The right of judging rightly, and the wrong of judging wrongly. However, when it comes to people, don't go looking for trouble, faults, innocent mistakes, and things that simplyaren't there, or that really don't matter that much.
A chart of sorts showing the difference between appropriate judging and inappropriate judging can be found under the title General Material. See linked page menu to the right.
Please bear in mind that this page is NOT endorsing the likes of cancel culture. It's one thing to make a judgment
call (after having prudently weighed up the situation), quite another thing to vilify and persecute someone.
For more on this very subject, see my page Further To, which is accessed via another page of mine titled This World And Us, Home page.

"If it's not from the horse's mouth, it could well be someone else's teeth marks."
"Life mocks the careless observer; those who fail to weigh"
The poet, author
There’s so much vilifying of those who hold an opposite view, as if all
Should think the same, and accept the same things too; such dangerous, blind and a gall.
All free to approve or disapprove, but some vocal groups hardly acting so,
And all how liberty and free speech are endangered, and even seen to go.
condemn irrational. I find the level of hatred that people express about views that differ from
theirs, and the violence of language towards others, disturbing."
Ralph Fiennes
Just hire anyone as a babysitter;
too bad if they’re irresponsible, unreliable or a paedophile.
Just marry whoever you fancy;
too bad it they have roving eyes, serious hang ups or violent tendencies.
Just go by what anyone says;
too bad it they’re deluded, misinformed or a charlatan.
Just do as anyone does;
too bad it what they’re doing is wrong, foolish, thoughtless or harmful.
Just put your trust in anyone too;
too bad if they’re a cowboy builder, bogus doctor or false prophet.
And hey,
as far as an employee goes, don’t worry who you hire;
too bad if they’re never on time, are inept or lazy.
Yes, if we shouldn't judge, why have we drawn a distinction between
Mother Theresa and Hitler?
The following poem of mine is a very old one that was upgraded
on the 6 March 2021.
To Judge Or Not To Judge?
So many are too quick to say that
judging others isn't right,
Given that such a statement needs the balance of some further
Because it’s only wrongful
judging that's in need of condemnation,
Not rightful
judging that prudently weighs up the situation.
You see,
Judging is simply assessing any given situation,
Which thereby enables us to make a sound evaluation,
Because it’s only by this method that appraisals can be made,
Thus determining our actions according to how something's weighed.
And the same applies to people too, and whatever they might do,
'Cause we need to determine whether we should do that same thing too.
After all, is what they are doing harmful, is it wrong or right,
Could others
be affected, and thus will it good or bad invite?
It may also be that what they’re saying
needs scrutinizing too,
And so, does it contain some error, is it right or quite untrue,
Could their words lead us astray, or have us put other people
And could it be that they're deceiving us, just stringing us along?
Yes, good judgment is needed daily as we make our way through life,
Because wrongly-made assessments can bring about much grief and strife.
And it’s not just we
who may suffer, others
being affected
By our errors of judgment, or when judgment we have neglected.
Hence why we often hear people say that there is a time and a place,
And why sometimes when we’re judging, confronting others we must face,
Because not confronting offenders just condones and aids their wrong,
Depriving them of growth and learning, which wrong-doing can prolong.
And therefore, when we don’t
deal with such wrong, love's not something we show,
Because genuine love knows everyone needs discipline to grow.
However, if you’re told when judging that it’s none of your concern,
And there's nothing that you can do, the hard way they’ll just have to
But it’s always how it’s done, of course, and it's also how it’s said,
Because wrong approaches oft simply put things back and not ahead.
And just love
should motivate you, both for them and those affected,
Yes, love’s sense of right and wrong, which it knows shouldn't be
But sadly, some are judging blindly, or in a self-righteous way,
Or because of some prejudice they’ve let their judgment go astray.
And some are simply judgmental, or are spitefully fault-finding,
While others judge selectively, and their own business aren't minding.
Thus, because of such wrongful judging, some don’t want judging at all,
Which effectively would mean that wrongdoing would have a
And that’s precisely why it is that wrong things should be arrested,
And why it is today, that this world with more wrong is infested.
So then, when you need to judge, please see that it is done correctly,
And to anyone who has wronged you, it's better to go directly.
But first, make sure you’ve judged yourself — yes, well before
you head
their way,
Lest your very own sad condition some hypocrisy display.
And when and where such judgment takes place, humbleness should rule
our heart,
We aware of our own
failings and letting mercy play its part,
'Cause by the way we judge others, we could end up being
judged too,
Hence why love in its wisdom always chooses the right thing to do.
By Lance Landall
Alternative poem
2. Don't Stop Judging Rightly
“You shouldn’t judge,” they say indignantly, which is clearly an absurdity, 'cause anyone who ceases to, soon sees things going askew, and is it any surprise, for the cost of one’s demise, is often failure to weigh — in other words, not commonsense display, or lest you think I’m fudging, I'm actually talking about JUDGING!
Yes, we assessing, weighing and deciding — okay? — judgments thus springing from what we weigh.
In other words, judgments are decisions made, calls that often shouldn't be delayed.
Don't like the word judging? Well, I'm not budging, semantics never having been my thing, and pedantic having its own nit-picking ring.
Oh yes, how we need to weigh what people are doing or saying, 'cause when we don’t, that’s how we can end up straying, and ignorance can’t claim, nor on others place some blame, 'cause if such we haven’t weighed, what a huge blunder we’ve made, 'cause we’ve been given a brain, one designed to spare us pain, but only when we actually use it, and where needed, in judgment sit, rather than choosing to abstain.
Yes, whatever you do (and this includes me too), don’t stop judging rightly, weighing things correctly — and that is, without bias, nor self-righteously, but impartially, objectively, and thus with an inner sense of your own fallibility (our flawed humanity), thus acting thoughtfully, fairly and compassionately, and minding any hypocrisy, though such still shouldn’t stop you, given that commonsense never goes askew, when weighing what others say and do.
To put it another way, it’s our duty, and more so if we've a spouse and family, 'cause such demands responsibility and accountability, weighing what might affect them injuriously, which means observing and pondering, checking and researching, lest via not doing so, trouble duly spring.
And where others are acting wrongly, we may even need to approach them — that is, in order to warn and spare (never to simply condemn), 'cause love cares enough to do so, and clearly knows that here also, duty one must never forgo, lest those we cease to warn, even greater trouble spawn, which on to others, and not just them, may duly flow, and we thus somewhat guilty too, through our failure to say or do.
Yes, don’t stop judging rightly, or you’d be a fool, given that the ability to weigh is your most important tool.
Now why don’t they teach that in school?!
By Lance Landall
Title was tweaked and poem upgraded on 6 March 2021.
3. Oh, How We Give Ourselves Away
Sadly, very sadly, most of us don’t handle criticism well, and thus
We responding very badly to such, and even worse, some who know Jesus.
And all of which reveals pride and self, the truth of our condition, given we
Should humbly reflect on that criticism, lest elements of truth there be.
Sure where criticism’s due, people should mind the words they choose, and manner too,
But poor approaches are no excuse for firing back, and how one wrong becomes two.
Maturity’s measured by our response to criticism, but who are we
To think we’ve no flaws, and are never at fault, ’cause that’s hardly reality.
For our own sake we should value criticism, such helping us see and grow,
And thus we only brushing off the non-constructive, ignoring some low blow.
Yes, our response to criticism really matters, both for us and for them,
’Cause we grow together and not alone, and there are things that one should condemn.
