Includes two poems which appear at the bottom of this page, one that I've taken from my page Planet Earth and popped here as well. That page may prove helpful too.

When humanity fell:
It resulted in Paradise lost, and certain abilities that we once had.
It brought guilt upon the entire human race.
It put humanity at risk of oblivion, and Christ at risk of eternal separation from His Father should He have erred in His saving mission.
It seriously cost our loving and merciful creator God who bore the brunt of it all on our behalf on that horrid cross on Calvary.
Have you ever dreaded something horrid that you knew you would have to face (go through) in the near future?
Well, imagine how long that horrid cross hung over Christ's head before He saw it through.
It further marred the peace and harmony of the universe that Satan had already marred.
It gave that rebellious devil the nod.
It brought about both estrangement and a selfish, rebellious bent in us all.
It brought about falsehood, evil, suffering and death on Earth, and including cruelty, suffering and death to creatures.
It brought about the decay that's been afflicting planet Earth ever since.
It has seen us quarantined for now.
It proved that God is truthful and Satan a liar.
Index of the following articles:
1) Withheld Blessings And Responses.
2) Why Do Bad things Happen To Good People?
3) Why Isn't God Stopping All The Suffering And evil?
4) Causes Of Suffering.
5) If Christ Doesn't Care.
6) More On Suffering.
7) God Has And Is Suffering Too.
8) Further to.
9) Another Take.
10) Spared? (after some poems, and bottom of page).
1) Withheld Blessings And Responses
Many Christians have ignorant expectations of God, and question why He doesn't do this or that for them, or only so much.
General blessings aside (that fall on all like the sun and rain that makes our veggie gardens grow), there are often conditions attached to God’s blessings and responses, things that only come via right doing.
For example:
Matthew 7:21 — Here Christ states that it's only those who do the WILL of His Father who will enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Acts 5:32 — Here we’re told that the Holy Spirit is only given to those who OBEY.
James 1:12 — Here we’re told that it's only those who PERSEVERE under trial who will receive a crown.
Hebrews 3:14 — Here we're told that it's only those who're FAITHFUL to the end who will share in all that belongs to Christ.
Exodus 20:12 — Here children are told that if they HONOUR their parents things will go better for them.
Matthew 6:15 — Here we're told that if we don't FORGIVE others God won't forgive us.
Isaiah 58:13,14 — Here God’s people were told that if they DELIGHTED in His Sabbath that they would be blessed.
2 Chronicles 7:14 — Here God’s people were told that if they HUMBLED themselves, SOUGHT God and TURNED from their wicked ways, God would hear, forgive them, and heal their land.
Hebrews 10:26 — Here we're told that God's grace won't cover those who willingly continue to sin after having come to a knowledge of the truth.
And thus the above examples being where the word IF comes in to play. "IF you do this, IF you do that, then I will...."
Why should God further or specially bless those who withhold things from Him, and who don’t put Him first in their lives? Where there’s a married couple, say, where only the one spouse is meeting God’s conditions, God will no doubt deliver certain blessings and responses to that faithful one, which may well have spin-offs for the unfaithful spouse. If such blessings and responses were given to the unfaithful spouse, that spouse would be given what they don’t deserve, and there would go their motivation to change, or they would only follow God because of what they’re getting out of Him.
So, if God appears to have not answered your request, or requests, you might like to consider the following:
a) Are you still clinging to some cherished sin (Ps 66:18; Isa 59:1,2; 1 Peter 3:12)?
b) Are you asking outside of His will. In other words, contrary to what’s laid down in Scripture (James 4:15; 1 John 3:22; 5:14)?
c) Have you not forgiven someone (Mark 11:25,26; Matt 18:35)?
d) Are you showing a lack of faith in God (Heb 11:6; James 1: 6,7)?
e) Have you not persevered in prayer (Luke 18:1; Rom 12:12; 1 Thess 5:17; Ps 37:7; 450:1)?
f) Is your motive for asking askew (James 4:3)?
g) Is there some wrong that you haven't put right in your life (Matt 5:24)?
And by the way, have you forgotten that you must ask in Christ’s name given that we’re to pray to the Father (John 16:23; 15:16)?
God has given us the freedom to shape our own lives according to our own choices, and via using that same creativeness that’s in Him, and from whom it comes. We also learn from our choices. God respects those every day choices and doesn’t interfere with them. However, wrong choices have consequences, consequences that we’re responsible for and not God. Wrong or poor choices are avoided or lessened when we have a closer relationship with Him (given we’re more tuned in), when we put Him first, when we apply His wisdom, and when we willingly obey His desires (because then, He’s more likely to grant this or that).
When we err in our choices, and are genuinely sorry and regretful, God will help us if we call on Him, but certain consequences may still remain.
God often allows things for our own good, and particularly when it comes to our eternal good. Our faith and character are tested and prepared by affliction. The latter also being because tough times lie ahead given the signs of the times. Thus we’re either firm in our faith or flaky, spiritually fit or unfit. We’re to take up our cross and bear all things. When we whine under affliction we disappoint and displease God. Perhaps you remember how His anger was kindled by those whining over missing out on flesh food, and hence the quail that He sent which caused devastation? Afflictions remind us not to get too attached to a dying, fallen world that can only but disappoint, distract and hamper. God provides us with hope beyond this corrupt and painful world. He ’s not going to deepen our attachment to it by building us mansions here–cum–making us too comfortable.
All why He may allow certain things to come our way in order to also teach us total reliance on Him at all times. Self-trust being a usurper.
God isn't some magic genie. He doesn’t want (nor like) people just using Him, just as we don’t want (nor like) people just using us. We seek God because of what He's done for us (Calvary), not because of what we can get out of Him. The latter’s not love but childish selfishness. God isn’t irresponsibly indulgent.
God isn’t some convenient, instant, Mister Fix-it man. We learn and grow by solving certain things for ourselves. Always solving our problems for us and granting us instant responses would make us weak, lazy, unhealthily dependant and possibly never learning. God wants us to learn to stand on our own feet. It’s the same with any children we might have. Via the parenting role, we see many parallels. God’s not there to tie our shoelaces or wipe our nose.
We’re right in the thick of a battle between good and evil, and this side of Heaven evil is not only making gains but causing much suffering and pain from which God never said that He would always spare us.
Also see my poem We Wondering When We Should Know Why which is near the bottom of this page.
2) Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
So why do bad things happen to good people, or to put it another way, why do bad things happen to Christ-like Christians?
Well, it's because such people live in the same fallen world, and thus are faced with the same consequences of such; a world where random things happen to all. A world of perils and ills. However, we also and often create our own misfortunes and tough or sad conditions.
Another thing that should be borne in mind is this:
That those who’re truly walking in accordance with God's will, thus proving a greater witness-cum-brighter light, are far more likely to experience tribulations. Why? Because the brighter a Christian shines, the more he or she exposes any darkness, influences others for good, and brings glory to God, which not only often annoys those who're in darkness (two reasons being because it shows them up and gets in the way of their selfish or evil plans), but certainly angers the devil even more, thus drawing his persecuting attention (Rev 12:17; 14:12). After all, true Christians show Satan up, hinder his lies by the proclamation of truth, lessen corruption in society, and free many of his slaves.
Satan doesn't pay the same attention to lukewarm Christians as they’re hardly in a saved condition (Rev 3:15,16; Matt 7:22,23; Heb 10:26,27), and thus of lesser concern to him. Why would he bother kicking sleeping or dead dogs?
Are good people-cum-Christ-like Christians more favoured by God?
Well, God loves everyone, good or bad, and thus only hates the evil that's done. Bad people get produce from their garden too — in other words, good results from worthy effort. And look at the sunshine. So God effectively showers good on all, though good can also come indirectly by association with positive things and good people.
If God were to always protect and keep woes or death from those who’re really lovely Christians, those who’re truly committed to His will and ways, and those who’re also doing great things for Him, He could easily be accused of favouritism and partiality. Plus, if God were to always protect Christians, and always spare them from woes or death, He would no doubt have many bogus followers.
But yes, God certainly looks more favourably upon good people, genuine Christians.
A human parallel may help here:
If I had a beautiful home that meant an awful lot to me, and I had to go away for a month, and though I love all my children, I would ask the most responsible, thoughtful and caring one to take care of it for me, and thus they reaping the benefits. And they being:
1) The prestige of having been chosen, looked upon more favourably.
2) A reward on my return for their having looked after something that meant a lot to me.
3) The use of certain luxuries, amenities that were part and parcel of that house. For example: Swimming pool, spa bath, tennis court, etc.
So are Christ-like Christians better off, and if so, how?
Yes, they are, and the reasons why are:
1) Because they receive greater blessings in their lives given that their lives are more in tune with God’s Word, wisdom and will, which automatically guarantees greater sucess and less self-made woes. They're also treating others better as a result of being more in tune with their Maker — thus, what goes around comes around. And hence that being asked to look after someone's flash home with the forthcoming benefits.
2) Because God is far more likely to answer the prayers of such people given that they're more deserving of His benefits, and that God can better work via such people for His own good.
3) Because non-Christians who don’t ask God don’t get, and why should they receive certain things if their life’s in opposition to God's will-cum-wrong and not in their best interests?
4) Because Christians will receive eternity if faithful to their Lord, His will and ways.
5) Because Christians have an inner joy and peace midst their pain and woes given that there’s hope beyond their current misery and death, including a purpose behind it all.
When looking at unrighteous people who're doing well, despite their ill, we should remember that there are many who aren't doing too well at all, they suffering from cancer, dealing with a broken marriage, languishing in prison, looking over their shoulder, etc. And not only are many of them suffering now, but they will soon be facing Divine justice as well. Another truth is, that Satan may well help his own, the unrighteous, but in order that they may prosper and thus not feel their need of God to their doom, and thus their current success and enjoyment on Earth all that they're going to get. So, given that the saved will live for all eternity, why should any Christian begrudge the unrighteous any success and enjoyment on Earth?
3) Why Isn't God Stopping All The Suffering And Evil?
1)Because He gave humans control of this planet who’ve foolishly decided to do things their way, and why they must learn from their own folly — cause and effect.
Because if God were to interfere, He would soon be accused of controlling, manipulating, and encroaching on that liberty and freedom that He gave us.
Because the devil (who’s causing as much damage and ill as he can via humans) would accuse God of not allowing him enough time to prove any supposed case against Him.
Because evil must run its meantime course so that all (including other created but unfallen worlds) may see where and what such leads to — Satan’s grand finale, attempt to bring all under his control.
Because God knows that, that time isn’t right yet, but very soon, hence those signs of His approaching coming that He has given via His Word (the Christian Bible).
Because it’s clear that more need more time to have their eyes opened before they'll believe and make a decision for God, thus avoiding eternal death.
Because the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ that must to go to the whole world first, and every corner, has been held up and hampered by a lack of workers (committed Christians), general resistance to Christian belief, and countries that have been hard or impossible to get into (and certainly fully so).
Because the lesson learnt will be for all eternity and thus in proportion (the Earth only around six thousand years old, going by Biblical dating).
Because the considerations of the universe as a whole (which includes other created but unfallen worlds) must be taken into account.
Because one must remember that what seems a very long time to humans is but a moment in time to a God who's eternal. And thus why to Him a thousand years must seem like a day.
Because people are to put their trust in a coming new tomorrow, not a better today — and how faith is tested.
Because the Christian Bible has an impeccable prophetic record that can’t be tarnished by even one incorrect prediction — otherwise there would be a flaw in God’s reliability.
4) Causes Of Suffering:
Some suffering comes about through foolish choices or behaviour (Gal 6:7). In other words, we often bring trouble upon ourselves. We therefore only have ourselves to blame. This kind of suffering can occur through ignoring God’s counsel. An unhealthy lifestyle, for example, can lead to physical illness.
Sometimes we suffer because of evil others do (Hab 1:13). God has given everyone, good or bad, freedom of choice. If God were to stop someone hurting us, it would violate their self will [freedom of choice], the same will we have, which stops us from being robots. God has never promised to alter circumstances or release us from trouble.
Some suffering is the result of accident or natural disasters (John 9:2,3). After all, this world is temporarily under Satan’s rule. We therefore have to expect unfairness and tragedy. While God clearly has the power to intervene, in a sense He can’t. Sin must be allowed to demonstrate what it’s really like, and where it leads, or we simply won’t take it seriously enough. If God put a special hedge around the Christian and let it be known that he would never be sick, involved in accidents, suffer loss from earthquake, or fire, would never be poor and hungry or homeless, then of course everyone would be a Christian for what they could get, and not for love to God.
