Racism And Bigotry



Includes some articles that can be found under poem number 33.

Three poems regarding minding any racial complaint can be seen under those articles mentioned, and under the heading: BUT PLEASE MIND.

"The absurdity of racial prejudice is black and white."

The poet, author

Dr. Venter (head of the Celera Genomics Corporation, Rockville, MD) and scientists at the National Institutes
of Health recently announced that they had put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome,
and the researchers...unanimously declared, there is only one race--the human race.

Natalie Angier "Do Races Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows," New York Times, Aug. 22, 2000.




"Love is colour-blind."
The poet, author

The following poem (and others like it that I have penned) has been appreciated by
coloured people that I've shown
 it to. However, those involved in the Black Lives
Matter movement might prefer the poem
(and different take) that follows after this one.

1.  Three Cheers For Colour!

My dear brown friend, I like your colour because it has strength and warmth to it, but hey,
It’s not that colour means anything, anyway, just something that I thought I’d say.
At the end of the day, a human’s a human, and that’s what it all comes down to,
We all the same except for pigmentation, and our uniqueness, what makes you, you,

What makes me, me.

 And you know, difference makes this funny old world go ’round, they say, and it’s so true,
Variety the spice of life, and a change as good as a rest, our colour too.
Yes, the world plain boring if all were the same colour, be it brown or be it white,
Or other, and why in each others artistic pigmentation we should delight.

By Lance Landall

Different Take.

2.  Yes, Black Lives Matter

Yes, emphatically and totally, BLACK LIVES MATTER, no question at all,
Hence why any violence against some black person should outrage and appal.
Lives being sacrosanct, and if that’s not clear enough, NEVER ATTACK OR KILL,
’Cause violence or murder that you might commit, a lot about you would tell.

Yes, black lives matter because they’re lives, not objects that are made of wood or steel,
Their dreams, aspirations, hopes, abilities and contributions just as real.
Hence why any black life should never have been treated any differently,
Mistreatment but the product of a sickness that’s infected humanity.

And so, we registering and receiving both colour and culture warmly,
Thus accepting black people for who they are, relishing the variety.
It all adding beauty to our world, though such lost on that sad racist mindset,
That though registering colour and culture, somehow perceives them as a threat.

Oh, that crazy racist carry-on, it belonging to those sad dark ages,
That same foolish mentality that turns imagined minors into majors.
Though here, such not even a minor to start with, just not an issue at all,
And such thinking but a hang-up that creates a self-made view-obstructing wall.

Thus the only time black should repel is when it’s in someone’s heart, and then
We educating, which is the whole exercise of my oft ink depleted pen.
We doing ALL we can, WHERE we can, without acting in a similar way,
Lest others quickly point at us, and something as unflattering rightly say.

By Lance Landall

More on race.

3.  Black And White

I have never understood how the colour of ones skin can matter to some,
Colour being the only difference, by the way, and why prejudice is dumb.
Yes, we all the same except for that colour that simply adds variety,
And makes a complete fool of anyone who sees things any differently.

One clear and simple fact is, a human is a human-cum-end of subject,
And therefore, everyone by virtue of their birth due thought, care, love and respect.
Yes, even those folk who’re racist, for they’re human too, albeit well askew,
And therefore we surely not fighting fire with fire, though condemnation is due.

Paint a grey house green and it’s still a house, dye a white man black and he’s still a man,
But “not so” say those folk who’re as unenlightened as that evil Klu Klux Klan.
And hence their dire need of surgery, for their hearts and brains have become diseased,
And thus their ability to act and reason rationally having seized.

Can coloured folk love, think, sing, pray, work, plan, feel, play, see, smell, eat, hear, sit and stand?
Of course they can! Every one of them being just like you and I, but simply tanned.
And how many white folk lie in the sun expectantly, a darker hue sought,
And why it’s all to do with pigmentation, not that nonsense that some have bought.

By Lance Landall

More on race, but with a hint of humour.

4.  Browned Off

I asked what he thought of racism, and he replied, “It’s black and white, really,
People always trying to colour things, which has me seeing red, actually.
It’s about time they used their grey matter, and simply saw everyone the same,
Those racist brush strokes yellow with age, purple with injury, and scarlet with shame.

No one complains about rainbows, macaws, leopards, zebras, nor those flower bouquets,
So why that silly nonsense when it comes to humans? Oh, that murky mental haze.
Personally, it wouldn’t bother me if someone was orange with bright green spots,
The whole thing but a weird Salvador Dali composition, which I hope soon stops.

As far as things go, it’s all a pigment of their imagination, which, sadly,
Leaves many riled or blue, ’cause it simply treats people both unfairly and badly.
The world meant to be colourful, not just a whiter shade of pale, but vibrant and rich,
Free of a tinge of prejudice — yes, free of that jaundiced colourization, which,

Has many of us browned off."

By Lance Landall

More on race.

5.  Black Man, You're My Brother!

Colour means nothing, except in prejudiced minds where a certain darkness resides,
It not having seen the light of day, hence those cobwebbed shadows where it’s ill hides.
Though sometimes such daring to vocalize its venom, for poison it is, and,
A dark age mentality, ’cause it’s only pigmentation; some darker tanned.

Yes, purely colour, and all of us having different features, and hence why,
This whole racial prejudice thing is an utter nonsense that no one should buy.
It really but a lie, one needing the torch of truth, because we’re all the same,
Just varying in some ways, and why humanity is our collective name.

So coloured man, you’re my brother!

And hence with pride I'll openly greet and embrace you, take my stand beside you,
Defending you as I would any other man, (or woman), like all should do.
Your colour meaning nothing to me, and why such I don’t see, but simply you,
An older or younger brother in the human family who same love’s due.

By Lance Landall

More on race.

6.  To White Supremacists

Surely sense would tell us that a human is a human, be they black or white,
That pigmentation is the only difference, and all precious in God’s sight.
And why I state the latter is, because some of you believe in God, He who
Wasn’t a racist — and in fact, of olive skin, a humble Saviour and Jew.

One who died that all might live, so what’s with your rage and threats, because you should know
That all are equal in His sight, that it’s most unchristian to argue and fight.
And hey, white people hardly superior, our brains no different at all,
Nor our physiology, and hence your cruel diatribes nothing but a gall.

But aside from everyone clearly having the same origin, rights and worth,
Can’t you see that all are suffering, are in the same leaky boat, planet Earth?
And this surely being why we should all pull together, buckets in each hand,
And hey, our very birth why we’re all entitled to the same crop yielding land.

Yes, coloured people simply coloured, and not inferior, but as for you,
And that sad behaviour that makes no sense, what might it say about your IQ?
Or about the IQ of anyone who indulges in such injury,
Because such hatred and prejudice has more to do with immaturity.

So please, rise above it, for that’s where the answer lies, with love and not hate,
We not esteeming ourselves higher than others, no “Keep Out!” sign on our gate.
But rather, our arms open wide, we embracing all, for divided we fall,
And why at the end of the day, only the humble and loving can stand tall.

And to those of you who feel the same way as me, don’t fight fire with fire, please,
’Cause scrapping with white supremacists suggests that you’ve the same hate filled disease.
So don’t hate them either, but wisely reason with them, and live by example,
That in your life all may be above board, open to inspection, sound and well.

By Lance Landall

More on race.

7.  Colour's Just Colour

When I was a youngster, my parents adopted a baby girl, a brown one,
Yes, she not white like us, and I’m so glad that that brown baby they didn’t shun.
I never seeing her as brown, but as my sister, racism dead to me,
She no different to my white sister, and just as loved by my family.