Oh, how we give ourselves away, criticizing criticism just as badly,
We angry over what they said, or how it was said, so it’s “Take this!” sadly.
Yes, even when what’s said is right and due, we far too caught up in ourselves, and
Doing our own share of criticising others, and thereby, more guilty stand.
By Lance Landall
4. That Defence Mode
Can’t take criticism? Well, you’ve got a problem, a big one,
'Cause how can there be any growth where criticism we shun?
The truth is, all need to be challenged, 'cause that’s the only way
We can learn of our faults and errors, at the end of the day.
When we can’t take such, it’s due to one of two things, quite clearly,
We’ve either got issues, or we simply aren’t humble, sadly.
Yes, either we’re reacting to something that’s in our past, or,
We’ve an ego problem — in other words, pride is at the core.
Perhaps when we were young, we were often criticized, sadly,
And now, find such hard to accept, even when it’s done rightly.
You see, criticism isn’t bad if it’s constructive, and
Where spoken in love, 'cause such is needed, we must understand.
Yes, we need others who can provide some objectivity,
Which, friend, is something that most of us lack, unfortunately.
We too caught up in ourselves, too close to the scene, usually,
Unable or unwilling to see those things it’s best we see.
All why we should embrace criticism if it’s fair,
And by that I mean, where warranted, where worthy of the ear.
Yes, we should welcome another’s assessment, appraisal, and
Not see it as a brick-bat, but rather, as a helping hand.
We need to get past that silly, “Don’t judge me,” mentality,
And to stop excusing our faults and errors so childishly.
Sometimes we need a rebuke, a flea in our ear, a wake up,
Or a good wrench from our “poor ole me” self-pity drinking cup.
Criticism that comes from a critical spirit isn’t good,
And as for self-righteous judging — well, tell me, friend, what fool would?
But rightful assessing, alias critiquing, has its place,
So let’s not get things twisted, but rather, reality face.
By Lance Landall
This poem was tweaked throughout on 20 November 2022.
More Than Half Awake
It’s funny how people will say that we shouldn’t judge anyone, and yet do
Come strangers asking for money, their eyes searching those strangers for any clue.
Yes, something that says they’re genuine or not, and thus judge that person they do,
And not without good reason, but there shouts hypocrisy, ’cause oft we have to.
Yes, there are beggars and there are beggars, if you get what I mean, some con men,
Thus where we don’t exercise due prudence, we can get fleeced again and again.
And thereby aiding the rise of such rascals, and why sound choices we must make,
Carefully weighing things up, making that judgment call, we more than half awake.
By Lance Landall
6. There're Beggers And There're Beggers
It’s one thing to help people out who are in need, and so we all should, but hey,
Compassion should be tied to sense, ’cause users and abusers can come our way.
They not so much in need but feeding an addiction, or simply on the make,
And hence why it doesn’t always pay to give what some people are quick to take.
Yes, there are genuine beggars, those who are in fact in need, but still take care,
Because addicts, bludgers and those with fanciful stories are everywhere.
“But addicts do need help,” you say, and true that is, but specialized help, and so,
We pointing them to, or guiding them to, that person or place they need to go.
Otherwise, we’re only aiding their addiction, paying for their booze, and so,
We compassionate but prudent, helping but not aiding, minding how we go.
Because some who’re given money just keep coming back for more, expecting like,
And why to some we say, “Sure,” and to others, a firm or subtle, “On yer Bike.”
By Lance Landall
7. Pawns Of Hearsay And Faulty Assumptions
Tell me, why do you have that very negative opinion of someone, who
As a result, you’re having little to do with, and which might say much of you?
Is it because of what others have told you? Such a sure way to err, of course,
Many not attempting to rightly find out from the mouth of the condemned horse.
Too many responses are based on hearsay, or how something appears to be,
And thus so much not taken into account, very hypocritically,
Because who of us would like to stand before a judge who’s without all the facts,
And who’s clutching evidence that’s been played with, and which just the accuser backs.
Accusers are many, some with an agenda, some lacking maturity,
Nursing petty grievances, perhaps, then there’s bias, not wanting to see.
So many too quick to down someone, pass on gossip, put their own spin on things,
Which somewhere in life (’cause what goes ’round comes ’round) a curse on themselves simply brings.
Too many listening to teary-eyed talebearers who’re oft not seeing straight,
The condemned one having done the right thing under the circumstances, but wait!
Yes, there’s always more, but they the victim, seemingly, the one they speak of doomed,
And unable to present their side given how they’re effectively marooned.
Oh, how I hate that dirty laundry which never gets washed, but certainly aired,
Family members bagging family members, say — yes, everything bared.
Much explained away, but no, out on the airwaves it goes, many tuning in
(Instead of switching off), acting like judge and jury, and adding to the sin.
There’re reasons why folk do or don’t do something, and they need to be understood,
Not rushed to judgment over; many only too happy to hang if they could.
Some folk have issues, and help’s needed, but help’s oft not there, just condemnation,
All because others don’t have a full understanding of the situation.
Folk commonly operate on different levels (religious beliefs in mind),
And thus what one condemns another praises (though many on error have dined).
But understanding only coming when folk bother, reach out, and check to see,
The horses mouth oft left waiting, truth lost to hearsay, and what folk fail to see.
By Lance Landall
8. Runaway Tongues
Did you hear about Maud? You didn’t? Well, let me fill you in,
She was caught-out shoplifting with that low-down girl called Lynn.
I really wasn’t surprised, I’ve always wondered about her,
And this I’ve often mentioned, not that I’m the type to stir.
Hey, did you hear about Bob — you know, Bob as in bobby,
The one who joined the police, the one we all thought snobby?
You didn’t? It’s quite a story, not that I like telling tales,
But they say that he prefers just the company of males.
Did you hear about Keith? No? Well, just between you and I,
I heard that he assaulted an innocent passer-by.
Not that I would have thought it, for I like to think the best,
But from what I understand, it appears that he confessed.
Did you hear about Tony? No? Wow! Seems you don’t hear much,
They say he was faking it, hobbling around on a crutch.
Just ripping off the system, pretending his leg was crook,
Until someone caught him out, when surveillance they undertook.
Oh, did you hear about Joan? You didn’t? Well, I’m not surprised,
They tried to keep it quite, hoped she wasn’t recognized.
But someone saw the photo, and placed it where some could see;
Very few know about it, and nor would you, if it weren’t for me.
Did you hear about Stella? No? I thought everyone knew,
It was most unexpected, not something folk thought she’d do.
She eloped with her boyfriend in the middle of the night,
But there you go, you never know, ’though I guessed that she might.
And did you hear about Martha? You didn’t? Well, it’s like this,
She just loves to wag her tongue — and her ears, nothing will miss.
She’s one to keep away from, someone that you just can’t trust,
And before I forget — remember, don’t pass on what we’ve discussed.
By Lance Landall
9. Destructive Tongues
Okay, so you’ve heard this about me, or you’ve heard that about me,
Well, isn’t that interesting, though incorrect, predictably.
Now, if you had sought me out — yes, if you had sought to check with me,
You would have very soon discovered that what you heard was faulty.
Although I shouldn’t worry about what any may say of me,
It’s sad if they say wrong things, and you become an accessory,
'Cause you are aiding and abetting what you just assume is true
Which is foolish to say the least, and something that you could well rue.
It could be that it is partly true, half true, even almost true,
But it’s that part that isn’t true that a great deal of harm could do.
