
Too often we knock something because we're sceptical of it, or because we've had a bad experience regarding it, thus throwing the baby out with the bath water. And hence the first article I Saw Beyond It All.
And sometimes we even think that a certain thing is a good idea when it's not. And hence the second article
Why Church And State Should Always Remain Separate.
is somewhat like shunning food because some things don't taste nice, or not sitting at the dinner
table in protest. In other words, we don’t discard an orange because of the pips.”
"Christians are not here to change the world, but to present the Gospel
of Jesus Christ that changes the world."
The poet, author
Flawed Instruments
We’re all flawed instruments who fall far short of the heavenly,And therefore, God makes do with what He has, understandably.
And hence why we are often disappointed with what we see
Coming from other Christians, even members of the clergy.
But despite all such wrong behaviour that we so often see,
God still works via the efforts of errant members and clergy.
And this why, despite their wrongs, even double life, possibly,
We still see certain successes in their Christian ministry.
Thus for the sake of others, and ultimately, His glory,
God attempts to bring good out of bad, and hey, why shouldn’t He?
Hence why we see people being saved, or even healed, maybe,
Despite the wrong means being used, or someone’s flawed ministry.
But having said all that, dear friend, who should we put our trust in?
And the answer is clearly God, never another Christian,
Because many who have had successes via some ministry,
Will not be in Christ’s coming kingdom, the Bible states clearly.
While God may bless certain efforts for the sake of His glory,
His approval and endorsement is quite another story.
You see, ministers or members engaged in some ministry,
May have sin in their own life, and be acting rebelliously.
All why God may bless the effort, not the person, or the means,
Because how can He bless anything that what’s right contravenes?
God can’t even bless things done in ignorance if they’re not right,
Because at the end of the day, black is black, and white is white.
So we need to be discerning lest we're misled, or endorse
Something which God hasn’t blessed, be that a person, means or course.
But despite it all, God still works to bring some good out of bad,
And hence why amidst disappointments, there’s reason to be glad.
By Lance Landall
“Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually
does good and who never sins” (Eccl 7:20, NASB).
Hence this page with the following four articles.
1) I Saw Beyond It All.
Regarding gripes some have with Christians and Christianity.
Contains a related page called Foes Of Humanity which relates to and is accessed via number 20 of this article.
2) Why Church And State Should Always Remain Seperate.
Includes quotes against Church and State.
3) Why Is God Allowing It All?
Suffering and evil.
4) God, War And Violence.
Getting the right perspective on things.
Links to the second, third and fourth articles are on the right.
But first, why Christianity?
Because Christianity is about:
We are children of the king and ruler of the universe, God. In fact, we’re made in His image. All why our worth is found in Him alone, and why we’ll always be restless and unfulfilled until we personally find Him.
We were both purposely designed and created for a purpose:
To share in the joys and wonders God has prepared for us.
To bring glory to Him and prove a blessing to others.
To creatively use and look after the habitat that He has created for us.
We’ve been given a guide book (Bible) whereby we can learn how everything went wrong and how it will all be put right one day, thus gaining an understanding of our origin, Earth’s chequered history, and the future.
Whereby we can learn how principles, morals and standards work in the best interests of both us and others. All why that book provides us with a code to live by that protects and blesses all.
Whereby we can learn from the mistakes and good and bad experiences of others who’ve gone before us.
Whereby we can learn of a fallen angel (Satan) and other angels who joined him in rebellion against God, thus being aware of their cunning, cruel and nasty, lying intentions for both us (personally and collectively) and this planet we’re on.
A change within the mind and heart, thinking and behaviour. Becoming Christ-like. The eradication of self.
Genuine sorrow for wrong doing, and the desire to put things right.
Working for the betterment and eternal good of others.
There will come a day when the likes of Putins and Hitlers will get their deserved comeuppance and be no more, all who’ve acted cruelly and evilly, all who’ve chosen to remain in rebellion.
No matter what happens to us on Earth, we have a new and happier life to come. A forever life (though only upon our acceptance of Christ and genuine repentance).
Death, pain, hurt, sin and sinning will cease with the return of our Creator Jesus.
I Saw Beyond It All
I decided not to become a Christian because Christians seemed a bunch of hypocrites,
but then I discovered that Christians aren’t Christianity but Christendom;
that Christians aren't magically made perfect when they're baptised;
that many Christians are still having to deal with personal issues and trauma, be such from child abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, rape, violence, and so on;
that many Christians have only just found God after a life that had them become hard, callous and foul;
that old habits can be hard to break, the old ways often fighting against the new ways;
that many Christians haven't been fully educated like they should've been regarding Christian conduct, and the fault lying at a number of doors, one being people being baptised too quickly, and another being the neglect of new converts;
that there can be people attending churches who're not actually members — in other words, they may not be a Christian (yet), and hence their opposite behaviour;
that Christians can become discouraged for various reasons and slip;
that it’s God that we’re supposed to keep our eyes on, not others;
that we're all at various stages of growth;
that fallen humanity will always err;
that we all have our bad days;
that we should look at how far others have come, and not at how far they've yet to go;
that there are certain personalities that will always rub;
that there are some Christians whose over zealousness for God can unfortunately become very in-ones-face;
that there are always those who're not truly converted, and the disgruntled in whom a devilish spirit can arise;
and yes, that it's not just Christians who act hypocritically or hurt others.
I decided not to become a Christian because Christianity seemed to be all about do’s and don’ts,
but then I discovered that such were designed to protect, provide order, and ensure greater happiness whilst meantime bringing glory to a deserving God who would rightly get the credit for such love, thought and wisdom;
and that there's actually far more to Christianity than do's and don'ts, though those do's and don'ts proving a blessing both to individuals and society, and for example:
Christianity calling all to love one another,
it calling all to live in peace and harmony,
it calling all to renounce selfishness, vanity, pompousness and wrongdoing in general,
it calling all to live a healthier, disciplined, temperate and law abiding life,
it calling all to be honest, transparent and trustworthy,
it calling all to be faithful and thoughtful to their partner,
it calling all to uphold the rights of others,
it calling all to display compassion and mercy,
it making sense of our being here, providing explanations, insights and wisdom via its guidebook — the Bible — a book that has stood the test of time, that's prophecies haven’t failed yet, that’s predictions are coming true, that’s content is historically accurate and backed up by archaeological evidence, and that provides sound and loving direction, relevant and timeless truths, encouraging promises-cum-hope for the future, inspiring stories, good and bad examples, information that aids one in detecting error, and that shows me where I came from, why I’m here, where I’m headed, what’s gone before, and what’s beyond,
and Christianity also seeking to spare us from folly, error, pain and an early grave,
it promoting the sanctity of life, protection of women and children,
it having our wellbeing, happiness, maturity and future in mind,
its principles, standards, values and Ten Commandments working for and not against us,
it promising a day of reckoning when justice will have its rightful say,
it giving us hope beyond our three score years and ten, death, suffering, oppression and chaos, and promising eternal life in a paradise if repentant, committed and faithful.
I decided not to become a Christian because some people made me feel that Christianity is simply a crutch for weak people,
but then I discovered that the committed Christian walk actually requires much strength of character given that it calls for considerable discipline, restraint, patience, fortitude, vigilance, faith and trust, and this being because much in the world has always been the opposite to what Christianity's all about, and thus has been, and is, working in opposition to it;
given that Christianity is being unfairly ridiculed and ferociously attacked today by many agencies;
given that far from being a crutch, Christians are told to take up their cross;
and because given all this, and their stand, Christians may at any time suffer greatly as a result.
