1. By The Grace Of God
We should never underestimate the value of a sermon, true and bold,Yes, faithful to the Scriptures, pleasing or pricking, nothing needed left untold.
So, inspired by the Word of God, and same concern, the following’s conveyed here,
It really all about the love of God, but with worthy cautions here and there.
So lets begin.
I heard a story about a father and his two sons, which I thought I’d share,
It only as good as my memory though, but still serving the purpose here.
They all having headed out to sea in a boat which broke down somewhere out there,
And thus the father having to deal with the motor, make some minor repair.
Meantime, his two boys were to stay up top, having been told to wait patiently,
And not enter the water given that sharks had been seen there, and recently.
However, the repair was taking more time, and the day was sunny and clear,
Which provided a temptation too hard to resist given their swimming gear.
So into the sea they lowered themselves, soon to be seen some distance away,
And midst their fun and laughter, unaware of threatening fins heading their way.
The father, reappearing on deck from below, witnessed the unfolding scene,
And horrified, yelled for them to quickly return, though their chances looking lean.
Soon it was clear that there was only one possible way to save them, and so,
Well out and away from his sons, swimming with slashed arms, he left a bloody flow.
His sacrificial act diverting the sharks, his sons making it to the boat;
The chances of their dad’s body ever being recovered being remote.
I’m sure you know who that father reminds me of — yes, Someone who died for us,
His blood ensuring that we were spared (though rebellious too) — and His name? Jesus.
Satan being the original shark, and he’s heading straight for you and I,
But Christ bearing the brunt of that vicious attack, hoping that we’ll hear His cry.
And thus we saved too, having seen the light, jumped back on board, but at such a cost,
That death on Calvary, that sacrificial act, without which, we’d all be lost.
However, that frenzied shark’s still circling the boat, and with other sharks in tow,
In case some of us enter the waters of sin again, when better should know.
Oh, how tempting those waters can seem, and how merry many appear to be,
Unaware of that monster shark whose jaws have already devoured many.
Yes, closer and closer he’s getting, too many nightmares in the making,
The ark of Calvary soon lost too sight, and through deep waters, Satan snaking.
And watching, a risen Saviour with scars on His hands and feet, tears in His eyes,
’Cause darkness is about to descend, Earth’s End, but who’s listening to His cries?
Love waiting, hoping, there no safer arms than His, and there no greater joy to come,
Yet how often, despite the looming cost, back to the boat, many haven’t swum.
It all too late now for them, Christ weeping over the loss, those children of His,
Taken by that shark who’s gleefully licking His chops, and crowing, “That’s show biz.”
Yes, his beguiling baubles, bangles and beads doing the trick, catching the eye,
Those wayward swimmers having bought into his lies, kissed eternity goodbye.
Yes, that’s show biz alright, the real JAWS, and coming to a theatre near you,
Or has he been, some no longer on the scene — praise God that you weren’t in that queue!
Well, I hope that’s the case, or should I say, still the case, so that Heaven may cheer,
Knowing that because of its King’s sacrificial love, you too, will soon be there.
Yes, too many have fallen away, some having known that same love and care,
But later becoming impatient, or doubt wrongly whispering in their ear.
And excuses often handy, but never good enough, because now’s the day,
Tomorrow not having been promised, except to those who repent, trust and pray.
Christ no shark, but certainly so Satan, who wants more jumping into the sea,
Unlike Christ who wants more sharing in the joys of Paradise, eternity.
Satan all about himself, Christ all about you, hence that blood stained cross that’s seen,
Which all should quickly make their way too, and on the merits of Christ alone, lean.
Oh yes, dear friend, ’cause no one's a saint, but sinner, Christ the only boat, way home,
Salvation hardly found in any man, nor under any cathedral’s dome.
It all about Calvary, that blood that flowed, that unblemished Lamb, Christ the Son,
Who, via His perfect obedience to His Father’s will, the victory won.
All why we sing, “Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me,” having swum on back,
Or having never left our Saviour’s side, despite any Satanic attack.
Yes, it’s all about grace, and a cost that we really don’t fully understand,
And that even before the fall of Adam and Eve, and just in case, was planned.
So don’t be too hard on yourself, and lets not kid ourselves (like many seem to),
’Cause if it wasn’t for the transforming power of God creating anew,
Many in the Church today, would’ve (and have) done some dreadful things, which shows us
How fallen we really are, and why not just you, but all of us, need Jesus.
Yes, the God of love, who, like that father who saw the peril his sons were in,
Must have experienced the same horror and pain over Adam and Eve’s sin.
They having been wised up too, God having their very best interests in mind,
But obey they didn’t, and ever since, and with the same folly, history’s been lined.
The waters of sin claiming more and more, the real JAWS growing fat with lost souls,
They having frolicked but for a season in the territory he controls.
Yet God offering eternity, a Paradise beyond compare, which they,
Had they obeyed, would’ve been able to enjoy as well, until sin held sway.
However, all of us are sinners, the repentant simply covered by grace,
Courtesy of Calvary, a longsuffering Creator who took our place.
A Creator turned Saviour whose mercy confounds given what we’ve put Him through,
And yet, dear friend, there He is, still calling, ’cause He’s a God who’s faithful and true.
Yes, worthy, worthy is the Lamb, who, has delayed His coming for more like you,
Despite the fact that it pains Him so, mindful of all who are suffering too.
But He’s a God who thinks of all, His eyes having always searched humanity,
As “Just one more!” He pleads — and by the grace of God, may that one become many.
By Lance Landall
2. That Discontentment That Hampers God
Oh yes, that discontentment that hampers God, and of which He can’t bless, nor reward,Given its ungrateful negativity, which with Heaven, won’t strike a cord.
Yes, that whining, moaning and groaning over what we desire but haven’t got,
Which says (despite many blessings in our life), that we’re not happy with our lot.
And which must irk God even more given what He’s promised us, come His return,
When all will be behind us, and we’ll receive that happiness for which we yearn.
There still much to be grateful for, and more so if we haven’t suffered badly,
And given this fallen world’s not about happy endings, but reality.
You know,
I was thinking of White Island, a still active volcano in New Zealand,
Which tourists visit, and even very near the edge of its hot crater stand.
Though maybe no more given it erupted leaving behind the burnt and dead,
Married couples and children among them, who shouldn’t have got the go ahead.
And here we are, alive and not suffering from horrific burns, some dying,
Forty to eighty percent of their body scorched, yet, over trifles we’re crying.
Yes, over why we didn’t or can’t get or have this or that, and sulk oft do,
Despite being healthy, not going without, and for which we should shout, “Thank You!”
Think of those lives that were cut short, those months in hospital that others will spend,
Skin graft after skin graft, years of recovery, and some may not fully mend.
Oh, the disfigurement, their lives shattered, and a nightmare compared to ours, which,
Many might even envy, and at worst, ours only requiring the odd stitch.
And think of those rescue workers who went to that same island at great risk, and
Those who returned a few days later for the bodies that were not close at hand.
That volcano about to blow again, their families anxious, worried sick,
And we safe and sound, yet when it comes to complaints and the likes, we’re very quick.
Yes, life can be rather hard, boring, frustrating, even disappointing too,
But many are far worse off, hence why we should mind lest our world also go askew.
Discontent often setting us up, when we should be praising God, who’ll bless,
Our acceptance of things meeting His approval, and furthering our progress.
God not only likes the cheerful giver, but the cheerful bearer of crosses,
Who dwells on his or her rich blessings rather than on temporary losses.
This world far too full of Christians who seemingly want their inheritance now,
And who before the sad throne of self-centredness (not self-forgetfulness) bow,
Unlike Jesus, who bore His cross and temporary losses without complaint,
And who’s still suffering from what He sees, what would try the patience of a saint.
Too many dwelling on the gore of the crucifixion, a matter of hours,
Rather than on His overall sufferings, yet here’s us, bleating over ours.
I’m sorry, but lets be honest with ourselves, the world’s not on our shoulders, and,
If faithful, we’ll soon be removed from here to experience the Promised land.
