Divine Expressions
That God May Be Better Understood And Seen
Calvary = amazing grace.
God took a huge risk when He modelled us after His own image and gave us freedom to act and decide.
didn’t destroy Satan, and has given time for all to see Satan’s
ultimate game plan-cum-true intentions, for then, and once and for all,
the universe will know that God was right and Satan wrong.
God didn’t destroy Adam and Eve but provided a way of escape via His own sacrifice.
God didn’t destroy Cain for killing Abel nor David for planning the death of Bathsheba’s husband.
Noah’s preaching, God gave the antediluvians 120 years warning of the
coming flood. Oh, how beautiful the rainbow (Gen 9:8-17).
Via His prophets and various messengers, God
gave many warnings to both His people and pagans in the hope that
certain warranted judgments could be avoided — hence how Nineveh was
God is also warning all who’re on Earth today to
repent, return to righteous living-cum-follow Him given His impending
judgment and soon return.
God spared Lot and His two
daughters from Sodom and Gomorrah, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from
the fiery furnace and Daniel from the lion’s den.
God repeatedly rescued His rebellious people from captivity and oppression.
God used Esther to save His people from being annihilated.
God restored Nebuchadnezzar from his seven year beast-like state.
out of fairness, and thus at the same time only — such being His second
coming — will reward all the saved of the ages with eternal life (Heb
Christ displayed compassion and mercy to both the Samaritan woman and Mary Magdalene.
It was God who instituted safe cities where one could flee too.
war, and once again, courtesy of God, any who had marriage plans, or
who had just bought a house or field and hadn’t enjoyed the benefits of
such, were allowed to stay back. So too all who feared the enemy (Deut
20:1-9). Certain Mosaic laws required that the Israelites had to have a
humane approach-cum-attitude towards their enemy (Deut 20:10-15). When
marching off to war, they were to offer peace to their enemy, with the
guarantee of no bloodshed. Where such an offer was refused,
only males were to be killed in battle. Women and children
were to be kept alive. Respect
had to be shown to female captives. Raping or any other violent
treatment was not allowed. Soldiers weren’t even
allowed to destroy their enemy’s fruit trees (Deut 20:19,20).
God answered both Hannah’s and Abraham’s prayer for a son by fulfilling their desire.
Even though Christ new Judas Iscariot would betray Him, He never treated him any different than the other disciples.
Even amidst His terrible pain on the cross, Christ asked the apostle John to take care of His mother, Mary.
apparent delay in Christ's coming is due to His unwillingness to close
the door of salvation while there is hope of any sinner's repentance (2
Peter 3:9).
"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love" (Ps 103:8, RSV)
Christian version.
A Declaration
You're incredibly precious, totally unique, staggeringly complex, outstandingly engineered, and scientifically and
medically amazing, regardless of your IQ, looks, position, handicap,
circumstances, or background, and despite what anyone else may say to
the contrary.
part of a plan, full of potential, a valuable asset, and worthy of
time, effort, and love. You're my fellow human, my equal, and we're
bound to each other via origin and lineage. You've been given a chance,
an opportunity, and your happiness, even longevity, lies more in using
it for the benefit of others.
not what you were yesterday, but what you choose to be today, and even
should that change come later rather than sooner, it's still reason to
rejoice, and there's still time to leave a favourable lasting
impression, a positive contribution.
come love with me, laugh with me, cry with me, heal with me, care with
me, stand with me, search with me, grow with me, build with me, share
with me.
You're needed! You're wanted! We're family!
made in the image of a glorious, loving, doting, heavenly Father who
views us as the apple of His eye; and He being, a majestic God, King,
Creator and Ruler of the universe who always seeks our best
interests and eternal good.
By Lance Landall
Is God Too Soft, Even Unfair?
Yes, you did read correctly, rightly see. So, is God too soft, even unfair? Is there evidence suggesting so, could it be that you might think so, or is such actually clear?
Well, for your edification and general assimilation, a number of things I’ve decided to share.
is delaying His return (despite His loving concern), and thereby, our
departure, so that others can make it to Heaven — yes, He's still
bothering to warn, persist, even nurture, forgiving more than seventy
times seven, and amidst it all, as He has since the Fall, giving wicked
people a chance to change, who, when they do so, repentantly so, will
receive grace in exchange, and the promise of eternity.
See what I mean, and within Scripture, building upon this picture, there’s even more we can glean.
