Remember that Christendom and Christianity are two different things.

of God knows nothing of Him.“
"Christians are not to fight for God, but to only and simply speak for Him."
God is often blamed for the sins of Christendom which have little to do with Him or Christianity,
and much to do with wayward men, errancy and apostasy.”
"There are those within the Church who're just as much in need of a conversion experience
as those who're outside the Church."
"Yes, God wants truth spoken — clearly, firmly and boldly — but never rudely, thoughtlessly, inappropriately
or incorrectly — and always in love."
The poet, author
"To take the sword, gun, or bomb in Christ's name is to repudiate both Christ and His message."
John C. Lennox
is all about the message (the
Gospel) and its Sender (Jesus Christ), not about
the messengers (Christians), though the messengers should certainly be
up to the
message, and by both teachings and example.
When the messengers (Christendom) don't live up to the message (Christianity), they distort
the Sender, go from being a Christian to a form of Christian, and thus mislead
or disgust those who're supposed to be getting that
promise giving, hope filled, life-changing, saving message.
This greatly displeases the Sender whose wrath is kindled against those
who thereby won’t receive the benefits of that message themselves,
unless they
convey the original
(by both teachings and example), and
via that light, attract
rather than repel, thereby bringing glory to the Sender who deserves such glory
given His
loving thoughtfulness.
and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will
I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ”
(Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing
but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." (Matt 5:13, NKJV).
“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth”
(Rev 3:16, KJV).
"But even if we [the apostles] or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than
the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!" (Gal 1:8, NIV).
The easy roads are crowded
And the level roads are jammed;
The pleasant little rivers
With the drifting folk are crammed.
But off yonder where it's rocky,
Where you get a better view,
You will find the ranks are thinning
And the travellers are few.
Source unknown
John Wimber
"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny!"
Frank Outlaw
"God made Lucifer, but a process made Satan."
Author unknown
The following poems contain Christian content or degree.
Not Impressed With Christians?
I can understand you noticing, disliking and condemning much Christian hypocrisy,
For such shouldn’t be, but rather, each Christian a shining example of Christianity.
But you know, such is an expectation that’s not based on either fairness or reality,
'Cause whether one’s a Buddhist, Muslin, atheist, Christian or whatever, who acts perfectly?
You see, we’re all growing with time — well, hopefully — are at various stages along the way,
And thus no Christian becoming an instant Christian, and why somehow, somewhere, wrong they’ll display.
Yes, no Christian becoming an overnight success, but they simply beginning their journey,
As it is with all who desire to be better, they knowing that such won’t happen magically.
At the end of the day, we all have our issues, and hence why there is no one who doesn’t err,
We often struggling with our weaknesses and faults, even if a better way we now prefer.
And that better way not coming easy, bad habits deeply rooted, self defending its throne,
And God no doubt deeply saddened, even riled by certain things that He sees, and which He can’t condone.
But having said that though, and He knowing our fallen condition, He mercifully bears long,
He well aware that many things in life conspire to thwart our attempts to act right and not wrong.
Yes, tiredness, ill heath, things that can all come at once, shocks and surprises, burdens heavy to bear,
And those upsetting words and actions of others — many of them not Christians — who same guilt share.
However, there have always been and will continue to be, Christians who’re only so in name,
Bringing Christianity into disrepute, and how the One they profess to follow they shame.
And it’s not unknown for certain ones to hide behind Christianity, they working within,
Their intentions evil or just pain selfish, and why it oft seems as if Christians can’t win.
Hence why those who’re looking at Christians and Christianity should be fair in their appraisal,
For though Christians oft only have themselves to blame, they’re not the only ones capable of ill.
And hence why we see wrong coming from every quarter, Christians thus not alone in their failings,
And why there’s a certain hypocrisy coming from many who point the finger midst their wailings.
Yes, some bias aside, they also guilty of doing wrong things that they know they shouldn’t do,
Thus acting contrary to their inner and expressed knowledge and belief, and thus askew too.
Such being a problem that plagues us all — no excuses, mind you — all needing to clean up their act,
And when it comes to others, should more thoughtfully, kindly, fairly and maturely interact.
And one more thing:
Many point to the atrocities committed in God’s name, and very understandably,
But such belongs with Christendom — the deluded and their heresy — not Christianity.
Yes, those who’ve somehow departed from the apostolic gospel and way, and who God thus shame,
And hence why all who’re looking at the Christian faith should be more mindful of where they place the blame.
By Lance Landall
For deeper insights regarding such, see my page and article I Saw Beyond It All.
Some Of The Nicest Folk Aren't Christians
And I’ll tell you why:Christianity is an ideal cover for many folk who’ve ill intent,
Those who have some far from godly agenda and who Heaven has hardly sent.
And thus this being one burden that Christianity has always had to bear,
And not just Christianity, for conmen are known to pop up anywhere.
And this being why the Christian Bible warns of false Christs, prophets and teachers, and,
Says to put them to the test, check them out — wisdom and that Bible close at hand.
For charlatans are successful because of their ability to deceive,
Folk not guessing they’re actually fraudsters, and whistle blowers oft disbelieve,
Who’ve seen through the sham, spotted the heresy, that which in time gives cause to grieve.
Then there’re those Christians who’ve acknowledged God and His Word intellectually,
But that's about it, and why many are rather Pharisaical, sadly.
In other words, they’re hardly in a relationship with God, if you catch my drift,
Only their head having been reached, not their heart, though I pray that there’ll be a shift.
Another truth is that Christians are human too, casualties of same ill winds,
Many with issues up to their neck, for life oft bruises, stabs, cuts, scars and skins.
Hence why they can lose it at times, act poorly and succumb to temptations too,
For they’re hardly made perfect at their conversion, it their direction that’s new.
And this being why churches will always be full of imperfections, erring souls,
Many of them good, upstanding folk who simply fall short of their godly goals.
And yes, there’ll always be outright hypocrites, but such folk we’ll find everywhere,
For the world’s no better, and reasons for sitting up and taking notice near,
In fact, already here.
Some of the nicest folk aren’t Christians, but how many baddies aren’t Christians too?
And this why expectations should sometimes be modified and fairness shown too.
It’s one thing to change direction, another to be a perfect example,
Though such not meant to hand anyone an excuse, for there’s no excuse for ill.
And all this why the Christian Bible tells Christians to keep their eyes on their Lord,
And not on other folk, because humans always disappoint, hurt and defraud.
And that, my friend, is the sad reality of this world that we’re living in,
And why its so that there’re folk out there who’re far more Christian than many a Christian,
Sad to say.
Yes, the Christian Church doesn’t have the monopoly on pride, ego trips and
personal agendas (even folk one can’t stand),
For wherever there’s the human element there will always be offenders.
And though such shouldn’t really be found within Christianity, it’s clear it will be,
And hence why onlookers oft throw the baby out with the bathwater, sadly.
By Lance Landall
"To be right with God, you've got to be right with your fellowman."
The poet, author
3. Best You Ignore Such Folk
Yes, I’m sorry about those in-your-face Christians who’re so unlike their Saviour,
Given their insensitive, aggressive, obnoxious, loud public behaviour,
And who I wouldn’t bother labelling given that they’re out on their own, and,
An embarrassment to their fellow Christians who find such hard to understand.
Oh, how we cringe when we see those ill chosen words on their placards or t-shirts,
Any truth conveyed in a way that wrongly and needlessly angers or hurts,
For it’s one thing to stand up and speak out, and one thing to call a spade a spade,
But quite another to speak and act offensively which Christ himself forbade.
Yes, there’s certainly a place for the straight word, and one could say more so today,
Given the direction in which society’s headed; much in disarray.
But fighting fire with fire is hypocritical when perched on some moral ground,
And why within Christendom such un-Christ-like behaviour should never be found.
And why I apologise, for what’s seen is a terrible representation
And thus why some folk don’t give Christianity any consideration;
And though I could say that such is understandable, two wrongs don’t make a right,
And why I say ignore them; and here, in defence of Christianity write.
Yes, best you ignore such folk, (except, of course, when and where they're acting rightly).
By Lance Landall
"Far too often truths are presented in the worst of ways; all how such heralders
often cook their goose, to coin a phrase."
The poet, author
4. What Exactly Is The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
Well, going by some Christians, one would think that it’s all about End-times, but no,
Rather, it’s all about the love of our Creator, hence that blood seen to flow.