And should we suffer badly, like those volcano victims, Christ will soon be here,
Though in the possible hell of the meantime, we’re assured of His love and care.
However, here I’m addressing those of us who really can’t complain, but who,
Like the ancient Israelites, are full of murmurings, which blessings just undo.
Christ hardly happy with the reluctant giver, grumpy bearer of crosses,
Who, rather than thanking and praising, points to temporary earthly losses.
The truth is, we can’t expect too much from a fallen world, fallen life, and why
Things don’t always go as planned, suit our desires, no matter how hard we try.
Perhaps our partner disappointing, a job not working out, and so it goes,
We forced to rent, borrow, return something, or some longed for holiday forgo.
And so, we rolling with the punches, even should our lovely house burn down, say,
We still alive, well and healthy, mindful of what happened on that fateful day.
Oh, what’s done in the name of tourism, White Island hardly a place to go to,
But people did, and money rules — oh, the hell that came their way, and overdue.
One way we witness as Christians is, how we bear up under fire, adversity,
God, and our relationship with Him, making the difference for all to see.
Otherwise, we’re no better off than the non-believer, and shame on God bring,
Who we should be thinking of too, and why rather than murmur, should pray and sing.
“That’s life,” we sometimes hear people say, and true it certainly is, but you know,
We’re often partners in crime, the very cause of those “Where are You?” tears that flow.
God hardly the cause, yet there we go, like a lost child who let go of Dad’s hand,
And why midst such lamentations, God teaches us some things we must understand.
And they being: That poor choices can mean painful consequences and sorrow
(Which He wants to spare us, hence His Word, which works both for today and tomorrow);
And that whining, moaning and groaning embitters the soul, works against success,
Repelling others and displeasing God, who, rather than more, may grant us less.
Yes, given we’re fallen, we’ve a lot to learn, seemingly the hard way, sadly,
Thus patience, acceptance, quiet endurance and contentment not coming easy.
And nor selflessness, I have to say, we too caught up with our wants, our woes,
Rather than losing ourselves in others, from which true joy and happiness flows.
Someone’s loved one not coming home (except in a body bag), someone’s loved one
Fighting for their life in hospital, a spouse, father, mother, daughter, or son.
Or simply lying there for months in pain, and perhaps losing the will to live,
And here we are, so much better off — oh, how our thoughts need a heavenly sieve.
Okay, so they made a bad decision, took a risk foreign to common sense,
But they not the only ones to err, though the cost of their foolishness immense.
There for the grace of God goes you and I, given some crazy things that we’ve done,
And were lucky to get away with, and this why we warn our daughter or son.
Hence why I return to that discontentment that hampers God, even us too,
Whining, moaning and groaning hardly producing growth, more likely what we’ll rue.
Better that grateful spirit, that counting of our blessings — yes, that praise and thanks,
Which lays up treasure in Heaven that’s way beyond what is found in earthy banks.
By Lance Landall
3. Tough Decisions
He was such a lovely wee dog, but blindness had made his life miserable,He just existing, effectively, doggy depression beginning to tell.
And so, and due to other considerations too, he was duly put down,
Despite those flood of tears that joy and happiness would momentarily drown.
Yes, sometimes very tough decisions have to be made, one’s we don’t like making,
And which amidst it all — a life a life, after all — can have our heart breaking.
And so it is with God, the creator and giver of life, who’s saddened too,
But faced with making same tough decisions, well aware of what we’re going through.
And those tough decisions that He makes can oft be hard for us to understand,
He having to deal with a world so different and far from the Promised land.
Oh, the complexity of issues, the state of this world that must pain Him so,
All of it pressing down on His shoulders, and He oft getting the blame, you know.
Yes, it’s pretty rich, isn’t it, we the cause, but He accused of this and that,
Satan making sure of it, and while we’re pointing, Satan giving us a pat;
Pats that we should be recoiling from, but no, our gripes and “Why?” stinging God’s ears,
We seemingly ignorant of how it’s all affecting Him, those falling tears.
And don’t forget,
There has always been an ultimate purpose behind Satan’s tempting of Eve,
A cruel goal that needs to come to fruition for all to see, and GOD believe.
And then the End will come, Christ’s return, Satan having deceived the whole world too,
But not those of other worlds watching, nor those on Earth who’ve been faithful and true.
And so, God thinking long term, we thinking short term — yes, more concerned about us,
Despite being spared from eternal loss by the redemptive act of Jesus.
It almost like we’re crucifying Him again given how we shout at Him,
“Lord! Lord! Where are you? Why are You allowing this?” our spiritual eyesight dim.
And so, it’s Satan who we should be shouting at, the evil father of lies,
Hence that falling away from truth, great deception, that in time intensifies.
People becoming as blind as that dog, Christ having to put them down, sadly,
But not against their will though, because they having chosen death, effectively.
Yes, Satan’s ultimate purpose being that all will be lost like him, and thus,
He attempting to gain control of hearts and minds, and wrest us all from Jesus.
And Christ very mindful of this, but our little worlds demanding attention,
Which in the sight of knowing, unfallen angels, must defy comprehension.
After all, there’s the bigger picture, God’s big world compared to our small world, Earth,
And don’t forget what He’s done for us already, hope and promise giving birth.
Yes, he well aware of our needs, struggles and sufferings, but first things first, say,
The future not just about us; closure having to wait ’till He’s on His way.
And Christ returning with mixed emotions, joy at seeing the saved (thanks to grace),
But sadness at seeing the lost, those He’ll put down, who in Heaven have no place.
Yes, the rebellious would hardly be happy there, and evil must be destroyed;
It called His strange work, it so contrary to His nature, but tough love employed.
And I knowing how He must feel having put down a loved pet myself, sadly,
The most reluctant of things I did, and so it’ll be with Christ, obviously.
He taking no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked, hating it so,
But tough decisions have to be made, both in Heaven and on this earth below.
That innocent blind dog reminding me of saved ones laid to rest before that day,
Age or ill health taking them, but life beyond the grave for them, death not holding sway.
They freed from their misery, like that little dog bumping into things each day;
Creatures not having the support that we do, should such misery come our way.
And so, God having to make tough decisions come our lives, and for our best, lest,
Via our failing to see, we lose eternity via embracing what isn’t blest;
Be that via errant ignorance or plain rebellion, thus coming a cropper too,
All of which God wants to spare us from, and given what we might have to go through.
Yes, we may not understand the “Why?” of some things, but God sees what we don’t see.
We wailing ignorantly of what He’s just spared us from, like some tragedy.
However, life handing blows we must learn to take on the chin, like big kids do,
They past that bursting into tears over trifles stage, having grown a lot too.
And you know, death even a blessing for many (like with that little doggy),
Their lives tortured by either pain or depression, things that drain them terribly.
And the Christian facing death unafraid, just saddened for those who’re left behind,
Many in darkness, and thus death but a mystery, they walking as if blind.
Oh, the joy of knowing Christ, the truth of things, we afflicted but left with hope,
That blesséd assurance and amazing grace being what gives us strength to cope.
Yes, that power beyond ourselves, a known but unseen hand clinging to us,
And could we remove that fog of discouragement that sometimes blocks, we’d see Jesus.
Yes, He knew darkness too, saw the blindness of others, and where it all would end,
Joy for some, horror for others, the latter spurning prophets He chose to send.
And so it is today, we either accepting or rejecting His offer:
Eternal life for the true believer, or eternal death for the scoffer.
And for many that’s a tough decision, yet a matter of life or death, and
Best decided today, lest tomorrow not come for us, despite what we’d planed.
Only blindness delaying that decision, only blindness opting for “No,”
And discovering the worst, nothing on Earth comparing to that crushing blow.
So please, dear friend, make the right decision, and letting nothing get in your way,
Christ not wanting to put you down, but here, blindness certainly having the say.
Yes, a tough decision, maybe, friends or family somehow holding you back,
Or your new found faith in God coming under cruel, vicious Satanic attack.