Some suffering is caused by others irresponsibility and carelessness. Friendly fire?
Some suffering occurs through faithfulness to Christ (2 Tim 3:12; John 15:20; Acts 14:22). Jesus Himself suffered because of evil people. His followers have no reason to expect life to be any easier for them. We are not told to invite or provoke persecution, or to enjoy it, but we are told to expect it. All who truly follow Jesus must expect to be misunderstood and subjected to suffering of every kind.
Some suffering is needed (Deut 8:5; 2 Cor 7:10; Heb 12:7,8,10; Ps 119:67,71, KJV, Psalms only). Just as a parent punishes his child to keep him on the right track, so God sometimes permits hardship and sorrow to come to us in order to turn us from an evil or harmful course. Sometimes this is the only way God can achieve what’s needed. Sometimes this is the only way God can get our attention.
Though none of us like suffering it can achieve positive things —
1) It can help us to be more understanding and sympathetic to others (Matt 18:33, KJV; 2 Cor 1:4, KJV; Job 6:14, KJV; 1 Cor 12:26).
2) It can help us to trust more in God, and realize our dependence upon Him (2 Cor 12:9,10).
3) It can humble us, help remove wrongful pride.
4) It tests our faith and its genuineness (2 Tim 2:12,13). Unless our muscles encounter resistance, they will never become strong. Thus our spiritual muscles also need building up.
5) It can improve our characters (2 Cor 4:17, KJV). Without challenges to meet and obstacles to overcome we will never grow spiritually.
6) It can help us to get our priorities right, help us to realize what really is more important.
And God’s Word tells us that He always attempts to bring good out of our suffering (Rom 8:28).
5) If Christ Doesn't Care.
If Christ doesn't care,
Why did He come to Earth and die on a cross so that we could be saved?
Why has He delayed His return so that more humans will have time to repent and be saved?
Why has He promised justice for those who’ve been persecuted, wrongly accused, cruelly slain, and so on?
Why did He institute a Sabbath day so we could have a rest from work and strain, and whereby we’d always remember who our source of help is?
Why is He currently interceding on behalf of the repentant before His Father, and in the Most Holy place of His heavenly temple of which the one on Earth was but a copy?
Why has He sent the Holy Spirit (a third member of the Godhead, trinity) to comfort, guide and empower?
Why did He provide a communication channel (prayer) that gives direct access to His throne, His very self?
Why did He set up His Church on Earth so that fellow believers could fellowship together and draw comfort and encouragement from each other?
Why did He provide a book (Bible) explaining many things, one full of wonderful promises and encouragement, sound advice for happier and healthier living, warnings worth taking notice of lest we’re misled or eternally lost?
Why did He bother to spare humanity from extinction via saving Noah and his family (the only non-violent, goodly people left on Earth at the time).
Why has He borne so long with the rebellious behaviour and personal ridicule coming from those He created via Adam and Eve?
Why did He spend so much of His ministry on Earth healing and encouraging people?
Why did He pray “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” of those who put Him on the cross?
Why has He granted each person a guardian angel, and sent angels of support?
6) More On Suffering.
By John Henry Jowett
"The range of our possible sufferings is determined by the largeness and nobility of our aims. It is possible to evade a multitude of sorrows by the cultivation of an insignificant life. Indeed, if it be a man's ambition to avoid the troubles of life, the recipe is perfectly simple -- let him shed his ambitions in every direction, let him cut the wings of every soaring purpose, and let him assiduously cultivate a little life, with the fewest correspondences and relations.
By this means a whole continent of afflictions will be escaped and will remain unknown. Cultivate negations, and large tracts of the universe will cease to exist. For instance, cultivate deafness, and you are saved from the horrors of discords. Cultivate blindness, and you are saved from the assault of the ugly. Stupefy a sense, and you shut out a world. And, therefore, it is literally true that if you want to get through the world with the smallest trouble you must reduce yourself to the smallest compass.
And, indeed, that is why so many people, and even so many professedly Christian people get through life so easily, and with a minimum acquaintance with tribulation. It is because they have reduced their souls to a minimum, that their course through the years is not so much the transit of a man as the passage of an amoeba.
They have no finely organized nervous system, or they have deadened and arrested the growth of one nerve after another; they have cut the sensitive wires which bind the individual to the race, and they are cosily self-contained, and the shuddering sorrow of the world never disturbs their seclusion. Tiny souls can dodge through life; bigger souls are blocked on every side.
As soon, therefore, as a man begins to enlarge his life, his resistances are multiplied. Let a man tear out of his soul the petty selfish purpose and enthrone a world purpose, the Christ purpose, and his sufferings will be increased on every side. Every addition to spiritual ambition widens the exposure of the soul, and sharpens its perception of the world's infirmity and the sense of its own restraints."
7) God Has And Is Suffering Too.
The pain and loss of what was once the most beautiful creation of His, Lucifer, who held the highest position in Heaven next to Christ.
That rebellion in Heaven that also resulted in the loss of a third of the angels that He had created too.
The false accusations made against Him, how a third of the angels sided with Lucifer, and the fomenting of that rebellion.
The fact that He has to wait until the time when things will come to their Satanic climax (Satan’s global control of humanity) before He will finally be vindicated, proven right in the eyes of the universe.
The fact that He has had to wait all this time to see that justice is finally carried out on behalf of all who’ve suffered at the hands of both Satan and human enemies.
The pain of seeing what He had created becoming corrupted, decaying and dying.
The Father having to watch all that His Son went through on Earth.
The Son having to go through all that — the misery, loneliness and huge risk.
That in the meantime God's having to put up with being further maligned, and spurned by more.
The fact that the majority who have lived on Earth will not be in His kingdom due to their chosen rebellion.
The pain of having to wait to relieve His children (the saved) of all their suffering.
The disturbing interruption to His rightful ruling of the universe and the time it’s taking.
Being rejected by His chosen people (ancient Israel).
The corruption of the Christian Church of whom He’s the head.
8) Further To.
God has always existed (something that’s hard for fallen, mortal humans to fully grasp).
Heaven is God's headquarters from where He rules and runs the universe (this world and the other worlds that He has created that aren’t fallen like our one).