Calvary the focus, that sacrificial love we don’t deserve — yes, that grace,
Christ wanting to spare and save us, all why reality we need to face.
Yes, warning and justice has its place, but the focal point being God, His love,
This the centre of things, we not to dwell on Earth below but Heaven above;
In other words, the good news gospel, not the bad news gospel, that doom and gloom,
That in the lives of certain fixated Christians is given far too much room.
Sure everything has its place, but the Gospel’s all about Christ’s love and care
That hope and promise that’s found in Him, all why we shouldn’t go installing fear,
Because though there is a judgment, and Earth’s soon to end, we’ve no cause to worry,
But everything to look forward to, and that’s the focus, not some urgency.
No, not the signs of the times, they simply reminders of a reality
(One we’re facing), hence that choice we must make, lost or saved for all eternity.
It all a meantime thing, not the centre, nor to be our focus, but Jesus,
That relationship that’s suffered since the Fall, that love that should be found in us.
Oh, how Christians should shine like stars in this darkened world, choosing their time and place
(Very carefully), and displaying sensitivity, thus not in one’s face.
Each of us Christ-like satellites orbiting the centre of it all, Jesus,
Beaming His will and ways via our lives, that love for others that He has for us.
Jesus to be the focus, hope and promise in our voice, not threatening tones,
And thus we encouraging, uplifting and empathising, not throwing stones.
We not ranting at sinners, but showing them the way via how we live and talk,
It always Christ and His love at the centre of our humble joy-spreading walk.
God wants as many as possible to be saved, and this is the reason why
It's no win some lose some affair due to doing things in a way that's awry.
The right way seeing more saved, the wrong way seeing less saved having been turned off,
Someone's in-the-face approach, or cart before the horse approach, why many scoff.
Yes, the end is nigh, but it ushering in another Eden, joy untold,
A joy beginning in our hearts on Earth, and that’s where we’re called to be bold.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ,” it all about love
(Gentle persuasion and respect), that Saviour who waits excitedly above.
The good news gospel isn’t helped by Pharisees or Sadducees-cum-those who
Are fanatical or liberal, and thereby their own agenda pursue.
Both distorting the love, will and ways of God who speaks for himself, hence His Word,
Where the central theme is love (His), distorted by what’s misunderstood or preferred.
Yes, biblical warnings have their place, but helping always comes before preaching,
And due to Earth's woes, the need's great out there, and love being the best way of reaching.
Yes, 'cause it's all about people, both God's love and our love, the good news gospel,
Where fixation has more merit, many already experiencing hell.
By Lance Landall
"The Bible's a love story, not a thriller."
The poet, author
This poem was added to on the 5 March 2021.
See my poem Give It A Rest which can be found in the orange box titled
Karma, second poetry garden, secular section.
5. The Kind Of Christians People Detest
Now, there’s nothing wrong with holding to strict teachings and applying them daily,
But everything wrong with being in faces, and ranting arrogantly.
No, there’s nothing wrong with straight talk, even warnings, but there’s a time, place and way,
Which certain (and most un-Christ-like) Christians choose to ignore, having gone astray.
Yes, they bringing heaps of shame on Christendom, and even worse, Jesus Christ too,
Who wants Christians to attract and not repel-cum-militancy not pursue.
But there they are, angrily marching, demanding this or that, oft in God’s name,
Their understanding lacking and twisted, and how Christ-wise, they don’t act the same.
Yes, followers of Christ, but not following Christ, ’cause by their fruits you’ll know them,
The genuine Christian only doing what’s right, and not what Christ would condemn.
“My kingdom not of this world,” He said, yet power they seek, their faith and trust poor,
All how Satan gets a hold of things, ’cause rather than shut, ill opens the door.
Yes, they try to force, want to legislate, but Jesus never spoke of such things,
And all why with His teachings, their worldly howls, ways and behaviour hardly rings.
Christ-like love and tolerance seemingly not for them, though they might speak of such,
But oh, how hollow it rings when that very same whip is seen within their clutch.
Yes, they arguing and not debating, more Roman soldier-like than Christ-like,
And given their zealot-like determination, they more Saul-like than Paul-like.
Oh, how they want the world their way, when this world isn’t made up of just Christians,
Who, by the way, have no right to point the finger given their own glaring sins.
By Lance Landall
"Do you not know that wrongdoers will not enter the kingdom of God?..." (1 Cor 6:9).
"As Christians we are not here to provide an ethic for society or the state, but to clearly define an ethic for disciples of Jesus Christ. In the American system of government it is difficult for this stance to be understood. We operate with the myth of being a Christian nation, and we seek to interpret for society an ethic that we can bless as Christians. We need a new awareness of the pluralism of the New Testament, that the crucial issue is the difference between the church and the world, and that the church operates "within the perfection of Christ," while the world operates outside the perfection or will of Christ. Christians influence the state for good through Christian ethics and integrity, but they do not equate church and state. Only an indepth understanding of this issue can save us from a cultural and a civil religion."
Myron Augsburger
"Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek."
Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
6. Hordes And Renegades
Going by God’s Word and the earthly example of Christ, the following’s clear:
Christians aren’t meant to be militant — and force and weaponry, they shouldn’t dare!
Thus they not to be aggravators, involved in spats, nor seeking Church and State,
Because Christ has condemned such, telling them to patiently endure, calmly wait.
Oh yes, their voice to be heard, but ways must be as pure as the ends sought, which means:
No wild rants, rioting, Capitol Hill being one of those forbidden scenes.
In other words, Christ wants humble, gentle, loving, caring followers, not hordes,
Nor renegades who shame His cause, some employing poisoned pens, and others, swords.
Oh yes, there’s much the Christian can do, and should, but not in an ungodly way,
Nor inviting unnecessary flak, and minding those dicey shades of grey.
Every Christian to be honest and transparent, doers of good and right,
Distributors of the Good News Gospel, their example bearing hope and light.
All why those who err here hardly know their God, nor His Word, or are wrongly fed,
Cruel wolves and pied pipers having infiltrated the flock, the apostles said.
Oh, the sad history of it all, and many leaders to blame, sad to say,
And hence why all should search for themselves, and never with the devil’s toolbox play.
Thus Christians should go about things with the greatest thought and care, bearing in mind
That they’re God’s representatives, who, at the devil’s table, should not have dinned.
No, Satan’s menu not for Christians, they to feed on the Bread Of Life alone,
Who the damaging antics of those hordes and renegades would never condone.
Yes, God wants His truths known, but there’s always a time, place and way, and hence why
When certain Christians go about things the wrong way, things are seen to go awry.
Christ wants as many saved as possible, it not a win some lose some affair,
Wrong approaches shutting doors, and how those in-your-face Christians guilt and blame share.
Though having said that, how we deal with erring brothers and sisters says much too,
We lovingly entreating, thus bigotry not found in us, harshness a clue.
Yes, so far and no more, Christ having died for sinners, and that means all of us,
And hence why Christians have been told to imitate the heart and mind of Jesus.
By Lance Landall
See my poem Erring Members which can be found on my page Racism And Bigotry.
7. In Spite Of, Not Because Of
Some Christians go about things wrongly and badly, yet have their successes, and
Attribute such to God who worked in spite of, not because of, lets understand.
’Cause God never condones what’s not right, or badly carried out, and rightly so,
Otherwise He’d soil His very character, and the same hypocrisy show.
As far as Christians go, the means they use must be as pure as those ends they seek,
Lest any worldly odour be smelt, and worse, lest of Satan himself they reek.
Successes and amazing things not always proof of God’s approval, you see,
And why He might one day say, “Depart from Me,” more harm than good resulting, sadly.
But God works in spite of that wrong to bring about as much good as He’s able,
Many having been wrongly convicted, having sat at the wrong round table.
Yes, many sincerely mistaken, but harm they still do, and slam goes a door,
Christ and Christianity suffering, and they too, perhaps, where there’s a furore.
By Lance Landall
Christ wants us to be bold, not rude.
Christ wants us to reason, not argue.
Christ wants us to persuade, not force.
Christ wants us to approach, not attack.
Christ wants us to share, not smother.
Christ wants us to shine, not blind.
8. The Arrogant Christian
So smug, so arrogantly full of him or her self — yes, my God will get you,
And seemingly He does, zapping him, punishing her, or so they misconstrue.