But whatever the case, remember this, you’ve got so much to lose or to gain,
The latter bringing untold joy and happiness, the former heart stopping pain.
And this why Christ’s saving cry is growing louder, love not wanting you put down,
But rather, resurrected, rewarded with eternity, a gracious gown.
By Lance Landall
4. The Defacing Of Humanity
When God created Adam and then Eve, they were perfect in every way,And no man being as handsome, nor woman as gorgeous, since that very day.
Yes, their bodies flawless, God the master artist and sculptor who clearly knew
That neither Him, nor one of us (ridiculously), a better job could do.
Were Adam and Eve alive and single today, they’d be everyone’s dream,
The husband or wife most desired, and their suitors forming an endless stream.
Adam a knock out, Eve drop dead gorgeous, heads turning wherever they went, and,
All in awe of God’s ability, who needed no one to lend Him a hand.
Now, imagine if Adam had decided to doodle on Eve’s fresh body,
Oh, the very thought of it, some picture or design marring her nudity.
Such being both an assault and insult — God outraged, of course, and heard to say,
“How dare you prick and ink such beauty, deface what’s Mine, and thereby cheek display.”
After all, when did God give man the right to tamper so, and as if to say,
“I can improve Your work,” or, “It’s only a body, at the end of the day?”
Yet, would they do that to their one hundred thousand dollar Mercedes? Hardly.
So she’s just a woman, apparently, and with a blackboard anatomy.
No, she’s not just a woman, and God never intended graffiti mar her,
Nor that she herself agree to such, and lest she the same penalty incur.
She made in God’s image just like Adam, an image God doesn’t want defiled,
And hence His early prohibition, and why such pagan acts soon see Him riled.
In my mind (and I don’t doubt God’s), tattoos are ugly no matter how well done,
Arms appearing dark and dirty, black and blue, which every angel must stun.
They having witnessed God’s original creation, that pure, unmarred couple,
And now what sin has done, those markings that a very different story tell.
So who might have wanted this horrid, pagan defacing of humanity?
Yes, a jealous devil who’s become defaced himself, sin marring him badly.
He not only wanting us looking like him, but distorted images, who,
Talk of Jesus but look more like devils — such being the sort of thing they’d do.
If God had thought tats would turn men on, He may well have doodled all over Eve,
But He knew better, and over such disfigurement, has good reason to grieve.
Such women opposites to Eve, Satan’s handiwork marring God’s things again,
Courtesy of the tattooist and his (you’ll have fun removing this lot) pen.
Yes, Satan’s inky paws all over men and women who’re growing by the day,
Tattoos having become a fad — and oh, those places where those tattooists play.
Yes, women’s breasts, bottoms and so on, inroads having been made again, you see,
This immoral generation hardly thinking in terms of eternity.
Tattoos create the impression one comes from a rough neighbourhood, or is rough,
They primitive in origin, the hallmark of thugs, rambos who think they’re tough.
And an even more ugly mark on a woman, who, God intended reflect
Purity and beauty, not fallen man’s ill, of which Satan’s the architect.
Yes, tattoos will give a hard edge to your womanhood, ladies, you branded too,
Just like cattle, one could say, attracting lesser men who lesser things pursue.
And what image might your partner be caressing, kissing, paying homage to,
Each time you’re making love — or there distracting, that ugly black and blue tattoo?
Shame that men are affected by the visual more than women, and shame to
If employment’s hampered, or if it turns off men who really interest you.
But Eve thinking she knew better, falling for that lie, and so it is today;
Tattoos making it harder for doctors and surgeons, such getting in the way.
“You are not your own,” God says, because you belong to Him, and this being why,
You’ve no right to play with your body, and thus minding that plastic surgeon’s eye.
The latter not only dangerous, fraught with ill, but prideful territory,
Let alone insulting our Creator who has the sole rights to each body.
The truth is, tattoos are a sign of rebellion, a glaring effrontery,
And most of those images are incompatible with Christianity.
The devil laughing, they oft an offence to both home and church, yet there they are,
As if Satan’s branding his own, many Christians having wandered afar.
God not only wants hearts and minds freed of rubbish, but also our bodies too,
We not marring it via images, or harming it via food that we’ll soon rue.
Hollywood idols promoting the former, indulgent cooks the latter, and,
This why rather than what’s better, people are eating of the fat of the land.
Yes, going astray left, right and centre, eyes, ears and mouths engaged in the worst,
What folk watch (read), listen to and imbibe, and hence how mind and body are cursed.
In other words, corrupted and destroyed — yes, both the outer and inner man,
The devil having been busy ever since the tragic fall of man began.
Earth’s end is near, dear friend, and Satan’s ramping things up, seeking total control,
He not just wanting a part of you (like that foot found in both camps), but the whole.
In other words, both your mind and body, inner and outer, and in-between,
And this being why more devilish creations are appearing on the scene.
Oh, how Adam must have joyously gazed on his gorgeous wife, pure and unmarred,
Never thinking for one second of how she might look better graffiti-tarred.
But fallen men thinking so, and thus enter implants, sexy clothing and bling,
Women just fodder for their porny imagination, puppets on a string.
Yes, women not blameless, flattery beguiling Eve too, who greater heights sought,
Only to quickly discover they were absolutely nothing of the sort.
She far worse off than before, and upon her all the worst falling, enter rapes,
Spouse abuse and so much more — she left holding what was rotten, not ripened grapes.
Hence God’s call to return to Eden (that state that once existed), as best we can,
Listening to the words of Christ, and not going by the foolishness of man.
Tattoos nothing but a sign of regression, refinement choosing Heaven’s way,
Purity and beauty, a wholesomeness from which no Christian should ever stray.
By Lance Landall
News item from the web (3 June 2024):
A Swedish study has found that having a tattoo could increase one’s risk of developing a rare type
of cancer by 21%. Researchers at the Lynd University in Sweden found a potential link between
tattoos and cancer in the Lymphatic system known as Lymphoma.
When ink is injected, the body interprets this as something foreign that shouldn’t be there and
the immune system is activated. A large part of the ink is transported away from the skin to the
lymph nodes where it is deposited.
Sermon number five is based on the likes of (of which there's more):
“Take no part [whatsoever] in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Eph 5:11).
“You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the
Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy…” (1 Cor 10:20-22, ESV).
“Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practiced
sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly...” (Acts 19:18,19, NIV).
“… ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand’ ”
(Matt 12:25).
5. Are There Any Trolls In Your Life?
When I was about seventeen, I bought a nineteen forty eight Morris Ten,And midst owning that car, I learnt a lesson that I thought I’d share via the pen.
In its open glove box I had my Bible, and on its dashboard a wee troll,
One being divine, one being satanic (which a degree of glory stole,
’Cause when it comes to glory, God shouldn’t just get some of it, but the whole).
Such reminds me of when the Philistines put their god Dagon next to the ark,
Having taken the ark of the covenant, but God soon dealing with that lark.
Their idol soon falling to the floor, and each time that it was put back, until,
Seriously spooked, the Philistines got rid of the ark, and then all was well.
Yes, an unholy mix, which I as a Christian should have clearly known, yet,
There they were, incompatible and at war, soon giving me cause for regret.
Yes, the cup of the devil and the cup of the Lord, two masters, as it were,
Which, after the following incident, loudly hollered, “This is how we err!”
Indeed, and better it would have been if my Bible had been on the dashboard,
And the troll in the glove box, though even so, such still not what one can afford.
And this was glaringly confirmed when the left hand front wheel completely snapped off,
My car grinding to a halt, and the troll appearing as if to mock and scoff.
And fair enough too, because Christians can’t have it both ways, our God jealous, and,
Clearly forbids such adultery, we all having been called to take a stand.
We either on God’s side or Satan’s side, thus leaving behind, not clinging too,
Trolls all part of the underworld, that territory many of us once knew.
Yes, so many Christians have a foot in both camps, and Christmas one example,
On the one hand Christ, and on the other Santa, when they’re not compatible.