One of His subjects, Lucifer, a very privileged angel (head of all the other angels), became jealous of Him, wanting to be equal with Him, and such ending in open rebellion (all why Lucifer is now referred to as Satan, the devil, the serpent or roaring lion).
Satan and a third of Heaven's angels who were duped by him, and who thus sided with him, were removed from Heaven.
Satan thus being the origin of sin, evil, suffering, cruelty, oppression, tyranny and wicked fellow angels — spirit beings — who're responsible for the occult and the likes of certain magic, mysterious apparitions, and psychic mediums through which they often work and continue to fool (the Bible telling us that the dead know nothing).
Ever since Satan's removal from Heaven, he has not only sought to make God look really bad, and to undermine the truth of His Word (the Christian Bible), particularly via Darwin’s theory of evolution, but has also sought our personal downfall (even destruction), and total control over planet Earth and humanity.
Hence Adam and Eve’s fall.
From this moment on, sin entered this planet like an infectious disease, not only corrupting humans but causing the gradual decaying of our world.
Hence why there are two forces at work in our world now, good (God, love, rightdoing) and evil (Satan, hate, wrongdoing).
As far as total control over planet Earth and humanity goes, and despite trying via previous powers that sought world domination (including a Church and State one, all biblically predicted), Satan hasn’t succeeded yet, but the Christian Bible warns that he soon will via a coming global persecuting power that will deceive most via its clever spiel, cunning, signs and wonders. A power that eventually demands worship. One that we’re told is a copy of that previous Church and State power (that was wounded but revives, Rev 13:3) and that eventually fulfills what that past power sought to do. And this why God will never support any attempt to install such a government, and why His Word speaks ill of it.
Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.
Because God has given us the freedom and liberty to choose between Him and Satan, good and evil, the right path or wrong path (God not wanting robots), He has to wait until that time when Satan will succeed in gaining total control of Earth.
This way the inhabitants of Earth, Heaven, and other created worlds will finally see Satan’s true heart and long term intentions — in other words, where such a heart and rebellion leads to. And this way there will never be another murmur against God (who thinks in terms of eternity), Satan’s accusations having been proven groundless, and thus no one will want to follow in the likes of Satan’s selfish, destructive footsteps again (given that God hasn’t made us robots, and that nor will we become such).
Meantime, God aches for an end to it all and promises that one day it will end.
He being the very same God who gave us a way out via Calvary (the setting up of His rescue mission), and the same God who secured the permanency of our race via a boat [an ark] when He could’ve destroyed everyone via the global flood, or let them destroy themselves, which they would’ve given that there was only one family still living righteously, and thus they the occupants of that boat.
The Bible tells us that just prior to Christ’s return (when He comes to get the repentant), most humans will have got to that same sad state that existed in Noah’s time and that brought about the global flood.
That cataclysmic disruption to our planet has resulted in massive scars like the Grand Canyon, fish fossils at the top of mountain ranges, volcanoes, fault lines and consequent earthquakes.
The Bible also tells us that just prior to Christ’s return (and due to planet Earth’s decay and so on) there will be an increase in seismic activity, pestilences, pandemics and calamities. These, it says, are the beginning of sorrows.
God has always had our best intentions at heart because He’s the God of love and truth. A God that Satan has always sought to misrepresent given that he has always been jealous of the glory and honour that God alone is due. And given that Satan is no doubt angry over his loss of Heaven and his fate to come, and why he'll take as many with him as he can, and, by the way, why he's behind all the mayhem and trickery, one way or another, and often in order to bring about his End-time plans.
If God wasn’t slowly removing His restraining hand (man’s cup of iniquity full), many wouldn’t awaken from their folly and peril, realise what’s going on, and thus would be lost for all eternity.
power's historic evil intentions], whose wound had been healed [it reviving from its previous historic fall]"
(Rev 13:11,12, NIV).
"He [the coming global government] was granted power to give breath to the image [copy] of the beast [the first beast], that the image [copy] of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image [copy] of the beast to be killed [here it's referring to dissenters, those who won't bow to certain demands]" (Rev 13:15, NKJV).
“Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image [copy], and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God…’ ”
(Rev 14:9,10, NKJV).
This article was added to on 11 September 2020.
9) Another Take.
I have put the following summary together after having read the book Is God To Blame?, by Gregory Boyd who is also the author of the book Letters From A Skeptic. However, summaries on such a subject are limited. In order to help others with that "Why?" we can only put together what we can which will always fall short.
God has created us free agents, able to choose rightly or wrongly, able to choose Him or Satan.
Both the fallen and unfallen angels are free agents too, thus able to choose as well. Hence why a third of Heaven’s angels went with Satan, and who now help him in his evil.
Now, when we pray to God for certain things that are in line with His will (a prerequisite here), He certainly does go to work for us, and thus the Spirit seeking to influence others in our favour, seeking to open doors on our behalf, or seeking to change minds and obstacles working against us, regarding such prayers.
However, God may not be able to fulfil what we want given that others have the same freedom of choice that we have, including evil agents and angels, who may work against both us and God.
God cannot and will not force anyone or anything given that He can’t have it both ways.
Either He’s given all freedom of choice or He hasn’t.
Thus if God were to interfere (including in the natural law of cause and effect) it would be clear that we don’t have freedom of choice, that things don’t run their own course, nor of their own accord, as God first designed. And thus God here, violating His own principles.
All why God’s powers are deliberately limited here. It’s not that He can’t do things but that He can’t if He wants it a certain way — willing obedience, service. After all, He’s either a dictator or a God of freedom and liberty.
And great are the complexities involved in this Great Controversy that’s raging, and thus many things affecting many things at any given moment, which God has to deal with.
Yes, prayer certainly activates God to do what He wouldn’t otherwise do, but His Hands are still tied by that freedom to choose that all have been given, including those evil agents and angels who work against God’s trying on our behalf.
In the overall plan of redemption, there are no doubt times where in order to remain in overall control, God may or does intervene, but only so far.
All this explains why certain prayers are answered (fulfilled) and certain prayers are not. Sometimes God does work miracles, but once again, we aren’t able to understand what made the difference, what made it okay for Him to act here, why sometimes He can and sometimes He can’t, and why He heals one person and not another.
This world is also full of ripples, random acts, and God having to deal with complexities of which we have no idea, nor ability to understand at this stage.