I decided not to become a Christian because I couldn’t understand why God had or hadn’t done certain things; allows all that suffering that we see,
but then I discovered that such is hardly surprising given that I’m looking at things from a human perspective;
that my understanding of His Word and ways is so incomplete;
that God's hands are somewhat tied given that we're in the midst of a great controversy where Satan's ultimate plans must play out so that forever more there'll be no doubts about God's love, mercy and justice;
that trials build character, produce empathy and sympathy, and soon sorts out those who aren't genuine;
and that God's hurting over it all as much as we are, and this being why He can't wait to end it all.
I decided not to become a Christian because there seemed to be so much disagreement between denominations,
but then I discovered that one shouldn't worry so much about denominations but truth, and where that should lead us;
That many Christians are still clinging to false interpretations, inculcated error and pointless man-made traditions;
that many have made up their mind and locked it, or got to a certain point and simply stopped there;
that many find it hard to let go of things that they've always thought true, but that aren't true, and so there they stay;
that we grow by being challenged. It's only by being challenged that many actually discover that they've got things wrong;
that some people prefer to believe what they prefer to be true — the itchy ear syndrome;
and that unity is not uniformity. In fact, the proof of genuine Christianity is unity despite any differences.
I decided not to become a Christian because they seemed no different to those who’re besotted with the world and all its harmful practices and influences,
but then I discovered that God had been dishonoured by the very same behaviour coming from His chosen nation (ancient Israel) that hankered after the forbidden and injurious and embraced the differing ways of its pagan neighbours, even entering into marriage with them despite their opposite and opposing path;
that God has therefore told Christians to come out of the world, (in the sense of contact without contamination, moving in the midst of evil but untouched by it — in other words, not isolated but insulated), and to not be unequally yoked with non-believers;
that the faithful and committed have always been a minority (and why the book of Revelation refers to God's true and last day followers on Earth as a "remnant," Rev 12:17, KJV);
and that many Christians have fallen for the erroneous teaching that once you've accepted God's grace you'll never be lost no matter what you do, and hence why many are still continuing to do what God has said not to do. Repentance meaning repentance! A turning away from.
Note texts in box below.
I decided not to become a Christian because at the end of the day there possibly wasn't a God at all,
but then I discovered that there’s so much evidence pointing to His existence and the Earth having been created;
that the theory of evolution is full of gaping holes, puposeless;
that it would surely be worse to not become a Christian and then find out that there was a God and a day of reckoning;
and that one is all the better off for living in accordance with those safeguards and benefits that are found in His commands, those biblical instructions.
I decided not to become a Christian because I couldn’t imagine a loving God not saving everyone,
but then I discovered that He’d hardly be the kind of God that I’d want if He didn’t believe in justice and excused cruelty, evil and open rebellion, for that wouldn't be love at all but plain folly and sentimentality;
and that one Lucifer is enough without providing opportunity for another to arise.
I decided not to become a Christian because too many Christian leaders (including pastors) abused their positions,
but then I discovered how Christ condemned the Scribes and Pharisees, and even drove the money changers out of the temple;
that Christ, via His Word, has warned of false teachers who work from within — or to put it another way, that there are those who use the Church as a cover for ill;
that even among Christ's disciples there was that Judas;
that many who think that they've been called by God haven't been, and hence their unsuitableness;
that many noble secular organisations and institutions have their charlatans and ambitious, egotistical, power hungry, agenda driven types too;
and that God isn’t happy about such people either, who, if they're Christians, give Him and Christianity a bad name, and this why there’s a day of judgment that many Christians will have to face too (Matt 7:22; 1 Peter 4:17).
I decided not to become a Christian because the Church was all about fleecing its members of money,
but then I discovered that no organisation would be able to function, or at least fully and properly, without financial aid;
that Scripture says that Christians shouldn’t neglect assembling together (and for good reasons) which requires buildings and associated costs;
that time is short, many in darkness, currently doomed, and sadly, workers few, and thus paid workers able to devote more time and energy to preaching the saving Gospel, and of which Scripture speaks of us supporting, by the way (1 Cor 9:13,14);
that everything on Earth belongs to God (Psalms 24:1), including money (Haggai 2:8, KJV), because He is the source of Earth’s bounties and our abilities, and therefore, the least we can do is support His Church’s mission and operating costs via tithes and offerings, as did those of old (Lev 27:30; Mal 3:10,11);
that there will always be members in need of help themselves (1 Cor 16:1,2);
and yes, that there will always be bogus or Judas type people using Christianity for their own gain (Matt 24:24), those who unwisely misuse such money, or those who’re simply greedy and prideful, and why we’re to be watchful, though Christ dealing with such people at His return.
I decided not to become a Christian because I didn’t want to be made to feel that I had to attend a church,
but then I discovered that Christ is the Head of the Church, and this being why He told His disciples to go about setting up places (churches) where Christians could assemble together inline with what it states in His Word, and that being, not to forget assembling together;
that such a coming together witnesses to society of the importance of the time, place and personage — and I meaning here, that God is a king, the king of kings, the creator of the universe, Earth and us, a redeemer, a saviour, and thus is deserving of regular worship, honour and glory, and hence that Sabbath day that He set apart from the other days via making it Holy, and thereby, no one forgetting Him and the fact that it was He who created this Earth;
that when Christians assemble together they can learn and grow via their interaction, and also achieve far more for their God via their pooled resources and greater presence;
that such a time, sadly, is often the only time that many nominal Christians get the spiritual food that they need;
that such a time of joining together with others of like faith gives focus and encouragement;
and that such a time provides an opportunity for many voices to pray in unison for specific things of concern and importance.
I decided not to become a Christian because going to church just seemed like a boring affair,
but then I discovered that what we get out of church comes down to attitude and what kind of a relationship we have with God;
that a church is not an entertainment centre, nor a social club, but a set apart place for serious reflection, prayer, and the studying of God’s Word together in order to share and grow spiritually, receive encouragement;
that a church is a place for pastoral instruction and edification.
that a church is a place for the reverent, respectful worship of a majestic, holy, righteous, God — a conservative God given His no nonsense principles, standards, morals, commands, boundaries and demarcation lines that Christians are meant to live and witness by, thus reflecting the heavenly rather than the worldly, which imitation counteracts. All why worship should be free of that which defiles.
I decided not to become a Christian because many Christians didn’t fully or properly understand the Bible themselves, even discarded, challenged or ignored parts of it,
but then I discovered that such is due to a self-imposed ignorance;
the itchy ear syndrome (people who prefer to believe what they prefer to be so, and thus seeking those who'll tell them what they want to hear — people pleasers, that is);
insufficient teaching-biblical education;
a lack of commitment;
a predicted falling away from truth that has even affected the clergy;
and that the Bible condemns such a sad state of affairs, telling every Christian to fortify themselves with the Word of God lest they bring shame on its Author via not being able to contend for the faith (or not very well) lest they be led astray (even by errant leaders), or lead others astray themselves, lest they fail to see what God truly desires, lest they be ignorant of things to come via not understanding related prophecies designed to enlighten and warn, and lest they upset God further by adding to or subtracting from His Word. Hence why Christian leaders who don't teach and preach the straight word, and everything that's within God's Word, but simply what suits, what strokes and lulls, will have an awful lot to answer for.
I decided not to become a Christian because Christians seemed intent on judging,
but then I discovered that there’s a big difference between being judgmental and making sound evaluations which I would be called to make myself;
that the Bible doesn't in fact say not to judge, but to judge rightly (John 7:24), and also after having taken the log out of our own eye (Matt 7:25);
and by the way, that every organized body needs its rules, and therefore, has to keep an eye on what its members are doing, lest it bring the denomination or local church into disrepute, cause issues for other members, affect the order of things, and because it's also one's duty as a Christian to expose and condemn wrong both within and out.