Hence why it’s always better to check with the one who it’s about,
Or to simply just not repeat such, and err on the side of doubt.
Yes, so many good reputations are ruined because of such talk,
Talk that is pure and simple gossip, which away from, all should walk,
'Cause often someone’s turn-around is torpedoed right in its tracks,
Simply because of a false rumour or distorting of the facts.
“I heard it on the grapevine,” are some words from a song I have heard,
And oh, how true it proves to be, along with, what is overheard.
Yes, it’s time that this old grapevine was taken to with secateurs,
Or even better still, uprooted, ’midst loud claps and hearty cheers.
“Don’t speak ill of the dead,” you hear folk say, yet, the living attack,
Via their poisonous gossiping behind somebody else’s back.
While we all should respect the dead, let us respect the living too,
And stop this dreadful gossiping, lest we slander or good undo.
It’s high time that the old rumour-mill was stopped from grinding away,
Besides, it’s better that we approach those of whom such things they say.
Yes, best we ignore or check it out, get it from the horse’s mouth,
'Cause then we'll undoubtedly stop the truth from disappearing south.
By Lance Landall
10. Careful, Please
We need to evaluate many things in life, and hence those judgment calls that we make each day;
However, when it comes to others, we need to be very careful lest from fairness we stray.
And hence why judging by appearances, scant or limited information, is fraught with ill,
For things aren’t always as they seem, and missing facts oft lead to wrong assessments, some upset yell.
And don’t forget that not all we’re told is correct, gossip a known distorter-cum-saboteur,
Hence how the likes of wrongly informed or mistaken acquaintances, friends or neighbours can err.
And why we all should be dealing in facts-cum-what we know is so, and not just assuming so,
For where is the fairness in the latter? All why relationships oft shatter-cum-west soon go.
Yes, best we get to know folk better, inquire from the horse’s mouth, and mind what other folk say,
And also what we think, lest our thoughts turn to evil surmisings, and we, something badly weigh.
For so many are thought of in ways that are neither fair nor nice, a burden they have to bear,
Though sometimes they not knowing, and thus unable to defend themselves-cum-their tainted name clear.
Too may people are misunderstood, other folk giving the low-down according to them,
Their coloured picture acting like an ink stain, and some seemingly relishing who they condemn.
Hence why others miss out on things, are excluded from some circle, treated indifferently,
All of which says more about those who’re judging wrongly, or just going by gossip, foolishly.
By Lance Landall
Something worth thinking about all the same:
11. A Sneaky Little Truth
It’s really none of our business what people think of us, or even say behind our back to their own friends —
Well, in general, that is — something most of us are guilty of, and who of us serious harm intends?
After all, someone may ask us what we think of so and so, and with very good reason, I have to say,
And why when it comes to what folk think of us, or say about us, we should allow them a little leeway,
As we would desire for ourselves — but yes, we should be careful and fair when it comes to anything we say,
'Cause how would we feel should somebody say things about us that would see truth packing its bags for faraway.
But as I said, what they say or we say is nobody's business but our own, unless such is libellous;
In other words, something terribly serious as opposed to general gossip-cum-busybodyness.
At the end of the day, people will think what they will of us, regardless of whether it be wrong or right,
And why it’s our character that’s important, not our reputation, 'cause oft the latter is kissed goodnight.
There’s little we can do about it, and it’s not worth losing sleep over, 'cause there will always be someone
Who, bless their little cotton socks (I don’t think), will say something that’s unfair or untrue, kind of hit-and-run.
Nobody likes bad press, but unless we leave this planet for another, such will always surface somewhere,
'Cause no matter how squeaky-clean we are (like who, for instance?), somebody will find something juicy to share.
Hence why it’s best to just accept this sneaky little truth that it’s really none of our business what folk say,
Nor their business regarding what we say, and who would have it any other way, at the end of the day?
By Lance Landall
12. Grace And Maturity Should Be Wed
“You said we shouldn’t hurt anyone, and yet you hurt me,” someone says to you,
As if your statement no longer stands, and as if expecting perfection, too.
The truth is, that despite saying something that’s right, we might still act contrary,
Thus letting ourselves down, but not that it was ever meant intentionally.
In other words, it not how you’d normally act, but you struggled with this one,
A situation with conflicting issues, and sadly, some damage was done.
And now you’re seen as a hypocrite, they mocking your words, shaking their head,
Though those words being true, sound and meant, all why grace and maturity should be wed.
By Lance Landall
13. Such Isn't Always Gossip
There are those who accuse you of gossip the moment you talk about someone behind their back,
But is such always gossip (or as some say, an underhand or malicious verbal attack)?
Well, here I’d like to argue that such isn’t always gossip (though spoken behind someone’s back),
But rather, an unpleasant necessity, and thus not thoughtless idle words, nor some cruel attack.
You see, the truth is, that there’re times when it’s prudent and needful to ask questions about someone,
And given that the horse’s mouth doesn’t always tell the truth, and why to others, folk oft run,
Particularly where important matters are concerned, or where one suspects skulduggery,
And surely we’ve all heard about discretion, things it’s better folk don’t know, we shielding thoughtfully.
So what’s actually gossip then? Well, such is when people simply enjoy blabbing idly,
They thus sharing what they don’t need to, but want to, or they asking questions that are plain nosy.
Or they tuning into what others shouldn’t convey about someone, their ears all too ready,
And they then passing that unnecessary information along — such rumours, frequently.
Yes, something that’s oft not true, or that’s only half so, certain facts missing, added or altered;
In other words, pointless, thoughtless, unkind, harmful-cum-evil comments that should’ve been halted.
Not something said or asked that had validity, a sound reason behind it, and hence okay,
For there’s certainly a time and place, and such not gossip, but oft the avoidance of foul play.
Therefore, when we talk about someone behind their back, such isn’t always gossip, and nor wrong,
Despite us quickly shelving some discreet conversation when that very person comes along.
And such sometimes even displaying a tender regard, or common sense where there’s real concern;
Such chats oft being the only way that necessary things we learn; though what we don’t know can burn.
Yes, our talking behind someone’s back oft being for their benefit, not just our own benefit,
The latter made more necessary when certain things someone says don’t gel, and uneasy sit.
And why people need to be careful what they label gossip, lest they accuse someone falsely
Whose intentions are worthy, and they weighing wisely what they sought out of some necessity.
By Lance Landall
Let's not forget that when folk gossip, they may well be speaking good of us, not bad,
over which I'm sure we wouldn't complain.
14. When Will The Silliness Stop?
Come that Harry and Meghan tell-all on Oprah's show, and immediately
Many took their side of the story when the other side they didn’t know, dear me.
Now how’s that for intelligence? Such side taking but the bane of humanity,
And so often the one side heard being incorrect or self-servingly faulty.
And all why it wasn’t long before holes in their story were being reported,
But not before that very damaging tell-all interview being exported.
Thus first in, gaining the ground, gathering widespread support, unfairly,
No head to head, nor accusations being checked out first, and hence the travesty.
Oh, what a silly world that we live in, sense belonging to the past, seemingly,
Many saying, “Don’t judge me,” and yet, when it comes to others, they judging wildly,
And taking the only side that they hear as gospel, and even crying foul too,
Which is how people end up with egg all over their face, and more damage do.
By Lance Landall
This poem was penned on 15 March 2021.
See the poem below this one, and my other poem titled Hi Harry which can be seen on
my page Love Thought And Care, Home page, purple box.