Hence why I’m grateful and proud of what my parents did, ’cause so much it taught me,
I personally experiencing the lie of those who taunt racially.
Their ignorance their loss, my family’s acceptance of that baby our gain,
It all coming down to sense, cleaning that dirty window, and letting love reign.

“Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight,” as a child I sang,
And which from the vibrating vocal cords of other rightly reared children rang.
Ones colour not an issue to us, ’cause colour’s just colour, end of story,
And if everyone saw it that way, what a happier world it would be!

By Lance Landall

More on race.

8.  A Form Of Ingratitude

You know, racism is a form of ingratitude — fault-finding, I must say,
Picking on something different to ourselves, forgetting blessings of the day.
Yes, that we’re fed, clothed, housed, that we’ve family and friends, all those other things too,
Yet, focussing on someone’s difference — oh, how we’ve got better things to do!

Yes, like expressing thanks for not having suffered today — but oh, there we go,
As if colour makes any difference, which even a simpleton should know.
It all in the head, and ingratitude in such hearts, ’cause grateful we should be,
Given the blessings and companionship that’s found wherever there’s humanity.

By Lance Landall

More on race.
Vitiligo is the name of the condition that leads to a loss of pigmentation (colour).

9.  Vitiligo Reveals The Lie

I saw a woman being interviewed on TV who had vitiligo,
And she was a Maori woman, dark brown in colour, and I thought, “There you go,”
Because the vitiligo had heavily affected her pigmentation,
Leaving her kind of colourless, and thus giving one cause for contemplation.

But surely more so the racist person or Darwinian follower, who
Prejudice or some flawed theory have succumbed to, and thereby, have gone askew.
Life and all it entails not hinging on colour, but attitude and one's heart,
One building up rather than tearing down, unless we’re pulling racism apart.


Bigotry too, we surely past that Ape stage, holding a more enlightened view,
Not that I believe we evolved, but were created with a human’s IQ.
Colour just a coating, but intelligence another thing, somewhat chosen,
We only as smart as we’re sensible, clever brains having thawed, not frozen.

There’s no God in such stilted thinking, but a darkness more born of a devil,
An inferior reasoning more on an evolutionary level.
It not having progressed, and belonging with fossils, those old dinosaur bones,
That sad mentality that rather than debate, just chooses to pick up stones.

Yes, vitiligo reveals the lie,

Racism and bigotry being mammoth creations, thinking that’s awry;
Oh, the historic foolishness and cruelty that ignorance is seen to buy.
Love knowing nothing of such ill; only that caveman with his club, clutch of hair,
Courtesy of Darwin and comic strips, not a Creator’s loving thought and flair.

By Lance Landall

This poem was tweaked on 2 July 2021.

More on race.
Christian content or degree.

10.  To Love One Another

The Bible tells us that God made ONE race, the human race, us, humanity,
And in His image, beginning with Adam and Eve, thus we their progeny.
And thereby, everyone of us God’s creation, tint immaterial,
Colour having nothing to do with our worth, racism but a poisoned well.

The Bible also tells us that we’re very precious in God’s eyes, but fallen,
Hence why He died on our behalf — and this, when mankind was still knee-deep in sin.
His grace covering the repentant, but His love searching for all, and calling,
Tears in His eyes over the lost, great concern in His heart over the stalling.

The Bible doesn’t tell us what colour Adam and Eve were, and that being
Because colour wasn’t important, only something the racist are seeing.
And without cause, because no matter how those variations may’ve begun
(Adaptation, for one), such means absolutely nothing in the eyes of the Son.

But what does mean something to God, and very much so, is our heart and mind’s state,
Whether we seek what’s right or wrong, what’s kind or cruel, and whether we love or hate.
The racist person hardly fit for Heaven, nor worthy of Christ’s gift of grace,
All having been made in God’s image, and He personally knowing each face.

Yes, we could be purple and covered in pink spots, and it wouldn’t matter, no,
Jesus more interested in our eyes, they having a lot to say, you know.
It all about the inside, not the outside, and Christ well knowing what’s within,
None of us free of sin’s infectiousness, and that includes every Christian.

Oh, how God wants to see our hard hearts changed, racism out, love for all within,
And acknowledgement that all are His Children — yes, whether they’ve black or white skin.
Children of a King, loved, wanted and sought, and this why He’ll soon be coming back,
And it not mattering whether we live in a plush mansion or rundown shack.

So lets major on kindness, this world so full of suffering, heartbreak and pain,
God not having deserted us, it just a devil staging a cruel campaign.
And racism just distracting and hindering when the world’s in need of love,
That impartial, tolerant, accepting and longsuffering Saviour above.

Yes, God made HUMANS, and thus that where the matter should lie, we His creation,
And thus every life sacrosanct, to be surrounded with affirmation.
We living, breathing images of our Creator, and of royal decent;
And when Jesus Christ said to love one another, that’s exactly what He meant!

By Lance Landall

Regarding the poem above, you may also wish to read my poem Creative Love, which is
to do with hate speech, and which is found in the purple box titled the same, Home page.

More on race.
Christian content or degree.

11.  Red And Yellow, Black And White

“Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight,” a Christian song goes,
And so it should be with us too, which intelligence and maturity knows.
A human a human, colour just colour, and our looks just variation,
We all an amazing, incredible, staggering, mind-boggling creation.

No, not the product of chance, nor some monkey’s relation, but designed to be,
The image of a Creator with a merciful love for humanity.
Yes, a fallen humanity, hence that black and white carry-on that’s bizarre,
It not our colour but our heart and our mind that defines who and what we are.

By Lance Landall

"From one man He [God] created all the nations throughout the whole earth..."
(Acts 17:26, NLT)

The following is a Christian song:

"Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world."

The writer of this song no doubt meant well, but  the third line would be better
put this way (as someone has done):

"Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world
Shades of brown from dark to light
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world."

At the end of the day, we're one race, decendants of our first parents,
which scientists have been finding.

Darwin's theory of evolution is not only being proven false, but has aided white supremacy (so-called white superiority), racism in general, and eugenics. Note the following quote:
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes,
as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider,
for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape
as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

More on race.
Christian content or degree.

12.  Jesus Died For Black People Too

Yes, Jesus died for black people too — in fact, any colour that we may be,
Such not making the slightest difference to Him when dying on Calvary.
Jesus dying to save everyone, He the Saviour of humanity,
A God who desires that all be a part of His heavenly family.

We covered in His robe of righteousness; it the one colour, a saving hue,
A robe only woven in Heaven, its blood-red loom built just for me and you.
And that robe a gift, a labour of love, an amazing act of mercy too,
We all having fallen, and thus all the one colour, a lost and sinful hue.

But enter the unblemished Lamb, impartial love, and mercy beyond our ken,
We having acted so unlike Him, placed people in boxes, broken all ten.
And Calvary shaming our partiality, condemning that racial slight,
Because everyone of us is inestimably precious in His slight.

All why He wants our love to be like His, just as if we’d died on Calvary,
Accepting and forgiving all, and displaying that same amazing mercy.
Everyone the same colour in our eyes too, and object of our concern,
So that of that very same love and care of Jesus Christ they can see and learn.

By Lance Landall

More on race.
Christian poem or degree.

13.  The Divine Lincoln

(With Abraham Lincoln in mind)

“There is neither Jew nor Greek...slave nor free...male nor female, for all are one
In Christ Jesus,” Scripture says, and there is the Divine Lincoln, the Father’s Son.
Yes, Christ’s emancipation declaration, and open to every nation,
Each individual who accepts Him, and who thereby secures salvation.