Or, on the one hand Christ, and on the other Disneyland with its fantasy,
Jesus real, but all those competing oddball characters imaginary.
Or to put it another way:
On the one hand God’s Word, on the other Hollywood, Trash Incorporated,
A worldly diet designed to corrupt, all why the Israelites were berated.
They too messing with opposites, ignoring the clear directives of Scripture,
And as a result, distorting God’s Word, like many a Hollywood picture.
When the police arrived, I felt embarrassed, both Bible and troll visible,
I on my way home from church, and so sure those polar opposites they could tell.
Well, perhaps not, but I sure could, though not before, it seems, but certainly then,
That strange occurrence with my car being a punchy lesson, and hence my pen.
Did God cause that breakage? No. Was Satan involved somehow? Who knows, but what’s clear
Is, God’s timing is perfect, and thus a much needed lesson being learnt there.
Christ the Bridegroom hardly wanting His bride flirting with another, which we do,
When we play with Satan’s toys, listen to his music, watch what he wants us too.
Aren’t God’s toys better, what He’d want us to listen to and watch? Definitely!
And doesn’t God know what is better for us? Yes, another definitely.
A good parent leading rightly, our heavenly Father too, yet there we go,
Still listening to the father of lies whose children eternity won’t know.
Well, that old car cost, my parents surprised that I’d bought it, it not a good buy,
But I too young and eager, that sad “Why not?” being why many parents sigh.
And with good reason, ’cause the cash spent on repairs could’ve bought a better car,
One that would’ve caused less grief, and as far as Satan goes, not left the door ajar.
Oh, how we make it easier for Satan, not quite closing the door on him,
One way or another, that is, thus risking our spiritual life or limb.
Some losing their way because of such, others receiving wounds that cause much grief,
But better that than drowning, hands able to reach us where stranded on some reef.
Yes, so many Santa’s in the Christian’s life competing with Christ, and old cars,
Those things that we thought better, and often compromises, that leave behind scars.
And so, where there’s a Bible and a troll, something having to give, finally,
Which God taught me that day, lest via such foolishness, I forfeit eternity.
The truth is, we can’t keep company with both Christ and Satan, and nor should we,
Christ having died for us, Satan having engineered the fall of humanity.
Christ all about sparing us from further ill and suffering, some tragic loss,
Paradise just in reach, Christ a humble Saviour, Satan a terrible boss.
Just as that Morris Ten kept costing me, so too will Satan keep costing us,
Until we learn to go by the Word, always remaining faithful to Jesus.
No “Why not?” for us, but, “What will You have me do, Lord?” that we may prosper, and,
On the side of the whole truth and nothing but the truth (please dear God), safely stand.
Be it Hollywood or Disneyland (bedfellows), they’re simply distracting us,
Diverting our hearts and minds from the End-time crisis, and return of Jesus.
Our hearts divided, our minds polluted, the Spirit fighting for His rightful place,
A wheel on our spiritual Morris Ten about to snap, as oft is the case.
If it’s not compatible with, and simply competing with, then it should go,
We not leaving any door ajar, aware that Satan’s nothing but a foe.
Oh yes, he appearing as Mister Sophisticated, a man of the world,
Dressed to attract and seduce, but in his merciless hand, a hand grenade’s held.
Yes, he’s the original terrorist, welcomed as if one of us, but oh,
What a demon he is, disguises aplenty, and putting on quite a show.
Clever signs and wonders to come, we’ve been told, the biggest deception of all,
His little daily deceptions paving the way, many lost having a ball.
Sometimes something just snaps, a lesson learnt, hopefully, a troll of sorts to blame,
A poor decision, a foolish path, even something errant done in God’s name.
Satan good at fooling us, even able to open doors too, which seem right,
But aren’t right, such all the more reason for making sure we’re walking in the light.
Trolls always being an invitation, a chair for Satan to sit on too,
When he shouldn’t even be in the room, and given he always brings his crew.
They sitting in my car that day in the form of friends telling me to speed up,
But I ignored them, praise God, ’cause even worse may’ve come from the devil’s cup.
By Lance Landall
Sermon number six is based on the likes of (of which there's more):
“Do we then overthrow [make void] the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law”
(Rom 3:31, ESV).
“For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for
sins [God’s grace is made void], but a terrifying expectation of judgment...” (Heb 10:26, 27, NASB).
“Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments
of God” (1 Cor 7:19, NASB).
“Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness”
(1 John 3:4, ESV).
6. Law Must Always Stand
“You will not surely die.” Oh, what a lie. And since that time, there has been many lies,One being about God’s Law, and how grace has removed it, which only a fool buys.
We can sing “Amazing grace” alright, because we are indeed saved by grace alone,
But that doesn’t mean that we no longer have to keep those commands written on stone.
Paul delighted in God’s Law, and James called it the Law of Liberty, which shows us
That neither considered it done away with, and thus still meaningful to Jesus.
Yes, there being no reason for its removal, it hardly harmful or faulty,
The cross having always been the only way one's saved, via that Lamb of Calvary.
God’s grace only spares us from the punishment that’s tied in with the violation,
Thus not removing what was violated, laws benefiting every nation.
And therefore, for grace to exist, so must that very thing that was violated,
Like some law against stealing, say, ’cause lawlessness simply can’t be tolerated.
Grace is something that we don’t deserve if we have willingly broken any law,
But where grace is displayed, why would we repeat that same offence, leaving that judge sore?
Oh, what ingratitude, either towards an earthly judge, or our Lord and Saviour,
Stealing clearly frowned upon by both, who rightly expect a certain behaviour.
Hence why God hardly removed His moral Law at the cross, it still needed today,
And more so given how even Christians are straying, that state of moral decay.
Hence why when we knowingly violate God’s Law again, grace must be sought again,
God forgiving, not excusing sin, no exemption having been given to men.
In other words, don’t do it again, ’cause a rule’s a rule, a wrong a wrong, and thus
That grace that God extends hardly freeing any from doing the will of Jesus.
And this why a repeat violation resurrects the penalty, as it should,
Given we’re not meant to knowingly sin — and some licence to, ensuring we would,
Because how many of us are truly good?
Oh yes, it’s human nature, you know, we still needing to know that we mustn’t sin,
And that there’ll be consequences if that selfish rebellion is still within.
Otherwise, sin we will, deliberately so, our fallen nature giving in,
Such simply setting us up, and why there must be evidence of the true Christian.
“You will know them by their fruits.” In other words, by their keeping of God’s moral Law,
It supposed to be written on our hearts now, we not acting the same as before.
Stealing still not right, and the other nine commands hardly detrimental to us,
But rather, bearing a true and right witness, bringing further glory to Jesus.
No judge lets anyone off the second time, because such simply laughs at mercy,
And this being why we must seek forgiveness again if we wish eternity.
Law hardly done away with, for hey, how crazy any nation and God would be
Letting criminals and lawless so-called saints snub their noses at authority?
For justice to be the foundation of God’s throne, there must be laws operating,
Laws that in Heaven, and in those other created worlds, no one is violating.
Just us, hence that penalty that was met, ’cause God’s Law simply couldn’t be removed,
He having to die, which the lie of once saved always saved (and the likes), clearly disproved.
Law must always stand, even in Paradise, or a paradise it wouldn’t be,
Just like Earth became a Hell, necessitating that sacrifice on Calvary.
Calvary simply a rescue package, Heaven not attained via our works but grace,
Though we’re still able to sin our way to Hell, rebellion having a court to face.
Yes, a court that’ll rule against deliberate violators of God’s moral Law,
Grace only for the contrite whose fruits are seen, not those who, sin-wise, go back for more.
Grace made void via such, and any gracious judge offended by such, and hence why we
Shouldn’t dare to show ungratefulness by continuing to act rebelliously.
How convenient it would be if God’s Law was gone, and there no cross to carry,
We not having to bear up or stand up under fire, yet still get eternity.
Yes, once saved always saved (and the likes) creating a lot of lawless Christians, who,
Simply prove their unfitness for a place that only the genuine should go to.