15. Where Ignorance Is Guilt
In my life I’ve been condemned for things that others didn’t know the reasons why,
Such looking wrong from their position of ignorance, and ask, they didn’t try.
Perhaps went by what others thought, or had wrongly been told, leaving me accused,
All how many in this world are stigmatised, wrongly mistreated and abused.
And should they ask why, is it their business anyway, but why should they think ill?
Thus condemning before knowing, or truly knowing, and why things don’t go well.
Someone’s spouse in someone else’s public embrace, an “Oh dear!” scenario,
When they’d just been informed of a bereavement, but you know how it’s seen to go.
Yes, there’s many variations on a theme, but ignorance having its say,
And wrongly so, or unfairly so, but where there’s a twisted will, there’s a way.
And thus many wrongly convicted, though faced with a conundrum, possibly,
Dammed if they do, dammed it they don’t, and why certain people have thought ill of me.
By Lance Landall
16. Too Thin-skinned Or Petty
I don’t mean to sound insensitive, ’cause more mindful of others we should be,
Thus displaying thought and care, and given the woes afflicting society.
But the problem is, too many can’t seem to handle anything — a common theme —
Or can’t be told this or that, don’t want to know, and thus terribly childish seem.
They’re either too thin-skinned or petty, are upset or offended easily,
Rounding on those who can oft tell them a thing or two, spare them some misery.
They thus feeling aggrieved over the tiniest things, responding angrily,
Far too small to handle criticism, or simply can’t face reality.
And causing a fuss, wanting things done about something or someone, absurdly,
Even seeking revenge in one form or another, thus gone maturity.
They wanting the world their way, things on their terms, and by hook or crook, and how we
End up with an intimidated, dysfunctional and weak society.
In their eyes, one shouldn’t have said this or that, written or verbal, maybe,
Thus one accused of racism, sexism, or whatever else ism, sadly.
Perhaps you wrote about a hero, not a heroine — oh dear, it never ends,
It all just another one of those silly, destructive, errant modern trends.
You wrote a book for kids, say, all the dogs in it being males, naughty you,
And why some won’t buy it, they majoring on minors, yet the dying in view.
Yes, that war in Ukraine, or those starving in Africa, and here people are,
Caught up on trivials, can’t take criticism, smaller things on their radar.
The truth is, if it’s your book, you get to choose, and here there’s no crime, none at all,
And nor in speaking your mind, saying what should be said, where there's the need or call.
But just mind how it’s said and done though, 'cause truth’s seldom welcomed whispered or roared,
And why more need to stand up to that harmful, boycotting cancel culture horde.
They don’t like being judged, yet are found judging others via their kangaroo court,
Which hands down a sentence that is hardly justified, but ferociously sought.
Too many using scales of their own making, only seeing through their eyes,
And how justice gets lost, and how freedom of expression inevitably dies.
By Lance Landall
For more on this subject, see my page Further To which is accessed via my page This World And Us.
Christian content or degree.
This poem was penned on 6 March 2021.
17. As We Judge, So We'll Be Judged
Come some marital break-up, or something like the Harry and Meghan affair,
People are soon seen taking sides, not judging by what they know but what they hear.
And thus they getting things right or wrong, but not having been involved in the scene,
Thus not knowing for sure, unlike God, who from Earth’s birth, everything has seen.
All why I’m glad that He’s been appointed to judge us, ’cause the whole truth He knows,
Unlike us who often don’t, and via our wrong judgment, adding to someone’s woes.
And it often none of our business, and best left to simply play out, but no,
We condemning or excusing, and thus how we too, destructive seeds can sow.
Oh, how loudly many protest their innocence when actually guilty,
Or somewhat complicit, yet playing the victim like it comes naturally.
And oh, how that kiss and tell has become so obscenely prevalent today,
Rather than moving on with dignity, maturity choosing not to say.
Even when we have been mistreated, it’s oft better to leave it all behind,
’Cause that desire to blab it all oft leads to more trouble, and fouls one’s mind.
Harboured and public grievances dogging our moving on, thus keeping us there,
Where little good comes from such — and where we’re guilty, giving good reason for fear.
Yes, Christ (our judge) knowing every secret thing, and I’m glad that it’s that way,
Many having been wrongly maligned, imprisoned, those guilty having got away.
God well aware of that Harry and Meghan affair, just who’s right and who’s wrong,
Or whether there’s ill on both sides, and whether we’ve kept our thoughts where they belong.
Yes, armchair judges under God’s scrutiny too, having taken on His role,
Rather than just observing, that growing fire not needing their lump of coal.
Yes, sometimes things can be weighed and sound conclusions rightly reached, but woe betide
If we’ve judged unfairly, ignorantly, or having listened to just one side,
Like what Harry and Meghan told Oprah Winfrey, and thus eyes opening wide.
Both judging wrongly and not weighing certain things like we should, can lead to ill,
Someone getting away with blue murder, or the innocent going through hell.
Yes, tabloids and those tell all shows oft fuelling those armchair judges, whose gavel
Often sets the guilty free, or picks up a handful of undeserved gravel.
By Lance Landall
A line was added to this poem on 15 March 2021.
You may also wish to read my Christian poem Of Course We Should Judge!
orange box, second poetry garden, Christian section.
Christian content or degree.
The Leopard And The Grapevine
Please mind those little whisperers that you find in congregations
Who are quick to whisper in your ear their spicy revelations,
'Cause so much that they choose to reveal, damages reputations,
And why God's most displeased by such character assassinations.
If you’ve been unfortunate and have clashed with one or two members,
A fire's soon and oft ignited via the whisperer’s embers.
And that sad incident's oft periodically repeated
By these same little whisperers who certain facts have deleted.
“Leopards cannot change their spots,” these whisperers also seem to say,
Which means that any desired turnaround, they may well delay.
And it seems that each church’s grapevine is seldom ever pruned,
Which gives those horrid little whispers much more time to grow and wound.
And so, could it be a whisperer is whispering in your ear,
And could it be that you’re sharing that very whisper that you hear?
And thereby, it clear that your pruning shears are rusting or unused,
Or could it be that they're brightly sharpened and ready to be used?
How sad it is that there are grapevines still continuing to grow,
Or new ones being nourished by the whispers that some people sow.
I’m very sure that these wild grapevines wouldn’t flourish as they do,
If they were pruned to death — or better still, uprooted as they grew.
So, could there be many leopards who're not allowed to change their spots,
'Cause little whisperers keep on firing off more cruel, unfair shots?
And therefore, such a leopard badly limping within your own church,
Due to a nourished grapevine, whereby, those mean whisperers besmirch?
So, will leopards remain leopards, and grapevines just keep on growing
Due to those little whispers that these whisperers keep on sowing?
Or will members of every congregation just close their ears
To those whispers that the whisperer, via the grapevine, wrongly shares?
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 19 November 2022.
Christian content or degree.
This poem was penned on 6 March 2021.
19. We Will Judge Angels?
Christians sometimes point to God’s Word and say, “It says that we’ll judge angels,” but no,
We won’t be judging anybody — well, certainly not as far as things go.
Why? Because Jesus is bringing His reward or penalty with Him, and thus
That judgment having taken place first, the Father having appointed His Son.
And He’s the only judge, we’re told, which means that we can’t be judges too, and so,
We simply reviewing Heaven’s books, so that the fairness of Christ we might know.