Though all are God’s children given that He created us, not all desire such,
Having fallen for Darwinism, come under the spell of a devil’s clutch.
They thus victims of a cunning usurper, without hope and promise, sadly,
And of no worth to Satan, except where it suits his lies and savagery.

Jesus not having wanted us to be slaves to anything or anyone,
All why He created us free and equal, until Satan began his fun.
Enter tyranny, racism, human trafficking, spouse abuse and much more,
And on a personal level, Satan has knocked and we have opened the door.

Oh, the folly and grief of addiction, those things so certain to destroy us,
Those things we seem enslaved to, all why we need the saving power of Jesus.
Porn, drugs, unhealthy foods and beverages, the list goes on, it’s sad to say,
And self being our biggest addiction, all why Heaven wise, we’re far away.

Just like Abraham Lincoln sought to free black slaves, God has sought to free us too,
But mostly from the penalty and chains of sin, courtesy of you-know-who.
Yes, the greatest slave master this world’s seen, an angel who became a devil,
Turning this planet (which was once a beautiful paradise) into a hell,

Hence that fight for freedom in every which-a-way, there so many slaves still.

Yes, we’re slaves in a contemporary Egypt, needing to be rescued too,
Addictions to the left, oppression to the right, Christ the Moses to turn to.
He never having even wanted robots, and hence why we’ve freedom of choice,
And thus are able to accept or reject His ever-pleading loving voice.

If anyone knows that black lives matter, it’s Him, having created the one race,
And why on Calvary (bearing all our sins), He died in everyone’s place.
He a friend to tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, Gentiles, Samaritans,
And a friend to you (black or white), none of us being free of issues and sins.

Both Christ and Lincoln died for their cause, believing in freedom and liberty,
The complete and utter removal of the insanity of slavery.
We all God’s children, He measuring the heart and soul of every country,
Colour nothing but pigmentation, and a human a human (clear to see).

Yes, we’re all descendants of Adam and Eve, and are made in God’s image, who
Taught love for all, and who also taught that peace and harmony we should pursue.
No one lower, no one higher, and all having the same worth — yes, black or white;
The hater of others walking in darkness, the lover of others in light.

All why Christ will soon step in, rescuing the repentant and setting them free,
Though freedom starts once we’ve accepted Him, hence those wondrous changes others see.
Oh, the joy of amazing grace, that working of the Spirit that empowers,
And the Divine Lincoln rejoicing over each new bud that opens and flowers.

By Lance Landall

Race and bigotry.

14.  Hand In Hand

No one should ever think in terms of race or religion, but humanity,
Because people are people, and thus hatred and cruelty but insanity.
Yes, every life sacrosanct, not for assaulting via hand, mouth or some law,
And why wherever a single soul is accosted, the rest of us should roar.

In other words,

Every Jew, Muslim, Christian, atheist, black man, white man, male and female,
Is precious, equal and human, their life not for taking, their rights not for sale.
And moving forward overdue, history strewn with madness and bloodshed,
And all because, in every case, a loving heart wasn’t wed to a sound head.

No, now’s not the time for more foolish words and actions, but calm heads and gloved hands,
A new and better way of thinking, not those old, tattered, tired, short-sighted plans.
No one excluded, and all embraced, love and not hate every country’s anthem,
And, “Hand in hand we will walk together,” our collective and personal hymn.

By Lance Landall

Race and bigotry.

15.  Difference Is No Reason Or Excuse

I don’t have a problem with someone’s colour, nor their religion, but only any negative traits,
And as far as their culture or ways go, that’s personal taste, you know (which delights or irritates).
Thus, it’s really just a people thing, ’cause whatever colour or faith, people have their good points and bad points,
And why it all comes down to whether someone’s behaviour, attitude and ways, pleases or disappoints.

We may not agree with someone's beliefs, nor care for some of their cultural ways, and fair enough too
(And yes, there're those negative traits), but never should we treat people badly, as that’s only what fools do,
’Cause difference is no reason or excuse for such, never has been, and nor will be, ’cause wrong is wrong,
And to be frank, not only folly, but the behaviour and attitude of those who’re more weak than strong.

At the end of the day, it’s very easy for us to act badly, but much harder to act rightly,
’Cause the latter takes a certain inner strength, unlike that lack of control that’s displayed by a bully.
And we acting like bullies too, should we ever treat anyone badly-cum-very thoughtlessly so,
But dare such be ’cause of their colour or faith — such prejudice and bigotry — and better we should know.

We don’t have to like someone’s ways, be they cultural or other, nor their beliefs or negative traits,
But treating folk badly is quite another thing, and such, inner weakness and unkindness radiates.
All how we give ourselves away, show the true state of our heart and mind, be such in some small or big way;
And just as much as this, another thing that we need to realise is, that such behaviour doesn’t pay.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded 17 June 2020.

Race and bigotry.

16.  Who Cares? Not Me

Who cares what your religion or colour is. I’m not a bigot, nor racial,
And nor will I call folk fags, or tell them that they will burn forever in Hell.
No, because I can’t abide such nonsense, don’t care whether someone’s rich or poor,
Hence why I won’t treat anyone differently, cross the street or slam the door.


There’s too much evil surmising, too many getting the wrong end of the stick,
Assuming this or that, avoiding him or her, their armchair judgments far too quick.
Oh, those games that people play, and many thinking they’re better, and why I cry,
Because the life that many live is nothing but a sham, a charade, a lie.

Sure we’re entitled to our opinions, and healthy debate is fine, but hey,
Cut the mental and physical abuse, 'cause only the foolish act that way.
Yes, it’s one thing to challenge erroneous beliefs, another to slag folk,
Calling them names, running them down, when it’s not them that in the chest one should poke.

By Lance Landall

Race and bigotry.

17.  Madness In Drag

There is nothing more tragic, moronic, and even infantile, than racial or religious persecution,
Which is purely the product of a grim, bigoted, ignorant, mindless, callous and selfish evolution.
Thus, no words can be too harsh in condemnation of such an evil, and nor of those who are involved in such,
For it’s clear that a very satanic influence has such foolish and misguided abusers in its clutch.

Every life on this Earth is precious, and no one is lesser than another, regardless of their faith or race,
But if it were true that some are lesser, it would be those who via such persecution humanity disgrace.
For no human should stoop to such utter absurdity, nor such a low level, thereby turning on their own,
And given that such is the cruel territory of tyrants, dictators and usurpers who’ve hi-jacked some throne.

As alluded to earlier, all of those who indulge in such wickedness have been drinking from poisoned wells,
Or have been fed such via others who’re irresponsible and prejudiced, or directly involved in such ills.
And having been indoctrinated so, they too, spread that gospel of hate and intolerance wherever they go,
And via doing so, not only show their ignorance and shallowness, but openly declare that they’re the foe.

Healthy debate and freedom of speech are sacrosanct, for all must be free to disagree and to prove their case,
But racial and religious persecution are things that in this world of ours should never be given a place.
One’s colour shouldn’t make the slightest difference, and one’s religion is a personal choice, God-given right,
Which no person on this planet, nor any governing power, should in anyway prevent, hinder or blight.

By Lance Landall

"Persecution, whenever it occurs, establishes only the power and cunning of the persecutor,
not the truth and worth of his belief."

"Persecution is disobeying the most solemn injunction of Christianity, under the sham plea of upholding it."
Paul Chatfield

Race and bigotry.