If God’s grace couldn’t be voided once accepted, then free will would go out the door,
We locked in, even if no longer wanting God in our life, nor His moral Law.
And thus grudgingly ascending to Heaven, God being accused again, no doubt,
We having dreaded His return when the dead would be raised from their graves via a shout.
After all, righteous living wouldn’t come easy, it so foreign to us, you see,
Sanctification having hardly had a chance to move, mould, and empower, sadly.
The new creature barely recognisable, worldly clothing giving it away,
Both church and Bible a one day affair, if that, we far too busy making hay.
But one day the sun ceasing to shine, Christ coming like a thief in the night, until
Loud will be that trumpet blast, the lukewarm Christian looking most uncomfortable.
Yes, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” ringing in their itchy ears, but too late,
There little fruit showing, works thrown out with the bath water, God closing the gate.
Yes, works-cum-obedience having its place, for how would people know we’re Christians
If we, due to dismissing God’s Law, were still clothed in our selfish, ungrateful sins?
Christianity hardly a force for change, too look-a-like, all puff and no go,
The substance missing, that change that makes the difference, which in true Christians will show.
Grace was only meant to cloak sinners, not sin, and only when not wilfully sinning,
Ones acceptance of grace not ushering in the end of works, but the beginning.
Our full surrender allowing God (with our co-operation) to work within,
’Till more and more like Him we become, and His moral Law being where we begin.
Works aren’t legalism, unless we’re trying to earn our way to Heaven, sadly,
Which we can’t, it all done and dusted, and our best efforts failing miserably.
Our hard drive still containing past gross entries, our righteousness but filthy rags, which,
Though dirty looking, should still be present — and why to grace, our salvation we hitch.
God is a restorer, not a remover, and hence that renewed Earth to come, where
The principles of His Law will still stand, they written on our hearts, and at home there,
’Cause God’s not just a God of love and truth, but law and order, which makes sense to me,
No one that He’s created being a robot, thus Heaven free of tyranny.
To make it clearer, sin is lawlessness, we’re told, or to put it another way:
Remove God’s Law and there would be nothing to violate, we having a field day.
Enter anarchy, the other worlds having joined in too, God’s Kingdom like Earth,
About to crumble as well, midst the selfishness and merriment that'd given birth.
The Bible shows that all that’s contained in God’s Law existed before Mount Sinai,
And there’s no reason why such shouldn’t continue on, but if still wondering why,
Remember that God wouldn’t want something written on our hearts unless it was for keeps,
And this all being why the true Commandment keeper so much easier sleeps.
By Lance Landall
This poem was added to on 4 January 2020.
Sermon number seven is based on the likes of (of which there's more):
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father
is not in him" (1 John 2:15, KJV).
“Many [Christians] will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy
name cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them,
‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’ ” (Matt 7:22,23, KJV).
“Since every thing will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?
You ought to live holy and Godly lives” (2 Peter 3:11, NIV).
"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people" (Rom 16:17,18, NIV).
7. Lest We Burn
Have you felt the pain of rejection, even betrayal, or persecution, say,Or could it be that you’ve struggled to keep the black dog of depression away?
Perhaps you’ve been falsely accused, even wrongly imprisoned, tragically,
This world so full of so many sad cases since the fall of humanity.
Have you felt the pain of a loved one deteriorating before your eyes,
Be it due to age or some health situation; the latter despite your cries?
Perhaps you’ve had to put a much loved pet down, but whatever the source of pain,
You’ve still soldiered on, trusting in God, knowing that it’s all to do with sin’s reign.
A horrid reign that God wanted to spare us from (and don’t forget Calvary),
But enter Eve, Satan knowing women are more susceptible to flattery.
Those false promises appearing like the real deal, but imitation rubies,
Their sparkle soon fading, and why today, the worst of everything one sees.
Yes, God ordained sex has now been exchanged for demon inspired porn, sadly,
And lovely uplifting music for pants dropping Rock that thumps incessantly.
And crooners too have been exchanged for those who can screech the loudest and gyrate,
The crude thrusting of breasts and pelvises being everything God must hate.
And if you’re like me, and nearing life’s end, it pains to think what’ll be left behind,
It appearing as if the current generation is both hoodwinked and blind.
They being led like lambs to the slaughter, yet scoffing and jeering on their way,
All that held society together being dismantled given their say.
Promiscuity has become pandemic, and oral sex seen as risk free,
But the latter linked to cancers of the mouth whilst sparing one from pregnancy.
Marriage being sought by less, just living together being preferable,
Easy come, easy go, and other forms of relationships heralding ill.
Even the Church has been taken over by their wants and not God’s desires,
Hence why wherever we look now, there’s disunity, schisms and fresh fires.
Yes, those ancient paths we’ve been told to seek and walk therein now overgrown,
The will of God (due to the will of man) blatantly being overthrown.
So please forgive my frankness, but it’s no wonder Earth’s end is in sight, sadly,
Because even this very planet — yes, our own nest — has been treated really badly.
Each generation having got far worse, hence why “as in the days of Noah,
So it will be at Christ’s return,” where the state of things will have got much lower.
Yes, women were once called pretty or gorgeous, but now they’re called hot or sexy,
Their tops lower, their skirts higher, their shorts shorter, their jeans hugging raunchily.
The sexual revolution having become apocalyptic in scale,
It all out there — morals, principles and standards having been put up for sale.
And many Christians having bought into it all, adding to the pain and sin,
Their divorce rate higher too, and as for church attendance — well, it’s pretty thin.
Excuses abounding, their children left to wander too, and thus err they will,
There nothing like a godly home that’s anchored to the Rock, free of evil’s chill.
Yes, this world’s sad enough without adding to things, suffering everywhere,
Poverty, starvation, wars and rumours of wars, thus Christ’s coming very near.
But who’s truly prepared, and daily engaged in easing the plight of mankind,
Rather than just eating, drinking and being merry, cavorting with the blind.
And again the Church has erred, using worldly ways to hold its own, reach the lost,
That satanic end justifies the means ill extracting a terrible cost.
That pants dropping Rock heard in churches now, Christian words red with embarrassment,
And protesting watchmen on the wall suffering from internal harassment.
That house of prayer, instruction, quiet spiritual contemplation and study,
Now full of moneychangers in the form of the errant contemporary.
Laughter, clapping, even dancing and food having taken over the set apart,
Deceiving new theology in the head, and a worldliness in the heart.
So much for that lighthouse that each church was meant to be, that all might clearly see,
Especially given the suffering, that darkness engulfing rapidly.
Storm clouds hovering over the Church too, many leaders having gone astray,
Christ weeping over another Jerusalem — oh, how followers betray.
And God cares, we say, but how much caring is going on, within and without,
And how true’s our witness, what we’re saying and teaching, or does God have to shout?
Hence some ills besetting Earth, ’cause He’s slowly withdrawing His restraining hand,
Iniquity’s cup full, too many asleep, who some things need to understand.
How much God actually does care, and how hope is only found in Him, who’s
The way, the truth and the life, the only one that any should follow-cum-choose.
The only one that can save and heal, grant paradise for all eternity,
But only where there’s true repentance, a turning away from iniquity —
SIN — the devil’s toy box, his lies, deceptions and coming signs and wonders too,
Hence that need of the Spirit and sound study, much different lifestyle and view.
Yes, we thinking, talking and acting more heavenly, more Christ-like, well aware
That copying the world’s errantness will corrupt us, and others wrongly steer.
Thus fashion houses, Hollywood and the music industry not moulding us,
But the benefiting, safeguarding Word of God, the will and ways of Jesus.
We clothed in modesty and humility, righteousness our banner and goal,
Our God not just getting a part of us, but every part of us, the whole.
Yes, booze and drugs not taking us captive too, our bodies not being our own,
We having been created, made in God’s image, despite being flesh and bone,
And fallen, thus God understanding our weaknesses, all our struggles with sin,
And so, compassion’s mixed with His concern, lest we burn, this world not an option.
