived, that all might be well.

So mind the politician who courts the Christian — indeed anyone! — for they
Are a very real danger, hardly impartial, and how things soon go astray.
And they will, I believe, given the way things are going come the U.S.A,
And that growing Christian nationalism that’s been making it’s wrongful way.

Teaching history is one thing, covering various religions too, and
Religious studies an optional choice, so long as things don't get out of hand.
'Cause singling out God's Commandments imposes Christianity, which isn't right,
And such being the course of those who fires of the past are likely to ignite.

By Lance Landall

"Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported
entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever seperate."
Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885)

Christian content or degree.

17.  Fundamentalist Christians

Adherence to biblical doctrine isn’t the problem, but some and their ways,
Be such militant or bigoted, and how the fundamentalist oft strays.
And therefore, there being fundamentalists and fundamentalists, but all
Getting tarred with the same brush, which shouldn’t be, ’cause not all upset and appal.

A true Christian, and in harmony with God’s Word, will disapprove of some things,
And that’s their right — they entitled to their beliefs — and from which ill hardly springs.
Unless, of course, they veer off course, going about things in an un-Christ-like way;
In other words, throwing their weight around, as if their dictates, all should obey.

There has always been Christians who bring shame on Christianity, and why here
One must differentiate, ’cause tarring all with the same brush just isn’t fair.
The genuine fundamentalist being loving, thoughtful, prudent and kind,
And why when it comes to fundamentalists, an oft misused tag, one should mind.

The truth is, all Christians should be fundamentalists, adherents of God's Word, thus
In line with such both in teaching and example, thus emulating Jesus.
Christian teaching hardly a pick 'n' mix affair, but all that God has laid down,
And such being for every Christian, though one saved by grace,
Christ’s righteous gown.

And thus each fundamentalist firm in their beliefs, but open-minded still,
Comfortable with being challenged, agreeing to disagree, showing good well.
And therefore, no Pharisee, holier than thou type, but gracious and humble,
There to reason, not argue, to influence, not enforce, and Christ rightly sell.

Yes, they not harming anyone, thus far from dangerous or extreme, and so
They not a cause for concern, just simply firm in what they believe, what they know.
Yet so often tarred with the same brush due to those who are a real concern here,
The militant, bigoted and forceful, who Christ, may well have reason to fear.

God but all about love and persuasion, and hence why we've been given free choice,
Able to choose for ourselves, accepting or rejecting Him, His Word or voice.
And so, any Christian acting differently would be at odds with their Lord,
Who's made it very clear that Christians aren't to use force, nor to pick up the sword.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

18.  The Foolish Christian

The cause of God is too often hampered or thwarted by the foolish Christian,
Who bales people up, forces things on them, and who thereby, gets under their skin.
Such not the Christ-like way, but the earthly salesman approach, which turns people off,
Religion being a personal matter, and of religion, many scoff.

The truth is, there’s a time, place and way to engage and share, but sadly, like here,
The approach, words spoken, or material given, just causes ill to flare.
Wisdom losing out to zealotry and clumsiness, Christ no in-your-face type,
Nor wanting Christians to appear religious nutters with their banners and hype.

That in-your-face can come in various forms, accosting or plastering, say,
Which means, if not argued, it’s put where it’ll be tripped over, pushy in its own way.
Christianity to be lived rather than worn, example worth a thousand words,
Not that exterior show, nor sales pitch, it all being away with the birds.

God wants more saved followers, but gently persuaded, reasoned with, and that’s it,
And where and when there’s receptiveness, and like all things, the cloth thus made to fit.
Friendliness and friendship the greatest door opener, and when the time is right,
But the foolish Christian acting otherwise — harming — much to Satan’s delight.

If Jesus is in the home, and in one’s heart, He’ll be clearly seen, and therefore,
It not needing to be glaringly advertised from the ceiling to the floor.
Nor over one’s car, it all about restraint, refinement, sensitivity,
So that the world may be drawn to Christ, not shoved His way, creating enmity.