I decided not to become a Christian because Christians were preaching an eternally burning Hell and saying that God hates homosexuals,
but then I discovered that such wasn’t so of all Christians, and that neither statement is actually correct (John 3:16), but simply the product of a faulty understanding and interpretation, and that things aren’t always as they appear, and here, given that it appears homosexuals can be born so, God simply condemning same-sex sexual acts (and Gay marriages), and "eternal fire" being mere figurative speech designed to convey permanent destruction.
(And hence the following texts as an example:
"The Lord is not slow about His promise [to return] as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance" 2 Peter 2:9, RSV.
" 'Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,' says the Lord Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the Lord Almighty" Mal 4:1-3, NIV.
Regarding the likes of any texts that speak of eternal fire and smoke that rises forever and ever, and the answers, explanations to such, see my page Untruths or the orange box titled: No One Burns Forever, Christian section, poem list page.
Regarding Homosexuality and the correct interpretation surrounding such, see my page Aberrant Attraction, secular section, second poetry garden).
I decided not to become a Christian because of so many Christians having a "holier-than-thou" attitude,
but then I discovered how the Bible presents something rather telling, and that is:
that in the days of Elijah, there were many widows in Israel, but that when the famine came, God sent Elijah to stay with a widow in a different country;
that In the days of Elijah, there were many lepers in Israel, yet only Naaman of Syria was healed;
and I also discovering that the Bible says that Christians are meant to be humble like their Saviour;
that "holier-than-thou" attitudes are sinful;
that Christ chose the kind of men [disciples] He did [simple fishermen] because of the very fact that they were humble and teachable (had little to unlearn), unlike certain prejudiced and educated men who were clinging to traditions and wrong customs of their time;
that those who want to be first will come last;
that even leaders are there to serve, not rule;
that all have sinned;
and how there will be Christians that Christ (on His return) will say, " Depart from Me," to (Matt 7:22,23).
I decided not to become a Christian because I felt that God was too demanding of me,
but then I discovered that He is my Creator after all;
and that if it wasn’t for Him, I wouldn’t even exist, wouldn’t have that freedom of choice that He gives everyone, wouldn’t have those joys that come with life, nor that hope of eternity in a Paradise.
I decided not to become a Christian because I found that God wanted me to take up my cross on His behalf which might mean having to become unpopular or face persecution,
but then I discovered that the reward will be far greater than the suffering;
that one should always stand for what’s right, anyway;
that God will always be there beside me no matter what;
and that He had suffered and died on my behalf that I might live, and therefore, what kind of a follower would I be if I wasn’t prepared to be faithful to Him in return, come what may?
I decided not to become a Christian because I felt I would never make the grade,
but then I discovered that Christ knows this, hence why He has done it all on my behalf, and hence why it's holy intention and not perfection that carries the day;
that all God desired of me was my full commitment, a grateful response that revealed itself in genuine repentance and a willingness to obey Him and let the Spirit mold;
and that His grace is a gift that cannot be earned in any shape or form, and nor can our salvation be contributed to.
(However, God's grace can be voided by turning away from Him altogether, backsliding, or by willingly continuing to sin which shows we're still in rebellion, hence the following texts:
“For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins [God’s grace is made void], but [rather] a fearful expectation of judgment...” Heb 10:26,27, ESV.
“The children of God and the children of the devil are revealed in this way: all who do not do what is right
are not from God, nor are those who do not love their brothers and sisters” (1 John 3:10).
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to RENOUNCE ungodliness
and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and Godly lives in the present age”
(Titus 2:11,12, NIV).
“Thus you will recognize them by their fruits" (Matt 7:20, ESV).
No, we can't earn our way to Heaven, but we can sure sin our way to Hell — eternal loss, that is.
For further on this, see the likes of my orange box titled: Lawless Saints?, the purple box titled: Things About God's Law That We Need To Know, or the grey box where there's a page titled: Understanding God's Grace, Christian section, second poetry garden).
I decided not to become a Christian because many Christians who were involved in religious activities or evangelical outreach fell short of the ideal and often disappointed,
but then I discovered that all God has to work with is broken vessels just like me;
that it's not Him who appoints them to a certain role or office, but us. And oh, how often we err. And let's remember that it was Judas' personal charm and appearance that led the other disciples to recommend to Christ that Judas would be a very real benefit to His work;
and that many who have their faults and failings are at least doing something, or are the only ones doing something.
I decided not to become a Christian because of all those dreadful acts done in God’s name,
but then I discovered that such were the result of the following things:
Impostors, satanically inspired or deluded men.
that there will always be some fanatics in every religion.
that such was due to Christians not going by the words of Christ, or having erred from the apostolic teachings (though, to be fair, many Christians were finding their feet again after hundreds of years of darkness, doctrinal error, that was forced upon them via Papal Rome).
And speaking of Papal Rome, that such dreadful acts were almost entirely her doing, that enforced dogma, those inquisitions, and that atrocious cruelty that ran for hundreds of years, and that took the lives of many millions — in other words, the hi-jacked Christian Church, HENCE THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION.
“The Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind.”
W.E. Lecky, Rise and influence of rationalism in Europe, volume 2, p.32.
(This period of Papal persecution is often mistakenly referred to as the Christian Crusades given that Catholicism is not a Christian denomination but actually a hybrid and power thats adulterated form of Christianity mirrors ancient Babylon; the Christian Bible knowing nothing of purgatory, a virgin Mary who intercedes on our behalf, a Queen of Heaven, papal infallibility, celibate priests, a post-Calvary mediatorial priesthood—not that priests ever forgave sins—rosary beads, repetitive prayers, prayers for the dead, money for the forgiving of sins, indulgences, monasteries, nunneries, flagellations, an uninspired, error bound apocrypha, baptism by sprinkling, mystic nuns, stations of the cross, etc, etc, and hence the following from God's Word:
"But even if we [the apostles] or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!" Gal 1:8, NIV.
And this text is worth noting too:
"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" Matt 15:8,9, ESV.
All religions, except for Christianity, teach that one has to do something difficult in order to earn salvation. The Bible, of course, teaches no such thing:
"It's because of God's grace that we are saved through faith and not because of any goodness in us or any works on our part. It is a gift from God. It certainly has nothing to do with what we ourselves did to earn it or we would be able to brag about saving ourselves" Eph 2:8,9, NIV.
For further on this, see my page Things About God's Law That We Need To Know — Christian section, purple box, second poetry garden — which contains a section titled: Is History About To Repeat Itself, and as part and parcel of that section there's an article titled: Why I've A Problem With Catholicism, Not Catholics — many Catholics putting Protestants to shame.
But hasn't the Roman Church made changes? Only cosmetically.
And all this being why pointing out the errors in any denomination or religion is very important.
Hence the following:
Because that information made public can help prevent others from embracing that same error.
Because that information made public can help those who’ve already embraced that error to see why it is in fact error.
Because that information should naturally be made available in order for people to not only make up their minds but truly have freedom of choice.
Because people often come up with opposite arguments from the very same source as us — the Bible, say — thus one not only having to find and present the correct position, the truth, but show and prove the error in any counter argument, which some people wrongly call knocking when it's really informing and aiding.
Because certain beliefs that some people are holding to are unhealthy, or very destructive — ISIS being one example. And such passing from generation to generation.
Because much that's been said and done in the name of God hasn't been of God at all).