Yes, no one better able to judge, ’cause He knows the heart, and can read the mind,
All why after our perusing, and that Christ clearly got things right, we’ll find.
The truth is, that even with God’s Word, some things aren’t always as they might appear,
And thus we comparing Scripture with Scripture, judging hardly the right word here.
Hence why we shouldn’t take texts in isolation — and this, a classic case here,
Otherwise, how could He then separate the sheep and goats, enter joy or fear.
Some Christians getting a little ahead of themselves, even carried away,
But not by pride, I hope — such judging a solemn thing, at the end of the day.
All why only Christ has the right, we but a fallen race, and thus cannot crow,
Because we won’t be judging, but simply reviewing, and hence why tears will flow.
Yes, ’cause it won’t be nice reading, hardly something to look forward to, ’cause we
Will see the reasons why Christ said, “No,” perhaps to someone in our family.
Yes, sometimes we have our heads in the clouds, when reality we need to face,
And certainly here, ’cause after all of our sins, we’re hardly deserving of grace.
And so,
If any should judge (other than Christ) it should be the citizens of Heaven,
Or those from unfallen planets, and not the only-because-of-grace Christian.
Yes, our track record dismal, and who are we to pass judgment, enter Jesus,
Because worthy is the Lamb, and why it will be Him who judges, and not us.
All why we’re told that tears won’t be wiped away until the Earth made new, when we
Will have put that investigation behind us — Christ vindicated, you see.
And then the New Jerusalem descending, we’re told, Christ dwelling amongst us,
And oh, what joy and peace there’ll be, we getting to live forever with Jesus.
By Lance Landall
20. Why God's Day Of Judgment Shouts His Love
Well, to be honest, it’s not really a day, but a period of time, and,
According to Scripture, that time has begun, hence we looking at hourglass sand.
You see, we’re told that Christ will be bringing His reward with Him — yes, one day soon —
And one might say, He bursting sheriff-like through those drab doors of Satan’s saloon.
Yes, Christ must cast His eyes over the records of all, for justice must be done,
And there’s His love for a start, the Father having given this job to His Son.
You see, it was His Son who died on our behalf, spent those thirty odd years here,
And thus our well-being a very personal thing for Him, we precious and dear.
And you, my friend, possibly one of the many who has been treated badly,
Raped, tortured, wrongly imprisoned, and even harmed by other Christians, sadly.
And this why Christ must search every single heart, noticing every secret thing,
For love can’t let evil go unpunished, and why a sickle He’ll also bring.
But once again, that’s love, God’s justice thinking of you and I, other worlds too,
The universe not marred by same ill and evil again, this Earth made anew.
Hence that descending new Jerusalem (Revelation chapter twenty one),
And within it, not just the saved, but He who’ll dwell with us, Jesus Christ the Son.
Yes, it’s so easy to think of God’s judgment as a negative thing, but hey,
Who wants their joy and happiness spoilt again, and shouldn’t justice have its day?
O course it should! Folk crying out for such every day, and voices from the past,
Hence why the God of both love and justice won’t let suffering and evil last.
And this why Christians must come under scrutiny too, many hardly true blue,
But hypocrites and charlatans, Satan not just busy outside, but inside too.
All why Christ warned of wolves within, false teachers and even false messiahs, who,
Might even fool the watchmen on the walls, getting away with some kind of coup.
And this why Christ says He also chastises, lest folk suffer eternal ruin,
For when it comes to our demise, there’s always something that the devil’s brew’n.
And why even here we see God’s love, our best interests deep within His heart,
And why those who scoff at a day of judgment separate the horse from its cart.
Yes, I can’t state it enough: God’s day of judgment shouts His love, parental care,
And hence why He warns, shows us the way; the raging lion and lying serpent near.
But we only needing to take Christ’s hand, Satan no match for our Saviour, and,
We via repentance, faithfulness and God’s grace, soon entering the promised land.
You know,
This Earth was judged in Noah’s day where God could’ve simply destroyed everyone,
But such not being His way, so enter Calvary and the Father’s only Son.
And Christ having delayed His coming wanting more folk saved, and why once again,
We see a love that’s also patient, a love faintly captured by voice or pen.
Further on this subject can be seen on my page Where Love And Wrath Meet,
second poetry garden, Christian section.
When choosing people for some position.
For example: When appointing staff, choosing a babysitter, voting someone in as a member of parliament.
When seeking help or advice.
Are they trustworthy, reliable, is their thinking sound, mature, well balanced, unprejudiced, unbiased, correct?
When purchasing.
Is the seller telling the truth? Could the seller be mistaken, misinformed?
When choosing a marital partner, or close friends.
Would that person be a suitable partner or would their lacking, differences, or issues be destructive to the marital relationship and our personal well being? Would the close friendship of a particular person be to our detriment in any way?
When determining whether what someone is telling us, should be accepted, rejected, considered or perhaps even reported.
When determining whether someone’s action in general could be injurious to us, others, or even themselves.
When acting in the capacity of leader, or when in a position of authority.
Is our child, employee, member, advisor, complainant, telling the truth? Is some source correct? Could any fault lie with us? Is some action the right one?
When requested to advise a person on a suitable course of action, the suitability of another person, content, material or product.
9) When making choices on behalf of others.
See appropriate judging church wise, which is after the following.
Falsely accusing.
Spiteful fault finding.
Jealousy or guilt based, making yourself feel better by putting others down.
Unjust criticism.
Embellished, not altogether correct. Over harsh.
Prejudiced, biased, selective judging.
Choosing to ignore what suits, lacking impartiality, treating differently two people who have done the same wrong, operating with a mind already made up.
Acting from a judgmental spirit.
Not motivated by genuine concern or love, obsessed with others wrongs.
Careless, indifferent judging.
Not making an effort to find out all the facts you can, lack of thought/feeling for others.
Self righteous, hypocritical judging.
Accusing someone of adultery when you’re guilty of stealing, a holier than thou attitude.
When called upon to choose people for church office, or when voting on the choices made by others.
In such a case we have to consider whether the beliefs they hold, their behavior, ability, attitude, background, maturity, responsibility, etc, is satisfactory for such a position. And are those choices made by others in harmony with Scripture.
When considering the actions of another church member.
Does their action warrant biblical church discipline (see Matt 18:15-17). Should it be copied or avoided? Should their action be mentioned to someone who may be adversely affected by it? Should they be approached about it? Could it be harmful to the common good? Could it mislead, endanger?
When determining whether words spoken by someone regarding biblical matters, contain error or truth.
If error is being spoken, should they be approached, corrected? Should others be informed?
When determining whether an action occurring, where others are involved, is suitable for your involvement or presence. Does it violate your conscience, godly principles? Does it put man before God?
“ ‘If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother’ ” (Matt 18:15, NASB).
“ ‘Do not judge according to appearances, but judge with righteous judgment’ ” (John 7:24, NKJV).
“ ‘And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right?’ ” (Luke 12:57, NASB).
“ ‘You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye’ ” (Matt 7:5, ESV).
“...And I [Paul] have already passed judgment on the one who did this…” (1 Cor 5:3,4, NIV).
“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another...”
(Col 3:16, NASB).
“But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will come upon them” (Prov 24:25, NKJV).
“Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him [before rebuke comes judgment]” (Luke 17:3, NKJV).
“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching” (2 Tim 4:2, NKJV).
“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that every one who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16,17).