18.  Mind That Muslim Bashing

When a member of a family murders, we don’t shun the whole family,
So why shun all Muslims when some fanatical ones go on a killing spree?
Do we shun all Christians because of those among them who wrongly injure too,
Or when anything else that’s not acceptable, they foolishly choose to do?

No, surely not, for that’s hardly intelligent; hypocrites found everywhere,
And upon which we don’t judge either Muslims or Christians, but apply sense here,
Because there will always be bad eggs and black sheep, those who somehow go askew,
And who the promptings of a sad mind and heart, or evil master, choose to do.

By Lance Landall

Race and bigotry.

19.  Dear Muslim Friend

When any human is maimed or killed, it's an outrage, and thus dear Muslim friend,
I too wish that the wave of terrorism and lone ranger evil would end.
And it’s always sad when within our ranks there are those who act so terribly,
Bringing shame upon their own brothers and sisters, and also humanity.

There’s always been two paths, the right one and the wrong one, the latter but folly,
It not only returning to bite the fool, but causing pain and misery.
And thus both you and I affected, be one a Muslim, Christian or other,
And hence why we should view everyone as if they’re our sister or brother.

Sure we may not care for some folk, but love goes beyond that, seeks the best for all,
Condemning those ignorant, hate filled shouts, those callous, wicked acts that appal.
Ones colour, gender or religion no reason for such attacks, and therefore,
Any time a fellow human suffers so, everyone of us should roar.

So, dear Muslim friend, I respect your rights, and those rights being the same as mine,
We all part of the human family, branches belonging to the same vine.
You welcome at my home, and I welcome at your home, where there’s no room for ill,
But love, selflessness, compassion and forgiveness, and where all is right and well.

By Lance Landall

Race and bigotry.

20.  Time We Stopped The Madness

Racial prejudice and religious bigotry aren’t the product of ones birth,
But the product of errant teaching and influence that long has plagued the Earth,
’Cause love, sense and goodness know nothing of either, and stand in opposition,
Knowing that prejudice and bigotry only survive where there’s permission.

Ones colour but pigmentation, a human a human, same brain, heart and rights,
And thus evil and ignorance being the cause of those racial rants and fights,
And also the cause of religious persecution; all courtesy of men,
And devils, not innocent children, to which the God above would shout, “Amen!”

By Lance Landall


21.  How To Experience Bigotry

Step outside the mainstream, hold beliefs that are at odds with the majority,
Express opposing views openly, reveal holes in someone’s theology.
Call a spade a spade, say that such is your right, condemn what folk shouldn't condone,
And you will soon experience bigotry, know what it’s like to stand alone.


Rattle some sacred cow, point to higher ground, tell folk that they’re on the wrong track,
Point out cherished falsehood, charlatans parading as saints, wait for an attack,
For such will surely come, and that can’t-handle-it crutch: “You’ve no right to judge me!”
Which given the nastiness with which it tends to come, smacks of hypocrisy.

By Lance Landall


22.  One's Religion

Ones religion is a personal choice, a conscience vote, and thus sacrosanct,
Though open to inspection and challenge, for which many have had cause to thank.
They having been holding to error, but as I said, still free to go that way,
So long as they don’t persecute or kill, as this is how one goes astray.

Good religions have nothing to hide, nor resent inspection or challenge, and
Always respect the rights of others, be their beliefs built on a rock or sand.
And thus they not acting like tyrants, arrogantly asserting that they’re right,
Because that’s a sure sign that somewhere, somehow they’ve put darkness ahead of light.

We may in fact be right, others wrong, but we err when our ways are harsh or cruel,
Another’s mind hardly for forcing, and soundness holding to the golden rule.
Yes, “Do unto others as you’d have then do unto you” — karma, some might say,
’Cause what goes ’round often comes ’round, so surely love and wisdom ruling the day.

After all, who would want it any other way but a fool, ’cause all should know
That everyone’s an individual, and force just the way of a foe.
Our mind’s our own, but it’s rendered useless if enslaved, just parroting what it’s fed,
Hence why it should also be open, that its conscience may always be rightly led.

By Lance Landall


23.  The Crowd

Yes, there’s always a crowd, as there was in Jesus’ day, howling for blood of some sort,
A string ’em up brigade, militant and vocal, a religious kangaroo court.
A flock, a multitude, even majority, a far from Christ-like company,
Who, if they had their way, would act just as bad as that braying mob at Calvary.

Yes, there’s always a crowd, one made up of individuals so sure that they’re right,
Their behaviour having far more to do with darkness than it has to do with light.
A gathering of Pharisees, or even Sadducees, acting self-righteously,
Who, if they had their way, would enforce their will, underhandedly, injuriously.

Yes, there’s always a crowd, as there was in Jesus’ day, perhaps politically,
A group with an agenda, a crusading rabble, more earthly than heavenly.
An excitable throng, thinking they’re right when they’re wrong, with a herd mentality,
Who, if they had their way, would rule the world, enforce their beliefs, repeat history.

Yes, there’s always a crowd, a pack, a gang, a horde, a party, call them what you will,
A misdirected assembly with a certain mindset, who invariably cause ill.
A small or large gathering, a troop, not so easily recognized maybe,
Who, if they had their way, would act just as bad as that braying mob at Calvary.

By Lance Landall


24.  Those Boxes

Perhaps you've experienced such. You meet someone, and then you stop and chat,
And at some point, up comes that curly question whereby everything goes flat.
“So, tell me now, what religion are you?” And, "Oh dear," you inwardly sigh,
For when you give them the answer, they suddenly have some reason to fly.

I'm exaggerating? Well, perhaps I am, but that's sort of how it goes,
For there's that body language, and that look — yes, some how or other it shows.
You see, instead of them seeing you now, they’re just seeing a little box,
One that has you neatly packaged and labelled, and that sports a dozen locks.

Yes, instead of seeing you now, they can't see past what's in that little box,
One that appears impossible to empty, because of those little locks.
You’re no longer who you are, or were, but simply the contents of their box,
Which all too often (or so it seems to me), a possible friendship blocks.

Yes, even though you're an individual, you’re no longer seen that way,
For now you’re a certain religion, or so their reaction seems to say.
It's so sad that all these biased little boxes have people pigeon-holed,
For all such little boxes do, is, just prevent any good that could unfold.

Given we’ve our individuality, we shouldn’t be pigeon-holed
Simply because of the religion that we practice, and no doubt uphold.
For whatever one’s religion is, whatever one's denomination,
There's definitely no excuse for such bigoted discrimination.

I'm simply who I am, a person (a fact which also holds true for you),
I’m just me, not some religious label, and differently may well do.
Yes, the path that I have chosen, may be one that is different to yours,
But when it comes down to friendship, no barriers should such a fact cause.

Thus, do we really need to ask, “So, tell me now, what religion are you?”
For isn’t such totally irrelevant from a friendship point of view?
I've no doubts that there's a time and place where asking may have some merit,
But where such isn't necessary, for friendship sake, let’s not hear it.

By Lance Landall


25.  Don't Bolt It

I wouldn’t bolt the door, friend, given you could well be wrong, you know,
’Cause though we're entitled to our view, knowledge we don’t outgrow.
And if the view you hold is wrong, you might well hear, 
I told you so,
Or in time hear yourself exclaiming the proverbial, Oh, no!

It’s alright to hold a view, and to believe that it is correct,
But you’re treading on very thin ice if a lock has  somehow clicked.
It’s one thing to close a door, quite another to bolt or lock it,
Given such locked or bolted doors are never to one’s benefit.

No, the mind is not for locking — otherwise, thoughts won’t freely flow,
And all being why doors have hinges, so in and out things can go.
And a door has a handle which also benefits you and I,
Amidst a conversation when I speak to you and you reply.