All why in all things we must keep our eyes on God because we will never understand everything given that we’re not all-knowing like Him, who, does His best when we ask, but can’t always deliver as we’d like without violating that freedom of choice that all have, which, both Satan and Adam exercised, and which world leaders exercise too.
God is the God of love, such is what His whole kingdom is built on. So, if God wants all who He has created to love Him willingly from the heart, He can’t make them robots, and thus all must be free to accept or reject Him, and even free to hinder His plans for us and Earth (though to a point, as mentioned before). Adam and Eve’s rebellion, and ancient Israel’s constant rebellion, being two cases in point. God never intended sin and suffering. And suffering doesn’t happen because of God, but because of Satan and us.
All this is an intentional risk that God took in order to have people choose Him out of free choice, and given that willing love and allegiance is the only way such is worth having.
When it’s all over, the Great controversy will be a lesson to all who won’t want to repeat such, and who will see that God was right and just all along.
And given that in Heaven we will still have the same freedom of choice; otherwise, why would God have taken this risk in the first place, and knowing where it would lead to?
Because God can really be up against it (that fighting against us and Him by others, evil agents and angels), this is one reason why we need to be steadfast in our prayers.
The following poems are but a reality check, and also cover the fact that many non-believers
consider Christianity as only being for the weak, a crutch. Poems regarding God's empathy for us
when we suffer can be seen elsewhere. See the blue box, right and top of this page.
1. We Wondering When We Should Know Why
Oh, how we miss out on greater blessings, we wondering when we should know why,
We hardly living the crucified life, and how our witness appears to lie.
We partial Christians, not fully surrendered, yet wanting the heavens to open,
Despite our lives being a mixture of the permitted and the forbidden.
Yes, we wondering why God doesn't manifest himself more in our lives, and
Complaining, finding fault, despite what blessings we do have, and God cruelly brand.
“Where are You, Lord?” we cry, upset because of this or that, and when we’re at fault,
And why further blessings come in dribs and drabs, and some outpouring's seen to halt.
And then there are those who do seem committed, they knowledgeable and busy,
But it not a heart experience, thus there no real relationship, sadly.
Yes, it more intellectual, works orientated, and hence why they too
Fail to receive greater blessings, some grand outpouring, it always but a few.
The Spirit doesn’t want a room in our heart, but every room, the whole heart,
He not sharing with Satan, and why He’s oft seen to wait outside, or depart.
The Spirit needing to reign, not visit periodically, and why is seen
Little going down in the lives of most Christians, still caught somewhere in-between.
No, we can’t have it both ways, can’t serve two masters, and yet expect greater things,
That fullness not coming until fully surrendered; it but the fool who clings,
The world not to be held onto, but Jesus alone, it “I surrender all,”
And then the heavens may open, and greater blessings, or that outpouring, fall.
By Lance Landall
Our whole life should testify that God lives within us, that we've a strong
and deeply intimate relationship with Him, and no matter what.
2. Covid Nineteen And Christians
And in fact, have been told to take up their cross and bear whatever they have to.
Sure certain blessings and even freedom from certain ills may well come their way,
But that having more to do with them having listened to what God’s had to say.
When it comes to God and Christians, it’s an individual thing, by the way,
Not all Christians meeting His approval given the false witness they display.
Thus God hardly giving them some special out, and nor might Heaven come their way,
It not a place for hypocrites, and why we’re told, “Depart from Me,” He might say.
Some Christians (and sometimes many Christians) get things wrong, but that’s life, as they say,
Except that it doesn’t do God or His Word any good, and how people stray.
Thus Covid Nineteen taking out Christians too, who suffer from murders as well,
Rapists, drunk drivers, burglars, or the likes of car salesmen who the truth don’t tell.
Yes, God’s not wanting Christians walking around feeling smugly invincible,
And if protected so, unable to show empathy through knowing no ill.
God’s followers having often suffered down through the ages, their hope to come,
That return of Christ that will end evil and pain, that beat of the devil’s drum.
Yes, miracles do happen, but God doesn’t give Christians blanket protection,
Even sometimes allowing what’s painful due to necessary correction.
Pain sometimes sorting us out, softening our heart, keeping us from something worse,
We learning before it’s too late — but in the end, all going out in a hearse.
And many earlier due to the likes of Covid Nineteen, those ills on Earth,
Every individual up against it from the moment of their birth.
Christians no exception, but their strength to endure found in God, their faith and hope,
Because it’s not about being spared from things, but about learning how to cope.
If God did remove painful things, who’d grow, and how would acceptance be learnt too,
One learning to rise above adversity, and what’s right and good still pursue.
The Christian walk all about bearing up under such, loving ones enemy,
Refraining from responding badly given the bigger picture that they see.
And that picture contains a new life, one that extends for all eternity,
And thus the misery and unfairness in ones life only temporary.
Covid Nineteen hardly to be feared, though one still singing God’s praises where spared,
He never having intended we suffer so, and midst it all, has deeply cared.
All why He’s warned of meantime pestilences, we able to strengthen our health,
Putting time and effort into looking after ourselves, not pursuing wealth.
All this the beginning of sorrows, we’re told, ’cause more will come before the End,
That returning Saviour who the sad results of human rebellion will mend.
And remember this too, that He’s not the cause of these ills coming upon us,
But both man and the devil, though the one coping it all seems to be Jesus.
He patiently waiting to clear His name, Satan’s ultimate plan still to come,
And very near, and hence why we should all be walking to the beat of God’s drum.
Yes, He’s removing His restraining hand, but that’s all thanks to iniquity,
That sinful state on Earth, and how Satan is about to fool humanity.
The world about to put him in charge of things, not that this is realised today,
Most having sold their souls, lost their way, and not listened to what God’s had to say.
All why the removing of His restraining hand has become necessary,
We needing to be awakened, and needing to catch that sense of urgency.
God shouting now, His loving advances having been rebuffed, and why we see
Those painful signs of the times, yet many still scoffing amidst their reverie.
By Lance Landall
3. You've Got It Wrong, Sam
No, you’ve got it all wrong, Sam, ’cause God’s not sending floods and earthquakes like you said,
Thus zapping people ’cause they’ve done this or that, and all why we must use our head.
The only thing God’s doing is slowly removing His restraining hand, and thus
Not holding things back like He once might have, and here I’m referring to Jesus.
