Lawless Saints?
is nothing, and
uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the
keeping of the commandments of God” (1 Cor 7:19, NASB).
Paul couldn’t be clearer. There is a distinction between God’s moral law and the Jewish ceremonial law.
we then overthrow [make void]
the law by this faith? By no means!
On the contrary, we uphold the law” (Rom
3:31, ESV).
So, if you believe that God’s Law has been done away with, you've swallowed heresy,
'Cause such is the craziest notion to enter the Christian Church,
Not only is it a nonsensical notion, but a very dangerous one,
A notion that’s contrary to Scripture, most offensive to the Father and
says, “I know Him,” but does not keep His commandments is a liar,
and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4, ESV).
Imagine any government without its laws, or a lawless humanity,
A planet of fallen beings without some kind of moral code, clear cut
Wow! There would just be chaos, and given that Christians also
act rebelliously
Laws and moral codes are clearly essential, and God’s Holy Law
Hence why the Father sent His Son, for how could He abolish
the Ten Commandment Law?
A law that points out sin, and shows us how to behave, a law we
shouldn’t ignore.
Quite the contrary, Paul warns us, for Christians are hardly to
continue in sin,
Willingly, that is, which we won’t if we’re genuine, and if the
Spirit’s within.
Oh, by the way, we’re not talking perfection, as we’ll always
fall short of the mark,
And that’s exactly why we’re saved by grace alone, when on the
Christian walk we embark.
God knows our best will never be good enough, that we’re sinners by
nature, sadly,
And that grace is therefore the only method by which we’ll receive
That is, if we’re truly repentant, and if our life’s in
harmony with God’s will,
For Scripture makes it clear that the saved ones are only those who His
wishes fulfill.
Not those who take license with His grace, thus effectively slapping
Him in the face,
For why would God save such abusers, users, who Christianity thus
if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge
of the truth, there no longer
remains a sacrifice for sins [God’s grace is made void], but [rather] a
fearful expectation
of judgment [unless we repent]...” (Heb 10:26,27, ESV).
It’s really very logical, as sense says it couldn’t be any
other way,
For why would God’s gift of grace cover sin as well as sinners, at the
end of the day?
Hence why when we sin we need to ask God’s forgiveness, with
contriteness deep within,
Not think that we can get away with it, for we won’t, not if it’s conscious
No, grace isn’t a once accepted, always covered, sinner’s
insurance policy,
That’s just Satan’s attempt to lull Christians into a false sense of
And as a consequence, to have them continuing to willfully sin, sadly,
Whereby, they’ll forfeit eternal life, and meantime, propagate error,
witness badly.
One can hardly sin where there’s no law, hence why Satan wants
us to think God’s Law has gone,
And there’re those who’re happy to embrace such, and sinfully as before
carry on.
But in doing so, they ignore the words and actions of the apostles,
For after the cross, the apostles still upheld and kept God’s Law
Satan, we’re told, has been sinning since the beginning —
therefore, law has always been,
And given that Adam and Eve sinned, they too, must have had a law to
And likewise, we too, for sin can’t go unchecked (neither before or
after the cross),
Thus, should we foolishly continue to willingly sin, it could be to our
God’s Law, arranged and expressed to meet humans in their
fallen condition (clearly),
Was handed down from father to son, and reiterated at Sinai awesomely.
That reiteration and the tablets of stone wouldn’t have been necessary
Had the descendants of Abraham never been seduced by idolatry.
The Israelites, who’d been enslaved, had forgotten much of
what had been known previously,
Thus, God sought to impress upon them the importance of His law very
And what a solemn scene it must have been, one that God didn’t intend
they forget,
For there at the base of Mount Sinai — thunder, lightening, smoke and
fire — they tremblingly met.
God wrote on those tablets Himself, and to those gathered,
conveyed His Law directly;
Instructing that it be placed inside the Ark of the Covenant, it being
The Ceremonial law, however, was placed beside the Ark, less
A law God just conveyed to Moses, who wrote it down to be followed
The Jews were simply the guardians of
God’s Law, which was intended for all mankind,
A law that Christ came to magnify, clarify, reaffirm, hardly leave
It would be easier for Heaven and earth to pass away than this law, He
And that He hadn’t come to abolish it, BUT, to fill it full of meaning
Oh, how significant a BUT is.
‘But it is easier for heaven and
earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a
letter in the law to be dropped’ ” (Luke 16:17).
Paul delighted in this law, and James refers to it as the Law
of Liberty,
For it’s far from a law that restricts, but rather, spares one trouble
and misery.
But not so those ancient Jews with their legalistic attitude towards
God’s Law,
Who foolishly thought that law-keeping could secure their salvation, a
fatal flaw.
No, no one can be saved via keeping God’s Law, no one ever has
been, nor can be,
For salvation comes via grace alone, such being God’s gift to fallen
Those before the cross, looked toward the cross, and we, look back to
the cross, trustingly,
And out of gratitude, and in order to witness, obey God’s Law willingly.
Though we’re saved by grace, we’re hardly exempted from
keeping God’s Law, and understandably,
For God desires that we walk obediently, dutifully, not rebelliously.
He wants us to leave our old habits behind, and to become a “new
In other words, more like Him in thought, word and deed, a
process called sanctification.
“You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph 4:22-24).
And those who’re genuine, do want to be
like Him, and therefore, act accordingly,
Empowered via the Holy Spirit’s working, their fruitage soon bearing
But not so the uncommitted Christian, those who’re lukewarm, Laodicean,
And who God’s grace thereby void, for God’s no fool, and doesn’t reward
Too often, folk make Scripture say what they want it to say,
not what they need to hear,
Hence God’s warnings, signs of the times, that hopefully instill a
little healthy fear.
Otherwise, many will be lost whilst thinking they’re saved, having
embraced heresy,
For God hasn’t abolished His Law, but repeatedly says walk obediently.
“To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For this reason the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law—indeed it cannot, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom 8:6-8).
So where Scripture implies God’s Law has been abolished, what
does it mean, (you ask me)?
It means abolished as a way of salvation, not that it used to be so,
Such refers to all who would attempt to use God’s Law to secure
Deluded as much as those who seem to think obedience isn’t necessary.
If our child damaged our car, I’m sure that we as loving
parents would extend grace,
But does that mean our child’s at liberty to damage our car again, pull
a face?
So why would we think that we can walk all over God’s Law, simply
because of His grace,
And thereby take advantage of His graciousness, whilst sin we continue
to chase?
And would we let our child modify our car to suit them self,
alter it in some way?
Hardly! So why would we play with God and His Law by behaving
His Law is there with good reason, for His glory and the good of
Yes, love and law combining, as those who truly love God walk
When prisoners are pardoned and released, does their freedom
allow them to break the law?
No! And nor does being pardoned and released via God’s grace mean we
can act just like before.
Hence why God wants His Law put in our mind and written on our heart,
where it should be,
For it’s the product of His love and concern, a divine protective
Let’s continue.
Scripture shows that Abraham and the Israelites kept God’s Law
before Mount Sinai,
Thus, Mount Sinai was hardly where God’s Law originated, let me clarify.
And given the apostles kept it post-Calvary, it clearly wasn’t voided
by Jesus,
Which means that any abrogation of God’s Law points beyond — and at who
of us?
John, writing apocalyptically, talks about the endurance of
the saints,
And a picture of their faithfulness to God’s Law — midst an End-time
scene — duly paints.
Such clearly shows that our Saviour never brought an end to His Ten
Commandment Law,
A law that Christians shouldn’t disobey, a law that Christians should
never ignore.
“Here is a call for the endurance [faithfulness] of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God…” (Rev 14:12, ESV).
Yes, God’s Word couldn’t be clearer, it’s the doers,
not the hearers who’ll be justified,
Those who submit to God’s Law, not those who
willingly break it, foolishly backslide.
No, the saved are those who keep God’s Law, just
as it’s written down, and willingly so,
Knowing that even breaking one of God’s Ten
Commandments a waywardness will show.
whoever keeps the whole law
but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it”
(James 2:10, ESV).