And then, when you have made up your mind, you can gently close the door,
But not forgetting that handle, ’cause views you hold may have a flaw.
Yes, they may well need to go back out, and something else be let in,
’Cause that’s how we make sure that only what is right abides within.

Some people have a mind that is bound with an unbreakable chain,
Which is why deep within their mind, faulty beliefs oft remain.
And the key to open that lock that is attached to that old chain,
Appears to have been misplaced, and thus a new one hard to obtain.

Oh yes, we should have an open mind — one that isn’t shut, that is,
One that is always prepared to listen, and then assess, or quiz,
’Cause though we do not have to accept what we believe isn’t true,
We should always have the time for somebody else’s point of view.

So please don’t lock it or bolt it, nor invest in a solid chain,
’Cause such will just prevent growth, and thus in a groove you will remain.
Challenges are good for us, and often that is how we can find
That we have been entertaining an incorrect viewpoint in our mind.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded on 17 August 2022.

Christian content or degree.

"Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while
judging ourselves by our best intentions."
George Bush

26.  Erring Members

Within our church there can be those who anger those outside it, bringing shame on us,
’Cause they’re like bulls in a china shop, lacking the sensitivity of Jesus.
And therefore, instead of sharing same beliefs in a thoughtful and respectful way
They choose the worst of ways, upsetting us too, all why for understanding we pray.

Perhaps it was certain material that was kind of forced on you, foolishly,
Even presented offensively, truth with knuckledusters on, say — oh dear me.
Every religion (perhaps) having its zealots, Pharisees and hypocrites
(Though more denomination here), and why regarding them too, God in judgment sits.

Why do I say them too (the rebellious aside)?

Well, two wrongs don’t make a right, thus bad responses being judged too, which means that we
Should hardly act as poorly as them, thereby behaving just as unheavenly.
Yes, one not stooping to their misguided level, but setting the right example,
Otherwise we’re just as bad, and not a reflection of Christ, but more a devil.

A devil who no doubt delights in bulls in china shops, and as just said before
Poor or bad responses, ’cause God doesn’t like either; and shut goes another door.
Danger lying with both renegades and hordes, who bring shame on the Good News Gospel,
That God of love whose wise, gentle, patient and tolerant ways are our example.

So please don’t judge denominations by the actions of some renegade within
(Or be it more than one), who, rather than pleasing Christ, gives a devil cause to grin.
And all because they go about things the wrong way, or present things really badly,
Bringing shame or wrath on their fellow members who don’t act so injuriously.

 Yes, there’s always fools and the deluded amongst us, those who get carried away,
Balance and sense having up and gone out the window, inviting what doesn’t pay.
And all why we should err on the side of caution and fairness, not labelling all,
Many of us having warned erring fellow members, who here, have made the wrong call.

The truth is, all are in different stages of growth and understanding, and so
Err many will, and even sincerely, aside from those who far better should know.
One having the choice to reject their flawed material, or to ask them to go,
And that way being better than fighting fire with fire, and how greater sense we show.

Each Christian thus shining like a star in this darkened world, choosing their time and place
Yes, very carefully, displaying sensitivity, and thus not in one’s face.
Each Christian a Christ-like satellite orbiting the centre of it all, Jesus,
Beaming His will and ways via their lives, that great love for others that He has for us.

Christ wants as many as possible to be saved, and this being the reason why
It's no win some lose some affair due to doing things in a way that's plain awry.
The right way seeing more saved, the wrong way seeing less saved, folk having been turned off,
Someone's sad in-the-face approach, or cart before the horse approach, why many scoff.

By Lance Landall

This poem was completely redone on 13 March 2021.

Christian content or degree.

27.  To Christians Of Every Denomination

It’s with joy that I read of a God who gives us the freedom to choose which way,
Be that way His or not, or which denomination, hence why I want to say:
That though I may disagree with your choice, even say why, I'll respect that choice,
And as far as your right to that choice goes, will uphold it via act, pen or voice.

And the God of love wanting you to respond exactly the same way to me,
So that despite differing in beliefs, or even path, we'll live in harmony.
We reasoning with each other as Christ reasons with us, sharing honestly,
But never angrily, nor shunning each other, because such is bigotry.

All why I’d never mistreat an atheist either, ’cause they’ve the same rights too,
One either choosing rightly or wrongly, wisely or foolishly, as we do.
And there it’s to be left in God’s hands, Christians called to live in peace with all, and
(Despite one’s path or denomination), loving and giving a helping hand.

So share and debate I will, no wrong in that, and less so where there’s heresy,
Or plain error, but harm you? Never! Nor shun, but rather, I'll act thoughtfully.
We all (via Adam and Eve’s lineage) God’s creation, who’s told us to love,
Thus we not forcing or enforcing, and why I’m taking my cue from above.

By Lance Landall

"I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish — where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source — no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials — and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all."
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), past American president.

Christian content or degree.

28.  Simply Love Them

Could it be you disagree with another’s point of view,
Could it be that their beliefs do not gel with what is true?
Are they liberal, or legalistic, pursuing what doesn’t pay,
Do you think they’re in a cult that’s leading them astray?

Well, the best thing you can do is what Christ Himself would do;
That is, just simply love them, as they’re His children too.
Yes, just love them with a love like that love Christ shows to you,
Yes, love them, love them, love them, always let Christ’s love show through.

You see, it’s one thing to be right, regarding a belief or view,
But if our response is wrong, the moral high ground we just blew.
Despite wrong some may believe, or the wrong that some might do,
We’re clearly told to love them, and a Christ-like way pursue.

Often, some folk who’re right, show less love than some who’re wrong,
Just like some considered weak show more strength than some who’re strong.
Sadly, spiritual pride accompanies some who’re right,
Displayed by a lack of love, and fixation with black and white.

By all means, uphold what’s right, but make sure love comes first,
For this is a prescription that Christ doesn’t want reversed.
Only love should motivate everything we say and do,
And a Christ-like humbleness that respects another’s view.

Those outside the Christian fold, Christ loves as much as those within,
And He knows it’s not doctrine that their hearts and minds will win.
Thus He set an example that each Christian should repeat,
Achieved by following those footprints left by our Saviour’s feet.

Thus, when you’re dealing with someone with whom you disagree,
Remember Christ’s example, and why He died on Calvary.
And treat that very person just like Christ Himself would do,
For that is how you’d want them to also respond to you.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

29.  A Christian's Lament

Dear God above, I’m a follower of Thee, but mistreated by other followers, sadly,
Who sneer at my denomination, and because of that Church I attend, unkindly label me.
I thought that You called such bigotry, Father, and it certainly seems like bigotry to me,
For when I share some of my beliefs that differ to their beliefs, they sometimes treat me poorly.

Even though I don’t agree with some of their beliefs, I don’t want to treat them as unkindly,
For I know that via doing so I would greatly displease Thee, and thereby, as bad as them be.
And hence why I'm praying for strength, Father, and also that You'll help them to see differently,
For if we’re all followers of You, isn’t that what matters most, not arguing doctrinally?

And why Christians of differing faiths should surely just beg to differ, but in a Christ-like way,
And meantime, amicably debate rather than argue or a cool indifference display.
And oh, what must non-believers think who see and hear what’s going down that really shouldn’t be?
As Christians being unkind and thoughtless to each other doesn't do much for Christianity.

If You let all follow their own conscience and what they’ve decided is right, surely we should too,
Respecting those conclusions that other Christians have drawn, and that differing path they pursue.
We all helping each other fight the good fight, lest any give up and foolishly turn from Thee,
For we’ve a cunning adversary who when we take our eyes off the ball claims some victory.