“Mortal, I have made you a sentinel for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, you shall give them warning from Me. If I say to the wicked, “You shall surely die,” and you give them no warning, or speak to warn the wicked from their wicked way, in order to save their life, those wicked persons shall die for their iniquity; but their blood I will require at your hand [failure to utter the warning may result in their rushing headlong to destruction, hence their blood will be required at the watchman’s hand. God depends upon the co-operation of human beings in His work of salvation]. But if you warn the wicked, and they do not turn from their wickedness, or from their wicked way, they shall die for their iniquity; but you will have saved your life” (Ezek 3:17-19).
"You will know them by their fruits..." (Matt 7:16, NKJV).
“Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thess 5:21, NKJV).
For us to know people by their fruits, means that we will obviously have to make an assessment, and draw a conclusion-cum-make a judgment call.
"Do not judge so that you will not be judged" isn't God calling a moratorium on examining the lives and teachings of others, but Him simply wanting us to do it the correct way. All why we're to first judge ourselves. When that's been done properly, we're in a right position to help others with their sins and false beliefs.
Christian Quotes:
“Nothing can be more cruel than the tenderness that consigns another to his sin. Nothing can be
more compassionate than the severe rebuke that calls a brother back from the path of sin.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The real problem isn’t that we judge, but that we do so blindly and arrogantly. By not confronting people [because we are afraid of upsetting them] we may deny them the opportunity needed to learn and grow, with the result that they may come unstuck further down the track. Compromise can always be identified by false sympathy for the sinner. In the name of acceptance and love, false sympathy fails to help a person recognize and address sin squarely and thus denies the person the very thing needed, the transforming grace of God.
Unsure of source.
"Many a tender-minded Christian fears to sin against love by daring to inquire into anything that comes wearing
the cloak of Christianity and breathing the name of Jesus. They dare not examine the credentials of the latest prophet to hit their town lest they be guilty of rejecting something which may be of God. They timidly remember how the Pharisees refused to accept Christ when He came, and they do not want to be caught in the same snare, so they either reserve judgment or shut their eyes and accept everything without question. This is supposed to indicate a high degree of spirituality. But in sober fact it indicates no such thing. It may indeed be evidence of the absence of the Holy Spirit. Gullibility is not synonymous with spirituality. Faith is not a mental habit leading its possessor to open his mouth and swallow everything that has about it the colour of the supernatural. Faith keeps its heart open to whatever is of God, and rejects everything that is not of God, however wonderful it may be. Try the spirits is a command of the Holy Spirit to the Church. We may sin as certainly by approving the spurious as by rejecting the genuine. And the current habit of refusing to take sides is not the way to avoid the question. To appraise things with a heart of love and then to act on the results is an obligation resting upon every Christian in the world. And the more as we see the day approaching."
A.W.Tozer (1897-1963)
Case one:
It was a costly mistake. The trusting parents went for a brief walk leaving their new baby in the care of their watchful pet dog. They returned to find the baby’s crib upside down and empty, its blanket in scattered bloody shreds. The family's pet—a previously tame and loyal pit-bull—innocently wagged its tail in welcome, unaware of the bloody evidence on its mouth and paws. Betrayed and outraged, the husband shot the dog dead. Soon after, in one dark corner of the room, he found their baby—alive, well and without a scratch. In another corner lay a dead wolf, face pointing to the shattered glass window. CAUTION: Never rush to judgment! Do not judge according to appearances!
Case two:
Jim (not his real name) was on a welfare benefit. He, his wife and children struggling to get by.
One weekend a lady from a certain organisation called on them with a much appreciated food parcel.
At the time she called, Jim was sitting on a borrowed and rather attractive modern motorbike with one of his children on the back, and about to drive off.
Jim felt very embarrassed because here he was sitting on that rather flash motorbike when supposedly struggling to make ends meet.
The lady got out of her car (in Jim’s drive) and passed by Jim on her way to the back door of Jim’s rented home.
Jim couldn’t get away fast enough, so he gingerly started making his way past the lady’s car with little room on either side of the bike, and wing mirrors not helping.
Just as he was doing so, the lady came back and wasn’t impressed and said rather crossly (and not very nicely), “You breaka my car and I breaka your face.”
Nervous Jim winced facially and said nothing given his even further embarrassment and inner struggle to express why he was acting so. Thus nothing got said. So off the lady drove with a sad impression of Jim not realising the truth of the matter, and she in too much of a disgusted state of mind to hang about for an explanation anyway.
Jim would’ve loved the opportunity to explain, but to a less aggressive and more receptive listener who would have made it easier for him to do so.
So there he is, still feeling badly about it, and another food parcel never came their way.
Case three:
A mother was sweeping while her five year old daughter was playing on the lawn which was open to public view.
Suddenly her daughter cried out due to a large insect landing on her arm near the top of her shoulder.
The mother reacted swiftly, rushing to her aid and quickly brushing the insect off with the end of her long-bristled broom.
At the same time, and in her panic over the insect, the child fell over on the grass.
Oh dear.
Yes, someone watching from a distance had captured it all on their cell phone.
Soon it was on their Facebook page which resulted in public outrage over such supposed abuse.
The mother unable to tell what really happened, but judged, convicted and suffering from the fall out.
And using borrowed thoughts here:
If moral values are relative, as post modernists believe, then no one has the right to judge the moral standards of someone's culture by their own culture's moral standards.
However, if one culture teaches its people to love and not hurt another soul, and another culture teaches its people that it’s okay to bash and even eat other people, which culture would you say has the best set of values?
Yes, I'm sure that you would laud the first and condemn the latter. And there goes relativity, one having shot themself in the foot.
Likewise, it's interesting how those "You don't have the right to judge anyone" post modernists can get so angry over some man who abducts a teenager, say, and keeps her as a sex slave, when such a person is clearly living by a different code altogether, which, should we condemn it, would see us judging him by our moral standards.
Therefore, to be consistant with the belief that moral values are relative (should we hold to such) we would surely have to refrain from judging and condemning him.
Hence why insisting that morals are purely subjective and personal is really a nonsense, and why absolutes like the Ten Commandments make a whole lot of sense.
And so:
Ask the child whose life has turned out a mess because they scoffed at their parent’s sound advice, if they think the commandment to honour their parents is a good one.
Ask the jailed woman, who in a jealous rage, badly beat the mother of the child competing against her daughter, if she thinks the commandment against coveting is a good one.
Ask any child whose life has been badly affected by his mum or dad having an adulterous affair that caused a divorce, if the commandment to not commit adultery is a good one.
Ask the person being sued for saying untruths about someone, if the commandment not to slander is a good one.
Ask the man who’s on death row for murdering someone, if the commandment not to murder is a good one.
Ask the family man who has been forced to work for weeks without a break, if the commandment to rest on the seventh day of each week (Saturday) is a good one.
Ask the person who’s gone down for three years for committing a robbery, if the commandment not to steal is a good one.
You see, if our moral values come from ourselves, and not from a higher power, then who gets to decide what is right and what is wrong? Who gets to decide what is good and what is evil? After all, what one person calls good, another person may well call evil; and thus each having a different concept of what is right and what is wrong. And going by that, should one condemn Hitler, or Saddam Hussein?
morality to savage morality, or Christian morality to Nazi morality.”
“To reject moral absolutes is in essence to affirm that there are no essential differences between
Mother Theresa and Hitler.”
From the book: Christianity For Skeptics.