God doesn’t make mistakes! His Law is perfect (His Word
conveys), Holy, just and good,
A law that genuine Christians willingly keep, not adhere to just
because they should.
But having said that though, we should keep God’s
Law, for it’s a law that makes so much sense,
One that we’re judged by, by the way, for our God cannot wink at
“So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty” (James 2:12, ESV).
His Law is the standard of conduct we’re to live up to, for
faith without works is dead,
Plus, we’re His ambassadors, witnesses, who lawlessness and rebellion
have shed.
Well, hopefully so — otherwise, we’re no better than the world, and
just as lost too,
As Heaven’s for those who’ve changed direction, not those who the ways
of the world still pursue,
No, we can’t have it both ways, something that the Israelites
discovered to their cost,
And as a consequence, their privileged status, and all that came with
it, sadly lost.
And it appears that we aren’t any better — we, meaning, those
Christians who’re guilty,
Those Christians who dismiss, corrupt, or misuse God’s Law, just
repeating history.
‘Not everyone who says to Me,
‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who
does the will of my Father who is in heaven [keeps the Ten
Commandments]’ ”
(Matt 7:21, ESV).
By Lance Landall
the key, using borrowed thoughts: In the context of salvation (Justification –
right standing before God), law keeping is of no avail, but in the
context of Christian conduct (Sanctification – right living before
God), God’s law has value and validity.
diagrams are found at the bottom of this page.
And more evidence (biblical texts wise) in support of the poems on this page can be
found under my poem God's Law, part one, further down this page.
Regarding those texts that many wrongly use in an attempt to prove that
God’s Law, the Ten Commandments, was done away with at the cross,
see my page Things About God’s Law That We Need To Know, purple box.
2. The Commandments Of God
Oh, the beauty of God’s Law. And enshrined in the Ten? Love for God, love for men,
And each command etched by God’s own finger, not the work of man’s chisel or pen.
Yes, a Law that points to its Author via its fourth directive — the Sabbath day —
Upon which all are called to worship Him, He who rested on the seventh day.
And this Law of His a moral Law, a reflection of His character, and
Not only entrusted to ancient Israel, but for everyone in every land.
For tell me, how could such heavenly commandments be for those people alone,
Given that all men benefit from their application, selfless, upright tone?
Oh yes, for He who said don’t steal, covet, lie, kill or commit adultery,
Was simply reiterating the same principles found in Eden, you see.
For there they clearly worshipped God come that same Holy day, praised and honoured Him,
And hardly sought to violate same worthy rules, their wholesome sight clear, not dim,
Until they fell.
And since, excuses aplenty for not keeping God’s sin revealing Law, but why?
For it’s a loving, protective hedge, something that spares us from going awry.
And God due the glory, we existing because of Him, and He knowing best,
And this why we should still keep those ten, enter into that healing Sabbath rest.
Yes, God’s not only a God of love, but law, order and justice — praise His name! —
For pity help us should such not exist; oh, how ill and anarchy would reign.
And hence why I pray that the following will one day be said of you and I,
(As we await the return of our Saviour who on our behalf chose to die):
“Here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments
of God and the faith of Jesus” (Rev 14:12, NKJV).
By Lance Landall
3. Steady As You Go
It’s not slips that worry God (they par for the course), but that open rebellion;
In other words, that choosing to sin, which hardly shows a genuine Christian.
Yes, you may well tumble — many times, in fact — struggle badly with this or that,
But such is something that God can handle, and hey, Satan oft yanks on our mat.
So don’t be too hard on yourself, realising that it’s the Spirit that changes,
Until finally, via sanctification, the devil and you are strangers.
Yes, you no longer looking to sin, but rather, you calling upon the Lord,
Wanting and seeking a better path, but knowing your best will always be flawed,
And why it’s grace that saves, for the record.
By Lance Landall
4. Amazing!
God created us, and what did folk do? Yes, they ate of the forbidden tree,
Already discontented with Paradise, or so it kind of seems to me.
After all, didn’t they have it all? So why on Earth were they so foolish, and,
Can’t that be said of folk today who still moan and groan despite God’s gracious hand?
They eagerly grab His grace, look forward to eternity in Paradise,
But hey, “Do we really have to obey?”, their rebellious actions seem to say.
Yes, Christ dies on their behalf, extends His grace and holds out hope of Paradise,
And what do folk do? Exactly! They steal from another tree-cum-disobey.
Hasn’t God set boundaries, made it clear what He desires, and despite His grace,
But hey, who’d want to go contrary to His will when He up and took their place?
Should’ve been them who died — us! — not Jesus, yet here folk go again like before,
They happy to think that at Calvary God did away with His moral Law.
Tell me, who knows best, Him or us, so what on Earth are folk doing? Honestly!
Some gratitude I don’t think — well, not if they’re continuing to sin willingly.
Don’t you think it’s shameful? I do, and why I count it an honour to obey,
Albeit imperfectly — and once again, there’s God’s grace, for we’re made of clay.
By Lance Landall
5. For Many Of Us...
It’s hard to understand how any would think that God would abolish His Law,
It a reflection of His character, divine and heavenly to the core.
Yes, it’s principles eternal, always having been, and thus obviously
The harmony and integrity of God’s righteous government still to be
Maintained in the plan of grace, and hence that, “Written on their hearts,” testimony.
Oh yes,
We no longer walking after the flesh, but God’s moral Law fulfilled in us,
And fulfilled meaning, MANIFESTED, just as it was in the life of Jesus.
God hardly removing the righteous standard of Christian conduct, that witness,
Which, when it comes to the testing of our genuineness, acts much like litmus.
After all, friend, is it okay to steal now, to lie, commit adultery,
Covet, murder and dishonour our parents (God a parent, actually),
Or to put other gods before Him, bow to idols, use His name carelessly,
And what’s gained by rejecting that Sabbath that benefits spiritually?
Hence why God’s Word strongly denounces lawlessness, such hardly the Christian way,
And why all should take notice of what the book of Revelation has to say.
It speaking of Commandment keepers, telling them to endure until the end,
For only the faithful enter Heaven, and that’s the Gospel truth, dear friend.
Given God’s nature is changeless, and because the principles of divine law
Have their source in Him, they’re as eternal and changeless as their source, and don’t war;
In other words, they don’t work against us, but for us, as they did for Christ, and
Why in the life of every Christian they should be seen just as Jesus planned.
God would hardly violate His own nature by abolishing His moral Law,
Or by changing it, and thus such not possible, and this why Christ died, what’s more.
We therefore not walking after the flesh but the Spirit, that God’s Law may shine,
For after all, every principle contained within it is but divine.
And as far as that Sabbath goes, God still worthy of worship, always will be,
So why wouldn’t that Sabbath still apply today, and more so, actually.
’Cause with evolution and folk straying, they’ve lost sight of their Creator, who,
Made the Earth in six days and rested on the seventh, and said, “You keep it too.”
And why for many of us…
By Lance Landall
is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who
walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin
and death. For what the law could not do, in that was weak through the
flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for
sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law
might be fulfilled [manifested] in us, who walk not after the flesh [no
longer rebelling], but after the Spirit [in harmony with God's will]”
(Rom 8:1-4, KJV).
‘But it is easier for heaven and
earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a
letter in the law to be dropped’ ” (Luke 16:17).
6. God's Law Has Its Place
Some seem only too
happy to think God’s Law has been done away with, and why, baffles
'Cause after all, the apostle Paul delighted
in it, and this, well after Calvary.
“But it’s not possible for us to keep it,” these same people say,
which baffles me again,
Given that they have no trouble keeping not only their traditions
but the laws of men.
Such doesn't make sense to me, 'cause of course we can keep
it, such not an impossibility,
“But not perfectly though,” these people are quick to reply, as if
wanting immunity.
Since when has our Lord and Saviour expected perfection from
humanity? — hence His grace,
He well aware of our fallen condition, but despite such,
says His Law still has its place.