When I can no longer challenge your beliefs, and you can no longer challenge mine,
Liberty has been assaulted, God offended, and those in power have crossed the line.
When we can no longer point out error, and a charlatan or tyrant expose,
Freedom has become a memory, man enslaved, and truth dismantled by its foes.
Sadly so, there are still those today, who, via similar mentalities, delusions, or faulty interpretations of Scripture, would take us back to those sad old days, and all this why much done in the name of God knows nothing of Him, and why the following page (tied in with numbers 20 and 21, and accessed via the following link) has become necessary:
Note the following by Jonathan R. Wilson:
"We Christians may not do as Americans something that we must not do as Christians. As we listen to and debate arguments about going to war, note how often our Christian identity is subordinated to our American identity. We have been so formed by the collusion of the Church with America that we find it difficult to even distinguish between Christian and national identity, and harder to subordinate our national identity to our identity in Christ."
I decided not to become a Christian because of that grab of some Christians for legislative power whereby they could put their Christian stamp on all according to how they interpreted God's Word; that desire for a return to Church and State,
but then I discovered that Christ said, "My kingdom is not of this world," and by the way, to "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's," thus a clear distinction being made here between the Church and State;
that Christ would hardly set up His kingdom on a fallen planet, and that His kingdom would hardly be made up of a mixed multitude, Christians and non-believers;
that God's no longer overseeing a theocracy like ancient Israel once was;
that the book of Daniel predicts the destruction of all earthly kingdoms at Christ's return (Dan 2:44), and therefore, that the only window of mercy that we have is as individuals, though accidental death could strike us at any moment, and hence why the Bible states that today is the day of our salvation. So no, neither America nor any other country will be spared, as some hope or think;
that Christ never had any political aspirations while here on Earth;
that He condemned Peter when Peter drew his dagger on His behalf;
that the Bible warns of a deceiving, persecuting, global, religious-political power that will be ruling just prior to Christ's return, one that eventually forces all to worship it, one that we're warned not to worship (Rev 13:11-18; 14:9-13), it also being a power that will be but a copy of a past persecuting one;
that the following text should be kept in mind: “For when they shall say, peace and security: then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.” (1Thess 5:3, Douay-Rheims Version);
and that Christians aren't here to provide an ethic for society or the State, but to clearly define an ethic for disciples of Jesus Christ.
I decided not to become a Christian because Christianity is only one of many religions out there, and which one was right?
but then I discovered that Christianity is the only religion whose God is also a Saviour who left behind an empty tomb, a book full of promises, answers, prophecies, facts, truths and wisdom encompassed in love and sealed in blood, one that has stood the test of time — AND THAT SETTLED IT FOR ME!
Christians may wish to also check out my Concerned And Frustrated? page which can be seen in my Christian poem list section.
This article was added to on 3 March 2023.
And following on:
As for truth, here's what Carlyle B. Haynes (1882-1958) had to say:
"Truth is not what I believe. Truth is not even what I know.
Truth is fact. I may not believe it. I may not know it. That does not change it.
It is there nevertheless, waiting to be discovered and believed.
Truth does not depend on the unsettled and changing opinions of men.
It was truth before it was believed. It will remain truth, whether it is believed or not.
Reason does not originate or create it. It merely discovers it.
Consequently, reason is not a source. Truth goes back beyond reason.
Others would have us believe that the Church is the source of authority,
particularly in matters of theology. They are WRONG!
The Church is the product of truth. It does not originate it.
It came into being by accepting divine revelations. It is not the source of that revelation.
Truth goes beyond the Church, it is antecedent to it."
What Going To Church As A Child Taught Me:
That a set apart place solely for quiet, prayerful mediation, shared study, worshipful praise, and spiritual interaction is beneficial.
That a set apart place that one learns to look after, treat differently, and appreciate as something unique and special is beneficial.
That there’s a time and place where one should act with decorum, thoughtfulness and respect.
That a time and place where one's focus isn't on one's self is beneficial.
That a holy, righteous, majestic God and heavenly related things shouldn’t be treated in a flippant and common way.
That a set apart day each week where one rests and recharges the mind and body is beneficial.
That a set apart day where all the family join together in a deep, noble, uplifting exercise is beneficial.
That such an early, positive, spiritual foundation is beneficial.
That the discipline required in order to get up early and be somewhere important on time establishes a worthy habit.
That I’m made in the image of a loving, benevolent, designer, creator God,
Who created this planet and the universe in which it spins (and why He's deserving of glory and honour);
Who created the opposite sex so that I could have a deep and intimate relationship with a lifelong companion, one whereby procreation could take place, and whereby I could understand His love for His children;
Who provided the marital institution whereby I as a child might feel loved and secure, learn by good example, be taught boundaries and how to get along with others via my siblings and parents;
Who provided me with a guide book in the form of the Christian’s Bible,
Whereby I could learn how everything went wrong and how it will all be put right one day;
Whereby I could learn from the mistakes and good and bad experiences of others;
Whereby I could learn how the path to happiness is found in a life that’s orientated towards the happiness of others;
Whereby I could learn how there’s hope and joy beyond the grave;
Whereby I could gain an understanding of my origin, Earth’s chequered history, and the future.
Whereby I could learn how principles, morals and standards work in one’s best interest, and in the best interests of all.
Whereby I could learn how taking care of my body would lead to greater longevity and much less pain;
Whereby I could learn that there’s a purpose for my being here.
Whereby I could learn that I’m the child of a King, and that in Him alone (and His love for me) is found my worth.
Whereby I could learn that I'm to look after His creation, planet Earth.
Whereby I could learn of a fallen angel (Satan) and other fallen angels who joined him in rebellion, and who I need to be aware of given their cunning, cruel and nasty intentions for both me and mankind in general;
Whereby I could learn that lawfulness is a virtue;
Whereby I could learn that there’s a day when all will be held accountable for any ill and evil that they’ve committed, unless genuinely repentant and walking differently.
Yes, what going to church as a child taught me; and I can’t see anything wrong with that.
Something Else For Christians To Consider:
Never use a paraphrase as your main Bible, but a bona fide translation (the greater the accuracy the better), remembering that a paraphrase is not a literal translation and more prone to personal bias, misinterpretation-cum-error.
Never go by the words or teaching of your pastor alone, but do your own research drawing from multiple sources and independent minds, remembering that the Bible warns of false teachers, prophets and even messiahs, that most of ancient Israel’s kings were bad and led the people into apostasy, that it was Jewish leaders who sought to have Christ crucified, that there’s the same potential for such abuse today, and this being why the Bible speaks of a coming apostasy and falling away from truth.
Never make the mistake of thinking that the majority must be right, but bear in mind how at one time there was only 7,000 faithful people left in Israel, and that (regarding end times) the book of Revelation talks of a remnant.
Never pay attention to any material that in any way downplays the importance of righteous living and sound Christian witness, but instead, emulate the example of Christ, making sure that your life and all you say and do is governed by those principles, standards and morals that declare the difference between the world and Heaven, the devil and Jesus, the old life and the new life.
Never make the mistake of thinking that any denomination will do, but rather seek the company of those who’re always seeking a clearer understanding and revelation of God’s will and teachings, those whose doctrinal beliefs are more in line with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, remembering that the nation of Israel only held to one set of beliefs (until apostasy took hold), that the apostolic Church also only held to one set of beliefs (until certain corruptions entered), and that God is the God of truth just as much as He’s the God of love.
Never make the mistake of thinking that healings, amazing signs and wonders reveal the bona fide, but thoroughly test all things, remembering that the Bible warns of a coming deception that will fool most via its amazing signs and wonders, and that this deception is actually tied in with the antichrist.