No, it ending soon, and all its evil history, suffering and pain too,
There a paradise to come, another Eden, this old planet made anew.
Oh yes, it wholesome in every way, emitting love, order and beauty,
The saved willingly and happily serving there, nothing seen as a duty.
By Lance Landall
“Israel had lost the knowledge of God and mixed the values and life-styles of the surrounding pagan, barbaric
nations with the “worship” of God. With their consciences seared and anchored in their self-delusion, they did
“not know how to do right.” That produced an amoral society, which easily excused things once considered abominations.”
From the book A Compassionate Roar by John O. Anderson.
"For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be
the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" (1 Peter 4:17, NASB).
8. The Carnal Three
And they? Promiscuity, prostitution and pornography. The three Ps,Each one destructive, injurious, forbidden and a clear effrontery.
Yes, God having ordained sex, but Satan having introduced the other three,
Thus soiling and marring what once was pure and healthy, considered as holy.
Oh, what a trio, promiscuity, prostitution and pornography,
Each one of them running rampant and rebelliously throughout society.
Many marriages doomed before they’ve started, and porn soon finishing them off,
And prostitution aiding adultery, yet how the world is seen to scoff.
Yes, society hardly in a better state, but all the worse for such ill,
That try before you buy, that sex for cash, those images that love would farewell.
Oh yes, unwanted pregnancies, sexual diseases and destructive lust,
Those devil inspired three a serious attack, acting like rot and rust.
And God knowing so, but off we go — yes, Christians too! — despite the penalty,
Be that the meantime consequences, or possible loss of eternity.
Sex before marriage showing a lack of control, a user mentality,
We all aware that such relationships don’t always lead to matrimony.
And prostitution lacking control too, it that same user mentality,
The degradation of both men and women, and an animal-like sortie.
Such women sought for one thing alone, the pleasure of their oft ravaged body,
It cruelly pawed and bruised by a fallen, selfish, lust fuelled masculinity,
Yes, masculinity, not manliness, further debased by pornography,
The marriage covenant assaulted and threatened — porn too, plain adultery.
Those images hardly of ones wife; and passion shouldn’t be exchanged for lust,
Lest the marriage bed become defiled too, all why love and control’s a must.
This carnal trio first attacks women, who’re used, ravaged and objectified,
All proof that when the devil tempted Eve, he not only deceived her, but lied.
Secondly, this sad multi-pronged trio attacks men, who even further fall,
Going from protectors to predators, and who rather than loving, just maul.
Thirdly, and as you’d surely expect, it very soon beggars society,
Marriages crumbling, families splitting apart, and leers upping the anti,
Oh yes, sexy dressed women well and truly sized up, though all women fair game,
At least in the eyes of more calloused men, who’ve moved on to hardcore after tame.
And God knowing this would be the case, hence His instructions and warnings, you see,
Morals, principles and standards all part and parcel of Christianity.
Those lessons too that we’re supposed to heed, which ancient Israel learnt the hard way,
But no, we repeating history, all good reason why there’s a judgment day.
Promiscuity simply soils someone’s husband or wife to be, and thereby,
Shoots an arrow straight through the one flesh principle with its try before you buy.
Prostitution oft striking before and after marriage, like pornography,
But all devaluing sex, laughing at virginity and matrimony.
Oh, the obsession with sex today, which even in marriage needs to be watched,
It meant to enhance, not degrade, but oh, how lust and porn has seen marriages splotched.
Minds and moments sullied, stains where stains shouldn’t be, so much for that wedding dress,
White representing purity, a sexual relationship God can bless.
But can’t God bless where the errant have repented? Yes, but hardly the same though,
Damage having already been done, that soiled marriage unable to have the same glow.
Some memories are like scars, healed wounds still wounds, ones children even copying.
Those bad examples oft their excuse, mistakes having a familiar ring.
And (under pressure) marriage can oft prove that a relationship wasn’t wise,
Not built on strong principles and commitment, and thus a divorce no surprise.
Marriages weakened by prior wrong moves, decisions not backed by Scripture, and why
Many brides faced with unholy demands or unfaithfulness are seen to cry.
All why the Christian walk is completely different, we called to holiness,
Women to dress modestly, men to watch their eyes, all in line with righteousness.
No sexy clothes, no lustful leers, no pre-marital petting-cum-sex, no porn,
The old creature having been left well behind, a new creature having been born.
It’s simple mathematics, really: Two’s company, three’s a crowd, thus one must go,
Either the righteous or unrighteous, God or Satan, or hypocrisy will show.
And with the latter comes damage to the Christian’s witness, the Church of God, and
Those consequences that follow rebellion, which God wants us to understand.
Why? Because He loves us and has our best interests in mind, sin kicking back,
And a less committed walk making things easier for Satan to attack.
God hardly able to bless or protect the same when we’re wilfully sinning,
Hence why the erring have always suffered pain and judgment from the beginning.
Many pray for this or that whilst in their lives there’s known and unconfessed sin,
Thereby displaying a right old cheek — oh, the nerve of such an erring Christian.
It much like disgracing your parents somehow, and then asking them for money,
They far less likely to oblige, and their facial expressions hardly sunny.
Not into prostitution?
Well, promiscuity is a form of prostitution, cash not changing hands,
But certainly bodies, which as you know, has never been a part of God’s plans.
So who are we to depart from, or alter, that very blueprint that God gave,
And told us to go by, unless of course, we’ve chosen to be the devil’s slave.
Yes, sex with various people over time is like an orgy one by one,
And hence why once, only prostitution was synonymous with more than one.
Modern labels or different labels not changing things much, except in minds,
Minds that have been captured by someone other than God (who drew very clear lines).
All why I wouldn’t go near that carnal trio, but remember those three Ps,
Promiscuity, prostitution and pornography, lest you too, Satan seize.
Each one of them destructive, both to you, your walk, and others, and lead to loss,
So if in the midst of such, dear brother, sister, fall at the foot of the cross.
By Lance Landall
Sermon number nine (a conversational sermon) is based on the likes of (of which there's more):
“ ‘Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who
does the will of my Father who is in heaven’ ” (Matt 7:21, ESV).
“And all these [faithful Bible heroes of all the ages], though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised [eternal life, immortality], since God had provided something better [much fairer] for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect [immortal. They will have to wait]” (Heb 11:39,40, ESV).
"The soul that sinneth, it shall die..." (Ezek 18:20, KJV). Note also Matt 10:28; James 5:20.
" 'Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,' says the Lord Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the Lord Almighty" (Mal 4:1-3, NIV).
“Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan [who was confined, alive, along with his angels, to the depopulated desolate earth] will be released from his prison [to face the ‘second death’ (Rev 21:8)]” (Rev 20:7, NKJV).
“Then I saw a new [renewed] heaven and a new [renewed] earth...And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God...And I heard a great voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them [on the renewed earth], and they shall be His people...He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall their be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away’ ” (Rev 21:1-4, RSV).
“And they [the resurrected wicked struck dead at Christ's coming, and Satan and his angels (Rev 20:8)] marched [preparing to attack] up over the broad earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city [the descending New Jerusalem containing the saints and Christ (Rev 21:1-3)]; but fire came down from heaven and consumed them [the ‘second death’ (Rev 21:8)].” (Rev 20:9, RSV).
More texts are under this conversational, doctrinal, poetic story which contains 43 verses.
9. A Deep Conversation
Whenever you kneel to pray, friend, and converse with God in prayer,Do you do all the talking and not the conversation share,
Thus not pausing to let God speak, nor listening carefully
For anything that could spare you from folly or injury?
“Are you grateful, son?” “Grateful?” “Yes, given what I did for you.”
“Of course, Lord, very grateful, because I’d be lost but for You.”
“Well, I’m really glad to hear that, as I gave My all for you.”
“Yes, I know You did, Lord, and for such, I do truly thank You.”
“Tell me, do you love Me, son?” “Oh yes, Lord, I certainly do,
And there’s no one that I love more, 'cause no one loves me like You.