And this, via His guide book — the Bible — hence why Paul continued to
uphold its validity,
He thus rebuking those who consider it made void by grace and now
Come Christ’s return, and those who haven’t lived by its
contents, there’ll be weeping and wailing,
'Cause those cruel nails that shot through Christ’s palms, these lawless
Christians will have been busy re-nailing.
I was expecting that, such suggesting that spurners of God’s will
should still get eternity,
Thus covered by grace despite their lives not being in line with His Law-cum-Christianity.
Oh, 'cause how could such be? Isn’t God’s Law the moral code by which we
should be living, and,
Wouldn’t genuine Christians want to live by such, or is there something I don’t understand?
Nor Paul
in that case, and God saving all who believe regardless of whether they
Which doesn't make sense to me, 'cause such is effectively saying
that sinning is okay.
Well, that isn’t what my
Bible says, and how can we witness if still sinning wilfully?
Other than by word, and we appearing hypocrites who aren’t up with the
play doctrinally.
In fact, it’s because
we’re Christians that we keep God’s Law, our response Spirit empowered
and led,
We knowing that it’s because of sin that Jesus bled, and why “Go and sin no more” He said.
So why would we seek some excuse, of which there’s none, 'cause sinning's
clearly condemned by the Son,
Who, in line with Scripture and plain commonsense, and despite grace,
lawbreakers will one day shun.
I can’t find one thing wrong with God’s Law, therefore, why some
think it’s done away with baffles me,
'Cause those who live by it become more Christ-like, their attitude more
responsive, heavenly.
Hence why His Law didn’t
end at Calvary, it written by His finger for you and me;
The Jews just its guardians, and thus it not done away with because of apostasy.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded 7 February 2020.
“...To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with
the oracles of God [the Ten Commandments]” (Rom 3:2).
7. Yours Sincerely, Apostle Paul
My dear brothers and sisters, there appears to be some confusion amongst you regarding God’s
Such saddening me, frustrating me, given that I spent time with you explaining it all
And shouldn’t I know such? 'Cause I
was schooled at the feet of our Lord himself, I who am big on grace,
And who despite grace, have told you that God’s Law hasn’t been made void by His grace,
but still
has its place.
On the contrary, I
said, we establish
it — in fact, I told you that I delight in God’s
And here you're still confused! Haven’t my fellow apostles confirmed such too? Yet them too, you ignore?
So who've you been listening
to? Deluded saints? Various false teachers? Have you got itchy
Are you ever hearing but not
learning, perhaps more attuned to falsehoods that Satan engineers?
So let me repeat: We’re to still uphold God’s
Law, for without it, who'd know sin? Hence why I’ve told you
To put away your former way of
life, your old self, and not that lusting after the flesh pursue;
And that those who don’t submit to
God’s Law can’t please Him, but just those who keep His
Commands, the whole ten,
They being His true followers, as opposed to those who’re followers of
tradition, foolish men.
If anyone’s familiar with
such, it’s me, 'cause I was once a zealot, hard out Pharisee,
So I’d spot legalism smartly, and can assure you, keeping God’s Law isn’t such, believe
Try showing me
one thing that’s wrong with God’s Ten Commands. You can't, so why wouldn’t
one want to keep them?
And hence why those who don’t — the
Scriptures, God, and I too (with my fellow apostles), strongly
Even Abraham keep God’s Law,
though saved by faith — in other words, via grace, 'cause though
saved by God's grace,
God’s Law is the standard of
Christian conduct which we’re judged by, 'cause faith without works is a disgrace,
All why only those who
willingly adhere to God’s will — Law — get eternal life, and fair
enough too,
'Cause why should deliberate
lawbreakers be rewarded, but with eternal death, they not
It’s not as if you didn’t
know this. Are you still babes, seemingly requiring to be bottle
And blown about by
every wind of doctrine, making excuses for sin,
despite what I’ve said?
'Cause if you are, you’re on
perilous ground, 'cause grace doesn't cover sin but contrite sinners, you see,
Otherwise one could accept
God’s grace and still get away with anything, which would mock Calvary.
That’s why God said
(found in the book of John), “If you love Me, you will keep My
commandments,” so tell me,
How much clearer do you want
it? Turn to the book of
Hebrews, chapter ten, because there we see
It stating that those
who willingly continue to sin, void Christ’s sacrifice, unless they
repent, and
Mend their ways, empowered by
the Spirit, 'cause those who think that God waves some wand, just
Sure it’s only God who can bring
about such change, but not without us playing our part,
'Cause surely you don’t think
that God wants us to do nothing when He’s stated His will very
Hence why when we rise each
day, we should consciously, willingly, receptively seek to do His
'Cause only in those who do their
very best to try and keep His Law, can the Spirit truly dwell.
Lest you think I’m still into works (and why, I don't
know), one’s salvation is all about grace, grace alone,
But those who aren’t
into obedience are hardly into heavenly ways, just ways of their own.
Hence why they like the idea of God’s Law ending at the cross,
but God said no such thing, and instead,
Told us to walk obediently, not wait for some wand, thus treating
grace like some nightcap and bed.
Christ has only said that apart
from Him we can do naught, and not that we’re to do nothing, you see,
However, what we do (in His power), we don’t do to gain salvation, but
to witness correctly,
'Cause we’re His ambassadors, and hence “You'll know them by their
fruit,” He's said, for how else could it be,
Given the alternative's nothing but rebelliousness, laziness, and
outright hypocrisy?
Yours sincerely, apostle Paul.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded 1 February 2020.
8. No God, No Point
If I weren’t a Christian, and knowing myself like I do, or to put it another way, being totally honest,
And given that “the heart is desperately wicked,” I doubt I’d worry about doing what’s right or best,
Other than to avoid earthly consequences, that is, and not some divine justice, given my atheism,
Or if not atheism (given that I would hardly be open to the Spirit’s leading), my scepticism.
And I venture to say most of us would think and act the same, hence why darkness covered the earth prior to the flood,
'Cause the hearts and minds of men were continually evil, the earth full of debauchery, villainy and blood.
Oh, how they knocked Noah, so sure that they had nothing to fear, their disbelief and vice blinding them to the results,
'Cause those who’re not attuned to the Spirit’s prompting, hardly see reason or purpose, nor have their finger on the pulse.
forgive my frankness, but such folk remind me of those Christians who
think that all they need to do is take God’s grace,
And that despite what they do, they’ll be in His kingdom, His standards and Law (one and the same) hardly having a place.
Yes, their foolishness, heresy and worldliness blinding them to what the Holy Bible is really conveying,
And like all those who effectively think, "No God, no point" (and that’s where I came in), they are perilously straying.
But God is savvy, and knows all this, and hence why His standards and Law do have a place in all this, actually,
For though we’re saved by grace alone, we’re still judged by His moral Law, lest we think that we can still act rebelliously.
You see, when we walk in obedience to His will — that is, keep His standards and Law, we prove that we’re genuine,
And such God needs to see, for He knows that given our natural sinful bent, we’d happily take grace and still sin.
That is, if it were all about grace and nothing else, 'cause why would we bother if we were home and housed, such meaning:
Assured of a heavenly place despite continuing to willingly rebel, and thus God’s Law contravening?
Sure it’s all about grace in the sense that we can’t work our way to Heaven, but let me clearly point out this, dear friend,
Any who think that they can get to Heaven on the back of sin, will ultimately discover a fiery end.
just like me (if I weren’t a Christian, and thus
thinking, "No God, no point"), most Christians would still
continue to sin,
Willingly, that is, 'cause if there wasn't Law, and no consequences, there’d be little need for Spirit led discipline.
But as I said, there is a need for God’s Law, consequences, and Spirit led discipline, which God knows very well,
though we should obey Him out of love and gratefulness, there aren’t
too many Christians who would, far as I can tell.
Yes, for the non-believer — no God, no point — and for deluded Christians — no Law, no point — well, effectively,
Given that such appears to be the way they’re thinking, the way that they’re acting, and even talking, effectively.