Yes, it’s most ironic, Father, for these Christians who treat me so, wax lyrical about love,
And yet, all because of my denomination, say or do this or that, whilst You watch above.
Now that’s plain hypocrisy, Father, something that You strongly condemn, for such isn’t of Thee,
But that old life that we’re supposed to well and truly leave behind, as it’s far from heavenly.

By Lance Landall

Christian content or degree.

30.  The True Brothers And Sisters In Christ

Nothing's wrong with defending your beliefs, and nor in challenging someone else’s, though lovingly,
'Cause such is the freedom God gives to us all, and oft how truth and error are seen, actually.
But when we treat others poorly because of their differing beliefs, or their challenging of ours,
We stomp all over that freedom God's sanctioned, thus acting un-Christ-like, which His anger will arouse.

All why I feel impressed to state the following:

It’s time we stopped such childish behaviour which has more to do with bigotry, and Satan as well,
Who, storms our God-given freedom by convincing folk that such threatens unity — a tale made in Hell,
'Cause unity’s an attitude, a working together in love for God's glory, and doing so
Despite differences; you going to your church and I to mine, hence that passing heartfelt, “Hello.”

At the end of the day, aren’t all Christians Christians, followers of the same Christ, so what's going on then,
'Cause treating others poorly is certainly not Christianity, but the lunacy of men.
Thus those who act so, not only without an excuse, but going contrary to the teachings of Christ,
'Cause He said we’re not to mistreat anyone in any way — and those who do, aid the anti-Christ.

Just like unity’s an attitude, bigotry's a mentality, one that's far from heavenly,
Hence why Christians shouldn't have a bar of such, defending each others right to think and act differently.
And by that I mean, to choose their denomination, defend their beliefs, challenge those of others,
Thus truly witnessing to the world of the love of Christ found amongst Christian sisters and brothers.

And this, despite some differences, and midst healthy debate, 'cause such is true Christianity,
How we know the true brothers and sisters in Christ — such a greater witness to the world, quite clearly,
'Cause such shows the Spirit working powerfully in hearts and minds, something God wants the world to see,
Calvary bringing all Christians together despite their differences, in peace and harmony.

Where’s the miracle in all Christians thinking and acting the same? Unless we’re talking, righteously,
For oh, what a mighty witness that would be, millions won over by us acting so heavenly.
But where there’s difference yet unity in Christ, that’s a miracle indeed, each Christian rightly free,
Following their conscience, one that’s captive to the Word of God, not some religious majority.

If Christ never mistreated folk, gave them freedom of choice, reserved the right to challenge beliefs, then
We’re to follow His example, and not some pious conformity imposed by error prone men,
'Cause such restricts the discovery of both truth and error, and why Christ won't sanction such folly,
He saying, “Come let us reason together,” such quite the opposite of that herd mentality.

How sad when someone finds that you hold to something that they don’t believe is correct, and off they go,
You suddenly some contaminant, even alien, and how via their "fruits" their true colours show.
They entitled to their belief, but not you, or at your peril, it appears, and there goes Jesus,
Highly offended by such bigotry, disgusted, ’cause even He’s prepared to reason with us,

And why I’ve never seen Him go.

True bothers and sisters in Christ wouldn’t treat you any differently, engaging any time,
Simply begging to differ where they disagreed, 'cause this is how upward (and not downward) we climb.
Heaven all about love, treating others as Christ would, regardless of denomination or belief,
Given that acting otherwise doesn’t lead to eternal life, but certainly, soon coming grief.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded 6 March 2020.

Christian content or degree.

31.  Little Boxes

Perhaps you've experienced such. You meet someone, and then you stop and chat,
And at some point, up comes that curly question whereby everything goes flat.
“So, tell me now, what church do you go to?” — and, "Oh dear," you inwardly sigh,
For when you give them the answer, they suddenly have some reason to fly.

I'm exaggerating? Well, perhaps I am, but that's sort of how it goes,
For there's that body language, and that look — yes, some how or other it shows.
You see, instead of them seeing you now, they’re just seeing a little box,
One that has you neatly packaged and labelled, and that sports a dozen locks.

Yes, instead of seeing you now, they can't see past what’s in that little box,
One that appears impossible to empty, because of those little locks.
You’re no longer who you are, or were, but simply the contents of their box,
Which all too often (or so it seems to me), a possible friendship blocks.

Yes, even though you're an individual, you’re no longer seen that way,
For now you’re a certain religion, or so their reaction seems to say.
It's so sad that all these biased little boxes have people pigeon-holed,
For all such little boxes do, is, just prevent any good that could unfold.

Given we’ve our individuality, we shouldn’t be pigeon-holed,
Simply because of the religion, or faith, that we practice and uphold.
For whatever one’s religion is, whatever one’s denomination,
There's definitely no excuse for such bigoted discrimination.

I'm simply who I am, a person (a fact which also holds true for you),
I’m just me, not some religious label, and differently may well do.
Yes, the path that I have chosen, may be one that is different to yours,
But when it comes down to friendship, no barriers should such a fact cause.

Thus, do we really need to ask, “So, tell me now, what church do you go to?”
For isn’t such totally irrelevant from a friendship point of view?
I've no doubts that there's a time and place where asking may have some merit,
But where such isn't necessary, for friendship’s sake, let’s not hear it,

By Lance Landall

Class Distinctions.
Christian content or degree.

32.  Fallen Divisions

Rest assured God has no time for that lower class, middle class, upper class nonsense — sin, effectively,
'Cause such unnatural, fallen divisions God never intended be a part of humanity.
In His eyes, all are equal, regardless of their background, lineage, assets, money or position,
And why He has clearly conveyed that He wants each Christian to have the same approach and recognition.

Though we might find ourselves classed in that middle or upper bracket, it shouldn’t be apparent in our manner,
Nor our behaviour, 'cause right into the very heart of the Gospel, such throws a rebellious spanner.
Christ came to break down such labelling, pigeon-holing, it the product of pride, unfairness and abuse,
'Cause when it comes to Earth’s bounties, all should share such, not feathering one’s own nest, which equates to misuse.

Such class distinctions are the outcome of the Fall, and why all who’ve wealth, or more than others, should take care,
'Cause God's watching closely, and taking careful note of just how much people keep, and just how much they share.
And rightly so, 'cause such conveys the true intent of one’s heart, and it’s the heart God’s interested in,
'Cause the heart, more than anything else, our destiny (be that eternal life or death) will determine.

The heart of the Gospel is all about putting others first (after Christ), and all those who love Him will,
Knowing that one shouldn’t make an idol of their possessions, 'cause such inevitably leads to ill.
Hence those class distinctions that many aspire to, that Jones mentality, such being nothing but pride,
A mentality and state that offends the Bridegroom who's looking for a humble, serving, giving bride.

By Lance Landall

This poem was upgraded 8 February 2020.

In general.

33.  Get Off That Pedestal

It’s one thing to disagree with someone, but quite another thing to shun,
For who among us is a perfect example, and wrong has never done?
The truth is, we’re all flawed from head to toe, so undeserving of a throne,
And yet, how oft we don some crown, and our own glaring flaws refuse to own.

Yes, it seems that it’s always someone else who’s at fault, we clothed in pure white,
Or seemingly a shade that’s pretty close, thus seldom wrong, most often right.
And we, watching from our self-righteous tower, the drawbridge ready to pull
Should any seek our presence or attention who we deem undesirable.