Oh, how boastful they are of their pictured God, He powerful and almighty,
And yet, they oft turning to the State for chariots and horses, faithlessly.
Yes, they convinced they’re saved, they doing anything and everything — well, almost —
And acting so unlike that humble, loving, righteous Saviour of whom they boast.
And oh, how they go on about Hell (what Hell?), of which they may be destined for,
The brightness of Christ’s coming, consuming lake of fire, closing their open jaw.
So where’s God’s grace? Seemingly only encircling them, not others they condemn,
And they thinking they can’t be lost, which can lead to such arrogance, at the stem.
Oh, if only they realized their perilous condition, they’d tremble in fear,
For if there’s anyone that God would have a right to zap — well, surely it’s clear.
Yes, they so proud they’re a Christian though not acting like one, they legalists too,
For though oft so liberal that it’s not funny, it’s point the finger at you.
Or me, and while they’re at it, they gripping that hammer that’s as worn as can be,
For oh, so many times it’s seen hammering nails that remind of Calvary.
“There! Take another one Christ! And for good measure, this one too!” it seems,
And from that bloodied cross that offers hope and grace, surely rightful justice screams.
For where’s that contrite Christian who’s as gracious as Christ, and just as humble too,
“For lest we become as little children,” He said — but no, a trumpet just blew.
Was it yours? Hopefully not mine, for only watchmen on the wall require such,
Lest any member through their carelessness or arrogance Satan’s seen to clutch.
And there’s another trumpet, one that’s blown at Christ’s return, He alone worthy,
Never any one of us, and less so the arrogant Christian-cum-folly.
Yes, may we never mistake not being ashamed for boasting, nor desire glory,
We foolishly standing on some pedestal, or praying, “Why aren’t they like me?”
For who do we think we are? We so fallen and wretched, not yet home or crowned,
And meantime, covered in a robe that’s not even ours — oh, boaster, you astound!
Yes, “By their fruits you’ll know them,” Christ said, and that means both camps, there being sheep and goats,
Those who’re humble and contrite; and with the lost, he or she who boasts, preens or gloats.
So mind, dear arrogant Christian, you so sure you’re saved, so proud you’re a Christian,
For such smugness isn’t godly, nor biblical, but purely and simply sin.
By Lance Landall
“Many [Christians] will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” (Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
9. Is This The New Spirituality, Form Of Godliness?
She as good as strips, takes part in raunchy scenes, thus despatching morality,
Then gets married in a church with its dedicated-to-God sanctuary.
Her movie antics laughing at marriage and faithfulness, those vows one repeats,
And you’d think she’d blush with shame in front of the minister, those bottoms on seats.
Well, I mean to say, hasn’t she read her Bible which condemns hypocrisy,
Sex before marriage, immoral behaviour, crudity and adultery?
Or perhaps she holds the mistaken view that because God is a God of love,
He winks at such, and still has a place for such libertine hypocrites above.
Yes, her raunchy scenes encouraging countless teenagers to follow suit, or,
Women in general who’ve swallowed the same lie, many now into hard-core.
And there’s that minister talking about love, and she dressed in a white gown too,
It all making a mockery of Christian belief and practice, but what’s new?
Oh, what a lovely wedding, so spiritual seeming, and seeming is right,
And hence why I ask: Is this the new spirituality, so-called new light?
It all about love now — morals, principles and standards all things of the past,
As if love never had its boundaries, and its lot with debauchery cast,
Those raunchy scenes that must have angels gasp.
Surely those who marry in a church should be upholders of its Owner’s Word,
Not seeking His blessing while they’re indulging in things that seem much more preferred.
This latter comment surely one that even non-Christians can appreciate,
Who a mere form of Godliness are quick to spot, and such hypocrisy hate.
It seems Christianity’s being exchanged for some look-alike that’ll please all,
And those still teaching biblical doctrine and instruction seen as having a gall.
No one paying too much attention to the Bible except where it speaks of love,
Thus ignoring what doesn't suit — and as for God, He just some Santa Claus above.
So where’s that day of justice that God speaks and warns about, or does evil pay?
People getting away with ill, and upward to Heaven still making their way.
So too those Christians whose lives suggest anything but, they just look-alikes too,
Who, midst waxing lyrical about the love of God, wrong things still choose to do.
If we’re prepared to act out raunchy scenes, we’re not prepared for Heaven above,
Nor that sinless God who mentions righteous living in the very same breath as love.
And our church wedding even an effrontery, we twofaced at the altar,
And our false witness most likely causing a fellow traveller to falter.
The wedding service nice, and others innocent, perhaps, but hardly her though,
And certainly not if she hadn’t repented, because better she should know.
And if she doesn’t, just how much of a Christian is she, ’cause God gave His Word,
A book that she should be going by, and a conscience that that book should've stirred.
And I have to ask,
What would draw a man to such a woman who’s prepared to act out raunchy scenes?
Her standards hardly high, a loose mother to be, whose sad behaviour blasphemes.
Oh, how most have accepted the shameful these days, and I’m meaning Christians too,
Who, someone they once wouldn’t have considered, are now hopelessly drawn to.
A Christian’s a follower of Christ, not an acquaintance, but a disciple,
One who walks in accordance with Christ’s teachings, and in a way that all can tell.
Otherwise they’re only a Christian in name, and their wedding but tradition,
And Christ seeing through it all, it devoid of true commitment and contrition.
By Lance Landall
'I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you
were cold or hot. So then, because you are luke warm, and neither cold
nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth' " (Rev 3:15,16, NKJV).
RATHER THAN LOVERS OF GOD, HOLDING TO THE OUTWARD FORM OF GODLINESS [the external characteristics of religion] but denying its power. Avoid them!” (2 Tim 3:1-5).
10. Praise God Doesn't Want
The Bible tells us that it’s God alone who any glory is due, and so
He’s hardly behind that fan-based success of pop stars and Oscar winners, no.
They receiving adulation that’s not theirs to have, and God the giver of gifts,
All why He rejects their skewed skyward “Thank you,” which that “me” spotlight hardly shifts,
'Cause those fans barely register such, and I’m glad that they don’t, actually,
'Cause God has had nothing to do with it all, and those talents misused, sadly.
Oh yes, that worldliness they’re engaged in hardly having His anointing,
And the spotlight always on them, not Him, He just getting that skyward pointing.
Yet, ungodly lyrics and raunchy scenes equalling a faulty witness, and
Why instead of God’s ambassadors, and before all, it’s as hypocrites they stand.
Sincere? Well, in their deluded state, possibly, but haven’t they read God’s Word?
’Cause there they would’ve learnt to not behave so, though surely such should’ve occurred.
After all, how much of a Christian are they, or really only so in name,
Little time given to church and study, much devoted to personal fame.
Yes, so much for God first, and where is their wealth going? Much of it wasted, say,
Over the top mansions, lavishness, wild partying — yes, all hardly God’s way.
And nor is it a case of ten percent for me, ninety percent for others,
Plus their fame eclipsing more worthy works of their fellow sisters and brothers.
It all an image, another god, an idol, thus shaming that cross they wear,
Christ having died because of our sins, stuff they’re into, which could cost them, I fear.
Oh yes, the music, acting and entertainment scene riddled with what God hates,
All why in His Word, the possible dire consequences of such ill, He states.
One quickly sullied by such an industry, few strong enough to not give in,
Weren’t above it in the first place, perhaps, already acclimatised to sin.
Yes, the stage always being where the spotlight is on us, not God, and therefore,
We refraining from such, or keeping our integrity, closing this or that door.
And all why for Christians it’s in the world, not of the world, and by that I mean:
They only partaking in what’s noble, wholesome, God pleasing, honest, true and clean.
Yes, God oft getting praise He doesn’t want, for though the giver of talents, He
Doesn’t want such employed unrighteously — and thus praise here, an effrontery.
Oh, the words of that song, that lusty rhythm, that beat that almost numbs the brain,
Or that immoral, violent or other scene that some Christian’s seen to feign.
No, God no party to that, it misused talents, so thanks but no thanks, it is,
The credit for that million seller, dubious movie Oscar, hardly His,
Thus praise Him don’t, ’cause that’s a double sin, and your Christian profession a stab,
So, "Shush," I say, ’cause after indulging in such, more harm you add when you blab.