'Cause they say that God’s Law was done away with at the cross, which for sin-bent fallen man acts so conveniently,
And why it’s hardly true — a lie, in fact, 'cause such lawlessness makes a mockery of what Christ did on Calvary.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded 1 February 2020.
"The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; who can know it" (Jeremiah 17:9, NKJV).
‘You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how
shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything
except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet' "
(Matt 5:13, ESV).
'I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you
were cold or hot. So then, because you are luke warm, and neither cold
nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth' " (Rev 3:15,16, NKJV).
9. Do You Believe That You're Saved?
It's an interesting question, one that people hesitate over, or say “Yes!” to immediately,
And there're those who’re quite sure they’re not saved, and perhaps some of them with good reason to think that, quite frankly.
Yes, on one side those who’re unsure, and on the other side those who’re very sure — that is, that they are or aren’t,
And I guess there’re those who when it comes to saying whether they are or aren’t, would say that either way we can’t.
Upon our genuine repentance, and determined desire to move forward in obedience to God’s will,
And having accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour, we’re to live in faith that we are saved, and that all's well.
But treading carefully, I must add, aware that we can come out from under God’s merciful umbrella,
And thereby, via continuing to willingly sin, descend into the hopelessness of Satan’s cellar.
In other words, via our choosing, though all's not lost, 'cause should we repent, and once again call on Calvary,
A robe of righteousness (God’s gracious umbrella), will once again cover us, promising eternity.
But we shouldn’t play cat and mouse with God, because after our repentance, a consistency should follow,
'Cause where there’s no consistency in our walk, our repentance isn't genuine, and our walk just hollow.
And there lies danger, 'cause though we’re saved by grace alone, we shouldn’t play, become complacent, act smugly,
'Cause not only is such smugness pharisaical arrogance, but proof we’re at risk, even lost, sadly,
Given there’s
no such thing as once saved always saved, 'cause imagine what
Christians might do with that, now let me see:
Wear sexy clothing? Frequent bars and casinos? Idolise actors and pop stars? Watch anything on T.V.....?
Is this why most Christians are only so in name, given all the worldliness and disobedience we see,
'Cause if they think they don’t have to concern themselves with righteous living, I dare say they aren’t, perilously.
And that is where a certain smugness could come in, and even a degree of irresponsibility,
'Cause if we’re saved regardless, might we not concern ourselves with this or that, when we should do, acting gratefully?
After all, look at what Christ did for us! So why would we take grace and forget the rest, ignoring His will?
And how oft do the Scriptures tell us to walk in paths of righteousness, so that within, the Spirit can dwell?
Because the Spirit certainly can’t dwell in an uncommitted, worldly, rebellious, unclean heart and mind,
And why those Christians who see it any other way, bitter disappointment and a sorry end will find.
Heaven's not for the smug or rebellious, but for those who’re humble, obedient, teachable and willing,
And who've a quiet confidence, living in faith they are saved, true followers from whom the fruits of the Spirit spring.
Not just believers, but doers, not earning their way, but choosing to obey, ambassadors for their Lord,
Whose true and faithful witness, tried and proven faith, and glaring contrast, our righteous Saviour will soon reward.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded 1 February 2020.
10. A New Commandment?
“I give you a new commandment: love one another; as I have loved you,
so you are to love one another” (John 13:34, NEB).
Are God’s Ten Commandments inadequate? Even faulty, maybe?
No, of course not. So let’s examine this “new commandment,” shall we?
First, is the command to love new? Once again the answer is no,
Which Leviticus chapter nineteen, verse eighteen, will clearly show...
For Moses received a command to love, thus such is hardly new,
Besides, isn’t this what every Christian should instinctively do?
How could anyone be a Christian and not love their fellowman?
No, us all loving each other, has always been our Saviour's plan.
Thus there isn’t a new command, as such, but more a fleshing out.
By that I mean, an enlarging upon, that’s what it’s all about.
For loving others as we love ourselves is one thing, quite clearly,
But loving others as Christ loves, wow! Now that’s what He wants to see.
Yes, it’s this shift from our loving others as we love ourselves, to,
Loving others as Christ loves. It's this that He refers to as “new.”
And this big shift, this change of focus, will certainly come about
In the lives of those Christians who God’s will cheerfully carryout.
Our Saviour, via His earthy example, sought to reveal such love,
That each might love like He loves (via the power received from above).
Thus Christ opened up to them a new concept of God's love — a love
That revealed the character of His gracious Father up above.
You see, what Christ had cultivated with men relationship wise,
He also wanted them, where others were concerned, to exercise.
Yes, He wants every Christian to love like He loves — yes, completely,
And this, our Lord wanted right from the beginning, obviously.
The holy Scriptures, be it in the Old Testament or the New,
Echo this call, this commandment, and this very love reveal too.
A new commandment? No, rather just a deeper expression of love,
Which we’re to emulate, for it’s God’s, and a command from above.
By Lance Landall
“...but you shall love your neighbour as your self…” (Lev 19:18, NKJV).
‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to
him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first
commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.’ On these two commandments hang [depend, are based, are inherent in] all the law [the entire ‘ten’] and the prophets’ ” (Matt 22:36-40).
11. Christ The End Of The Law?
“Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness
for everyone who believes” (Rom 10:4, NIV).
It’s law as a method of obtaining righteousness that Christ brought to an end,
Not that anyone, pre or post Calvary, salvation by works could or can defend.
Since the Fall, God has only revealed one way by which anyone may be saved,
And that is, via faith, grace; it’s never been via how one behaves, or has behaved.
Before the cross, folk were saved by looking ahead to Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary,
Today, folk are saved by looking back to Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary.
Christ came to this earth to bring the Jews mistaken abuse of His Law to an end,
Not to remove His Law — otherwise, why would Paul God’s Ten Commandments defend?
The Jews had perverted God’s Law via legalistic obedience, you see,
That is, they thought that via keeping it they could earn their salvation, foolishly.
But as we know, no one is saved via law, for salvation comes via grace alone,
Plus, our best wouldn’t be good enough, hence that gracious gift from the Cornerstone.
Christ the end of the law? Hardly! For His moral Law points out what sin is, and,
It’s also via this Law that God’s will and character we better understand.
And when we do our best to keep His Law, we show genuineness, that we’re for real,
And God out of love, covers us with His grace, knowing we’ll fall short of the ideal.
The interpretation that Christ has literally done away with His Law
Is a perversion of Scripture, for not one apostle dared dismiss God’s Law.
Christ came to point the way back to faith; such faith doesn’t abolish but establish,
For what sort of God — the standard of Christian conduct — would come and abolish?
No, rather than abolish His Law, God sought to restore it to its proper place.
“ ‘For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter,
will pass from the law until all is accomplished’ ” (Matt 5:18).
everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you
to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives" (2 Peter 3:11, NIV).
12. Simple, Simple, Simple
No, there’s nothing wrong with God’s Law, it all about thought for Him and others, and
It even in our own best interests too, love involved in every strand.
All why God wants it written on our hearts, it being no head thing but a heart thing,
So that in every facet of our lives there’ll be that glowing Christ-like ring.
No, there’s nothing wrong with obedience, such the response of a grateful heart,
One that wants to beat with a heavenly rhythm, a love that sets it apart.
For love does no wrong, nor acts selfishly, but rather, walks true and uprightly,
It having no desire to injure, falsely witness or behave lawlessly,
No matter how slightly.
So why would God do away with law, but solely as a means of salvation,
Not that it ever was; such just the silly notion of that ancient nation.
And therefore it that silly notion that was done away with at Calvary,
For we’re told that there’s no room in Heaven for those who practice iniquity.
Yes, it simple, simple, simple, the devil being the lawless one, and therefore,
Context behind it all, God hardly scrubbing obedience and nor His Law,
Its principles just as relevant today, God not having lowered the bar,
And why it’s not the hearers of God’s Law who are blessed, but the doers who are.
Grace mercy, not licence.