"The essence of modernity is the death of the spiritual. A modernist is someone who is more concerned about air pollution than soul pollution. A modernist is someone who wants clean air so he can breathe dirty words. A modernist cares about big things, like whales, more than little things, like fetuses."
Peter Kreeft, Darkness At Noon.
"Under the rule of metaphyics, people were prisoners in a haunted house. Rationalism chased away the spooks, but naturalism tore down the house. It threw out faith and hope, and left us camping on a freezing bed of Precambrian granite."
Loren Wade
"If we don't have some kind of moral code written on our conscience and sown in our heart, we won't be concerned about breaking any law of the land, and this being why the former is far more important than the latter."
The poet, author
“If God does not exist, everything is permissible.”
Fyodor Dostoievski (1821-1881).
...and that meaning:
No day of reckoning for evil men;
No grounds for acting humanely;
No value attached to humanity;
No reason for accountability;
No hope beyond the grave;
No foundation;
No example;
No anchor;
No purpose;
No direction;
No blueprint;
No good or bad;
No truth or falsehood;
and pity help us!
Commandment One — no one believing in multiple and differing gods.
The upshot: Less religious confusion.
Two — no one foolishly bowing to wooden, metal or stone objects. Nor anyone idolizing or revering any man, woman or creature.
The upshot: Less monetary profiteering from the religious, unnecessary and pointless; less expense for poorer church members; less money and time being wasted on the shallowness of celebrities, stars and the likes; and less people being led astray by him or her.
Three — no hypocrites.
The upshot: Good and true role models.
Four — no one working seven days a week non-stop. Nor doubts about our origin.
The upshot: Less worn out people due to that once a week daily break from the tyranny of time. And no ridiculous monkey nonsense, nor that silly belief that something can come out of nothing.
Five — no children abusing or disrespecting their parents.
The upshot: no rebellious children and greater respect for authority figures in general.
Six — no murderers.
The upshot: No grieving relatives and less violence.
Seven — no adulterers.
The upshot: Less hurting spouses, less broken homes, less emotionally affected children, and no ones partner committing mental adultery via watching porn.
Eight — no theives.
The upshot: No one having to fear robberies and break ins, nor having to put up with people taking things without asking.
Nine — no false accusers.
The upshot: No one having to deal with slander and malicious gossip.
Ten — no green-eyed monsters coveting what others have.
The upshot: No one feeling threatened by those who'd like to get their hands on what isn't theirs.
Now what's wrong with a law like that?
Some opposite viewpoints worth seriously pondering on:
Love — Lust
Virginity — Try before you buy.
Courtship — Your place or mine? All's fair in love and war
Till death do us part — Till boredom or issues arise
Faithfulness — Me and Mrs Jones
Loyalty — Kiss and tell
Selflessness — Here, hold the ladder
Benevolence — The more the merrier
Restraint — Eat, drink and be merry
Humbleness — Who's the fairest in the land?
Truth — Whatever people choose to believe
Honesty — If it suits
Compassion — I’m not my brother’s keeper
Lawfulness — What the law doesn’t know….
Rights — Mine for sure
Peace — Where it’s in my interests
Transparency — I won’t say if you won’t say
Responsibility — Who cares? Just do it.
Accountability — You’re to blame
Service — Take it or leave it
Heroism — Every man for himself
Forgiveness — You’ve got to be kidding
Mercy — Dog eat dog
Boundaries — Rules were meant to be broken
Morals — Who says?
Principles — Who’s bothered?
Standards — Whose are they?
Right living — Only if it matters to one
A day of reckoning — Don’t believe in any
A saviour — Don’t believe in one
A guide book — Not interested
Hope beyond the grave — You only live once
Made in the image of God — Evolved from an ape
Here by design — Here by accident
Created for a purpose — No particular reason for one’s existence.
We're all here to help each other — Survival of the fittest
So, which side might best represent you?
To state as fact a lie, intentionally or unintentionally, is to uphold error and truth deny."
The poet, author
And thus not determined by either you or I, nor has someone got the lot;
Only arrogance professing to know everything, and have it all right,
So all should mind, and always be open to correction, any further light.
Truth’s always been and always will be, we simply discoverers of it, and thus
It was there before we were born, and will be well after we’ve gone, and thus
It real, concrete and sure, unaffected by time or opinion, and therefore,
Exactly what it is, we either recognising it or not, seeking more.
However, truth’s oft the victim of foul play, it sometimes condemned as a lie,
Or a lie's presented as the truth, and then there’s half the truth, which many buy;
Yes, that truth and error mix that’s more dangerous by far, leading astray too,
All why it can’t be my truth or your truth, but only what actually is true.
By Lance Landall
2. A Perfect Marriage
When love and truth are wed, we have something sincere and honest, a perfect marriage,
A strong, resilient engine that handles any incline, pulls any carriage.
A foundation that’s sure, an oak tree that’s deeply rooted, a bridge of solid steel,
An anchor that holds, a rainbow that reassures, a solid axle on a wheel.
Yes, a union that’s more powerful than any other, designed to aid and bless,
One that should grace every situation and moment and linger like a kiss.
'Cause love and truth were meant to be, so that assault and injury we’d never see,
But rather, ascend to greater heights of nobleness that reflect the heavenly.
By Lance Landall
"Without truth, love becomes anyone's guess."
The poet, author
The Trouble With Truth
The trouble with truth is that it’s seldom welcomed, 'cause it is seldom what people really want to hear,
'Cause truth can challenge our preconceived ideas, even our beliefs, erroneous things that we hold dear.
Or even worse — well, in the lives of many, that is — disturbingly peel back an unhealthy veneer,
One protectively covering cherished delusions that the light of day holds at arms length due to fear.
Truth has an upsetting way of pricking the conscience, being a spoiler, something that gets in the way,
'Cause truth often calls for change, change that many don’t want, they preferring some wayward way that doesn’t pay.
Well, we can keep truth at bay for as long as we like, but somewhere we’ll be forced to face its verity,
'Cause truth's truth no matter how far we run from it, and why wherever we are, there it’s still found to be.
The trouble with truth is that it’s seldom desired, 'cause it oft reveals what we should give up, but don’t want to,
And don’t — well, not until we have to, or are somehow forced to, and then our folly we’ve cause to rue.
And all because of our resistance, even insistence, 'cause oh, how we defend what suits–cum-delights,
Hence those damaged relationships, many courtesy of heated arguments, another word for fights.
The trouble with truth is that it oft doesn't mirror our life, 'cause truth clearly calls for transparency,
Another word for honesty and integrity, which denial spurns, given its refusal to see.
And so it goes, we thus just fooling ourselves, which one could well argue is a form of insanity,
'Cause rebuttal where truth registers hardly reveals a sound mind, but one that dumps wisdom for folly.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 2 July 2021.
4. I'm Truth
Hello everyone, you may not recognise me, but I’m Truth, always have been,
Was there before you knew me, are there whether one knows me or not, part of the scene.
So, whether you like me or not, I’ll always be around, even if locked away,
’Cause I’m Truth, was there before all and everything, doesn't matter what folk say.
Yes, some folk might try to twist me, even tinker with me, not that I'd be happy,
But they still wouldn’t get their way, only lead folk astray, 'cause I would still be me.
So, no matter what you think or do, I’m past, present and future, am always there,
Whether you choose to seek me or not, discard me in print or simply close your ear.