But better still (and what God wants), come into line with His will (if straying here),
’Cause God doesn’t want Christianity distorted, and more shame have to bear.
It’s the difference of Christians and their ways that He so wants the world to see,
And not that sullied sameness that some dare to praise Him for — it blasphemy!
By Lance Landall
were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old
self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts, and to be renewed in the spirit
of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created
according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness”
(Eph 4:22-24, ESV).
You may wish to check out my poem A Despicable Profession which can be seen on my
page There's More To Be Said, second poetry garden, secular section, grey box.
11. Christians Who Won't Be Saved
Earth’s evil isn’t the only reason why God’s removing His restraining hand,
But Christians acting as if grace gives them a licence to sin, which God never planned.
His Law supposed to be written on their hearts — love, truth and obedience foremost,
And thus rather than rebelling still, they acting like the righteous heavenly host.
So woe errant Christians, your fate just the same, you not given some immunity,
But called to a much higher standard, or you too, missing out on eternity.
So mind that smirking at non-believers, and that taking things into your own hands,
Instead of leaving them in God’s hands, and putting all your trust and faith in His plans.
Oh yes, God’s judgments falling on you too, unless you come to your senses, that is,
It hardly your right to set up this person or that, move hills or mountains, but His.
You're not God’s Rottwheiler, gun-toting onward Christian soldier, but ambassador,
You representing Him via your Christ-likeness, living up to that embedded law.
Yes, it written on our hearts, remember, otherwise Christ would’ve just died in vain,
He not dying that sin might continue, but be forsaken, ending Satan’s reign.
So out goes pride, that patriotic fever, that holier-than-thou attitude,
That “lets smoke 'em out” mentality, ’cause such Pharisees God’s kingdom won’t include.
In other words, such are the Christians who won’t be saved, they as lost as false prophets,
False teachers and messiahs, because at the end of the day, they’re fakes, hypocrites.
They so prone to turning to human means, and there’re those who’d even kill in God’s name,
Despite such being blasphemy, God having naught to do with such bigotry and shame.
So if you are one of them, listen up, because failing to do so will cost you,
We having been told to stop erring, and this why that Law in your heart God points to.
It there for a reason, one that should show, and why the will of God you’d better know,
Rather than listening to fools, continuing in the same manner as our foe.
Yes, God’s slowly removing His restraining hand, though quicker now, evil gaining,
The world in turmoil having forsaken right, and so, those warned of plagues soon raining.
Man’s cup of iniquity about to overflow, many Christians guilty too,
Who, instead of the love of God, and dictates of His Law, an erring path pursue.
By Lance Landall
“For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the
beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they
have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them” (2 Peter 2:20-22, KJV).
“Many [Christians] will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” (Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
“The children of God and the children of the devil are revealed in this way: all who do not do what is right
are not from God, nor are those who do not love their brothers and sisters” (1 John 3:10).
“ ‘Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven’ ” (Matt 7:21, NKJV).
“For if we willingly persist in sin after having received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer
remains a sacrifice for sins [God’s grace is made void], but a fearful prospect of judgment…” (Heb 10:26,27).
“Do we then overthrow [make void] the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law [the standard of Christian conduct]” (Rom 3:31, ESV).
“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put My laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be My people” (Heb 8:10, ESV).
12. As For What's Done In God's Name
Most of Israel’s kings were bad (so much for them wanting a king), but you know,
God still allowing such kings to have their successes at times regarding some foe.
Not because He approved of their wrongful ways, but with the Israelites in mind,
They still His people at the time, and why even today, God’s mercy we find.
Yes, God is good, but not always those who rule, oppressing or leading astray,
Yet God still allowing them certain successes which we too might see today.
Such rulers even doing things in His name, perhaps, Iraqi an example,
Because we know that false talk of weapons of mass destruction led to great ill,
A war that should not have happened — oh, America, how you created a hell.
The truth is, God sometimes allows things for His ultimate purposes, and so
They not always meeting with His approval, but some end that in time will show.
And those errant rulers destined for destruction, be they Christians or not so,
Just like those errant rulers of Israel who God allowed to crush some foe.
And who are those people who tell some ruler he’s God’s appointed man? — oh dear —
False prophets and teachers abounding, we’re told, the evidence painfully clear.
Certain successes seeming to suggest God’s approval when such isn’t so,
Or not quite so, hence why we should mind what we read into things, nor some trumpet blow.
Ancient Israel was repeatedly plagued with foes, surrounded by them, and
With Israel being God’s chosen nation, it oft ridding them from the land,
’Till Israel became just as bad, and there within, apostasy was seen,
Yet it still prideful, ’till divorced by God; and who might well repeat such a scene?
Yes, patriotic fever, things said in God’s name, a Church and State look-alike,
Military forays, seeming successes, troops stationed in every land.
And God allowing it, but not ’cause it meets His full approval, but some end,
One that shows man’s folly, the truth of what Christ warned of, His coming ’round the bend.
Thus God’s allowances aren’t necessarily what He’s happy with at all,
And much done in His name knowing nothing of Him — in fact, nothing but a gall.
Ancient leaders often having led astray, and it’s no different today,
Men distorting the will and Word of God, or ignoring what He’s had to say.
Lance Landall
13. "In The Name Of Allah," They Say
“In the name of Allah,” they say, beheading some poor soul that they call their foe,
And hence I have to ask, “Who is Allah?”, he not sounding like the God I know.
For the God that I know — Jesus Christ — was a saviour who died on Calvary,
One who sought to spare and not destroy, and who said, “Thou shalt not kill,” you see.
And that’s not all that He said, but to turn the other cheek, love your enemies,
Do violence to no man, put others first; and he made more statements like these.
Oh yes, He hating the lover of violence, according to His Word, and,
On His soon return (it literal, audible, earthshaking, bright and grand),
Will deliver Divine retribution; so look out those who’ve blood on their hand,
And this what He calls His strange work, for slaying isn’t His way, let’s understand.
So folk shouldn’t point to the Bible in order to sanction killing, for come Calvary,
A new order took place, Christ thus turning His back on that old theocracy,
And that being, ancient Israel, a nation that He personally directed,
He taking men where He found them then, but now a different path expected.
Yes, He stopping the ISIS-like Saul in his tracks, He reproving Peter too,
Telling him to put his dagger away, Christ not interested in some coup.
No, “My kingdom’s not of this world,” He said, shunning political agendas,
And as far as any wrong goes, He said that Christians shouldn’t be offenders.
Christ condemning revenge, retaliation, that warrior mentality,
That love affair with weaponry, torture and any form of brutality.
Thus no one to respond in like manner, for that sad path belongs in the past,
It the result of sin’s entrance, a devil’s presence who’ll soon feel Christ’s fiery blast.
Not that God is a hypocrite, but that every government must have its laws,
Even His, love hardly stupid or irresponsible, for that would show flaws.
And God is faultless, holy and righteous, we’re told, though often misunderstood,
His dealings with this fallen creation not always how He normally would.
In other words, the God I know is all about love, not punishment or fear,
He tender in nature, merciful and longsuffering, not cruel or severe.
But as with parents, there are times when He must act, and soon He will, and rightly,
His kingdom a heavenly one, only for those who reflect the heavenly,
For Heaven is all about goodness, virtue, fairness, love, peace and harmony.
By Lance Landall
“I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator.
By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord’s work.”
Adolph Hitler, Speech, Reichstag, 1936
"The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion"
(Ps 11:5, NIV).
"This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do
what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister" (1 John 3:10, NIV).
“See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone”
(1 Thess 5:15, ESV).
“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”
(Rom 12:19-21, ESV).
14. It's Christendom's Fault
Christendom is all about people, Christianity all about Christ, so,
Some should mind what they say, Christendom and not Christ behaving more like a foe.
Hence those so-called Holy wars, that pre-Reformation persecution, or other,
Such hardly paying attention to that love your fellow sister and brother.
But Christ still blamed when some who take the name of Christian behave so terribly,
Christ having had nothing to do with it, but those who their folly failed to see.
So they did what they did, not just making Christ look bad, but other Christians too,
Who’re more to do with Christianity than that Christendom that’s oft askew.
By Lance Landall
“Many [Christians] will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy
name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them,
‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” (Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
"Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported
entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever seperate."
Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885)
15. Please Get It Right Fellow Christian
Christ, via His Word, has made it very clear that Christians aren’t to cause trouble, nor
To hurt, harm, damage, rise up against governments, or willingly flout the law.
The Christian’s focus being God and Heaven, living right and saving souls, who
Won’t be receptive should they see hypocrisy, or if they’re told what’s askew.
Christians aren’t here to force God’s will or desires via legislation, the law,
But to simply be a voice, to write or engage in dialogue, and no more.
Their position compromised if an MP, prime minister or president,
Always remembering that it’s not of Earth but Heaven they’re a resident.
Christians aren't living in a theocracy like the ancient Israelites were,
And which doesn't exist now, and why our allegiance to God we shouldn't blur.
Joseph, Daniel and Esther, say, were in circumstances beyond their control,
And there, God simply using them for His good, not having given them that role.
If one thing’s clear too, it’s that Christians aren't to be involved in any evil,
Deceit, dishonesty, immorality, or behaviour that doesn't gel
(With God or Heaven, that is), but living up to the light that’s a blessing to all,
And at peace with all, saint or sinner, moving to God’s, not man’s or Satan’s call.
But never afraid to speak out — however, such should be done with love and care,
The errant to be helped to see, not hammered with condemnation, filled with fear.
Christ’s return all about His love, not His wrath — though of such, one should be aware,
He just as much a God of justice as He’s a God of love, but always fair.
Yes, no rants from Him, no forcefulness, no hypocrisy — just loving warnings,
Lest we be deafened via our busyness, pleasure seeking, or perilous yawnings.
Hence the Christian’s mission, it all about things eternal, not temporary,
So please get it right, fellow Christian, because that’s our first and foremost duty.
Christians have never been told to pick up weapons, nor to seek power somehow,
And only before the great throne of God, and God himself, should they kneel or bow.
Though pastors stand before the flock as representatives of God, that is all,
They merely servants, not worthy of homage, and before God’s throne too, should fall.
Indeed every Christian’s a servant, relying on God’s power, not man’s,
And this being why they should mind patriotic fever and Church and State plans.
Jesus not having endorsed either, His ministry on Earth our example,
He shunning political ambition and the plans of men, which just bring ill.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 23 May 2020.
This poem was penned on 12 October 2018, and added to on the 27th.
This same poem has been placed in my Christian section but with three extra verses.
16. So Sure, So Sure, But So Wrong, So Wrong
Perhaps it started with Peter loping off an ear, as if Christ’s body guard,
But Jesus having nothing of it, He not wanting His earthly mission marred.
However, despite Christ rebuking Peter, there are Christians who follow suit,
Enter same pit bull soldiers, the born again enforcer, sock it to them brute.
No, never saw Christ acting that way, just errant followers of His, sadly,
Oh, the things done in His name, when He said, “Hands off, you mustn’t act so badly.
People will judge Me by what they see of you, and why I’ve tried to make things clear,
Love the only way, and righteous living, and that cross that I’ve asked you to bear.
Yes, leave things in My hands, fallen men only messing things up, their ways not Mine,
Hence why more often they cast a cooling shadow when I’m wanting them to shine.
It’s My reflection I want seen, you My ambassador, no weapon, no force,
My kingdom not of this world, and why I warned my disciples off taking that course.
If it’s not the Church being hi-jacked, it’s Christians being misled, or straying,
They turning to earthly means, or listening to men and not what I’m saying.
Oh, how they put their trust in others, revere them too, though I’ve told them not too,
And this how Satan gets his hands on things, and how the wrong things Christians pursue.
Yes, so sure, so sure, but so wrong, so wrong, even prepared to kill in My name,
A right that no man’s to claim; and how the God of love, truth and justice they shame.
It all a mess, they following strange shepherds, opening the door to wolves, and
Going by feelings rather than My Word, their new theology built on sand.
Out with the old, in with the new, a gospel that the apostles never knew,
Christians saved though still rebelling, a holy and unholy mix sanctioned too.
And many no longer believing in the separation of Church and State,
Thus handing Satan the keys of the past, coming heads on a historic plate.
Depart from Me, I’ll tell them, that time near, a lamb becoming a dragon, oh,
They’ll see too late, politics and religion being how they’ll seal their fate, so
Leave such alone, I’ve said, but meddle they have, some New World Order not of Me,
I only coming to open graves, not stay, hence My pointing to the heavenly.
So don’t waste your time on any wrong means, but seek the lost, set an example,
Making sure your beliefs are correct, that you’re on the way to Heaven, not Hell.
Not that Hell exists, of course, just the destruction of the wicked, false Christians,
All why you’ll know them by their fruits, and in this case, their erring path, wilful sins.
Yes, once they pick up some weapon, or flex their muscles, you’ll know they’re not of Me,
I speaking via My Word, never enforcing anything legislatively.
Render unto Caesar what’s his, I’ve said, and render unto Me what’s Mine, and
Before you sit in judgment, remember those things that I once wrote in the sand.
You know I shunned government involvement, so why would I go saying to you
Do otherwise? — Church and State operating differently, opposites too.
Christians encouragers, not enforcers, the State worldly, the Church heavenly,
And I having only sanctioned one theocracy (lost in antiquity).
So sure, so sure, but so wrong, so wrong, My example cast aside seemingly,
And My prerogatives seen as being theirs too, usurping My majesty.
Many only too happy to crack a whip, enact My judgments, use My name,
When in their hearts, I want humbleness, selflessness, gentleness and trust to reign.
I could’ve said love instead of trust, but love I’ve already said, and hence trust,
’Cause many have turned to chariots and horses, success soon lost in the dust.
Yes, many having taken things into their own hands, convinced that I said so,
When had they rechecked My example, rightly read My Word, they would’ve seen, No!
When the world embraces the New World Order and it’s universal rest day,
Just like the Jews who said, “We know no king but Caesar,” and shoved Me out the way,
You’ll see another kind of tearing of curtains in that temple man has built,
His probation period ended, dreams and hope left lying in Earth’s silt."
By Lance Landall
“Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the Lord!” Isa 31:1, ESV).
"Lamb becoming a dragon," see Rev 13:11.
17. Except Where God Has Said Otherwise
Human governments have a part in God’s overall plans, so obey their laws,
Don’t be a lawbreaker, because God isn’t pleased with those who such trouble cause.
Be a good citizen, because they’re there to help maintain law and order, and
Thus restrain wickedness, so don’t bring shame on Christ by breaking laws of the land.
Each government has a right to arrest and punish, and where they go astray
They can not only reap the consequences, but God will have His coming day.
Meantime, don’t contribute in any way to the breakdown of society;
Pay your taxes, keep the peace, and show due respect to those in authority.
But where they tell you to do something that’s contrary to Scripture, our God’s will,
We’re to stand firm on the side of God, acting every bit as much as Daniel.
He not compromising, yielding to pressure, but firm until the very end,
Regardless of the consequences, because God and His Word we must defend.
By Lance Landall
Except where God has said otherwise:
"Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast [past power] and his image
[the coming copycat global power that causes all to worship it], and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation" (Rev 14:9,10).
"We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a one-world leader."
"...the United Nations Charter has to be supplemented by a charter of spiritual laws..."
Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations
"Don't pray that God's on our side, pray that we're on His side."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
18. Mind What Some Evangelicals Are Teaching
Oh yes, mind what some evangelicals are teaching, ’cause the good Word’s told us
That falsehood and heresy will abound, distorting the sound words of Jesus.
And those evangelicals having got the ears of some who are in power,
Convincing them to follow a path that’ll be rebuked come God’s judgment hour.
Jesus never said that He would set up His kingdom on Earth at His return,
But would simply come back to take the saved to that paradise for which they yearn.
Yes, they ascending to Heaven to occupy mansions Christ said He’d prepare,
And returning later with Him to this Earth made new, and which He too will share.
We’re told that when Christ comes for the saved (who will rise up to meet Him in the air;
Pointless if still to stay here), all that’s on this dying planet will be laid bare.
Yes, as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah when it rained fire and brimstone,
So it will be at Christ’s return, He surrounded by angels (thus not alone).
Therefore, those Christians trying to gain power in some pointless preparation,
Are involving themselves in a deluded, not-for-Christians operation.