Bold for God doesn’t mean brash, but unafraid to speak on His behalf, and thus
One not shying away from duty, but acting prudently, just like Jesus.
He no bull in a china shop, but respectful of others feelings, and why
Christians should behave likewise, and before saying or doing, the water try.

Loving concern for others (and saving souls here), first begins with thought and care;
In other words, personal interest, one mindful of their needs, being there.
Too quick and too heavy with the religious can simply drive people away,
Who aren’t left with a good impression, ’cause it’s more about what we do than say.

So don’t be a foolish Christian, carried away by this and that, thus askew,
Balance and sense missing from the picture, a faulty witness rather than true.
Christians being ambassadors, not gladiators, nor cowboys with lassoes,
The latter but causing damage to God’s cause, some too set in their ways and views.

By Lance Landall

"Keep your religion in its place, in your heart, and not in someone else's face."
The poet, author

Christian content or degree.

19.  A Strong And Long Parallel

When I think of Gaza, that occupation, oppression and brutality,
I’m reminded of Satan, 'cause right here, a strong and long parallel I see.
This planet suffering from occupation, oppression and brutality,
The powers of darkness having got control, hence what we’re going through, sadly.

Christ wanting a permanent ceasefire, Satan to pull out and let us go free,
But Satan wanting the war to continue, and less be saved via Calvary.
So, he’s trying to starve the world of Gospel truth, and cut communication,
And thus many lost under the rubble of sin, it a dire situation.

Many going to graves of darkness, and meantime, walking around wounded, and
Without hope, whilst others do have hope, 'cause soon they will enter the promised land.
That is, a land that was stolen from them, a spiritual  Nakba, lets say,
And why they’re refugees in their own territory, until one coming day.

Meantime, Satan and his helpers attacking them, playing with evidence too,
Satan’s propaganda well-known, hindering any light that might get through.
And the world on his side, he having lobbied strongly and bought many a soul
Who’s condemning Christ’s true followers, supplying the ammo, and hence that toll.

Oh yes, many on the wrong side of history, and then that hypocrisy,
That preaching of love and morals whilst indulging in loud-mouthed militancy.
Satan having got hold of hearts and minds, many religious hearts and minds too,
And all how they aid the ill, treat victims as perpetrators, but hey, what’s new?

And Satan being a weird liberal and draconian mix, ’cause on one hand
He’s all for sin, and on the other, a persecutor who much evil’s planned.
He wanting things his way, thus no negotiator, but an enforcer, who
Wants to increase his territory, and using the weapons of others too.

It all going back well beyond decades, and he meeting with resistance too,
Which has always made him angry, wanting revenge too, ’cause his end is in view.
Such occupation, oppression and brutality needing to end, and why
Love, truth, goodness, peace and fairness — via Christ — will soon live and reign, and evil die.

But now, bombs left, right and centre, Satan raiding homes, taking prisoners, and
Leaving carnage everywhere, there no safe place to go
so please, take God’s hand.
And meantime, humanitarian aid coming in the form of angels, and
The Holy Spirit who’ll comfort and enable ’till the return of our land.

Oh, blessed assurance!

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

20.  That Blame Game

It’s odd how some blame God, as if He’s at fault, and when humans got to choose, and
Choose they do, badly so, and hence all the ills that we see, which God hardly planned.
Rebel Earth doing its own thing, most hearts and minds selfish and hell-bent, and why
The likes of the International Court of Justice, certain governments defy.

Then there’s that toothlessness, those who’re corrupt, which plagues organisations, good ones,
And how good can get thwarted, and how someone is soon seen pulling needed funds.
The latter perhaps due to some organisation having been wrongly smeared, say,
Or targeted even, given that there are those who very evilly play.

This being why many ills aren’t dealt with, or lessened, and then there’s you and I,
Living in a world of random madness, ripples, friendly fire; and we ask, “Why?”
Yes, many Christians blighting God’s character via their wrongful questionings of Him,
’Cause it’s not Him causing the ill and evil, but Satan, and our track record grim.