Never pay attention to any material or person presenting God as any different to what and how He actually is, but comb His authoritative Word, noting the cumulative witness and remembering that the devil has always sought to distort the character and true intentions of Jesus Christ.
1. Beyond It All
Because I’ve seen beyond it all, the hypocrites and plotters who spoil and shame.
The same types crucified Christ, the same types distorted His Word, and still are seen,
But they’re not true representatives, just part of a problem that’s always been.
However, you see it everywhere, in or out of Christendom, sadly,
So, one not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, acting as madly.
No, we not removing cupboards ’cause of ants, demolishing homes ’cause of flees,
But acting more sensibility — and why beyond it all, the wiser person sees.
Anger and bitterness never help things, and blinkers are why folk fail to see,
They leaving the Church or scorning the Church, when nothing in the world’s problem free.
They failing to see beyond it all, nursing grievances or just peddling doubt,
Rather than pondering more reflectively, or filling any holes with grout.
By Lance Landall
2. Life's Not About Avoidance
So it is with church fellowships, ’cause perfect churches were hardly planned.
Yes, ’cause in a perfect church with perfect members, one would barely grow there too,
Nor learn to deal with things; hence why that back door one shouldn’t be quick to go through.
Marriage and a church are training grounds, the latter why members should remain there,
Putting up with what might irritate, other’s faults being what they’re called to bear.
And thus very few churches free of problems, and very few marriages too,
’Cause life’s not about avoidance, but about doing what a man’s got to do.
We learning to cope with things, yielding to life’s grinding stone, polisher, chisel,
We rolling with the punches, adjusting, not poorly responding to some ill.
Or to put it another way, the baby still in the bath, sense prevailing,
Nothing gained by resisting what builds character, nor by ranting and wailing.
Some trash the Bible too because of what they don’t like or understand, and so
Out goes whatever else, never mind it’s worthiness, or what it’s best one know.
Much coming down to effort, whether one can be bothered or not, and hence why,
Come ones marriage, church or anything else, it all comes down to how much we try.
We either looking beyond it all, or wallowing in mud, running away,
The latter two not serving us well, ’cause we should learn to deal with things and stay.
After all, we’re not living in Paradise, and others not always to blame,
But ourselves, too busy criticising this or them, whilst oft acting the same.
It’s human nature to want to be free of hassles, what annoys or upsets,
But freedom from such doesn’t strengthen or bless, ’cause just a comfy life one gets.
We even more selfish, less sympathetic to others, and stunted, sadly,
Which hardly sees us maturing, and that sad lack of growth can cost us dearly.
Yes, so many dump their spouse, church or something else, ’cause it’s a throw away world,
And are we any better off? No, yet still tossing out what we once upheld.
Some things seemingly too much trouble — oh, what a soft lot we are — and why we see
Not progression but quite the opposite, just a repeating of history.
By Lance Landall
"The church is not a rest home for saints, but a fitness center for sinners."
The poet, author
Regarding new Christians.
3. Mind What You Expect
The enemy of Christ takes a greater interest in them, lest Heaven win.
Satan ensuring (for example) that some Christians will turn them off somehow,
Hypocrisy found anywhere, and as for those brash or in-your-face types — pow!
Oh, if only Christians and churches were models of Christ-like-ness, but you know,
Despite Christ intending that be so, reality’s another thing, and so,
Off-putting things will be seen and heard, some Christians needing a sound rebuking,
Hence the wisdom found in an old hymn, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” that we sing.
Yes, because humans will always fail us, in or out of the Church; man fallen,
And why not just in the world, but in the Christian Church, one will encounter sin.
At the end of the day, it’s all about the Gospel message and its Sender,
And why despite those shameful things that we see, service to God we still render.
You mightn’t like some father’s child, but that father himself may be really lovely,
And so it is with Christ our Saviour, who up and took our place on Calvary.
He doing this while we were yet sinners, and thus extending to all His grace,
Knowing that converts wouldn’t reach perfection on Earth, as is clearly the case.
By Lance Landall
4. Timely Truth
We oft talk in terms of conservatism or liberalism, but you know,It’s really all about what’s right or wrong, and whether better one should know, so,
We turning to the Bible for answers, and not men, or there we’ll go again,
’Cause it’s so oft in defence of their preferences that they pick up a pen.
“She’s way too conservative,” or, “He’s way too liberal,” we hear people say,
As if being either a conservative or a liberal is okay,
Just so long as someone isn’t too conservative, or too liberal, say,
When the truth is, we can hardly have it both ways, such not making any sense,
And more so when the issues we face not only make or break but are immense.
And so, either something’s right or wrong, it blessed by God or not, true or false, and,
Therefore, not friends or even pastors, but the plain and sure Word of God at hand.
And we always erring on the side of caution, not tailoring things to suit,
Lest we become people pleasers, betrayers of Christ, infected Christian fruit.
And hence that Earth shattering, “Depart from Me,” of which all Christians should take note,
Lest instead of them being considered a sheep, they be considered a goat.
All why it’s not conservatism or liberalism that’s the key here,
But our fully surrendering to Christ, whose will, ways and truths are crystal-clear.
By Lance Landall
Why Church And State Should Always Remain Separate
“It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power
to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds
of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics”
Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless
strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.”
James Madison
Why Church and State should always remain seperate:
Because Church and State is collusion and failure.
Because separation promotes human rights for all, regardless of religious belief.
Because separation not only keeps religion out of government, but keeps government out of religion.
Because history shows what happens when Church and State are blended, and hence the Protestant Reformation.
Because history shows what happens when the Church gets a hold of the military might of the State.
Because Church and State gives opportunity to opportunists.
Because society isn’t just made up of religious people.
Because Church and State are direct opposites.
Because the Church is all about Christ, and the State is all about man.
Because one adheres directly to ones private life and one adheres directly to ones public life.
Because separation avoids marginalisation of non-members of favoured associations, and consequent denial of protection or privilege.
Because separation both respects the nature of religious faith and supports the maturation of religious liberty.
Because religion wise, everyone should be immune from coercion by individuals, social groups, and every human power.
Because Christians aren't here to provide an ethic for society or the state, but to clearly define an ethic for disciples of Jesus Christ.
Because Church and State can equate to a cult.
Because State sanctioned Churches become puppets of the government.
Because the Christian Bible both warns of and condemns a persecuting religious-political global power that it prophesizes will be reigning just prior to Christ’s return (Rev 13:11-18; 14:9-13), it also being a power that will be but a copy of a past persecuting one, and one that forces all to worship it.
Because there are already those with a certain agenda: "We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a one-world leader" — Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.
Because God-appointed and God-directed theocracy ended with ancient Israel's disobedience, apostasy, and rejection of Christ, and the beginning of Christianity. The New Testament ushering in a new era. No more mediating priests, sacrifices and so on.
Because if set apart ancient Israel was forbidden to make wrongful alliances with others, and given that Christianity is now considered as spiritual Israel, a peculiar people who're to come out of the world, then it would hardly be right for Christians to form wrongful alliances too.
Because God wasn't happy that ancient Israel wanted a king.
Because God has given Christianity no such mandate.
Because it took the Church and State to kill Jesus.
Because God said not to mix the Holy with the unholy.
Because the Church is always corrupted when blended with the State.
Because ones Christian identity shouldn’t be clouded by ones country's identity.
Because followers of Christ are primarily citizens of the kingdom of God and not the kingdom of ones country.
Because Church and State equals faulty witness and backlash against Christians.
Because Christians are to put their trust in God and not man.