By Lance Landall
it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the
doers of the law who will be justified [treated as righteous]” (Rom
2:13, ESV).
13. God's Law
Part One
The Scriptures call sin “lawlessness” — therefore, law has clearly always been,
'Cause the old devil, when up in Heaven, had to something contravene.
You see, Satan could not have sinned if there hadn't been a law to break,
And therefore he would not be deserving of the coming fiery lake.
And Adam and Eve too, when in Eden, had to something contravene,
For they also, could not have sinned, if some law in Eden hadn’t been.
God doesn’t pronounce judgment on anyone who hasn’t acted wrong,
Therefore, if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned, guilt to them would not belong.
God's Word informs us that righteousness and justice are the "foundation”
Of that Holy realm of God Almighty, from which He rules creation.
For love knows that law is clearly needed, as should lawlessness prevail,
Anarchy would soon rule the day, and peace and harmony thereby fail.
'Though folk might say God’s love is unconditional, not so salvation,
For it is here that faith and works must have a very close relation.
There has always been a standard that God expects each one to uphold,
And that such is His Ten Commandments, in His Word we are clearly told.
You see, God’s freely given mercy is hardly for pardoning sin,
But just those repentant sinners who're no longer wanting sin within.
For it was never our God’s intention that His grace should cover sin,
But that through the Spirit's enabling, victory over sin we’d win.
Scripture says that Abraham, despite being saved by faith, still kept God’s Law,
And that Moses, well before Mount Sinai, God’s Commandments oversaw.
Therefore, it is clear that faithful ancients had passed down throughout the years
A sound knowledge of God’s Law, and other things that brought both joy and tears.
At Mount Sinai, God simply reminded the Israelites of this Law,
For they, when they were enslaved in Egypt, didn’t keep it like before.
Thus at Mount Sinai, midst an awesome scene, God impressed upon their minds
That this Law is very important, as Christian conduct it defines.
It is interesting to note that God’s moral Law was placed within
The Ark of the Covenant, and clearly in rightful recognition.
Whereas, the ceremonial law, simply for the Jewish nation,
Sat outside and beside this Ark, befitting common legislation.
But not so God's Law, hardly ceremonial, nor just for the Jews,
But instead, a Law for everyone, one that we should never abuse.
Yes, a Law that all are judged by, and we're told that such means the whole Ten,
Each one written by God’s finger, and not by the hands of fallen men.
This Holy Law was not rescinded when on Calvary Jesus died,
As had it been removed then, we would see evidence that Christ had lied.
How so? Well, Christ when here on earth, said that far easier it would be
For heaven and earth to pass away, than for this Law that's called “Holy.”
Oh yes, on a cruel cross at Calvary, the Father’s only Son died,
Knowing that this unchangeable moral Law could not be set aside.
It's the standard of righteousness, and the written copy of God’s will,
Which also reveals His character — and therefore, our hearts it should fill.
This moral Law is what we are judged by, for though we are saved by grace,
Grace is hardly a substitute for obedience’s rightful place.
Though our God knows that only grace can release us from our sorry plight,
He never intended that His grace let us off from doing what's right.
Thus, those who're saying that they’ve come to know God, yet, His Law aren't keeping,
The Bible says are liars, who eternal death will soon be reaping.
For we’re told that the truth’s not in them, as they have chosen to ignore
Those sound principles that God has revealed via His Holy moral Law.
Hence why it clearly states in Scripture that if God’s Law isn’t obeyed
We will simply nullify His grace and the penalty that He paid.
Not because obedience can save us, but because it is the fruit
Showing that it's His will we do, and never just what ourselves will suit.
The devil has tried to change God’s Law, rearrange it and make it void,
And is it any wonder, given that it will soon see him destroyed.
For after all, the devil broke it, and condemned by it he now stands,
As he is far from repentant, and his fiery fate well understands.
And hence why we are told that the devil hates all those who keep God’s Law;
A Law that convicts of sin — yes, a Law with love at its very core.
Thus, Satan’s made them his target, especially those who keep all ten,
Those who keep them as they are laid down, and not as modified by men.
The devil hates all law-keepers, but what makes him even madder still,
Is all those who are faithfully keeping the Lord’s clearly stated will.
For he knows that God has stated that He wants us to keep the whole Ten
And exactly as He gave them, and never as modified by men.
You see, an historic power has tampered with our God's Holy Law,
Altering His Commandments, and exactly the way that God foresaw.
And Daniel, when shown this in vision, recorded it within God’s Word,
And earth’s history affirms that what he wrote actually occurred.
Oh yes, our God has made it very clear that no one must change His Law,
But this very clear instruction Satan had that past power ignore.
Therefore, the devil's most unhappy with those who're pointing this fact out,
And nasty measures that’ll restrict them, he will soon be bringing about.
Thus the devil will use a “beast” power to attempt to seal their fate,
Via acts of legislation — in other words, we're talking Church and State.
Therefore, a counter Reformation he has since engineered to aid
The rise of this new power — a "false prophet" — that’ll see his plans obeyed.
The “beast” power — "image" — is religious, we learn in Revelation,
As we are told that it is guilty of committing fornication.
A worldly power it’s not, 'cause by nature, they’re corrupt already,
No, this one is extremely pious, and success has made it heady.
What's seen here is an unholy fusion, a wrongful combination,
Religion that is wielding power via secular legislation.
Yes, a power that resorts to force to achieve what it thinks is right,
One that is creeping around this earth with total power in its sight.
Ironically so, this power behaves as though it keeps God’s Law,
But it’s way of keeping our God's Law, our God can only but abhor.
For of these Ten Commandments that Jesus still wants us to keep today,
He has said that we must keep the whole Ten, and always keep them His way.
And hence why there is a call in Scripture to correctly keep God’s Law,
For the followers of the “beast” will receive “plagues” that God will soon “pour.”
And hence why before this old earth ends, the main focus of attention
Will be on God’s Ten Commandments, and chiefly the fourth, I must mention.
By Lance Landall
Any government will stand only as long as it has laws (Ps 89:14).
Clearly there was law in Heaven otherwise Satan could not have sinned
(Rev 12:7-9, 12; Ezk 28:14-16; Isa 14:12-14; 1 John 3:4, 8). No law, no
sin. After the transgression of Adam (Rom 5:12, 19) the principles of
God's law would not have been changed but would have been arranged and
expressed to meet humans in their fallen condition, and would have been
passed on from father to son.
Also diagrams under the poem "God's Gift of Grace".
the old and new covenants, the three laws — moral, ceremonial and civil
— and a sampling of texts (with answers), that many wrongly use in an
attempt to prove that God’s Law, the Ten Commandments, was done away
with at the cross, visit my page Things About God's Law That We Need To
Know. This page can be accessed via a purple box with the same title,
Christian section.
Hopefully I haven't doubled up on the texts below.
“Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4, NIV). Note also 1 John 3:8; Rom 5:12.
“...and where there is no law there is no transgression” (Rom 4:15, NIV).
if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would
not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, ‘You shall
not covet’ ” (Rom 7:7, ESV).
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne [God’s rule]...” (Ps 89:14, NIV). Note also Rev 11:19.
“ ‘But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a letter in the law to be dropped’ ” (Luke 16:17).
Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My
statutes, and My laws [this was before Mount Sinai]” (Gen 26:5, ESV).
the seventh day some of the people went out to gather, and they found
none [manna]. The Lord said to Moses, ‘How long will you refuse to keep
My commandments and instructions? See! The Lord has given you the
sabbath [the fourth commandment], therefore on the sixth day He gives
you food for two days; each of you stay where you are; do not leave
your place on the seventh day.’ So the people rested on the seventh day
[all this occurred before Mount Sinai]” (Ex 16:27-30).
in the first place the Jews were entrusted with the oracles [the Ten
Commandments] of God [the Jews were the guardians of God’s Law]” (Rom
we then overthrow [make void] the law by this faith? By no means! On
the contrary, we uphold the law” (Rom 3:31, ESV). Note also Rom 7:22.
“Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God's commandments is what counts” (1 Cor 7:19, NIV).
see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. For
just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is
also dead” (James 2:24,26). Note also James 2:20; John 14:15.
“So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin” (James 4:17, ESV).
if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of
the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful
expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the
adversaries” (Heb 10:26,27, ESV).
whoever keeps the whole law [the entire Ten Commandments] but fails in
one point [such as the fourth commandment] has become accountable for
all of it [one violation would be sufficient to show the basic
disposition of the heart. A basic question of loyalty to authority].
For the one who said, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ also said, ‘You
shall not murder.’ Now if you do not commit adultery but if you murder,
you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so act as those
who are to be judged by the law of liberty [a clear reference to the
same Ten Commandments given to Moses]” (James 2:10-12).
law of God is perfect, converting the soul…[that is, the heart. God
would hardly do away with a perfect law (Matt 5:17)]” (Ps 19:7). Note
also Rom 7:12; Heb 8:10.
the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and
perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be
blessed in his doing [obedience to law is liberty]” (James 1:25, ESV).
Note also Acts 24:14.
commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You
shall not steal; You shall not covet’, and any other commandment, are
summed up in this word, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ ” (Rom 13:9).
‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to
him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first
commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.’ On these two commandments hang [depend, are based, are
inherent in] all the law [the entire ‘ten’] and the prophets’ ” (Matt
22:36-40). Note 1 John 5:3; Eccl 12:13.
He said to them: ‘You have a fine way of setting aside the commandments
of God in order to observe your own traditions!’ ” (Mark 7:9, NIV).
‘Do not think that I [Christ] have come to abolish the law or the
prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill [act in
accordance with, reaffirm, clarify, magnify]’ ”
(Matt 5:17, NASB).
‘For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot
[letter] or one tittle [stroke of a letter], will by no means pass from
the law till all is fulfilled [accomplished]’ ” (Matt 5:18, NKJV).
“Whoever says, “I know Him” but does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4, ESV).
“For I [Paul] delight
in the law of God in my inner being” (Rom 7:22, ESV).
“So the law is holy,
and the commandment is holy and just
and good” (Rom 7:12).
“Do not add to what
I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep
the commands of the
Lord your God that I give you” (Deut 4:2, NIV).
“ ‘But this I [Paul] confess to
you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the
God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by
the law and written in the Prophets’ ”
(Acts 24: 14, ESV).
“To set the mind on the flesh is
death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For this
reason the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it
does not submit to God’s law—indeed it cannot, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God”
(Rom 8:6-8).
If you want to enter
into life, keep the commandments’ ” (Matt 19:17, NKJV).
it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the
doers of the law who will be justified [treated as righteous]” (Rom
2:13, ESV).
“Whoever says, “I know Him,” but does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4, ESV).
“ ‘If you love Me [Christ], you will keep My commandments’ ” (John 14:15, NASB).
“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments” (1 John 5:3, NKJV).
“And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments...” (2 John 6, NASB).
“ ‘If you
keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept my
Fathers commandments and abide in His love’ ” (John 15:10, NKJV).
‘...but whoever keeps and teaches them [the Ten Commandments] he [they]
shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven’ ” (Matt 5:19, NASB).
“...Fear God, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man [all]” (Eccl 12:13, NKJV).
‘Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of
heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven’ ” (Matt 7:21,
“The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all
His commandments are sure [the whole ‘ten’]. They stand fast for ever
and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness [to repeal the Ten
Commandments would be to abolish morality itself]” (Ps 111:7,8, KJV).
“So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty” (James 2:12, ESV).
“Thus you will recognize them by their fruits" (Matt 7:20, ESV).
is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the
commandments of God and hold fast to the faith of Jesus" (Rev 14:12).
the temple of God was opened in heaven [the earthy sanctuary/temple was
only a copy of it], and the ark of his covenant [the depository of the
Ten Commandments (1 Kings 8:9; Ex 25:10-22)] was seen in His temple...”
(Rev 11:19, NKJV).
‘Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and
teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of
heaven...’ ” (Matt 5:19). Note also John 15:10.
no one deceive you in any way; for that day [Christ’s Second Coming]
will not come unless the rebellion [apostasy] comes first and the
lawless one is revealed, the one destined for destruction. He opposes
and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so
that he takes his seat in the temple of God, declaring himself to be
God” (2 Thess 2:3,4).
“ ‘He [the religious/political power] shall... attempt to change...the law’ ” (Dan 7:25). Note also Rev chap 13.
He said to them, ‘You have a fine way of setting aside the commandments
of God in order to observe your own traditions!’ ” (Mark 7:9, NIV).
the dragon [Satan] was wroth with the woman [the Christian church], and
went to make war [persecute] with the remnant of her seed, which keep
the commandments of God...” (Rev 12:17, KJV).
it [the new power] was allowed to give breath to the image [copy] of
the beast [past power] so that the image of the beast could even speak
[through its laws and enactment’s] and cause those who would not
worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev 13:15). Note John
“Here is a call for the endurance [faithfulness] of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God…” (Rev 14:12, ESV).
another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, 'If
anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his
forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath
[plagues, Rev chap 18]..’ ” (Rev 14:9,10, ESV).
are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the
tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city [Heaven]”
(Rev 22:14, NKJV).
14. God's Law
Part Two
There’s something that I would like to share, regarding a Holy day,
One that God made a Commandment, and said remember to obey.
It’s one of Ten He has given, but only this Commandment shows
Who in fact the author is of these Ten that every Christian knows.
Thus, the other nine Commandments depend for their authority
Upon the facts that are contained in this Fourth Commandment we see.
Which therefore means this Fourth Commandment (regarding God's Holy day),
Is most critical to the Ten, and hence still relevant today.
This seventh day of the week, our God made Holy at creation,
Thus, instituting it well before the ancient Jewish nation.
It was kept before Mount Sinai and the Ceremonial Law,
And Scripture clearly shows us that we are to keep it as before.
This Sabbath is a memorial of our God’s creative act,
Hence why His hallowing and blessing it is an established fact.
For no other day He has hallowed, no other day He has blessed,
But simply just the seventh day, upon which our God chose to rest.
This day that's just for Holy worship, He has chosen to install
Like an ever flying flag that's reminding that He is Lord of all.
Such says that He is our Creator, who in six literal days,
The heavens and earth created, and here, His ownership displays.
We are told that up in Heaven we will still keep God’s Holy day,
As He’s the Lord of the Sabbath, and Lord of it He will stay,
For such worship will continue, as forever He will be due
The loyalty and homage that He so deserves from me and you.
Nowhere in God’s Holy Word does it say that He has changed His day,
But instead, it says that His Law (as it's laid down) we’re to obey.
It also tells us that no one is to attempt to change this Law,
And that this Law's forever, as God's character is at its core.
Yet, incredibly, man has — that is, attempted to change God’s Law,
And hence why the Fourth Commandment most are not keeping anymore.
Our God warned that this would happen, and history has proved it so,
For God’s Holy seventh day — Saturday — Satan’s sought to overthrow.
Yes, the seventh day is Saturday, not Sunday, or some other,
Although there are certain calendars that this fact clearly smother.
You see, the devil’s a Law breaker, the Holy Throne pretender,
Thus, hiding the true Sabbath just aids his anti-Christ agenda.
The devil has coveted worship that to God alone is due,
And hence his own flag that’s flying now, one that’s not entitled to.
Therefore, many folk who are sincere are observing the wrong day,
Unwittingly endorsing the old devil's cunning power play.
Yes, there’s really quite a story hidden beneath this change of day,
But one that is soon uncovered if we much diligence display.
For discovered within the records that cover earth’s history,
Is a trail that soon enlightens those who the truth are keen to see.
Yes, make no mistake, this isn’t just my personal point of view,
For the evidence abounds proving that what is said here is true.
For it was man who changed God’s day, and before Christ comes we will see
Attempts to enforce man’s day — Sunday — worldwide, legislatively.