God saved a thief on the cross (bad since the day he was born?), and
as for ancient Israel (now there’s a sorry tale), and that stubborn
old Pharaoh (ancient Israel’s wily foe), how many chances did God
give, how many times did He warn?
And look at that fanatical Jew,
a man called Saul, who God mercifully spared and used, even after all
he’d killed and abused (incidentally, renaming him Paul), and by the
way, God never slew Satan, Adam and Eve, nor Cain — so what does that
say? I’ll tell you. Whether one is good or bad, God's response is
very humane, plus, He grants both the good and bad daily water,
sunshine and grain, and when those who willingly sin repent, letting
the Spirit reverse their wayward bent, He wraps a clean robe of
righteousness around their grubby sin-sick frame, sets a crown aside
for them, and as with Paul, previously Saul, sets aside another name.
say, who let folk spit on Him, horridly revile and abuse Him, hang Him
on a cross between two thieves? And who, over a non-saved wicked one’s
loss, as He did over His murderers’ fate, deeply grieves? An amazing
act, an incredible fact, but that’s His way, and at the end of the day,
who would have it all any other way? 'Cause were it not so, one to
Heaven wouldn’t go, and why whether God’s too soft or even unfair, is
really neither here nor there.
In a manner of speaking, that is.
By Lance Landall
More poems like the one that's directly above can be seen by clicking on the row of buttons positioned near the top and on the right hand side of my poetry garden number two.
All why God’s Word says to only pursue what is morally and spiritually sound; those things that are in harmony with Christian ideals (Phil 4:8).
DISTRACT via worldly pursuits and ambitions.
All why God’s Word says that the love of the Father isn’t in those who love the world (1 John 2:15-17), and that whoever wants to become a friend of the world simply puts him or herself offside with God (James 4:4,5). We're actually talking about divided loyalties here. Pursuits and ambitions that may not be in harmony with God's will, Word or ways.
DEGRADE via the likes of crude or pornographic material.
All why God’s Word says that the marital bed should not be defiled (Heb 13:4), not to look at someone else with lusty eyes, as such is akin to adultery (Matt 5:28), and not to use our body-cum-members in any unrighteous way (Rom 6:13).
ENSNARE via unbiblical relationships.
All why God’s Word says not to be unequally yoked with non-believers (2 Cor 6:14; Amos 3:3); not to indulge in adultery (Ex 20:14; Heb 13:4), nor same sex sexual acts (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Jude 7,8; Romans 1:26-28,32; Phil 3:19; Lev 18:22; 20:13; Deut 22:5).
SOIL via promiscuous behaviour.
All why God’s Word says not to have sex before marriage (1 Thess 4:3-8; Gal 5:16,19; 1 Cor 6:9,10).
INJURE via unhealthy foods, beverages and drugs.
All why God’s Word says that we’re to look after our body and not wilfully harm it in anyway because it’s the “temple” of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19,20). Would include any form of self mutilation (Lev 19:28).
DESTROY via reckless pursuits.
All why God’s Word says to be sensible lest we die too soon (Eccl 7:17).
FOOL via counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.
All why God’s Word has warned of such (2 Thess 2:3,4,9,10; Rev 13:13,14). And hence the question: Is the world being prepared via the tsunami of fantasy and fiction?
MISLEAD via errant advisors, erring fellow Christians, false teachers, prophets and Messiahs.
All why God’s Word has warned of such (Matt 24:24; 15:9; 1 John 4:1; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 4:3,4; 2 Peter 3:16).
CONFUSE via attacks on the validity of the Bible.
All why God’s Word says that all Scripture is inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16), that every word of God proves true (Prov 30:5,6), that what the apostles imparted was revealed by the Holy Spirit, that it was really God’s Word (1 Thess 2:13; 1 Cor 2:10,13), and that we should study in order to not be decieved (Ps 119:9; Matt 4:4; John 8:31,32; Eph 6:14; 4:14; 1 Thess 5:21; 2 Thess 2:10; Heb 5:11-14; Titus 2:1; 1 Tim 4:6; 2 Tim 1:3; 3:16,17; 2:15).
CONTROL via fooling us into thinking that we can reach some sort of higher plane via New Age, spiritualistic, mystical, humanistic hocus-pocus whereby he can enter our mind via the back door.
All why God’s Word reminds us how Satan tried such on Eve (Gen 3:5), and again about those who propagate such nonsence (Col 2:8), and also about having nothing to do with the realm of darkness (Eph 5:11; 6:11).
Upgraded 20-9-2015.