Hence why I can’t wait to be with You throughout eternity,
Because You, Lord, are my Saviour — yes, You, Lord, have redeemed me.”
“I’m glad to hear that too, son, it means everything to Me,
However, there’s something else.” “What’s that, Lord?” “Proof I’d like to see.”
“Proof, Lord?” “Yes, proof, son, something that shows Me that you’re genuine.”
“Like what, Lord?” “Like obedience that is willingly given.”
“Is such necessary, Lord, because aren’t we saved regardless?”
“Such questions trouble Me, son, as they don’t express eagerness.”
“Ahh…well...we are human, Lord.” “Well, I don’t expect perfection,
But just a willingness that's clear. Surely you’ve no objection?”
“No...but…” “Do you love your wife?” “Yes, Lord.” “Do you like to please her?”
“Yes, Lord, I try my best to.” “And I've no doubt you sometimes err?”
“Yes, Lord, but she understands, and she’s very forgiving too,
Knowing I’m sorry and that hurtful things I try not to do.”
“That’s what it’s all about, son. So can you see the parallel?
'Cause You show that you love Me too when My requests you fulfil.
I’m understanding also, hence why I will forgive you too,
If you’re genuinely sorry, and rebellion don’t pursue.
Though you’re saved by grace alone, grace isn't a license to sin,
Because hearts that are still rebellious, the Spirit can't live in.
You see, son, sin is sin, and why sinning I cannot excuse,
Otherwise there’d be Christians who My grace would simply abuse.”
“So where does that leave someone, Lord, who still continues to sin,
Knowingly, that is, and yet, Lord, still saying they’re a Christian?
Will they be saved, Lord, given that they’re willingly rebelling,
And as I understand it, the Holy Spirit repelling?”
"My Word has laid out what sin is, so Christians have no excuse,
And shouldn't ignore My obedience; such naught but abuse.
No, they can't earn their way to Heaven, but one thing they can do
Is sin their way to eternal loss via the wrong they pursue.
Tell Me, what would you do, son? What I mean is, if you were Me.”
“Well, seems they’re not deserving of Heaven and eternity.
They're somewhat like an employee who’s still wanting to be paid
Even though not showing up for work, but rather, in bed have stayed.
So I guess I wouldn’t save them. After all, Lord, why should I,
And how could I justify that given they hardly qualify?
After all, You died for the contrite who seek to do Your will,
Given that they’re very grateful and find serving you a thrill.
Sure You died for all, but what I mean is, rebellion won't pay,
'Cause it ignores Your Word, and thus they not genuine, like You say.
And I guess that's why You'll say to many, "Depart from Me,"
'Cause despite their professions, they somehow acted contrary."
“So grace isn’t a blank cheque?” “No, Lord. On it there’s an amount,
Because it's a cheque that pays a debt, one banked on our account.
It doesn’t pay for sinning, but for those who have died to sin,
Who the Spirit then empowers, living and working within.”
“I like how you’ve put it, son. Seems you’re getting the picture now,
'Cause sin is such an ugly thing, and why sin I can’t allow.
Hence why I’ve expectations that I must take into account
When an investigation into who will be saved I mount.”
“An investigation, Lord?” “Yes, son, one before I return.
I’ll be going through the books, then each person their fate will learn.”
“What books, Lord?” “Heaven’s record books where everything’s recorded,
And then all with eternal life or death will be rewarded.
So every word, thought and action I'll be scrutinizing,
And then, who's sheep and who's goats, I’ll be categorizing.
You see, I’m not just your Saviour, but also your Judge as well,
Which is mentioned in Revelation, and elsewhere, like Daniel.
I can't leave one stone unturned — I must be, and be seen to be, fair —
In case someone gets to Heaven who really shouldn’t be there.
Plus Satan would be complaining, telling others I’m unfair,
And pointing out those Christians that he thought should not have got there.
And even those I save, son, when in Heaven, might wonder why
There are certain ones up there, and how such I could justify.
Hence why some time spent in Heaven to peruse those books with care
Will help each saint to see why certain ones are or are not there.”
“Don’t the saints remain up there, Lord?” “No, son, only for a while,
Then to earth they’ll return, along with Me, in lavish style.
It will be a renewed planet where I’ll be living as well,
And there in peace and safety all eternity we will dwell.
But having said that, there’ll first be that investigation,
Where each person’s life is weighed, receives an examination.
But all those who truly love Me, and whose walk with My Word squares,
Will have Me as their Advocate, no reason for any fears.”
“When will the saved go to Heaven?” “When I come back again, son,
As prior to My return, My investigating will have been done.”
“So they don't go before, Lord?” “No, because that would be unfair,
And thus all the saints at the same time My wedding feast will share.
Once back in Heaven, I started making room for you; soon I’ll come for you,
A trumpet blast shouting such, the dead who’re saved rising first (there no queue),
Then the living who’re saved — in other words, all together, as is fair,
All taken to Heaven, which the book of Thessalonians makes clear;
And there’s the millennium."
“Will there be tears in Heaven, Lord?” “Oh, I’m sure there will be, son,
As only on the Earth made new will any tears cease to run.
Such is recorded in My Word, and the reason there’ll be tears,
Is 'cause folk will be scanning Heaven’s books with want-to-know stares.”
“I think I understand, Lord, 'cause many will need time to grieve,
Having seen why some loved-one eternal life didn't receive.
And that’s why You have allotted that time in Heaven above,
Wow! You think of everything, Lord, 'cause You’re a God of love.
So You’ll help them through that process, further questions answer too,
And then You’ll escort them back to this Earth, which You’ll renew.
Thus after they've had time to grieve, enjoyed their Heavenly stay,
They’ll not shed tears again, but be smiling day after day.
So how could I not obey you, Lord? After all, You know what’s best,
And because You never force our will — no, You simply request.
Thus effectively it’s us, Lord, who select our destiny.”
“Yes, son, and why I’m hoping that it’s eternal life with Me.”
“Oh, just one more thing, Lord.”
“Yes, son?” “When a saved one dies naturally or by accident,
Does a soul ascend to Heaven at that very same moment?”
“No. One does not have a soul, and it's like I said before, son,
No one’s going to Heaven ’till an investigation’s done.
You see, man is soul, doesn’t have a soul. Soul’s the complete man,
All why some versions state ‘being’ instead, which they rightly can.
When the breath of life has gone from somebody that I have made,
They then cease to exist, except in the grave where they’ve been laid.
It's true a few have gone to Heaven, but they were exceptions,
Like Moses, for example — so, son, beware of deceptions.
That you’ve a soul, or go to Heaven at death, is not correct.
Because such are heresies, and Satan is their architect.
They’re simply pagan beliefs that into the Christian Church crept,
And ever since that time, as a Christian precept, have been kept.
So, in line with the Scriptures, son, I would like to remind you,
That neither David nor Lazarus (for two), up to Heaven flew.
I’m into restoration, hence why the Earth I’ll renew, son,
Thus not making a new earth, but just restoring the old one.
And it’s the same with people, because I’ll restore the saints too,
Back to that pre-Fall state where people had flesh and blood like you.
When I arose from the grave, My body was flesh and blood too,
And that’s the way it’ll stay, son, thus My wounds the saints will view.
No, the saved will not be spirits, nor have some kind of a soul,
But will be made perfect, immortal; restoration My goal.
So, between death and the resurrection, the dead don’t exist,
But metaphorically sleep — while I, above, the saved ones list.
When I return to Earth with their blueprints at hand (so to speak),
I will bring them back to life, and the angels each saint will seek.
“I guess there’s no Hell either?” “No, not as some perceive it, son,
It's certainly not a place, like some have wrongfully spun.
Hell’s just that lake of fire that's intended for the wicked it’ll destroy,
Which stops when its done its work, thus not robbing the saints of joy.
No, I’m not vindictive, son, so eternally they won’t burn,
'Cause such is out of proportion, no behaviour such should earn.
Seventy-odd years of wrong doesn’t equal eternity,
And therefore, their destruction will be over very quickly.