By Lance Landall
Collier's Encyclopedia: Saturday, seventh day of the week.
seven-day weekly cycle has no other explanation for its existence than
the biblical account of the seven-day creation sequence. The month can
point to the motions of the moon for its period, the year is determined
by the revolution of the earth around the sun but the week has no
astronomical or natural source of origin. And any historical tampering
with the calendar has never made the slightest difference to the
sequence of the days of the week.
At this point, you may wish to read my story called: A STORY ABOUT GOD'S
SABBATH, which
can be seen via this link here .
how the change from Saturday to Sunday came about, and a sampling of
texts that many wrongly use in an attempt to prove that the biblical
seventh day Sabbath, Saturday (the fourth Commandment), has been
exchanged for Sunday with God’s blessing, visit my page Things About
God's Law That We Need To Know. This page can be accessed via a purple
box with the same title, Christian section.
the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all
thy work. But the seventh day [Saturday] is the sabbath [a holy day] of
the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work...For in six days
the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and
rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and
hollowed it” (Ex 20:8-11, KJV).
“So God [at creation] blessed the seventh day [Saturday] and made it holy” (Gen 2:3, ESV).
Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My
statutes, and My laws [this was well before Mount Sinai. He obviously
kept the Sabbath then]’ ” (Gen 26:5, ESV).
continued, ‘Now they are more numerous than the people of the land and
yet you want them to stop working! [a Sabbath rest. Before Sinai]’ ”
(Ex 5:5).
the seventh day some of the people went out to gather, and they found
none [manna]. The Lord said to Moses, “How long will you refuse to keep
My commandments and instructions? See! The Lord has given you the
sabbath [Saturday — the fourth commandment], therefore on the sixth day
He gives you food for two days; each of you stay where you are; do not
leave your place on the seventh day.” So the people rested on the
seventh day [this occurred before Mount Sinai]” (Ex 16:27-30).
while the promise of entering His rest is still open, let us take care
that none of you should seem to have failed to reach it...For in one
place it speaks about the seventh day as follows, “And God rested on
the seventh day from all his works”...So then, a Sabbath rest still
remains for the people of God...Let us therefore make every effort to
enter that rest...” (Heb 4:1-11).
as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make [post Second
Coming], shall remain before Me [are to come], says the Lord; so shall
your descendants and your name remain. From new moon to new moon
[referring to the restoration of the earthly Jerusalem in 457 BC – 408
BC, historical context], and from sabbath to sabbath, all flesh shall
come to worship before Me, says the Lord [referring to the new earth.
The seventh day Sabbath is to continue. The prophets often intermingled
imminent historical events with far distant events – this is called
prophetic perspective]” (Isa 66:22,23).
“ ‘So the Son of Man is Lord even of the sabbath’ ” (Mark 2:28, ESV).
name, O Lord, endureth forever; and thy memorial [the seventh day
Sabbath], O Lord, throughout all generations” (Ps 135:13, KJV).
not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the
commands of the Lord your God that I give you” (Deut 4:2, NIV).
“ ‘He [the religious/political power] shall... attempt to change...the law’ ” (Dan 7:25).
15. That Sabbath In God's Law
“So God blessed the seventh day [Saturday] and hallowed it [that is, made it a
holy day; an object of divine favor; set it apart as sacred]” (Gen 2:3).
Is that Sabbath still valid that’s made known via God’s Law;
That is, the seventh day Sabbath, Saturday, that most ignore?
YES, it is still valid, for though once abused, a law’s a law,
Plus, God doesn’t replace, He renews — that is, seeks to restore.
So, was there a problem somewhere? Yes, a rebellious nation,
Who got to the point where they thought works secured salvation.
God hated the way they treated His day, but not the day;
Just people were the problem, and so often that’s the way.
What could be wrong with this Sabbath presented in God’s Law?
Absolutely nothing, for it’s without a single flaw.
Hence why God wants this Sabbath — and His Law — fully restored,
Plus, keeping them both, shows that earth’s Creator is our Lord.
Yes, Christ is “Lord of the Sabbath,” it’s His -- yes, His creation,
A memorial of His creative work, inspiration.
And this is reiterated in His Ten Commandment Law,
For it says, “REMEMBER the Sabbath,” keep it, don’t ignore.
Wasn’t God’s Law nailed to the cross? No. Why destroy a moral law?
Ceremonial, yes, civil, perhaps, but moral, with no flaw?
How would we know what sin is, what the will of God is too,
If we didn’t have this Law that points out the Way and Who?
Thus the Saturday Sabbath’s still valid, the Law too it’s written in,
And this Law God wants honoured, upheld, and cherished within.
Hence why in Revelation in His sanctuary we see
The “Ark of the Covenant” that contains this Law that sets men free.
Yes, the “Law of liberty,” Paul calls it, no shackles here,
For all who keep it are happier, and in Heaven share.
God’s given Ten Commandments, the fourth says keep the Sabbath day,
The SEVENTH DAY, Saturday, from which Christians should not stray.
Just for the Jews? How could that be? Don’t we need God’s Law too?
And a Sabbath rest as well, time with God? Of course we do!
If there was no Sabbath day, how much time would Christians give
The one who died on Calvary so that with Him they could live?
We can’t take this Sabbath out of God’s Law, nor change it, by the way,
For NOWHERE has God authorized a different Sabbath day.
And we can not do away with God’s Law, for the Scriptures say
Not one stroke will be removed “until heaven and earth pass away.”
Keeping the true Sabbath, and God’s Law, shows our loyalty,
Such is what He’s looking for, as true love acts obediently.
But much more importantly, true love responds willingly,
Knowing too, that only a willing heart pleases divinity.
By Lance Landall
“Thy name, O Lord, endureth forever; and thy memorial [Sabbath], O Lord, throughout all generations” (Ps 135:13, KJV).
“The law of God is perfect...[God would hardly do away with a perfect law]” (Ps 19:7, NIV).
“ ‘But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a letter in the law to be dropped’ ” (Luke 16:17)
It's Jewish!
When we present God’s holy law,
And arguments from scripture draw,
Objectors say, to pick a flaw,
“It’s Jewish.”
Though at the first Jehovah blessed
And sanctified His day of rest,
The same belief is still expressed,
“It’s Jewish.”
Though with the world this rest began,
And thence through all Scriptures ran,
And Jesus said ’twas made for man -
“It’s Jewish.”
Though not with Jewish rites, which passed,
But with the moral law ’twas classed,
Which must exist while time shall last,
“It’s Jewish.”
If from the Bible we present
The Sabbath’s meaning and intent,
This answers every argument -
“It’s Jewish.”
Though the disciples, Luke and Paul,
Continue still this rest to call
The “Sabbath day,” this answers all,
“It’s Jewish.”
The gospel teacher’s plain expression,
That “Sin is of the law transgression,”
Seems not to make the least impression -
“It’s Jewish.”
They love the rest of man’s invention,
But if Jehovah’s day we mention,
This puts an end to all contention,
“It’s Jewish.”
O ye who thus God’s day abuse,
Simply because ’twas kept by Jews,
The Saviour, too, you must refuse,
“He’s Jewish.”
The Scriptures, then, we may expect
For the same reason you’ll reject;
For if you will but recollect,
“They’re Jewish.”
Thus the apostles, too, must fall;
For Andrew, Peter, James, and Paul,
Thomas, Matthew, John, and all
“Were Jewish.”
So to your helpless state resign
Yourself in wretchedness to pine;
Salvation, surely you’ll decline,
“It’s Jewish.”
Author unknown
You may also like to read my
poems "God's
Gift of Grace", "Balancing
Grace", and "Grace
16. What Part Of "Do Not Sin" Do We Not Understand?
To begin: Where in God’s Word does it say that it’s okay to consciously sin (and after repenting, what’s more)? Nowhere (each Christian a heavenly ambassador), and why Christ said to the woman caught in adultery, “Go, from now on sin no more,” and the same to the man He healed at the pool of Bethesda (both pretty hard to ignore).