Well, last I knew, most castles are in disrepair, they close to tumbling down,
And those who once sat enthroned within, no longer sporting their royal gown.
But rather, they pushing up daisies, pride-cum-pompousness no longer seen,
All why we should treat everybody well, and our own feathers never preen.

Yes, it’s one thing to disagree with folk, but quite another thing to shun,
We ignoring or cutting them off, smugly firing some cruel mental gun.
And all so very hypocritically, for how oft we talk of love,
And then, where certain words are needed, use our fist without a padded glove.

By Lance Landall


Something that darkens the mind, shrinks the intellect, and hardens the heart.
Something that starves the brain of oxygenating sense and wisdom.
Someone’s preventable failure.
Often another word for ignorance, fear, and conformity.
Something that’s an enemy of love.
A self-made gulf.
Something that blinds, deafens, stunts and deadens.
The bridegroom of prejudice.
A mindless barrier that's erected by small minds.
A serious and sad condition that’s self-inflicted.
A consequence of having a closed or narrow mind.
A contagious virus often found within herds.
The poison of a bigot.
Something that’s lineage is connected to too many lives.
Something that discards the lot of something simply because of a little or part that’s viewed as disagreeable.
Something that contributes nothing but leaves behind a disturbing odour.
An oft perpetuated Dark Ages mentality that leads to modern day personal inquisitions.
The bedfellow of biblical illiteracy.
Something that abounds where there are religious zealots.
Bigotry: Kindling for fires of persecution.
A killer disease.
Something that’s often mistaken for forthrightness and fact.

Lets Stop The Labeling.

I think its high time we stopped labeling people. People are not their religion. They're themselves. Individuals in their own right. By all means check out what they're saying in order to see whether what they're saying is correct or not, then say so, but don't hang a label on them. Put their beliefs to the test, not them. A person can be a wonderful Christian yet still be upholding error. Thus, it's that error we discredit, and that alone, not the person.
Nor should we treat someone poorly or badly simply because they're a Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Mormon, or whatever. Let's focus on the error, not the person, nor even their denomination for that matter, except where it's necessary or appropriate to do so. Remember that a denomination is an organisation, a collection of people who simply hold the same beliefs. A denomination is not an individual. Effectively, people are not Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, or whatever, but simply themselves. They simply hold to beliefs that come under the heading of Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Mormon, or whatever, and go to the same church (denomination) where like believers go, and why not? A place to meet together, a base to work from collectively. In other words, it's their religion that's Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Mormon, or whatever, not them.
Once we start labelling people, we automatically put them in little boxes in our mind, boxes that far too regularly have biased locks attached. Boxes from which many operate narrow-mindedly. Let's start seeing people as people, as individuals, and not as Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, or whatever. Let's stop the "She's a Baptist," "He's a Catholic," "She's a Methodist," "He's a Mormon," nonsense. When we interact with people, their religion shouldn't cross our minds. We should just see them as fellow humans needing the same love, care, thought, respect, friendship and courtesy. Yes, debate their doctrinal belief, but leave the person alone. At the end of the day, it's all about weeding out error, not about weeding out people.
And let's mind the Cult labelling too. Time and time again I have seen incorrect statements being made via websites that see themselves as being some sort of Cult watchdog or definitive encyclopaedia regarding such. Given the truth and error mixture also found on many of these websites, it's clear that they need watching too. Oh for those who're truely objective, unbiased, transparent, receptive, humble, and who welcome open dialogue.

Why Exposing Errors In Any Denomination Or Religion Isn't Bigotry.

Because that information made public can help prevent others from embracing that same error.
Because that information made public can help those who’ve already embraced that error to see why it is in fact error.
Because that information should naturally be made available in order for people to not only make up their own minds but truly have freedom of choice.
Because people often come up with opposite arguments from the very same source as us — the Bible, say — thus one not only having to find and present the correct position, the truth, but show and prove the error in any counter argument (which some people wrongly call knocking when it's really informing and aiding).
Because certain beliefs that some people are holding to are unhealthy, or very destructive ISIS being one example. And such passing from generation to generation.
Because much that's been said and done in the name of God hasn't been of God at all.

When I can no longer challenge your beliefs, and you can no longer challenge mine,
Liberty has been assaulted, God offended, and those in power have crossed the line.
When we can no longer point out error, and a charlatan or tyrant expose,
Freedom has become a memory, man enslaved, and truth dismantled by its foes.

It's not challenging that's the problem, but how some go about it.


We can’t “tolerate” other people unless we disagree with them. Or to put it another way, we don’t “tolerate” those who share the same views as us. In other words, we don’t “tolerate” something that we accept or are plain indifferent towards, and the reason why is, because it requires nothing of us.
Tolerance is something that’s reserved for those whom we consider wrong. Tolerance (by definition), implies disagreement or dislike. Given that tolerance requires a disagreement and an initial objection, it surely follows that the least tolerant person is the one who accepts everything. Why? Because such people aren’t required to overcome any internal objections. Hence why much that masquerades as tolerance today is hardly genuine tolerance at all, but rather, cowardice — yes, such folk frightened of becoming unpopular in the eyes of our relativistic culture. In the context of church discipline, many so-called tolerant memberships that fail to discipline erring members, simply betray their impotence or lack of backbone.
Unsure of source

Note This Too.

How you think and what you think is critical, and has everything to do with your parents, family, friends and wider circle of influences.
The questions then being:
a) Is how you think balanced?
b) Is what you think correct?
c) Have those influences been for the better or worse?
And given all that, how important is truth to you? Would you accept it if it came your way,
even if it was different to what you had always been taught,
even if it was different to what you believed,
even if it meant going in the opposite direction to your family and friends,
even if it meant that major changes would be in order,
even if it was hard to swallow,
even if you would suffer as a result?

"Truth and discovery are always better served by open forums and unshackled voices."
The poet, author

But Please Mind

34.  When Things Go Too Far

Though anti-racism, I believe that such concern is getting out of hand,
People jumping on the slightest thing, seemingly not wanting to understand.
Thus racism found behind every lamppost and under every bed,
Many being condemned and roasted because of something innocent they’ve said.

And so it seems to be with the case of Prince William’s godmother, sacked, sadly,
Who inquired as to the roots of a black woman, born in England, actually.
She simply showing an interest in that woman’s background, no ill intent,
But then came that knee-jerk cancel culture backlash, as if some ill she had meant.

It’s only natural to ask where someone’s roots are, and if they don’t catch on,
To repeat that question, minds sometimes not clicking, but oh, she soon set upon.
Fancy asking her that! It’s racist! But no, such not necessarily so,
Many of us having asked the same question, friendliness curious to know.

Sometimes we may not word things that well, falling back on a common phrase, and here,
“Where do you come from?” — which to be honest, is a question that’s not all that clear.
But hardly cause for some inquisition, just a warning, not sacking, called for
(If one must), but given the ridiculous climate today, out comes that roar.

I sense some frustration in Lady Susan Hussey’s repeated question here,
Ngozi Fulani perhaps too defensive given same climate, I fear.
Thus, “What part of Africa are you from?” coming next, even naturally,
Given one could assume such, but no, it was racist, said cancel culture’s jury.

The truth is, some people are a little too frank, a cultural trait, maybe,
Thus Lady Susan Hussey seized upon; resigned, they say, sacked, more truthfully.
Yes, things getting out of hand, dangerously so, thus mountains out of molehills,
And how it all works so nicely for the tabloids, 'cause perceived injury sells.