Because Christianity and militarism, and State sanctioned executions [the death penalty], don't go together.
Because Jesus shunned political power, was not political, though challenging the religious establishment, that "brood of vipers" called Pharisees.
Because Christ said His kingdom is not of this world. Hence why when on Earth, He didn't try to reform or replace the government, even though it was dishonest and cruel, nor interfere with the authority of those in charge. Christ's kingdom will not be established via the decisions of courts or legislatures.
Because, “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's...” (Mark 12:17, KJV), thus a clear distinction being made here between the Church and State.
Because Calvary's all about grace, Church and State all about law.
Because Christendom has become more worldly and errant too.
Because the Christian Church is a people who are living midst a mixed multitude. They're not seperated like ancient Israel.
Because the Churches’ witness worldwide is greater if it’s not identified with Western culture or with one or more specific governments.
Because one reason Europeans went to America in the first place was to escape governments that forced a particular religion on them.
Because even if America had begun with Church and State, say, it certainly shouldn't end with it. However, the American constitution's authors actually designed a civil government and not a theocracy. Therefore, there should be no politics from the pulpit and no religion from the Whitehouse.
Because Church and State assumes the right to control the conscience and thus usurps the perogatives of God.
Because forcing Christian ways on people via government is opposed to the way of Christ.
Because when the State heads the Church the integrity of the Gospel is all too easily compromised.
Because religious liberty is a gift of God. Hence why we've been given the choice of following Him or not.
Because Christians can't serve two masters.
Because so many Christians are just as bigger hypocrites, if not more so, which makes their desire for Church and State a gall.
Theocracy is the worst of all possible governments."
C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
"Don't pray that God's on our side, pray that we're on His side."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
“We at the Christian Coalition are raising an army who cares. We are training people to be effective — to be elected
to school boards, to city councils, to state legislatures, and to key positions in political parties…. By the end of this decade, if we work and give and organize and train, the Christian coalition will be the most powerful political organization in America.”
Pat Robertson, fundraising letter, July 4, 1991
“Tolerance is the worst roar of all, including tolerance for homosexuals, feminists, and religions that
don’t follow Christ.”
Josh McDowell, Youth for Christ rally, 1994
“I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate
is good. Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We
don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.”
Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, quoted in The News-Sentinel, 8-16-93
“It is quite unlawful to demand, defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, or speech, of writing or worship,
as if these were so many rights given by nature to man.”
Pope Leo XIII, “Great Encyclical Letters” (p.16)
“As the nation [America] teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions…”
Louis Michael Seidman, (Catholic law professor from Georgetown University which is a Jesuit University,
“Let’s Give Up on the Constitution,” The Opinion Pages, New York Times, December 30, 2012).
That the ancient Jews had wrongly interpreted things, pinning their hopes on national greatness and glory too. They thought that the coming Messiah would appear in glory to lead the armies of Israel to victory over their enemies, and thus a new power establishing itself, Christ its head.
However, their rejection of Christ and the Holy Spirit put Christ on the cross at Calvary and led to the sad destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of the Jews worldwide.
That in the days of Elijah, there were many widows in Israel, but that when the famine came, God sent Elijah to stay with a widow in a different country;
that In the days of Elijah, there were many lepers in Israel, yet only Naaman of Syria was healed.
Richard Owen Roberts' words (Looking At America And The Church) are worthy of note:
arrogance that is almost beyond belief. The neglect of prayer, the involvement of Philistine methodology,
the moral evils, and the doctrinal corruptions that characterise the movement are sufficient to cause Sodomites
to wonder at God’s justice in destroying their city while sparing the United States.”
"On the right and on the left, ordained and self-proclaimed "reverends" and honorary "doctors" appear to spend
more time trying to reform a fallen and decaying world through politics and earthly power than they do promoting
and proclaiming the ultimate answer [the gospel] to that fallenness."
I'll let the Bible have the last word here:
"He was granted power to give breath to the image [copy] of the beast [historic persecuting power], that the image
of the beast [coming global power] should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image to be killed [like once before]" (Rev 13:15).
“And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. ["forever and ever" is figurative speech denoting complete destruction]” (Rev 14:11, NKJV).
“Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many
and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult
the Lord! [sound counsel for Christians too]” (Isa 31:1, ESV).
"These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." (Prov 6:16-19, KJV).
"Treat others the same way you want them to treat you" (Luke 6:31, NASB).
"Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him"
(1 John 3:15, NIV).
"But I say unto you. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" (Matt 5:44, KJV).
Some Christians point to 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" — but God's promises are conditional, and because of human failure, His purpose regarding Israel was thwarted, and 2 Chronicles 7:14 not applying to any nation today.
James Cardinal Gibbons (1834-1921)
"When a religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and, when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support it, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, it is a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one."
Benjamin Franklin (stated Oct. 9, 1780)
"All religions united with government are more or less inimical to liberty. All, separated from government, are compatible with liberty."
Henry Clay (1777-1852)
"Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever seperate."
Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885)
"The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state."
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
"Every man, conducting himself as a good citizen, and being accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, ought to be protected in worshipping the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience."
George Washington (stated May 1789)
"Religion is essentially distinct from civil Government, and exempt from its cognizance; ...a connection between them is injurious to both."
James Madison (stated March 19, 1823)
"It is a fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions... It is assuredly no part of religion to compel religion—to which free-will and not force should lead us."
Tertullian (c. 160 - c. 200 AD)
"Once you attempt legislation upon religious grounds, you open the way for every kind of intolerance and religious persecution."
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
"Almighty God hath created the mind free; ...all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burdens, or by civil incapacitations, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was in his Almighty power to do."
Thomas Jefferson (stated 1786)
"If God himself was not willing to use coercion to force man to accept certain religious views, man, uninspired and liable to error, ought not to use the means that Jehovah would not employ."
W.J.Bryan, in introduction to “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson.”
"To discriminate against a thoroughly upright citizen because he belongs to some particular church, or because, like Abraham Lincoln, he has not avowed his allegiance to any church, is an outrage against the liberty of conscience, which is one of the foundations of American life."
Roosevelt’s letter on religious liberty.
"The notion that the church, the press, and the universities should serve the state is essentially a Communist notion. In a free society these institutions must be wholly free -- which is to say that their function is to serve as checks upon the state."
Alan Barth (1906-1979)
"I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish — where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source — no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace
or the public acts of its officials — and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is
treated as an act against all."
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
“Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between Church and State must therefore answer a difficult question:
Why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly?”
Sandra Day O'Connor
“We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate.”
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"As Christians we are not here to provide an ethic for society or the state, but to clearly define an ethic for disciples of Jesus Christ. In the American system of government it is difficult for this stance to be understood. We operate with the myth of being a Christian nation, and we seek to interpret for society an ethic that we can bless as Christians. We need a new awareness of the pluralism of the New Testament, that the crucial issue is the difference between the church and the world, and that the church operates "within the perfection of Christ," while the world operates outside the perfection or will of Christ. Christians influence the state for good through Christian ethics and integrity, but they do not equate church and state. Only an indepth understanding of this issue can save us from a cultural and a civil religion."
Myron Augsburger
"We Christians may not do as Americans something that we must not do as Christians. As we listen to and debate arguments about going to war, note how often our Christian identity is subordinated to our American identity. We have been so formed by the collusion of the church with America that we find it difficult to even distinguish between Christian and national identity, and harder to subordinate our national identity to our identity in Christ."
Jonathan R. Wilson
"Religious and racial persecution is moronic at all times, perhaps the most idiotic of human stupidities."