After all, His Word has warned that Earth (as we know it) is coming to an End,
Humanity largely corrupt, getting worse, ’cause oh, how ill people defend.
And so, woes are occurring randomly, everywhere, and so much caused by man,
Who continues to act senselessly, rather than according to God’s better plan.
And all why it’s a mixture: God’s displeasure, Earth breaking down, and man’s folly,
Thus places where there’s less evil copping it too, hence your comments plain silly.
You getting things wrong, Sam, and on Christianity just bringing injury,
God not targeting anyone or anything, it but mere reality.
By Lance Landall
4. No Matter What
There are those Christians who think that if they follow God, all should go well, but no,
God never having promised such, and why we’ll still suffer hardship and ill, so
Pick up our cross we must, accepting whatever may befall us, we on Earth,
Not in Heaven, and until we’re broken, very little fruitage giving birth.
Oh yes, most of us lacking a passionate walk, perhaps lifeless and boring,
And why God allows what is necessary in order to stem such snoring.
And thus a great life not necessarily a sign of God’s blessing, and more
Likely to hinder any spiritual growth, self still being at the core.
It’s often not until all is taken from us that we reveal our true state,
Losing our faith in God, even raging at Him — oh, how such afflictions grate.
Too bad He allowed such for good reason, the crucified life too hard for us,
We wanting it more easy going, ill prepared to suffer things like Jesus.
And yet, many of us needing to be broken for the Spirit to truly work,
And for us to become Christ-like in every way, no selfishness to lurk.
Oh no, we to be fully committed, totally resigned, no matter what,
Earth having no hold, because when it comes to our affections, God wants the lot.
Yes, our full surrender, for better or worse, at least in the meantime, that is,
There no worse in Heaven, but only that better; meantime out face turned to His.
Our reward to come, so why complain over hardship and losses here on Earth,
Unimaginable joy to come, but only where there has been that new birth.
By Lance Landall
"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say
all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake" (Matt 5:11, KJV).
5. Christianity Isn't For Whimps
No, Christianity isn’t for wimps, hence why Christ says, “Take up your cross and follow Me,”
Knowing that there’re hard battles to be won, our old self not giving in all that easily.
But rather, defending its old perch, stubbornness and rebellion well and truly established,
Thus change-cum-righteous, selfless, humble behaviour hardly relished having not been cherished.
Selfishness our biggest hurdle — pride, vanity, grudges-cum-nursed wounds all par for the course,
Both our natural bent and Satan's evil promptings, temptations and stirrings being the source.
All why we struggle to do right — and oh, how some protest over those trials that come their way,
And why Christianity's not for wimps, but faithful soldiers who’re empowered when they pray.
Becoming a Christian draws Satan’s attention, 'cause such converts he doesn’t like to see,
Given that gains for Christ are losses for him, who wants all to suffer the same fate as he.
And all why he does his best to encourage and ensnare, and he, far too successfully,
'Cause many seem to find it far too hard to hold back from behaving wrongly, selfishly.
Yes, Christianity isn’t for wimps, the fainthearted, half-baked, nor those who want to cruise,
But rather, for those who’re committed to whatever it takes, come some onslaught, wound or bruise.
They clinging to Christ, bearing their cross, aware that looking at others will cause them to sink,
And why they look to Christ, stay the distance, 'cause success isn’t gained when from hardships we shrink.
Upon acceptance of Christ and the committed walk, hardships can certainly come, and do,
Whereupon many buckle under the pressure, returning to things they used to pursue;
The old haunts and ways, the territory of the weak, 'cause such hardly requires inner strength,
And why only those who truly seek change, Christ’s lordship, and willingly bear their cross, last the length.
Yes, despite what the non-believer might think, Christianity is hardly for the weak,
'Cause the straight and narrow path is very challenging, and why the broader path far more seek.
Hence why the latter will be lost, 'cause no one on that broad path is seen carrying a cross,
And thus they the wimps, discipline and sacrifice too tough, the world seemingly too greater loss.
Well, give me Christ any day — He no wimp — 'cause no one was ever tested as strongly as He,
Nor achieved as great a victory, His discipline and sacrifice saving humanity.
He calling on His Father, that same overcoming power available to us, and
All how we can be victorious too, willing wrongdoers not fit for the promised land.
By Lance Landall
This poem was upgraded on 20 November 2022.
“...To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God” (Rev 2:7, ESV).
Such is repeated in Rev 2:11,17,26; 3:5,12,21; 21:7
“No, in all these things [adversities and persecution] we are more than conquerors through Him [Christ] who loved us” (Rom 8:37, ESV).
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me [the great need of Christians is to strive to stay surrendered to Christ so that they will continuously have God’s power working in their lives]” (Phil 4:13, ESV).
"...heirs of God, and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him" (Rom 8:17, ESV).
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are [living] in the faith [the context here is behaviour, practice]; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless, of course, you fail the test?” (2 Cor 13:5, NIV).
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness [God accepts people where they are, but He gives them no excuse for staying there]”
(Eph 4:22-24, NIV).
“For if we go on sinning deliberately [lawlessness] after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment…” (Heb 10:26,27, ESV).
6. God's Tough Love
It’s all very well for many to see God as hard and cruel, even some Christians, sadly,
But look what’s God’s dealing with — rebellious, stubborn, whining, selfish, fallen humanity.
Such being why tough love is necessary, God no doubt wishing that it could be otherwise,
But how can it be? — Christians oft the worst offenders, who righteousness hardly seem to prize.
Yes, “Thanks for grace, Lord, and eternity,” but when it comes to righteous living, oh dear me,
Seems Christ-like-ness isn’t so desired, nor the heavenly, our walk a sham, effectively.
And we thus running contrary to God’s desires, His will and instructions — well, largely so,
As if grace is the end of the matter, and as if obedience we can thus forgo.
Yes, “Please can I cling to this, Lord, or to that, Lord,” some desire always getting in the way,
Or we simply carrying on as before, and how many of us regularly pray?
Hence why the light of our witness is so dim, we seldom plugged into the source of power,
And why earthly interests-cum-Satan’s seductions, our Christian walk is seen to devour.
Oh, how we should know better, and hence those measures that God-cum-love must take — and praise His name! —
For if He didn’t, how often would that cunning devil-cum-lion more victims thereby claim?
And why the pain of God’s tough love is far better than we losing out on eternity,
For though saved by grace alone, rebellion mocks its Giver, and why many, Heaven won’t see.