Christ hardly setting up His kingdom on a sin infested planet, and why
He’ll be separating the goats from His sheep, ’cause just His sheep, to Heaven fly.
No, Christ’s not coming like a thief, but catching most by surprise, just like thieves do,
’Cause scoffers abound — and like I said, a lot of falsehood and heresy too.
There no peaceful millennium on Earth prior to His return, such but a tale,
Ones reward or penalty coming with Him, hence that joyous cry or sad wail.
The rapture’s another tale, one invented by a man, no one whisked away,
But rather, amidst the ills and evils plaguing this planet, will have to stay,
Until Christ’s return, that is, and then each follower’s cross removed (forever),
But at no time in the meantime, that just the spiel of a devil who’s clever.
And the devil (and all those other fallen angels too) has his agents here,
Be they those scoffers, the deluded, or the anti-Christ, hence that need of care.
And Satan oft working from the inside out, hence that error found in the Church,
Or those evangelicals who have sought a forbidden political perch.
By Lance Landall
Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. (Luke 12:51).
" 'For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray,
if possible, even the elect' " (Matt 24:24, ESV).
“Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because
they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy
One of Israel or consult the Lord!” Isa 31:1, ESV).
“For the Lord Himself will DESCEND FROM HEAVEN with a CRY OF COMMAND, with the VOICE OF AN ARCHANGEL, and with the SOUND OF THE TRUMPET OF GOD. And the dead in Christ will RISE [upwards to heaven] first [out of fairness]. Then we who are alive [the righteous living at the time of Christ’s second coming], who are left [because the dead at that time are already rising upward], will be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord IN THE AIR [the majestic Christ does not touch the defiled earth], and so we will always be with the Lord [will never be parted from Him again]” (1 Thess 4:16,17, ESV).
For the signs of the times (preceding an apocalyptic end) mentioned in the Bible,
see my page Prepare, accessed via my page With God In Mind.
The following poem relates to a certain type of Christian, not all American Christians.
This poem, by the way, is not devaluing the importance of one's denomination,
nor ones attachment to ones country.
19. Those Erring American Christians
Far too many Christians are putting too much store in their denomination,
Just like the ancient Israelites foolishly did regarding their nation.
They both missing the point, that one’s faith must be built on Christ and His Word, and thus
Should their denomination or nation fall, no problem, they’ve still got Jesus.
And as mentioned, with Jesus comes His Word, it reliable and trustworthy,
And it’s that Word that Christians should put their trust in, not their Church or their country.
The latter how many American Christians are erring too, come Church and State,
And that patriotic fever that too oft has even given way to hate.
Yes, the Jews despising Gentiles, seeing themselves as more than just a cut above,
And pridefully guarding what they weren’t meant to keep to themselves, but share with love.
Their trust not in God but their own efforts, and the same kind of thing’s seen today,
Given those American Christians who seem to be acting just the same way.
Earth’s not where the Christian’s hope and trust is meant to be, nor in those plans of man,
Because only Christ’s their answer, and Christians should know this, scrapping any plan.
In other words, they leaving things in His hands, their job just to impart and shine,
Church and State and patriotic fever being where such Christians cross the line.
In God we trust, huh, but it not seeming so, more store in presidents, I say,
Or that Church and State scenario that many are wishing would come their way.
God not found in either, but in faith and trust, that daily walk that stands alone,
Because the plans of humans and nations will always leave us with cause to groan.
How would Daniel have fared in Babylon with the very same mentality,
His nation shattered, but not his faith, his focus on the Word and heavenly.
He adapting to the circumstances but not conforming, he stout and true,
A witness, a blessing, and God protecting; it not his nation he clung to.
No confusion in Daniel’s mind, though ancient Israel was a theocracy,
It directed by God Himself, and so, Daniel’s trust being in God Almighty.
And so it should be with Christians, whom God has given no theocracy to,
Nor told them to bear arms, but rather, the lost, suffering and dying pursue.
By Lance Landall
20. Some Wise Words For Americans, And Even Others
Americans should be more concerned about their hearts and minds than Trump or Biden,
Neither being their saviour, but Someone else who is very concerned about SIN.
Unfit leaders have always plagued society, and plagued ancient Israel too,
But everyone is able to make up their own mind, and right or wrong pursue.
Tell me, who would let the devil run their country (no matter how smart he might be)?
And so, we hardly letting unsound, unfit people either, come democracy.
However, leaders can be a reflection of the state of things, what God calls sin,
That ill soiling society, those harmful or evil thoughts and desires within.
All why we can’t afford a corrupt saviour, because one day the tables can turn,
And turn on us; that flawed “end justifies the means” being how both ways things can burn.
Yes, such saviours often using the same sad tactics as those of which they accuse,
And hence why when it suits their selfish purposes, their own kind they’re seen to abuse.
Such is how it has always been, and will be, and thus hope not found here, but above,
The only Saviour who’s not corrupt or fallen being Jesus, the God of love.
And His kingdom’s to be installed in our hearts before He will install it on Earth,
‘Cause it’s not made up of sinners and saints, but those who have experienced the new birth.
No, His righteous kingdom’s not made up of corrupt politicians, nor rioters,
’Cause the one who fights fire with fire is someone who also foolishly errs.
Hence why all wrongdoers will be held accountable in the heavenly court, and
One very soon coming day, and before the great God of truth and justice, will stand.
And so, to Americans (and indeed everyone), I say Christ is the way,
One not putting store in this man or that woman, but He who will fix things one day.
Yes, that God of love in whom no flaws or guile is found, ’cause the answer isn’t here,
A renewed Earth soon replacing this sin infected one, where joy and peace we will share.
Meantime, pray for your leaders, they human like you and I (those corrupt ones aside),
And thus they erring too, and all why we should forgive (like Christ), our arms open wide.
Christ being the one who’ll deal with the corrupt, though what goes ’round comes ’round, hence why
Some are toppled from power, end up in prison, or via the hands of others die.
All why it’s on the renewed Earth that Christ will set up his kingdom (the wicked gone),
Only true followers of Christ inhabiting it, and not those who two hats don.
The saved no longer having to worry about this leader or that leader, and
There no countries with boarders, but an all encompassing, eternal, promised land.
At the end of the day, dear friend, it’s not Trumps or Bidens that make a great country,
But sound and loving minds and hearts (which rightfully, demand accountability).
Thus we not looking so much at our leaders but ourselves, and oh, what do we see?
’Cause there is the root of it all, leaders being a product of society.
And society isn’t in very good shape, I thinking of what’s on TV,
Or in movies — yes, great violence, and every form of immorality.
It’s a do whatever you want world, an anything goes world, Darwinian too,
Few believing in a day of judgement, nor a God who’s faithful, loving and true.
Yes, He knows what’s wrong with this world, but who’s listening, so it’s politics instead,
Another Trump or Biden, most having forgotten all those things that Jesus said,
Or never having known, and hence those suicides, ’cause the answer’s not found here,
But in He who is searching each heart, and whose wisdom has become painfully clear.
Oh yes, we’re in a mess, our nest in danger of collapse, and down we’ll all fall,
All why it’s just as well that Christ is coming (Eve first, then us making same wrong call).
Christ not heard above the riots, those red and blue waving flags, the porn, drugs, booze, fame,
Money, ambition — yes, as it was in Noah’s day, ’cause things are looking much the same,
And then came rain.
By Lance Landall
See another important poem of mine called The Answer Isn't Here which
can be found on my page Planet Earth.
21. To All,
Though Particularly...
Dear followers of any religion (not
that you’re alone in this, sadly),
But your religion’s a flawed
one (and certainly a threat to humanity),
If in God’s name or anyone
else’s name it sanctions the following ills:
persecution-cum-torture, violence-cum-that which blood spills.
It’s one thing to share your
beliefs, encourage folk to join your religion, or,
To point out any error that
you believe others hold, or truths they ignore,
And such is your right, what
liberty and freedom’s all about, and how God acts,
But force, threats, hurt or
manipulation are things that only a devil backs.
The only place for any anger —
anger — is where there’re such assaults,
But even here, there’s a line
that one shouldn’t cross, otherwise evil results.
For all have a right to their
own path, to believe and worship how, what and whom,
Just so long as they don’t
seek to injure or control — and no doubt to their doom,
the prerogatives of
God assume.
To vindicate themselves, some
turn to the acts of an ancient theocracy,
And there they err, it being a
growing nation that God himself ruled directly.