Oh yes, we bringing much on ourselves, and expecting God to bail us out, who
Has a great controversy on His hands, and a planet that has gone askew.
It but complexity after complexity, thus His will for us and Earth
Temporarily thwarted, selfishness-cum-rebellion having given birth.

And if God interfered, there’d go free choice, and accusations would be levelled,
Either us or Satan crying foul, and how via our folly, we’re bedevilled.
We failing to see, God already having given us more than we deserve,
And our cross not being about comfort, and why midst pain, it’s Him we still serve.

The truth is, God’s plans have been thrown out, and hence why everything’s out of sync,
Though when the time is right, God will move, but not before Earth is right on the brink.
All eyes on the end result of man’s folly, and God to be vindicated,
But meantime, distressing times, and signs of the times, just as God indicated.

God hasn’t promised to spare us from all things, but to be with us midst it all,
Thus the problem not Gods absence, but Satans presence, courtesy of man’s fall,
And now, men and Satan in cahoots, and money, power, agendas, greed, vice
And every other ill in full swing, and all how they throw a loaded dice.

Yes, God can heal, God can work miracles, hence why we need to have faith, but hey,
It’s more about acceptance and contentment, that reality of today.
And it’s all about the heart and mind, one trusting and believing regardless,
Thus loving and living with purpose and hope, no longer worried and restless.

By Lance Landall

"If Adam and Eve are a fairytale, evolution is a horror story."
The poet, author

Christian content or degree.

21.  A Note To All, Really

When God forgives us, our sins are as if forgotten, buried in the deepest sea,
But because of a judgment that precedes Christ’s soon return, enter reality,
And that being, that a record is still kept in Heaven, though not a cause of fear
If we have repented and are walking rightly, 'cause SAVED BY GRACE will be marked there.

That reality mentioned being 'cause many backslide, turn away completely
(After having accepted Christ), and hence why that record book’s a necessity.
And why no one goes to Heaven ’till that judgment’s over, clearly in session now,
'Cause Christ has said His reward is coming with Him, thus this being the when and how.

Oh yes, the Bible makes it clear that God’s grace can be voided, and this being why
All should take their salvation seriously, ’cause “Foul!” one won’t be able to cry.
God's no fool, we either in or out, committed or not, and hence that judgment scene,
God knowing who’s for real or not, changed or not, His all-knowing eyesight very keen.

And soon, that resurrection day, rescue of the saved, Earth the preparation stage,
That work of a lifetime, our becoming Christ-like, having turned new page after page.
Hence that SAVED BY GRACE stamp, or that CURRENTLY LOST stamp, and dare the latter remain
Via not returning to our Saviour’s arms, or via never having accepted Christ,

But rather, having rejected Christ oh dear, what a tragic loss, tragic shame, and,

Make no mistake, Heaven’s not for those who plot, lie, hate, wound or kill, and who also
Destroy this planet via their warmongering — yes, white phosphorus falling like snow.
And all why God has promised, “I will avenge,” having looked through history’s window
And seen the hell that such people have created, even some who better should know.

And as the saved go through Heaven's record books, they'll be able to see God was just,
Many lost because of hidden wickedness, corruption, depravity-cum-lust.
And likewise those who act like saints who're but devils within, which the eyes of God see,
And He being a God of justice, a lawgiver, and love not weak nor silly.

By Lance Landall

“And all these [faithful Bible heroes of all the ages], though commended through their faith, did not receive
what was promised [eternal life, immortality], since God had provided something better [much fairer] for us, that
  apart from us they should not be made perfect [they will have to wait 'till Christ's return]” (Heb 11:39,40, ESV).

“ ‘For the Son of Man is going to come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will reward each
person according to what he has done [good or bad]’ ” (Matt 16:27, NIV).

“As I watched, thrones were set in place [a symbolic representation of the great final trial, fixing the destinies
of men and of nations]...The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened” (Dan 7:9,10).

“Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the
earth. He said in a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come.
Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water’ ” (Rev 14:6,7, NIV).

“For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice
for sins [God’s grace is made void], but a terrifying expectation of judgment...” (Heb 10:26, 27, NASB).