Taking things too far can result in a backlash, an increase in racial ill,
People feeling jumped on for the smallest thing, and soon that frustrated groundswell.
All why some things are best ignored, and more so where intent isn’t all that clear,
And where it’s more to do with perception, thus acting on the side of being fair.

Sometimes we should give people the benefit of the doubt, despite how it seems,
Thus not rushing to judgment, nor adding to such unfortunate public scenes.
There’s just too much letting the world know, as if Harry and Meagan aren’t enough,
Without more such revealers of other people’s sins, that grotty tabloid stuff.

Aristocracy can be a little rude in delivery, rather blunt
(Or a bit condescending, some might say),
And there the matter should rest, rather than dressing things up as some racist stunt.
Everything in context, I say, and even if there had been ill intent,
Why blab to all? Why milk it for all it’s worth? ’Cause tales are hardly Heaven sent.

And speaking of Heaven, wasn’t it Christ who said to love your enemies, and
To do good to those who mistreat you? So where do these revealers of ill stand?
It’s better to win people over, and kindly help them see, rather than to
Just leave them where they’re at, and
publicly bag them, 'cause little good that will do,

And how more ill might brew

“Where are your people from?” Another innocent attempt, that question meaning:
Her parent’s and their parent’s country of origin — yes, natural gleaning.
In other words, that way didn’t seem to work, so I’ll try this way, and she did,
Ah! Success, But someone, for some reason, resistant to opening that lid.

What a shame that over something so trite, someone’s lost their honorary role,
Someone whose life had otherwise not been blighted — and just an answer, her goal.
But no, too much read into it, her dismissal immediate, sad to say,
It senseless, unfair and dangerous, but that’s where it is all heading today.

I’m not suggesting that Lady Susan Hussey was rude, blunt or otherwise,
But just making the point that things aren’t always like they seem, so why brutalize?
If this woman is innocent, a moral crime has been committed, or more,
And thus she possibly within her rights to pursue damages via the law.

And while I’m on the subject, and regarding mixed marriages, and come baby,
It’s hardly racist to wonder how dark or light baby will turn out to be,
But simply a natural curiosity in the non-prejudiced mind,
Yes, plain interest, there no unconscious bias, and thinking so but unkind.

By Lance Landall

This poem was penned on 2 December 2022, and was added to on the 9 January 2023.

Personal note:
I have it on very good authority that Lady Susan Hussey is a member of a church with a 90-per-cent black congregation, one of whom stated that she is not a racist person in any way. She is also rather deaf and can’t
hear well in a crowded room where there is a hubbub. The truth is, that If a person errs ignorantly or innocently,
they shouldn't be publicly flogged. Such only fuels racism. So why the unfair rush to tell the world? As for moving
the woman's hair to see her name badge, isn't such but a woman's way? Oh, the modern nonsense.

"Private attacks are sad, public attacks are cruel."
The poet, author

"There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things He detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
  hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness
who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family" (Proverbs 6:16-19, NLT).

Regarding Harry and Meagan, you may also wish to read my two poems Family Is Still Family and Spare,
Special Poem Cluster, sigment One, garden One.

35.  Accusations

The world is full of accusations, many unnecessary and unfair,
They but adding to the ill and sadness — thus like chimneys, polluting the air.
And they paling into insignificance given some real concerns out there,
But nevertheless stealing precious time and effort much better spent elsewhere.

Yes, petty squabbles, perceived injuries, things best shrugged off, taken on the chin,
Or simply called out and no more, because hollow indeed is many a win.
Life too short and precious to waste on such, and thus rewarding the bigger man,
Who walks away from taunts and injury, when pursue such via the courts he can.

And some who're upset about their damaged reputation, have damaged it too
Due to their firing back in some less than worthy manner, as smallness tends to.
Court wins, law changes, gaining little, the heart of the accused oft still the same,
And oft too the heart of the one who’s feeling aggrieved, given their caustic shame.

Racism dwells in the small-minded, and thus needs a big-minded response, so
One responding with dignity, which a better mindset and reaction will show.
Example, it’s called, and that example relating to all things in our life,
And thus we not just another chimney, and also reducing ill and strife.

By Lance Landall

36.  Creative Love

Sadly, too many come to the table with a left or right mentality,
A bias of some kind, or are driven by something that has made them angry.
And as a consequence, a new law or law change is sought; such almost standard fare,
Instead of creative love, which isn’t driven by bias, anger or fear.

And creative love knowing that laws simply punish and not change, and therefore,
Hate still in the hearts of those who’re into hate speech, and who recognise no law.
And hence why that hate just continues, but in a more inventive form, which means
The problem isn’t solved, but pushed underground, where even greater hatred steams.

Yes, the safety valve having been removed, their platform gone, and where are they now,
Unable to be watched the same, countered in some way, and then suddenly, “Pow!”
Such being the reality, laws not changing hearts, which creative love knows,
Seeking better and lasting answers, which those gaping doors of hatred will close.

All why creative love fosters better relationships, educates wisely,
Starting in the home, continuing in the school — but by example, mainly.
Force nothing but force, and oft just anger’s demand, which can trample on rights too,
Simply because of a few, and thus free speech encroached upon, though foolish to.

If it’s in the heart to say and do, it’s most likely it’ll be said or done,
All why rapes and murders continue, and thus laws not how the battle is won.
Such merely patching things, appeasing certain voices, and all when laws there are
That cover those who incite, threaten or injure; so why on earth go too far.

Don’t we realise how precious free speech is, how hard it’s been fought for? All why here,
Creative love should rule, lest further down the track, we have greater things to fear.
Thus some things kept beyond the reach of governments — and one, our autonomy,
That individual right to self expression, that we may be truly free.

Seems everyone’s looking to laws when they’re not the answer, but oft failure, and
In this case, treading on ground that should be sacrosanct, built on rocks and not sand.
Such a law pleasing some whilst angering others, and running a risk as well,
Given free speech is the first thing evil seeks to limit; but push, people will.

To gain something at the expense of what we can’t afford to lose, even partly,
Is folly, and usually the path of those who do not understand fully.
Creative love knowing this too, and that there are those who wait in the shadows,
Who shouldn’t be given half a chance, ’cause any door ajar, simply temps toes.

Those who demand, often scorn those who don’t feel the same way, thus posing a threat
(’Cause all are entitled to their opinion), and how a worrying scene’s set.
Thus where to come the future? Cancel culture taking no prisoners, and so,
It accept or else, democracy their way — and down the tubes, here we all go.

But creative love working in the interests of all, bridging the divide,
Generating both tolerance and understanding whilst favouring no side.
Laws the last thing on its mind, and especially where there’s greater loss than gain,
And why the following quote should be kept in mind midst that “Ban hate speech!” campaign:

"Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of freedom."
Benjamin Cardozo (1870-1938)
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Creative love also seeks to find exactly what’s causing that hate, that ill,
Thus working on the root cause, surgery and not punishment serving us well.
In other words, it’s the heart and mind that needs attention — and hey, who knows why,
The lives of many complicated, but we won’t get anywhere ’till we try.

Punishment counter productive here, another law just adding to the list,
And here, courting danger pointlessly, laws not stopping hateful words, some gun or fist.
Laws purely directive and punitive, and thus hardly extinguishing hate,
And so unworthy of any rush that will hardly change that sad inner state,

That only creative love can change.

By Lance Landall

This poem (penned June 2021) appears elsewhere (and was added
to later in June 2021. It can also be seen on Youtube:


Also see my article that's titled Creative Love, which is accessed via a purple box
in same
poetry garden, and that's also titled Creative Love.

Lets remember that hate speech is about some of us while free speech is about all of us.