So please don’t fall for that “once saved, always saved” propaganda which comes in various forms,
As Heaven has never been for the wayward, but for he or she who willingly conforms.
Hence Paul’s shout: “Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? BY NO MEANS! On the contrary,
We uphold the law,” and why the apostle James echoes Paul’s shout just as emphatically...
For he says: “So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty,”
And the reason why he says this is, because our deeds show whether we’re frauds or not, you see,
And also because most would accept God’s grace and pretty much just carry on as before,
Something that God can’t condone, and hence why deliberate sin — lawlessness — He can’t ignore.
And hence why Christ said (regarding His Law), “I did not come to abolish but to fulfil;"
In other words, to act in accordance with, for only where His Law is, can the Spirit dwell.
And hence why He wants His Law in our hearts, it cherished instead of sin (of which it convicts),
As God doesn’t want us willingly sinning, for such, the Christian’s new direction contradicts,
And with our God’s will and ways — conveyed via His guide book, the Bible — selfishly conflicts.
By Lance Landall
"And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him"
(Acts 5:32, NASB).
“Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” (Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
“ ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth’ ” (Rev 3:15,16, NIV).
"Do you not know that wrongdoers will not enter the kingdom of God?..." (1 Cor 6:9).
“ ‘Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven [keeps the Ten Commandments]’ ” (Matt 7:21, ESV).
“For if we go on sinning deliberately [lawlessness] after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment…” (Heb 10:26,27, ESV).
7. Contemporary Complainers
Seems we’re always looking for signs. "Lord! Please do this or that." As if God’s some magic genie,
Wanting answers as if the world revolves around us, looking here and there frantically,
When the truth is, God’s given us an adequate brain, a book with insights that we’re to use,
His Word our guide, His Spirit empowering, that we might walk rightly, search, inquire and choose.
Seems we’ve forgotten Job, God allowing our afflictions too, and He withholding as well,
So why do we get upset when we don’t get what we want, and God somehow try to compel?
"Please! Lord, Please! Give me this or that, fix, rid and solve," problems oft due to our own folly,
Yet we demanding answers. "Remember Your promises, Lord!" On His back repeatedly.
And yes, always looking for some sign, such more rare than common, God not at our beck and call,
Nor into dazzling displays that holler, “I’ve heard!” speaking through His Word, the Spirit’s quiet call.
Yes, He’s faithful in answering our prayers, but given our faulty asking, He may say, “No.”
Hence why we don’t get all we seek, God not foolish and indulgent; niggardly or slow.
Oh, what’s wrong with us? We moaning and groaning like that rebellious nation, ancient Israel,
Who when trouble struck, or when they didn’t get their way, would ungratefully murmur and wail.
Don’t like this, don’t want that, we griping our way to Heaven, that conditional promised land,
'Cause Heaven’s not for those who haven’t died to self, something we quickly need to understand.
By Lance Landall
8. God's No Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Yes, God’s no lucky rabbit’s foot, nor four leaf clover, and why we shouldn’t think
He’ll always save us from our folly, hence why many are living on the brink.
And why that walk of each Christian should be reality based, not fanciful,
For we oft reap what we sow, and just like everyone, suffer from random ill.
In fact, it’s trials that build spiritual muscles, and why God out of love
Doesn’t always remove them, but rather, sends an empowering from above.
And hey, were He some kind of good luck charm, who would follow Jesus sincerely,
But only the same amount as now, and they, rather few in number, sadly.
Yes, hit many with troubles, remove their comforts, withhold desires, and oh dear,
God isn’t so fashionable, the true condition of their heart crystal clear.
And this God knows, all why He’s not to be used like some insurance policy,
But rather, followed devotedly, faithfulness equalling eternity.
The truth is that the devil’s cruel interferences are God’s opportunities,
And why beads and chants are pointless, we meeting and dealing with adversities,
And thus growing by not having a lucky rabbit’s foot (not that such exist),
But only the power of God Almighty that every Christian should enlist.
And that’s where prayer comes in, but we ending it with, “Your will be done, Lord, not mine,”
And God removing or allowing whatever, we trusting in the Divine,
And not some so-called lucky rabbit’s foot, such rabbits having run out of luck,
And why we via believing in such charms, or treating God like one, come unstuck.
By Lance Landall
9. I'd Say We Shouldn't, And That God Wouldn't
When someone’s had more than ample warning, been shown the wrong of such via God’s Word,
And even seen examples of such folly, yet pushed ahead with what’s preferred,
And as a result, suffered from the consequences them self, and paid dearly
(Regretting such), should we display sympathy? Would God display sympathy?
I’d say we shouldn’t, and that God wouldn’t, ’cause though understanding our fallen state
He wouldn’t aid and abet via, “You poor thing,” nor we, surely, though they’re a mate.
Sympathy being purely for those who misfortune strikes, or who’ve had it rough, say,
And never for those rebellious, headstrong fools who choose to do what doesn’t pay.
And therefore, God not displaying sympathy but compassion — world’s apart here —
Sympathy not deserved, but compassion noble; and to try and make things clear:
If foolish, lawless motorway blocking protesters get hurt, knocked over, say,
They not receiving sympathy, but compassion pulling them out of harms way.
And likewise, and where we’re sorry, God coming to our aid, despite our folly,
His compassion helping us through those consequences, our opened eyes teary.
Yes, He acting compassionately, but hardly extending His sympathy,
’Cause fools we so often are, having known better, and our folly need to see.
So, one hardly saying, “You poor thing,” over that protester’s protruding bone
(Or whatever else it was), but ringing for an ambulance via ones cell phone.
They having infuriated those motorists, and among them being those
Who may’ve missed an operation, funeral or wedding — you know how it goes.
And then there’s those Christians who marry contrary to God’s Word — hypocrisy —
Having known one thing, done another, things turning to custard maritally.
And once again, God hardly sympathetic, but compassionate, and we too,
No, “You poor thing,” but still helping out, because not helping out would be askew.
Just as we’re to love our enemies, we’re to show compassion to fools, like us,
Who though having been given a way out via Golgotha’s cross, still pain Jesus.
Yes, His love and compassion still there, but not foolish undeserved sympathy,
Hence why He allows consequences — yes, tough love, but true love, reality.