Without His strength we’re powerless.
Without His armour we’re vulnerable.
Without His truths we’re in the dark.
Without His Law we’re none the wiser.
Without His chastening we’re stunted.
Without His blessing we’re all the less.
Without His help we’re bound to err.
Without His indwelling we’re hardly like Him.
Fathers: A reflection on the earthly and divine.
A father lovingly attends to and caters for his family’s needs, is always there for them, provides protection, and his love for his family should be such that he would even be prepared to die for his family.
Christ lovingly attends to and caters for our needs, provides us with the Holy Spirit’s presence, dispatches angels to assist and protect, and He also came and died on our behalf that we might be saved.
A father is responsible for setting boundaries, laying down requirements, and is responsible for the overall smooth running of the home, both generally and spiritually. Such boundaries and requirements show his loving concern for his family, their safety, and their general and eternal well-being. Such boundaries and requirements (when upheld) also prevent shame coming upon the family and siblings being influenced wrongly.
Christ also sets boundaries, provides us with a book (the Bible) and a Law (the Ten Commandments) that show His requirements, and He also presides over God-fearing homes and the Church as its Head. Such boundaries and requirements show Christ’s loving concern for His children, their safety, and their general and eternal well-being. Such boundaries and requirements (when upheld) also prevent His children from bearing a false witness as His ambassadors and becoming stumbling blocks.
A father instructs his children, imparts wisdom, shows his children where they’re erring, warns, and attempts to spare them from paths of harm.
Christ via His Word also instructs, imparts wisdom, corrects, warns, and attempts to spare His children from paths of harm.
A father exercises grace, and he also acts somewhat like a lawyer in his home in the sense that he officiates in family or sibling disputes and mediates on behalf of any member who’s in need or in trouble.
Christ displays His grace in various ways, acts providentially in our best interests, and He also acts like a lawyer as He mediates on our behalf before the Father in order to save us from the penalty of sin.
A father acts somewhat like a judge in his home in the sense that he ultimately must pronounce and administer any punishment that rebelliousness necessitates. Such is doubly needful given that such rebelliousness also threatens the stability of the home.
The Scriptures tell us that Christ will one day judge mankind and dispense Divine justice upon those who’ve usurped His authority, rejected Him, ignored His will, and led others astray. Such sinners as these would threaten the stability of Heaven and the earth made new.
A father reveals masculine traits and behaviour that are necessary for the healthy emotional growth of his sons, for the honour of his wife and daughters, and for dealing with those duties that are unsuitable for females (and that would detract from their femininity).
The Bible is full of the masculine/male imagery of God the Father and Christ the Son continued via the apostolic appointment of men as elders/pastors, and the man’s headship role within marriage and the home, as laid down in Scripture. Christ was clearly concerned for the welfare of women, and Scripture admonishes husbands to show due care for their wives.
man leaves his parents and cleaves to his wife displaying the
initiative that’s part of the husband’s role as head, protector,
provider, and selfless lover.
left His Father and became the Bridegroom of the Church — the bride —
whom He watches over, heads, protects, provides for, and
unselfishly loves.
A dove reminds me of the harmlessness that should be behind every Christian’s intention.
A snail reminds me that sanctification is the work of a lifetime.
A cat reminds me that worldly curiosity gets Christians into trouble.
An owl reminds me that God is the wisest one of all.
A peacock reminds me of the dangers of spiritual pride.
A meerkat reminds me to be on guard regarding error and falsehood.
A sloth reminds me to be slow to judge.
A cheetah reminds me to be quick to forgive.
An eagle reminds me of the heights that God wants to take us to.
A cow reminds me that we should mind what we graze on.
A mouse reminds me to watch out for those little things that can lead to bigger things.
bull reminds me of the damage that Christians can do when they charge
ahead of God, or when certain things gatecrash His sanctuary.
A rabbit reminds me of how prolific we should be regarding sowing seeds.
A deer reminds me of the sensitivity we should have towards sin.
A beaver reminds me to continually chew on the Word of God.
A giraffe reminds me of the height of God’s love, a whale reminds me of the depth of God’s love, and an elephant reminds me of the breadth of God’s love.
A monkey reminds me not to hang out with the in crowd, and nor to ape them.
Love birds remind me of how God instituted marriage.
A donkey reminds me of the stubbornness of rebelliousness.
A dog reminds me of the loyalty that I should show to my Master.
A zebra reminds me of those strips on Christ’s back that we deserved.