But be it this or that that
folk turn to, it should only be to do what’s right,
And why it’s clear that those
who maim, deceive or oppress aren’t walking in the light.
As for that ancient theocracy — well, a backward bunch they were, until,
God slowly pulled them up by their boot straps, told them to
discontinue their ill.
And then came Christ-cum-Christianity, that “Turn the other cheek”
And with it, warnings that all who take up the sword are destined for
Certain things that God commanded back then were in the context of the
Hence why one needs to mind when pointing to Scripture, those past folk
oft seen to stray.
Yes, tough measures for a hard-nosed stiff-necked people-cum-theocracy,
A wayward nation Christ divorced long ago — another
fulfilled prophecy.
Hence why Christ never carried any weapon, nor sought one for business
or fun,
But rather, and when here on Earth, emulated His Father, who, via His
Taught all to leave weapons alone, and then reminded folk that they
shouldn’t kill,
But rather, emulate Christ in whom only love and goodness is seen to
By Lance
22. No One Will Get Away With Anything
For those who’ve got away with some unconfessed crime, one that they’ve lied over, say,
Fear awaits, ’cause God will deal with every such secret come His judgment day.
Yes, eternity not theirs, be they a murderer, rapist, thief, liar, or
Some angry rioter who set fire to some building, acting against the law.
No, such things are to be confessed and the earthly penalty paid, otherwise
God will not cover them with His grace, He no accepter of deceit and lies.
In other words, it’s that putting right that counts, with God, man and the victim too,
Thus repentance, jail time, say, and displayed remorse, all being what one must do.
One not going to a priest, by the way, because only God can forgive, so
One using that direct access gained via prayer, which every Christian should know.
And not just God hearing that confession, but the police and the victim too,
No one hiding behind position or power (which they will have cause to rue),
Nor hiding behind some confessional box, a practice terribly askew.
It’s bad enough having done the ill without making the victim look a liar,
Which only fuels the wrath of God, who of that multiplied crime will soon enquire.
He not wanting anyone treated so, their cries of foul play reaching His ears,
Everything noted, and why before He returns, over those notes He peers.
Only a fool putting off that confession given that death could intervene,
And thus it far too late then, the penalty still not met like it should have been.
The God of love also being the God of truth and justice, and hence that day,
When over unconfessed crime, ignored debt, and damage done, He will have His say.
Though God forgives sins, He doesn't let anyone get away with murder, or
Anything else, because what would that say, and so much for any rightful law.
All why God has His laws too, justice (we’re told) being the foundation of His throne,
Which makes sense, because how could a righteous God any ill and evil condone?
Why shouldn’t He feel angry over ill done to others and His creation,
He looking at a rebellious, lawless, selfish, harsh and cruel situation.
And (in love) having borne long with such, thus judgment overdue, and come it will,
But no fear in the eyes or hearts of any who’ve refrained from evil and ill.
By Lance Landall
"...Only God can forgive sins!" (Luke 5:21, NLT).
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim 2:5, KJV).
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind
by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12, NIV).
“The children of God and the children of the devil are revealed in this way: all who do not do what is right
are not from God, nor are those who do not love their brothers and sisters” (1 John 3:10).
“Many [Christians] will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name
cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew
you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” (Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
“For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing...” (Eccl 12:14, NKJV).
Belief that aids wrongdoing.
23. I'm Concerned For Catholics
I’m concerned for Catholics, those who may’ve confessed their crime to a priest, and
Left it there, the police knowing nothing of it, no sentence handed down, and
Priests not able to forgive sins, despite the Catholic Church teaching folk so,
Who, if they went by the Bible, the truth of what I’m conveying here would know.
Only God is able to forgive sins, and repentance must be followed through,
Confessing any crime to the police, who certain charges would then pursue.
Yes, one doing the time, paying the price, or losing out on eternity,
Because no one should get away with some crime, and priests having made it easy.
I’m concerned for those Catholics lulled into a false sense of security,
Though not without guilt themselves, for why should they get away with criminality?
In other words, why should believers get off scot-free, and many may have here,
But not ultimately, and hence why Catholics should know what God has made clear.
Thus confessing to priests (and handing over money) but a waste of time, and
Where crimes aren’t confessed to the police, one simply ignoring laws of the land.
Such hardly in sync with the God of truth and justice, who such crimes will unmask,
All why such Catholics should confess to the police, and God’s forgiveness ask.
By Lance Landall
Belief that aids wrongdoing.
This poem was penned 6 October 2018, and relates to the following person (a Catholic) having been appointed
an Associate Justice of the Suprene Court of America (despite a woman accusing him of rape).
24. With The Kavanaugh Case In Mind
It’s not for me to say whether Brett Kavanaugh is guilty or not, but hey,
Those who say they aren’t when they are, might very well seal their fate that very day,
Should some bus come their way,
’Cause God will bring every secret thing into judgment, good and bad, and thus,
Those who’ve lied, not confessed, nor done the time, hardly saved by the grace of Jesus.
No good confessing to a priest, by the way, ’cause only God can forgive sin,
And then, it’s supposed to be rebellion out and His Law governing within.
It written on one’s heart, and after confessing, we paying the earthly price,
God having appointed such authorities, yet some with their salvation dice.
No matter how good we’ve otherwise been, a lie, such as in this case, if so,
Covers a grave sin, maligns that other soul, victim, and hides behind that “No.”
“Yes, I am guilty,” one’s only hope, a lie here being double injury,
Any brave woman or women held up to contempt rather than he,
If he has lied, say, which would beg the question: What kind of judge would he be?
Yes, God showed grace to Adam and Eve, but they still paid for their sin, and so too
Should anyone who rapes, God’s grace not removing justice any victim’s due.
God not winking at lies, and more so double injury, grace no cloak for sin,
But covering the “I’ll put it right” repentant one who’s truly changed within.
God’s not just the God of love, but truth and justice, hence His coming judgment day,
A time when the heavenly judge — Jesus Christ — will screen each life and have His say.
Such being love’s duty, because no one should get away with unconfessed ill,
That lie that turns a knife in some victim’s wound, and God’s heart, which pained when man fell,
And gushed blood-red on Calvary’s hill.
Many perpetrators are protected by earthly position and power,
Hence how they get away with their crimes, and why there needs to be that judgment hour.
Our God no fool, liars not tip-toeing into Heaven, and nor jail breakers,
Who take their life-robbing little secrets all the way to the undertakers.
Enter the hour of God’s judgment, He coming soon, His reward or penalty
With Him, and any attempted rape not missing His justified scrutiny.
Nor any cover-up, whatever the excuse may be, ’cause none will suffice,
A crime’s a crime, thus even the repentant saved one having to pay the price,
And then, only then, having put things right, Christ letting them enter Paradise.
By Lance Landall
"...Only God can forgive sins!" (Luke 5:21, NLT).
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness
(1 John 1:9, NIV).
"For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim 2:5, ESV).
“ ‘And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’ ‘Then He will say to those on the left hand ,‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire [meaning total annihilation] prepared for the devil and his angels’ ” (Matt 25:40,41, NKJV).
“For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing...”
(Eccl 12:14, NKJV).
"Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops" (Luke 12:3, NASB).
“ ‘Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven’ ” (Matt 7:21, NKJV).
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment" (Rom 13:1,2, ESV).
The "confessional" is completely unbiblical, nothing but a Catholic invention.
25. Religious Crusades
Come those past crusades and so many point to Christianity, but wrongly,
They largely Papal, medieval, little to do with Christianity.
Papal Rome hardly a Christian denomination but power and hybrid,
Many of its teachings unbiblical, and hence why atrocious things it did.
(And this being why I have a problem with Catholicism, not Catholics).
Yes, the Christian Church having been hijacked, hence the Protestant reformation,
And Constantine guilty too, he having fed Christians faulty information,
'Cause he was the one who blended Church and State, sanctioned Christians going to war,
Such completely at variance with the New Testament directives, God’s Law,
And dear oh dear, what did this errant Roman emperor not do, furthermore.
But what do we see? Many Christians acting like that ancient theocracy,
Israel, which ended at the cross, war and weaponry condemned at Calvary.
In other words, such not for the Christian now living midst a mixed multitude;
And wars oft unjustified, or orchestrated — 'cause oh, how many collude.