If we’re not capable of refraining from sin (via power from on high), why are we told to seek the victory over sin, to put away our former life (our past wrong behaviour), to emulate the righteousness of our Holy Saviour, to live lives that are self-controlled, upright and godly, to keep His commandments (we doers of His Law, not just hearers, obviously, its principles still having validity), and why Paul said, “How can we who died to sin go on living in it?”, for such would clearly make one a hypocrite, and why the following was also said by Paul: "Do we then nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law."
Oh, those telling questions that just won’t go away, and this, despite God's compassion for our fallen condition, body of clay, and despite one’s acceptance of His gift of grace, obedience-cum-works clearly having its place — and hey, doesn’t continuing to sin slap God in the face, present a stumbling block to others (our fellow Christian sisters and brothers), and doesn’t such give non-believers ammunition, point out a lukewarm condition, and if we’re honest, force a shameful admission?
Seen this?
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth." Now that says a lot!
Seen this?
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."
Seen this?
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world."
Tell me, how much stronger does Christ need to say it? — so many of us spiritually unfit, our lantern dim, our witness faulty, our allegiance split, our vision blurred, our passion faint, our effort feeble, (and why many quit) — in other words, we doing far more harm than good, rather than following Christ's example-cum-walking in sync like we should.
So what part of “Do not sin” do we not understand? Christ’s reward or penalty being close at hand, hence that prior judgment that folk like to ignore, a God who overlooks sin more to their liking, justice tucked in a drawer, and grace that covers sinners supposedly covering sin, so why didn’t God overlook Satan’s sin, and what exactly is sin?
Well, and to begin, sin is rebellion, that “God says but I think” mentality, that self-focussed, self-centred little “me,” that walking contrary to God’s will, Word and ways, that thought, word or act that ill still conveys — and you know, that dusty Bible that’s seldom studied if at all, for what an insult, but thanks for Your grace, Lord — oh, the gall, and look how He suffered on Calvary, and folk still clinging to sin-cum-acting ungratefully, and thinking they're saved, ridiculously.
As for further clarification, and going by God’s Word, and in mind our salvation (God’s grace not giving us some licence to sin, and our obedience proving that we’re genuine), the following are examples of sin:
Cheating; lying; pretending; stealing; swearing; coveting; not forgiving; irreverence when worshipping; making an idol of anyone or anything; sex before marriage-cum-promiscuity; sexual misconduct; adultery; pornography; saying “Oh my God!” in exclamation (such using His name in vain and without consideration); rudeness; recklessness; unkindness; spitefulness; deceitfulness; lawlessness; slothfulness; violence; murder; indifference; racism; cronyism; cruelty; jealousy; crudity; bigotry; irresponsibility; vanity (and that egotistical behaviour that also draws attention to that prideful “me”); manipulation; intimidation; persecution; discrimination; exploitation; making or bowing before graven images (such being heresy, faulty apostolically); adding to, subtracting from, diluting, distorting or withholding God’s Word; that ungodly and destructive “Haven’t you heard?” (and which is often overheard); same-sex sexual acts; that playing around with the facts; that worldliness that Christ said to shun; that prideful, self-serving “I won!”; that stardom that robs God of glory, and rather than humbleness and godliness, conveys another story; abusing and misusing this planet; that cowardly failure to admit; not doing what we should when we can; and rather than pleasing God, pleasing man, all of which sneers at the heavenly, belittles God’s wisdom and authority, and conveniently turns its back towards Calvary.
Yes, and (very interestingly), why Christ said, “ ‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven,' ” which effectively means to obey, both love and truth and faith and works having their say, and thus there being no faulty witness nor shades of grey, for we, according to Paul, should even abstain from “all appearance of evil,” and that’s not all, for the book of Hebrews (it also attributed to Paul), states (as if in summarizing), “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment,” which isn’t surprising, for once again, look at what Christ said (which in Bible’s is oft seen in red), “ 'Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” — and by the way (for clarity's sake, say), that, "there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins" (Paul's words), means: God's grace isn't covering many Christians, for oh, how they've strayed, and why here, I'm calling a spade a spade, for Christ's coming is very near.
And another thing that I need to convey (lest any misconstrue what I’ve had to say), is that God’s not expecting perfection (as we understand perfection), but rather, a committed, no turning back change of direction, a daily surrendering from which righteousness will spring, and we asking His forgiveness where we fail, our best still leaving an imperfect trail, and hence that need of His robe of righteousness that comes courtesy of heavenly graciousness — oh yes, amazing grace, Christ having taken our place, and why salvation can't be earnt (which some people haven't learnt), for it’s all about that grace — in other words, what Christ has done, not us, but just the Father’s Son, whose Word says to walk according to His example, and if we’re truly genuine, we will!
And here's another text that shouldn't be ignored: "Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord."
In other words, when we get up in the morning when the day is brightly dawning, we should consciously set out to think, speak and act rightly, inviting the Spirit to aid and mould us (not just daily but nightly), and always asking for forgiveness where we err, slips rather different to that rebellious “But I prefer,” which is how much sinning takes place, and needless to say, the latter not covered by grace, for what a disgrace given what Christ did for the human race-cum-took our place.
Allow me to ask: If some judge let you off instead of punishing you, would you wilfully repeat the same offence like you're currently seen to do — Christwise, that is — or have I misjudged you?
By Lance Landall
You may wish to note the following Bible texts — Eph 4:22-24; 2:10; Rom 3:31; 6:2; 7:7; 8:6-8; 2:13; 13:10; 1 John 2:4; 3:4; James 2:10-12,20,24,26; 4:17; 1:25; 2 Peter 3:11; Heb 10:26,27; 12:14; Luke 16:17; Rev 14:12; 21:7; 12:17; Matt 5:16; 7:20,21; 1 Cor 7:19; 2 Cor 5:10,20; Acts 5:32.
17. "Works! Works! Works!"
Yes, "You’re just trying to earn your way to Heaven," they say, your words having gone over their head (and they even an irritable red), but isn’t that the way, for at the end of the day, obedience just doesn’t appeal to most, who’re only too happy to in grace boast, forgetting that grace is the method, and obedience the standard — that is, of salvation, for here’s the affiliation — “If you love Me, you will walk obediently” — yes, as God will hardly save those who continue to act rebelliously, for if we’re truly repentant, what do we do? Now think it through. Yes, we turn from our wrong behaviour, and thus emulate our Saviour, who, while accepting us where we are, gives us no excuse for staying there, for that would be bizarre, given that change is meant to start now, and here, and not at His coming, when in holiness He’ll appear.
So why do we turn from our wrong behaviour, and from there on, emulate our Saviour?
Surely because we want to, and we know that He wants us too, and even said we’re to, and not because works saves us (so I'd ignore all that fuss), but because it’s what grateful Christians do, and when they don’t (oft more a case of won’t), they just slap God in the face, who lovingly died in their place — but hey, and this is what they miss, He didn’t die for those who choose to remain rebellious — well, effectively, for they via their folly say goodbye to eternity, many having thought that they could just take grace, and throw obedience in His face, so often in the guise or form of faulty theology.
In other words, grace isn’t for those who willingly continue to sin, for in their case, the Spirit is hardly within, and they, thus undeserving, for it’s self and not God that they’re serving, and that’s where it’s at, it’s as simple as that — both logical and biblical.
Yes, "Works!" they say, "You’re just into works!" — well, so was my Saviour, for look at His behaviour, and how He obeyed His Father’s will (and even does still) — thus even though we're offered God's gift of grace, works clearly has its appropriate place, and to say otherwise, is really to just deal in lies, and hence why we need to be sure of what we say, for at the end of the day, teaching what's wrong not only leads astray, but our own foolishness can advertise.
Yes, "Works!" they say — well, I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly going to obey, for that is what God wants us to do, and look at what He did for us — thus we’ve got the easy part, I venture to say (speaking in a certain kind of way), and yet, due to a certain mindset, there are those who still haggle over whether one should obey.
By Lance Landall
And using borrowed thoughts below,