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
"To take the sword, gun, or bomb in Christ's name is to repudiate both Christ and his message."
John C. Lennox
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction."
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
"Of all bad men religious bad men are the worst."
C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
"A religion which requires persecution to sustain it is of the devil's propagation."
Hosea Ballou (1771-1852)
"Persecution is disobeying the most solemn injunction of Christianity, under the sham plea of upholding it."
Paul Chatfield
"There are only two things in which the false professors of all religions have agreed -- to persecute all other sects and to plunder their own."
Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832)
"The invention of printing and the Reformation are and remain the two outstanding services of central Europe to the cause of humanity."
Thomas Mann (1875-1955)
"It is iniquitous, unjust, and most impolitic to persecute for religion's sake. It is against natural religion, revealed religion, and sound policy."
William Murray (1705-1793)
7. History Will Repeat Itself
Just as Paul’s own kind turned on him, and with the evilest of intentions, soToo, will certain Christians turn on their own kind, and that same devilish spirit show.
When ministers of religion unite with secular rulers, Church and State,
Things will be repeated as surely as they were in Paul’s day, enter same hate.
Oh, how such Christians now and in the future misrepresent their God, their Head,
Who long ago, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another,” clearly said.
Not that Christians should be mistreating Christians like those Jews did Paul in his day;
They hardhearted, deluded, fanatical — and doctrinally, well astray.
Yet, so sure they were right, but how could they be, they angry and forcing their way,
Demanding this and that, shoving, turning to earthy rulers too in their day.
And so, just like Paul suffered, so too will Christians at the hands of Christians, and
Just as guilty of the same charges as those Jews in Paul’s day, will also stand.
Yes, history will repeat itself, as it always does when people forget,
Or when they lose their way, bias and close-mindedness ensuring their path’s set.
They so sure they’re doing God’s will, but God nothing to do with it, and one day,
“I never knew you (either),” depart from Me, ye that work iniquity," will say.
By Lance Landall
"For you will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time is coming when those who kill you will
think they are doing a holy service for God" (John 16:2, NLT).
An interesting parallel, above and below.
"He [the coming global government] was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast [a past power], that the image [copy] of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image [copy] of the beast to be killed [here it's referring to dissenters, those who won't bow to certain demands]" (Rev 13:15, NKJV).
"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus"
(Rev 14:12, RSV).
And how many Christians today falsely believe that the Commandments were abolished at Calvary?
Unlike the apostle Paul:
"Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law"
(Rom 3:31, ESV).
Why Is God Allowing It All?
God has always existed (something that’s hard for fallen, mortal humans to fully grasp).
Heaven is God's headquarters from where He rules and runs the universe (this world and the other worlds that He has created that aren’t fallen like our one).
One of His subjects, Lucifer, a very privileged angel (head of all the other angels), became jealous of Him, wanting to be equal with Him, and such ending in open rebellion (all why Lucifer is now referred to as Satan, the devil, the serpent or roaring lion).
Satan and a third of Heaven's angels who were duped by him, and who thus sided with him, were removed from Heaven.
Satan thus being the origin of sin, evil, suffering, cruelty, oppression, tyranny and wicked fellow angels — spirit beings — who're responsible for the occult and the likes of certain magic, mysterious apparitions, and psychic mediums through which they often work and continue to fool (the Bible telling us that the dead no nothing).
Ever since Satan's removal from Heaven, he has not only sought to make God look really bad, and to undermine the truth of His Word (the Christian Bible), particularly via Darwin’s theory of evolution, but has also sought our personal downfall (even destruction), and total control over planet Earth and humanity.
Hence Adam and Eve’s fall.
From this moment on, sin entered this planet like an infectious disease, not only corrupting humans but causing the gradual decaying of our world.
Hence why there are two forces at work in our world now, good (God, love, rightdoing) and evil (Satan, hate, wrongdoing).
As far as total control over planet Earth and humanity goes, and despite trying via previous powers that sought world domination (including a Church and State one, all biblically predicted), Satan hasn’t succeeded yet, but the Christian Bible warns that he soon will via a coming global persecuting power that will deceive most via its clever spiel, cunning, signs and wonders. A power that eventually demands worship. One that we’re told is a copy of that previous Church and State power (that was wounded but revives, Rev 13:3) and that eventually fulfills what that past power sought to do. And this why God will never support any attempt to install such a government, and why His Word speaks ill of it.
Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations
Because God has given us the freedom and liberty to choose between Him and Satan, good and evil, the right path or wrong path (God not wanting robots), He has to wait until that time when Satan will succeed in gaining total control of Earth.
This way the inhabitants of Earth, Heaven, and other created worlds will finally see Satan’s true heart and long term intentions — in other words, where such a heart and rebellion leads to. And this way there will never be another murmur against God (who thinks in terms of eternity), Satan’s accusations having been proven groundless, and thus no one will want to follow in the likes of Satan’s selfish, destructive footsteps again (given that God hasn’t made us robots, and that nor will we become such).
Meantime, God aches for an end to it all and promises that one day it will end.
He being the very same God who gave us a way out via Calvary (the setting up of His rescue mission), and the same God who secured the permanency of our race via a boat [ark] when He could’ve destroyed everyone via the global flood, or let them destroy themselves, which they would’ve given that there was only one family still living righteously, and thus they the occupants of that boat.
The Bible tells us that just prior to Christ’s return (when He comes to get the repentant), most humans will have got to that same sad state that existed in Noah’s time and that brought about the global flood.
That cataclysmic disruption to our planet has resulted in massive scars like the Grand Canyon, fish fossils at the top of mountain ranges, volcanoes, fault lines and consequent earthquakes.
The Bible also tells us that just prior to Christ’s return (and due to planet Earth’s decay and so on) there will be an increase in seismic activity, pestilences, pandemics and calamities. These, it says, are the beginning of sorrows.
God has always had our best intentions at heart because He’s the God of love and truth. A God that Satan has always sought to misrepresent given that he has always been jealous of the glory and honour that God alone is due. And given that Satan is no doubt angry over his loss of Heaven and his fate to come, and why he'll take as many with him as he can, and, by the way, why he's behind all the mayhem and trickery, one way or another, and often in order to bring about his End-time plans.
If God wasn’t slowly removing His restraining hand (man’s cup of iniquity full), many wouldn’t awaken from their folly and peril, realise what’s going on, and thus would be lost for all eternity.
power's historic evil intentions], whose wound had been healed [it reviving from its previous historic fall]"
(Rev 13:11,12, NIV).
"He [the coming global government] was granted power to give breath to the image [copy] of the beast [the first beast], that the image [copy] of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image [copy] of the beast to be killed [here it's referring to dissenters, those who won't bow to certain demands]" (Rev 13:15, NKJV).
“Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image [copy], and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God…’ ”
(Rev 14:9,10, NKJV).
This article which also appears elsewhere on my website, was added to 11 September 2020.
For more substance:
The inhabitants of Heaven and the other created worlds, to whom the nature and consequences of sin would’ve been hard to comprehend at the time of Satan’s insinuations against God, would not have seen the justice of God in the immediate destruction of Satan.
In other words, had Satan been immediately destroyed forever, some would have served God out of fear rather than out of love, and given that the influence of Satan (who’s a cunning deceiver) would not have been fully destroyed, nor would the spirit of rebellion been totally eradicated.
And so, for the good of the entire universe throughout eternity, Satan is being allowed (out of necessity) to more fully develop his principles so that his charges against God’s governance can be seen in their true light by every created being, and so that the justice and mercy of God and the immutability of His law (Ps 89:14; Rom 4:15) will be forever placed beyond all question. This way, Satan’s rebellion will be a lesson to the universe throughout eternity, an everlasting testimony to the nature of sin and its dreadful results.