It’s not Christianity at fault, Christ condemning violence, weaponry,
Hence why those Christians who participate in war are clinging to heresy.
'Cause nowhere has Christ condoned or promoted such, but men who twist things to suit,
Their trust hardly in God whose teachings they often misinterpret or dispute,
By Lance Landall
This poem was corrected and altered on 19 September 2019.
For further, see my page I Saw Beyond It All.
Regarding pacifism, see my page The Evil Of Violence, Home page, and, the orange
box titled Pacifism, My Take, Christian section, second poetry garden.
26. Why I Don't Believe In Kings And Popes
Originally, humans weren’t governed by kings, such but the result of man’s fall,
And the legacy of Cain’s descendants who inevitably made that wrong call.
Such never God’s intention, and hence why when ancient Israel clamoured for one too
(Like those pagan nations around them), God was upset, and such they were to rue.
Oh yes, bad king after bad king plagued the nation of Israel, which God knew would be,
But it was they who sadly chose a human to rule over them rather than He.
Hence those bad popes that we’ve also seen, popes hardly of God but more Constantine, who
Left the Bishop of Rome in charge of Rome, who placed his stamp on things, just like men do.
And thus history soon attesting to the errors and injury of both, who,
Via such, effectively gave rise to republics, where things can still go askew.
But only where the people lose sight of the past, and vigilant soon cease to be,
Appointing those that they shouldn’t appoint, and as is said, the rest is history.
Had Israel never clamoured for a king, nor apostatised, one thing’s very clear
God would still be ruling her, and there’d be no kings or popes who same glory would share.
Yes, both honoured and revered as only God should be, and how He was meant to be,
Fallen man so undeserving, and more often a real threat to humanity.
Constantine’s profession of faith dubious, his Church and State blend hardly Divine,
But a marriage of convenience that paganized the Church, took it cross the line,
Thus servant pastors metamorphosing into power wielding popes, who today,
Despite their biblical errancy, over a billion followers still hold sway.
Yes, be it kings or popes, there’s no safety in one ruler, as history’s shown,
Hence why where such has been the case, liberty and freedom has soon up and flown.
It was prophesied by Moses that Israel would choose a king, and which they’d rue,
God telling Samuel to warn them of how that king would act, just like men do,
And this being why we should acquaint ourselves with Papal Rome's history too.
By Lance Landall
Why one's beliefs should be scrutinised.
27. The Poison In The Passion
Who would’ve believed that evangelical Protestants would be helping Rome,
So unaware of the poison in the Passion, now in many a home.
Not just watched in theatres, but sitting on family shelves, as well as shared,
It full of error, occult symbols and violence, so why have Christians dared?
A one eyed Christ, thief and Barrabus? Can't they see the tie in, that seeing eye,
It associated with the New World Order, which no sound Christian would buy.
That one eye affair pagan as it gets, Catholicism hardly Christian,
Hence why that movie’s so out of sync biblically, and pushing it a sin.
Isn’t Mel Gibson (a Catholic) clever, faulty images left in minds,
Oh, and every time they read those same passages in God’s Word that one finds,
Which are so different, yet Protestants lapping it all up, failing to see
A pagan presentation of the Godhead, when more discerning they should be.
Yes, certain evangelicals aiding the New World Order, Rome’s agenda,
That one eyed Christ and other things seen there being but the work of the Offender.
Thus that movie Satanic, a bloodied corruption, sadism on steroids,
Mystic nuns giving a distorted account, which the sound Bible student avoids.
Slow that movie down, pause it, frame by frame, and it’s interesting what you see,
A grotesque grinning baby, an upside down pentagram — and on Calvary
Christ’s fingers displaying an occult sign — yes, that movie full of blasphemy,
The Passion Of The Christ a Marion invention, deceptive heresy.
Yes, God’s Word knowing nothing of an eye picking crow, temple splitting in two
(And some parts of it collapsing), a female devil, a distraught Peter, who
Asks Mary for forgiveness, a Catholic saint with her daughter, and nor
Was Christ chained, thrown from a bridge, threatened by a serpent, bloodied to the core.
Nor was His garment ripped apart, and nor did soldiers call Him “King of Worms,” and
No mystic powers came from Mary, such purely Catholic, you understand,
Like purgatory, rosary beads and all those other foolish pagan things,
Too many to mention, which the erring Israelites found God’s judgment brings.
But what Rome failed to do before, she won’t fail to do this time ’round, clearly,
Reunification and Hollywood aiding, things coming together nicely.
Hence that copy of the beast that America’s creating, and why we’ll see
Papal Rome (helped via an image) eventually controlling humanity.
Rome considers herself above the Bible, all why God’s Word speaks ill of her,
Referring to past atrocities, a law change, words that God’s wrath would incur.
She no different today, except cosmetically, a chameleon,
Blending to suit her manoeuvres, until she’s ready to cruelly set upon.
Catholicism is a fraudulent religion, a very wealthy one,
Much of its wealth having come from the forgiving of sins, insulting the Son.
Only Christ able to forgive, mediate, not priests nor a deceased Mary,
Who Rome’s elevated to Queen of Heaven, superimposed on the Trinity.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 25 July 2019.
"In 1978, the year that Pope John Paul I was murdered and Pope John Paul II took over the papacy,
a set of Vatican stamps was issued featuring a pyramid and an all-seeing eye."
David Icke
It's also worth noting that on the back of the American dollar bill there's an all-seeing eye and pyramind too.
"An expose of Vatican and Jesuit intrigues and interference into the political structure of the United States and Europe. It contains shocking revelations and fully authenticated documentation, much of it hidden for almost 100 years, to support the conclusion that the United States has been transformed from a beacon of light and hope into an empire with beast-like tendencies and that the world is headed for a Vatican led and instigated cataclysm while it sleepwalks towards the edge."
From the book: The Transformation of the Republic by C.T. Wilcox (2003)
For more on the errors in The Passion Of The Christ see my page Concerned And Frustrated? (and the article
near the bottom of that page), Christian section, grey box, and centre, second poetry garden.
For Rome's true agenda, see my page Foes Of Humanity.
"It can be proved that the idolatry of the whole earth is one, that the sacred language of all nations is radically Chaldean—that the GREAT GODS of every country and clime are called by Babylonian names—and that all
the Paganisms of the human race are only a wicked and deliberate, but yet most instructive corruption of the primeval gospel first preached in Eden, and through Noah afterwards conveyed to all mankind. The system, first concocted in Babylon, and thence conveyed to the ends of the earth, has been modified and diluted in different ages and countries. In Papal Rome only is it now found nearly pure and entire."
The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we [the apostles] preached to you,
let him be eternally condemned!” (Gal 1:8, NIV).
28. Anti-Christian?
Given how many Christians act, and thus the damage that they do,
I’m certainly not surprised, friend, that you’ve an anti-Christian view.
And maybe those so-called righteous wars, or past inquisitions too,
Have also had a hand in your very strong anti-Christian view.
Perhaps you’re an ex-Christian, tired of all the wrong that you have seen
Occurring amongst many Christians, or within the Christian scene.
Or have you been badly hurt, friend, by some Christians acting wrongly,
And now, that Christians are just hypocrites, are feeling very strongly?
Well, what you have encountered, friend, is hardly Christianity,
But rather, it’s simply some Christians who've acted very wrongly.
Yes, Christians who have badly strayed, or who have simply lost their way,
And who, as a consequence of such, incorrectly God portray.
So please don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, as they say,
For it’s not Christianity, but Christians, who their God betray.
Though they’re His ambassadors, some Christians dismay and disrespect
The very God they take their name from, when Him, they wrongly reflect.
I’m often disappointed by fellow Christians acting wrongly,
And I deplore the wrong occurring within Christianity.
But I too, have hurt others, and thus wrongly my God portrayed,
For I am human just like them, and so often don’t make the grade.
All why I still believe in God, and why a Christian I still remain,
Continuing to fellowship with most of those who His name claim.
But I will do my very best to reflect my God correctly,
In the hope that you might see what is truly Christianity.
But both Christians and non-Christians behave hypocritically,
So such is hardly an excuse for shunning Christianity.
Therefore, don’t build your faith on humans, 'cause humans so often fail,
And this being why Christendom has left a terribly flawed trail.
By Lance Landall