Poetry With A Mission

...a thought provoking poetical exercise.

Alcohol? No Thanks

“Here, grab yourself a beer, mate, because you’ve become a man".
Yes, "Just join in with the boys, mate”, was how trouble first began.
For as the weeks grew into months, and the months grew into years,
The alcohol that son consumed, left behind a trail of tears.

Yes, trouble in a bottle, that particularly affects the brain,
Which a person's sense of right and wrong, it can very quickly drain.
Just one glass affects one’s judgment, (documented research shows),
For once it has made its entry, straight off to the brain it goes.

And impairing our judgment via such, will simply invite ill,
Which is why only total abstinence really fits the bill.
It also destroys brain cells, that tragically aren’t replaced,
And other damage also, to alcoholic drinks is traced.

Yes, little is left unscathed by this intoxicating brew,
That sees so many people doing things that they later rue.
This substance just isn’t needed, and better off all would be,
If we removed this danger, and practiced sobriety.

Alcohol triggers accidents, and it tears families apart.
It generates arguments, hence why fighting will often start.
It’s responsible for crime, it badly maims, and takes out lives.
It fills up hospital beds, and it splits up husbands and wives.

Alcohol also degrades, hence the behaviour that we see
That is arrogant and rude, and immoral sexually.
It has many doing things that they wouldn’t normally do,
And is it any wonder, for alcohol's a befuddling brew.

Yes, it floods the brain when taken, where it rapidly impairs
One’s vision, speech and hearing, until tipsy one soon appears.
It also impairs balance, co-ordination and reflexes,
Hence why folk say, “Only a fool, drinking and driving mixes”.

It hinders the white blood cells in their battle against disease,
Causes, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and sexually can't please.
And the risk of certain cancers appear heightened by this brew,
Which also lowers melatonin, which depression can lead to.

It weakens the immune system, leads to damaged DNA,
And it leads to mental problems, and addiction, I must say.
It causes gastric ulcers, and cirrhosis of the liver,
And also seizures and swelling, and inflammation will deliver.

I’ve mentioned just a few of the many facts that one could share,
Regarding the risks involved in downing spirits, wine, or beer.
Yes, nearly every major organ is affected adversely,
So, “Don’t grab yourself a beer, mate”, for that’s acting foolishly.

Yes, true manhood displays wisdom. It says “No” to harmful things.
And is guided by what’s best, as foolishness just trouble brings.
True manhood takes the highroad, though unpopular it may be,
And stands firm amongst any crowd that seeks uniformity.

If something is bad for us, even a little will do harm,
So with these facts that I’ve mentioned, let us therefore ourselves arm.
Alcohol just isn’t needed, it’s simply what some desire,
A drink that has a taste that one is better not to acquire.

By Lance Landall