Yes, God has sympathy for our fallen state, inherited weaknesses, and
Struggles and suffering unfairly encountered; none of it divinely planned.
But wilful sin, a false witness, known folly and mistreating others, rightly judged,
’Cause from the great throne of justice and righteousness, Christ our judge will not be budged.
Our wrong actions having oft hurt others too, or caused them trouble in some way,
Like that selfish, thoughtless blocking of some motorway, and how things go astray.
Their “end justifies the means” mentality incurring God’s displeasure, and
So too any Christian’s distorting hypocrisy, which God also never planned.
By Lance Landall
10. Sometimes The Pain Needs To Really Burn
When we act or choose unwisely, and sad consequences occur, as they do,
We might fall to our knees (despite having spurned God’s advice) and His help pursue.
We regretful, desiring mercy, forgiveness and help, and such we’ll receive,
But God often not cushioning things, because over our wrong, we need to grieve.
In other words, we all need to appreciate the enormity of sin;
That is, from the perspective of the Great Controversy, and who we’ve let win.
Such no small thing, sin being sin, the cause of Calvary, just how much it cost,
And thus the reality of it all hitting home — RAW — thus not flossed nor glossed.
If God removed it all, or too much, we’d hardly appreciate this enough,
And would no doubt repeat things, the consequences not really being that tough.
God having kind of waved a magic wand, making it all too easy for us,
When we need to know sin’s hellishness, and how we have just re-wounded Jesus.
Sometimes God lets us go through a season of real discomfort so we may learn;
In other words, really see, so that from that path of foolishness we may turn.
Yes, there’s too much repeating of things, and some things we do are really bad news,
Things that impact others, even for life, and why more thoughtfully we should choose.
Adam and Eve didn’t really know the hell they’d unleash via their rebellion,
But we having seen and experienced such, all why we should truly hate sin.
But no, we’ve got too used to it — in fact, it’s second nature to us, sadly,
And why we’re so in need of sanctification — eye salve — clearer eyes to see.
And all why what goes around needs to come around, we not getting off the hook,
But made to feel the weight of our wrongfulness, and thereby, forced to deeper look.
And hence why sometimes the pain needs to really burn, yet we thinking God’s unfair,
Rather than wiser, a God of justice as much as love, who wants to make things clear.
It’s not just the depth of much, but the ripples of such, which jar Heaven above,
Breaking the heart of our heavenly Father who has clearly told us to love.
We’re not just harming ourselves, but others too, and why it really needs to sink in,
And hence why God’s choosy when it comes to cushioning; and sin wearing thin.
By Lance Landall
10) Spared?
Some believe that Christians will be spared the End-time calamities and tribulations due to being raptured.
If this statement is true:
God has allowed Christians to go through past calamities, sufferings,
wars, inquisitions, etc, why would He suddenly choose to spare them
from such now? Where is the fairness if those in the past had to go
through such but not us? Doesn’t persecution refine, and isn’t
persecution something that sorts out the genuine from the not so
genuine? Why are many Christians currently being persecuted, even
executed, for their belief in God? Why are some Christians already
going through a hell on earth? What about those who are living under
dictatorships? God hasn’t raptured them. Why does God’s Word talk of an
End-time worldwide power that will persecute and attempt to kill those
who remain faithful to Him (Rev 13; Rev 12:17; 14:12, KJV)? Why are the
righteous told to be faithful unto death (Rev 2:10; 19:2)? Why does
Scripture say “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of
righteousness” (Matt 5:10, NIV, note verses 11, 12 also). Why does
God’s Word say that the “anti-Christ” (who leads many Christians
astray) will appear before His
second coming (1 John 4:3)? Why does God’s Word say that things on
earth will not get better this side of Christ’s return? If we look
around us, are things getting better, really better?
Christ says that He’s coming a second time (with a trumpet blast,
lightning, etc) to this fallen earth to retrieve the saved, then His
coming to secretly and silently snatch away the saved (as many believe)
would make that a third return. Doesn’t Scripture only speak of a second coming
(Heb 9:28)? How could Christ be loudly blowing a trumpet and at the
same time coming as a thief? Isn’t Christ’s coming as a thief simply
implying that folk will be caught unprepared (Rev 16:15)? Of course it
is, it wouldn’t make sense otherwise. Remember the foolish virgins?
saved Christians are already in Heaven, due to being raptured, how will
Christ sort out the sheep from the goats (the tares from the wheat) at
His coming (Matt 25:31,32) where He strikes down the wicked (2 Thess
1:7,8; Luke 17:29,30; Rev 6:15-17; Ps 50:3)?
How come the harvest occurs at the end of
the world, according to Scripture (Matt 13:29,30; 37-43; 24:31)? Why
does the Bible tie both the rescuing of the saints (1 Thess 4:16,17;
Matt 25:31,32) and the destruction of the living wicked (2 Thess 1:7,8;
Luke 17:29,30) in with Christ’s second coming if there’s supposedly no
saints left on earth at His second coming?
If a
pilot with a plane full of passengers was suddenly raptured, all the
passengers would be killed, along with others on the ground that the
plane might hit as it crashed. If the wicked are to be given another
chance to repent after the raptured ones have gone, as the rapture
believers say, the passengers on that doomed plane, not to mention
those on the ground, would unfairly miss out on that chance. However,
we are clearly told that now is the day of our salvation (2 Cor 6:2). No one gets a second chance.
the world was destroyed via a flood, that same event dealt with both
the saved and the unsaved. Noah was spared via an ark, the wicked were
left to drown outside the ark. And so it will be at Christ’s second
coming. The saved will be lifted up to Heaven, the wicked will be
struck dead. And as mentioned, Christ’s coming will also be a very
noisy affair -- a trumpet blast heralding His arrival (2 Peter 3:10;
Matt 24:31; 1 Thess 4:16; 2 Thess 1:7,8; Luke 17:29,30; Rev 6:15-17).
Hence why the Scriptures say that immortality will be given at Christ’s
second coming (1 Cor 15: 51-53, KJV).
Is the
rapture theory Satan’s attempt to lull Christians into a false sense of
security and even worse Laodicean condition -- whereby, they will be
both unprepared for tribulation and persecution when it comes upon
them, and truly lost? I believe so.
Yes, too many questions, too many holes.
More articles such as this one can be found on my page Simlification, Christian section, second poetry garden, purple box.