The working out of Satan’s rule, its sad effects upon both humans and angels, will show the fruits and result of setting aside the divine authority. It will also testify that bound up with the existence of God’s governance, is the well-being of all the creatures that He has made. And thereby, the history of this dreadful experiment in rebellion will be a perpetual safeguard to all saved and holy beings, thus preventing them from being deceived as to the nature of transgression, and saving them from committing sin and suffering its penalty.
After all, come our return to Heaven, God’s still not wanting robots.
My article Sin, Calamities And Judgment (which is my attempt to clarify and dispel some myths) can be seen on my page On A Somewhat Somber Note which is in my second poetry garden, Christian section, grey box, centre of page.
God, War And Violence
Am unaware of who the author or authors are.
Some refrain from becoming Christians because they cannot accept the idea of an Old Testament God who orders killing and extermination. However, the Old Testament is often misread and misunderstood. In assessing the Old Testament God, we should look again at the picture the Old Testament provides. The first violent act recorded in the Bible is Cain’s murder of his brother (Gen 4:1-8). However, before his destructive act, God spoke with Cain, trying to bring him to his senses (Gen 4:6,7). Without success. The Creator disapproved of Cain’s action and made clear to him that he would have to bear its consequences (Gen 4:10-12). God took a risk in modelling us in His image and giving us freedom to act and decide (Gen 1:26,27). But, of course, we must face the consequences of our actions (Gen 3:17-24). The Bible records only a few occasions where God decided to interfere with humanity’s violent behaviour. One occasion was during the time of Noah, when violence was so great on the earth that it threatened the existence of life.
God intervened and wiped out an entire generation with the flood. The situation was bad. Whereas God had created everything “good,” (Gen 1:31) people were doing exactly the opposite of what they had been designed to do (Gen 6:5,6). The Bible writer records that instead of continuing the process of creation in a positive way, people were thinking and doing evil constantly. The earth was full of violence (Gen 6:13). And this threatened the existence of the human race, the animals, and all of nature. Life is precious to the Creator. There was only one option for Him—to act as a surgeon in cutting away. Thus, God saved humanity and the animal world.
On another occasion God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19). Once again, human evil had reached its peak (Gen 18:28; 19:6,7,9,13). And the evil of these cities threatened the people surrounding them. But God did not act in a blind, choleric way. The recorded dialogue between God and Abraham, who lived near the cities, reveals that God had thoroughly and responsibly investigated the case (Gen 18:16-33). And He saved all He could from destruction. As with the people in Noah’s time, the residents of these cities would have destroyed themselves in time. But at least God was able to intervene first and save the destruction of others.
To a great degree, people’s fate lies in their own hands. This is demonstrated in the case of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. If any people deserved to be wiped out in the ancient Near East, it was the Assyrians (Jonah 1:2). It was the most violent nation of the time. It had strongly established its reputation by committing atrocities on its numerous defeated enemies. However, God cancelled His verdict of extermination on the city because it genuinely reversed its conduct.
Nineveh stopped its violence. And the Ruler of the universe responded. Nineveh was not annihilated (Jonah 3:7-10). This incident demonstrates God’s character. The Old Testament God only carried out a definite sentence when there was no sign of reversal, and when the existence of others and their environment was at stake.
But what about God ordering the Israelite wars? How can all that killing be justified? In trying to answer these questions, each situation needs to be looked at to avoid generalization and exaggeration. From the time God liberated Israel from slavery in Egypt, He wanted it to become a model nation (Ex 19:5,6). Obviously, if He was going to give the Hebrews independence, He would also have to give them a home and country. In the setting of the ancient Near East, where warfare was the order of the day, it was impossible for God to require Israel to be pacifist. The struggle for survival was conducted with a spade in one hand and a weapon in the other. God assigned to Israel an area populated by the Amorites. The Bible records that these people had a contempt for human life—as reflected in their human sacrifices (Deut 9:4; 12:29-31; Gen 15:16). It would have been impossible for Israel to co-exist with them. Israel learned that the inevitable result of wickedness is death. And Israel had to learn to perform like a student surgeon, by cutting out evil where it had proved irreversible.
Because King Saul didn't fully follow through on the instructions God had given regarding completely crushing a particular enemy once and for all, the remainder of them contined to be a constant thorn in Israel's side, which led to more loss of life.
It was not easy to educate Israel as a model people. It was composted of slaves, adventurers, Egyptians and other nationalities (Ex 12:38; Num 11:4). This complex group of people operated at low levels of ethics, hygiene and human relationships. God’s plan to make them a model nation, a “holy” people,” a “royal priesthood,” was ambitious. God gave Israel commandments and prescriptions—not to enslave them again, but to lift them to a higher level of human existence. They included laws to regulate warfare. And against the background of the ancient Near East, they stand out as humane and idealistic. For example, when going to war, those who had marriage plans, or who had just bought a house or a field and had not yet enjoyed the benefits of it, were allowed to remain home. Further, all who feared to face the enemy were also allowed to remain home (Deut 20:1-9). Who today would dare to run an army on those terms? Yet the God of Israel did. And it shows how deeply He appreciates human life. Only those who were committed and had already benefited from the joy and value of life were invited to risk their lives.
But even more startling, these Mosaic warfare laws required a liberal and humane attitude toward the enemy (Deut 20:10-15). For example, when marching to war, the Israelites had to offer peace to the enemy, with the guarantee of no bloodshed. If the offer was refused, only males were to be killed in battle. Women and children, who represented the future of their people, had to be kept alive. At all cost, life had to be safeguarded. Soldiers were even forbidden to cut the enemy’s fruit trees (Deut 20:19,20). Later generations had to be able to eat and live.
Israelite men also had to show respect to female captives. Raping or any violent treatment was forbidden. If an Israelite was attracted by a conquered woman, he had to allow her a month to mourn before marrying her. She then had to be treated as his wife with full Israelite rights (Deut 21:10-14).
A God who orders such war ethics in a period when hardly any existed cannot be called a God of violence. Of course, not all Israelites applied the rules strictly. Even King David was at times cruel (2 Sam 8:2,4). But the Old Testament pronounces its verdict on him. God refused to let him build the temple—the thing he most desired to do—because he had shed too much blood (1 Chron 22:7,8).
Finally, there is an extra dimension in the Old Testament history that should not be overlooked. On several occasions, military conflicts were solved by a conscious choice of non-violence. For example, the Israelite prophet Elijah confronted the Arameans who were attacking Israel. The Bible records that he was given power to temporarily blind them. He then brought them to Samaria, the capital, and handed them over to the Israelite king. The king asked Elijah if he should annihilate them. But Elijah prohibited him from doing them any harm, and instead ordered the king to offer them a meal. This action would have done Gandhi or Martin Luther King proud. And it must have impressed the Arameans. They did not raid Israel again (2 Kings 6:15-23). In such instances, when conflict was solved non-violently, God was showing to His people that He does not like bloodshed.
The prophet Isaiah expresses God’s ideal well. He pictures the world to come where nations will express their desire to be with God and to be taught by Him (Isa 2:4-6). In his vision, Isaiah sees these people beating their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Thus, God considers life to be sacred and valuable. In Old Testament times He allowed violence only when there was no other solution, and when the life of others was at risk. God hoped to lift Israel to a higher, more humane level of morality, and to thereby influence the other nations.
This article (of which I've added a little bit to) can also be seen on my A Biblical Potpourri page, second poetry garden, Christian section).