A caterpillar reminds me that we should be elastic in our dealings with others.
A worm reminds me that a little yeast leavens the dough.
A spider reminds me that we shouldn’t get caught in the web of false accusations and evil surmisings.
A praying mantis reminds me that praying’s the key.
A glow worm reminds me that we’re meant to glow.
A turtle reminds me that we’re not meant to have a hard shell.
A rhino reminds me that there is a place for thicker skin.
An ant reminds me of the need of more workers in God’s vineyard, and that we all should be just as industrious.
A snake reminds me of the venom of gossip.
A flamingo reminds me that charity has long legs.
An albatross reminds me that compassion has broad wings.
A hippo reminds me that we shouldn’t wallow in the mud of introspection.
A black and white panda reminds me that such is how it is with God’s Word.
A camel reminds me of how we need to stock up with Scripture on our spiritual journey.
A dung beetle reminds me that we all have our cross to bear.
armadillo reminds me of the amour of God: The belt of truth, the
breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of Gospel peace, the shield of
faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit.
A buffalo reminds me of the solidness of commitment and perseverance.
Hedgehogs remind me that God never promised us a rose garden, but an Eden to come.
Kangaroos remind me that we should never leap back and forth between God and Satan, right and wrong.
Koala bears remind me that looks can be deceiving.
Leopards remind me that only God can change our spots.
Swans remind me that beauty can still be found in the murky pond of this world.
Hens remind me that we should never fly the coop of God’s protection.
Chickens remind me that God’s boundaries are for our own good and given the cats of folly that lie in wait.
A penguin reminds me that eternity won’t wait for those who waddle.
A parrot reminds me to avoid that destructive grapevine.
A rooster reminds me never to crow over glory that’s come my way rather than God’s way.
A sheep reminds me that where there’s a flock there’s often a wolf.
An octopus reminds me of the tentacles of sin.
A pig reminds me of the sty of sin.
A canary reminds me of heavenly warnings,
A bee reminds me of the nectar found in God’s Word.
Dolphins remind me that God meant us to be friendly and playful.
Porcupines remind me that sin is made up of many quills.
A skunk reminds me of the odour of worldly contamination.
A bear reminds me of the grizzly results of selfishness.
A tiger reminds me of how danger can come in an awesome looking presentation.
A crocodile reminds me of Satan’s smile.
A shark reminds me of the teeth of Satan’s temptations.
A chameleon reminds me of the many disguises of Satan.
A fox reminds me of Satan’s cunning.
A hawk reminds me that we’ve an enemy who’s always circling.
A crow reminds me of the jewels of joy and happiness that Satan wants to rob us of.
A turkey reminds me of Satan’s End-time party.
A lion reminds me that Satan's always on the prowl.
Vultures and hyenas remind me of Satan’s cohorts, be they fallen men or fallen angels.
A horse reminds me to gallop off when Satan temps.
A wasp reminds me of Satan’s sting.
There's Nothing You Can Do At All
When we’ve run away from God, and returned like the prodigal son (praise the Lord!),
We cannot make it up to God, though many try, piercing Him like a sword.
Oh yes, because Christ did it all, and He’s just glad to see you return home, so
Don’t depreciate His mercy by what you think you should do, and some cheek show.
No, because you’ll never be able to make it up to Him, and enter grace,
Your return and repentance enough, hence that glow on His compassionate face.
You no longer wishing to return to the pigsty, having cleaned up your act,
Your walking in harmony with His will now clear to see, a Spirit-filled fact.
By Lance Landall
Unity Of Spirit
A truth is, that we need to pray for the healing of every church, sad to say,
Because within those hallowed doors, self too often seems to want to get its way.
And hence those wrongs that occur within, where only love for each other should reign,
And where friction, anger, jealousy, pride and selfish ambition shouldn't stain.
But meantime, reality rearing its head, that fallenness of ours, and why
Where ill’s seen to occur, love should still win the day, and thereby, each church beautify.
After all, that’s surely why we’re there, our right response bringing God more glory,
That change that’s wrought in human hearts, which, reveals the truth of the Gospel story.
By Lance Landall
Serious Humour
The good Lord looked down from Heaven one day,
And solemnly said to the Holy Ghost,
“It’s very sad how people choose to stray,
Until they simply end up being toast.”
Then continuing on, the good Lord said,
As He knowingly shook His wise old head,
“If only those foolish people had fed
On the fire resistant Living Bread.”
By Lance Landall