By Lance Landall
5. And Don't Forget Truth
Some time back, Burt Bacharach composed a song called, “What The World Needs Now Is Love,” and who'd disagree,
But it could’ve been called, “What The World Needs Now Is Truth” — in other words, honesty, transparency,
'Cause we can't rely on someone’s word any longer, without me naming some common offenders,
Who, for whatever reason, fudge, lie, deceive and betray, profit from their selfish, wrong agendas.
No question this world needs love, 'cause self-interest-cum-preservation has gained the ascendancy,
Hence why we see most feasting and feathering their own nest while others starve, struggle with poverty.
But much of the suffering that abounds traced to underhand goings-on, things behind the scene,
Though there’re those who get rich on the backs of others who do the hard grind, larders of the latter lean.
Such has always been how it is, you might say, and such is true, but never more so than now, sadly,
'Cause what love there is on this Earth has been lessening, and with it, truth, nobleness, integrity.
Hence why such is needed as much as love, 'cause this world's growing darker due to the lies that abound,
'Cause light’s only found where there’s truth, and love where there’s light, all why we’re needing love and truth pound for pound.
Love’s all very well, but without truth, its doomed to fail, hence why it is failing, a sign of the times,
'Cause where love and truth aren’t combined, there’s no rhythm or rhyme, no clear direction, hence why trouble climbs.
All why there needs to be accountability, a thirsting for truth, a ferreting out of lies,
Lest deception somehow ensnare us, 'cause of its evil intent-cum-plans, it hardly notifies.
Those who mislead claim to have our best interests at heart, but don't forget that trickery's an art,
Though there’re those who deludedly think they do have our best interests at heart when what's ill they start,
And hence their treacherous sincerity, but whatever's the case, one thing's clear, careful we must be,
'Cause falsehood oft parades as truth, beguiling ways as love, hence why the real deal’s our priority.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 2 July 2021.
6. Standing Alone
It’s a lonely thing to stand for truth, because truth isn’t popular theses days,
Most believing what they prefer to be true, going their own various ways.
And so, when one tries to correct, one oft treads on specially manicured toes,
And why the heralder of truth has very few friends, and often many foes.
So, it doesn't matter if you’re right, because many prefer darkness to light,
Or simply that which suits them, folly no respecter of the learned and bright.
Hence why any heralder of truth must learn to stand alone, take any flack,
Because one thing’s for sure: Wherever truth is, it’s under ferocious attack.
By Lance Landall
7. Nobody Wants To Know
Four very sad words indeed, 'cause when they’re strung together, they state a tragic truth, a prophecy;
That being, that only trouble can come of such, 'cause not wanting to know what we need too, is folly.
Such is how it is today, though not absent from history, and why those who seek to enlighten
Are very seldom welcomed, oft dismissed, maligned and mistreated, 'cause they get under people’s skin;
That being: When people don’t want to know the truth, 'cause such quickly annoys, pricking their conscience, clearly,
Forcing them to confront what they’re trying to avoid, and all because it doesn’t suit, selfishly.
Hence why we’re seeing what we are within society, 'cause such a state afflicts the majority,
Who simply want an easy life — in other words, nothing disturbing their ostrich mentality.
Well, who can break through such utter absurdity, hence why little is achieved in that direction,
'Cause how can one help those who don’t want to know, or who consider they don’t need any correction?
Such could be said to be the biggest problem we face today, outside of prejudice, bigotry,
Though such leads to that, as well as ignorance and arrogance, and so many other ills we see.
Yes, four very sad words indeed, that when strung together, largely convey why this world's in a mess,
'Cause people just don’t want to stop what suits them, hence why with their life they’re just foolishly playing chess.
And why and how others suffer, why and how things are steadily getting worse, unsurprisingly,
'Cause nobody wants to know what they need too, and why we’re all in a sinking ship, effectively.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 2 July 2021.
8. Don't Get Too Hung Up On Delivery
“It’s how you say it,” they say, but hey, most don’t like hearing the truth anyway,
And thus the problem’s not so much how it’s said but what it is one’s got to say.
And there’s not a lot one can do about that, people not wanting to change, and
Truth by its very nature straight — hence presenting it not a popular stand.
Yes, it’s best that truth be couched in a particular way, and oft it can be,
But nevertheless is still best said even if not said so eloquently.
The truth is that the fault lies more with the reluctant hearer who oft fights it,
Despite the fact that it’s bang on — and rightly accepted, to their benefit.
So just do your best and don’t get too hung up on delivery, how it’s said,
For who can speak truth in a way that pleases? It oft more like an arrowhead.
All why it can cut even when one’s gentle with the bow, or further away,
And why speaking out can cost, though sometimes more so where truth we fail to convey.
By Lance Landall
Alternative poem.
9. Regarding Truth
Never assume that what you hear and read is true, as so many perilously do, 'cause this world is full of error and lies, that far too easily, and far too many, satisfies, and that when embraced, and in the mind encased, falsehood simply multiplies, and way too frequently.
No, never assume that what you hear and read is true, 'cause that which we hear or read can often be untrue — yes, a tale simply spun for fun (one perhaps naively begun); something taken out of context (very often a statement or text); an outright lie; something that innocently went awry; or a deliberate attempt to mislead, all of which, and upon which, many all too often feed, and foolishly so, 'cause surely we all know, that there are those who have agendas, oft behind the scene offenders (collectively or individually); those who’ve bowed to popularity, peer pressure, desire, ease; those who everyone wish to please; those too afraid to say what they should (thus consenting to evil rather than good); those who have their head in the sand (simply disinterested or too off-hand); those who’re dancing to another’s tune, or to that which is opportune, and who thereby, or therefore, truth twist, dilute, or cut to suit — and effectively, out the door boot, whilst incoming error they salute (self being at the core), and whose flawed comments, or untruths, we’re best to ignore.
Yes, never assume that what you hear and read is true, 'cause packaging falsehood to look like truth is something many do — thus truth (or even error), is only found when one’s thinking and approach are sound — that is, when self interest is laid to one side; when the true source of that which is heard or read is identified; when commonsense, willingness and wisdom are applied; when others are given a fair hearing, an impartial platform for sharing; when bias or prejudice are rejected; and when that which is heard or read is open-mindedly and thoroughly inspected — in other words, conscientiously researched, 'cause often it has only been those who’ve seriously searched, who, great danger and folly uncovered, and even lost truth recovered, or for that matter, truth simply discovered, thus steering a straight and worthy path, and not having perilously lurched.
By Lance Landall
Christian content or degree.
Regarding truth:
By Carlyle B. Haynes (1882-1958).
"Truth is not what I believe. Truth is not even what I know.
Truth is fact. I may not believe it. I may not know it. That does not change it.
It is there nevertheless, waiting to be discovered and believed.
Truth does not depend on the unsettled and changing opinions of men.
It was truth before it was believed. It will remain truth, whether it is believed or not.
Reason does not originate or create it. It merely discovers it.
Consequently, reason is not a source. Truth goes back beyond reason.
Others would have us believe that the Church is the source of authority,
particularly in matters of theology. They are WRONG!
The Church is the product of truth. It does not originate it.
It came into being by accepting divine revelations. It is not the source of that revelation.
Truth goes beyond the Church, it is antecedent to it."
The reason why truth's so important is, because in the begining, Satan made God out to be a liar, and therefore, the great controversy that's been raging is all about who in fact is telling the truth (God or Satan) and whose voice will get our heart and mind.
"Love should be the suit that truth always wears."
The poet, author
"Truth's closet should always contain love's clothes."
The poet, author