The devil loves to portray Me in the worst way that he can,
And Satan hasn’t ceased such since that time when he first began.
He wants Me seen as a monster who unjustly inflicts pain,
Rather than a God of love whose cruel cross bore a bloody stain.
No, son, I would never ever act in such an unjust way,
For oh, what a lack of judgment such behaviour would display.
I knowing very clearly, son, that punishment should be fair,
Lest those who're observing no longer respect Me, but fear.”
“So then, when does such take place, Lord?” “When the saints and I (to Earth) return,
And then Satan and the wicked in that lake of fire will burn.
But first,
All the wicked struck dead at My coming (or who died before),
I will bring back to life again, and the following will be
(My bringing them back to life being the second resurrection):
They will team up with the devil, and his evil angels too,
Who were left to roam the Earth while the saints those records went through.
And as the saints and I approach, Satan’s army will attack,
Only to be destroyed by devouring fire, My counter attack
(This being the second death that follows the second resurrection).
Yes, fire comes down from Heaven and a lake of fire engulfs them,
Turning them into ashes; an act that no saint could condemn.
Thus both death and sin vanquished, and Satan and his angels too,
The new Jerusalem settling on the earth that will be made new.
It’s all revealed in My Word, the latter in Revelation,
And it’s what I call My strange work, 'cause I’m into salvation.
I’d rather no one perish, 'cause my desire's to save all,
But to each I’ve given freedom — thus, it’s effectively their call.”
“I’m extremely glad, Lord, that we have had this conversation,
'Cause I’ve a clearer picture now, greater appreciation.
Therefore, You will have my loyalty, and my undying love,
And I’ll always be grateful for what You’ve done and do above.”
By Lance Landall
“As I looked, thrones were set in place…and...the court was seated, and the books [records] were opened... ”
(Dan 7:9,10).
"For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be
the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" (1 Peter 4:17, NASB).
“For the Lord Himself, with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call and with the sound of God’s
trumpet, will descend from heaven [at His Second Coming], and [then] the dead in Christ will rise
[upwards to heaven] first [out of fairness]. Then we who are alive [the righteous living at the time of
Christ’s second coming], who are left [because the dead at that time are already rising upward], will be
caught up in the clouds together with them [the righteous dead] to meet the Lord in the air [the Holy
Christ does not touch the defiled earth]; and so we will be with the Lord [are then taken to heaven
(Rev 20:6)] forever” (1 Thess 4:16,17).
This older poem was upgraded on 23 January 2022 and added to on 12 February 2022.
See my informative and text supplied article called Getting The Millennium Right which is on
my page Where Love And Wrath Meet.
For a diagram showing the second resurrection and second death, click on the following
link and scroll to the bottom of that page:
Where Are They?
A sermon that every Christian of every denomination should hear (read, in this case)
though put together for a New Zealand audience.
By Kenneth Landall
The following sermon borrows heavily from the book "The Hole In Our Gospel” by Richard Stearns,
former president of World Vision,
Today we come to the third, and final, part of my sermons on the question ‘What Are We Doing For God?’ We started by looking at the Parable of the Talents and saw clearly that each of us has been given ‘talents’ from God to use in His service, and that there will ultimately be an accounting required for how we have used those talents. Then we moved beyond simply duty and obligation and began to consider the need that is out there. And so, we looked at the Great Commission given by Christ to His followers and how the gospel meets the world’s needs. You may recall that when we looked at the gospel message, I stated that it is the gospel in its fullness that is the answer to needs of the world. Today we will continue to consider the great need that exists in the world and look beyond preaching and the promise of heaven to consider the full gospel of Jesus Christ and the part that we are called to play.
The Gospel In It's Fullness
I would suggest that too often, as Christians, we think of the gospel as being only the good news of salvation - that Christ died for our sins and that “whosever believeth in Him shall not persish but have everlasting life (Jn 3:16).” And so we limit ourselves to the preaching of the risen Christ and the assurance and hope of a life beyond this one. And while this is a message people need to hear, as we noted last time, I do not believe that this constitutes the full gospel. This is not the gospel in its fullness. This is half a gospel, or as I’ve heard it described - it is a gospel with a hole in it. It is my contention that we have not been called to proclaim a partial gospel, but to reveal the gospel in its fullness. Discipleship is not something where you select only the bits of your master's teaching that you wish to follow, it is embracing all of His teachings and carrying them all out. So let us begin by taking another look at Jesus and consider how Jesus saw His mission on this earth.
The Mission Of Jesus Christ
Fairly early in Jesus’ ministry he returned
to His birthplace, ultimately causing a bit of a stir. If you will turn with me
to Luke 4:16-21, we
will see what Christ had to say.
Luke 4:16–21 ESV
"And he came to
synagogue on the
Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was
given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written,
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to
the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the
synagogue were fixed on
him. And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled
your hearing.”
Isaiah 58:6 ESV
“Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of wickedness,
to undo the straps of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?"
The next verse goes on to say:
Isaiah 58:7 ESV
"Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover him,
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?"
Here we have Christ, at the beginning of
His Galilean ministry standing up in public and declaring that He is here to fulfil
that which has been spoken of in Scripture, prophesied by the prophet Isaiah.
Here Christ effectively associated Himself with the Messiah - this passage was
understood as a clear Messianic prophecy. But Jesus was not simply dropping
hints that He was the long sought for Messiah, He was also declaring His
mission statement. Isaiah wasn’t just declaring that the Messiah would come one
day but was setting out what Messiah would do.
Ultimately, the Messiah would suffer and
die for the sake of our sins, as Isaiah prophesied in Chapter 53, yet here he
makes it clear that this isn’t all that Messiah would do; that His love for His
people extended to their earthly state as well as a future, heavenly one. He
was here to deliver them from sin and offer them eternal life, yes, but He was
also here to help the poor, the captive, the blind, the oppressed, the hungry,
the homeless, the naked, the weak, the fatherless, the afflicted, the
destitute, the needy.
We again see this attitude, this dual focus
of His mission, when Christ is put to the test by a lawyer regarding the great
commandment of the law. We find this in Matthew 22:34-40.
Matthew 22:34–40 ESV
"But when the Pharisees heard that he had
silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of
them, a lawyer,
asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in
the Law?”
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all
your mind. This is the great and
first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor
yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
According to Christ there are two great
commandments. On these hang everything else: Love God. Love your neighbour, or
we might say, other people. Love God. Love people. Done. There’s our Christian
duty in a nutshell.
Both of these commandments involve the
expressing of love. And there’s no surprises there. After all, at the heart of
God’s character is love. And as we fulfil the Great Commission, we will make
more disciples who seek to carry out these commandments - to love God and love
others. We will be at the centre of a wave of love spreading ever outwards as
we proclaim the gospel to every nation and tribe and language and people (Rev 14:6). And not just a partial
gospel, but a complete gospel - a gospel that responds both to people’s
spiritual needs and their temporal, or earthly needs.
Yet where is our awareness of these needs?
The Great Need
I believe that we don’t spend enough time
thinking about and appreciating the blessings we have, nor about the blessings
others lack. We don’t spend enough time pondering the great need in this world
and considering our response to it.
How often do we reflect on how wonderful
our life is? On all the things we do have? How much do we take for granted? How
many things are there in our life that we completely overlook - that we don’t
even place in the scales when considering how well off we are? When was the last
time you praised God, that water comes out of a tap in your home, let alone
clean, drinking water?
We very rarely stop to think on this. 2
billion people don’t have safe water at home.[1] And over
a million people a year die because of unsafe water sources,[2] with a
child dying every two minutes from a water-related disease.[3] Not to mention that poor access to water, let
alone clean water, keeps children out of school and women locked into a cycle
of poverty and dependence, as between them they are largely responsible for
fetching water.[4] Meanwhile I’m sitting in a restaurant,
unimpressed, because the glass of water they gave me for free is only tap
If I might borrow an illustration from
Richard Stearns,[5] former president of World
Vision USA, and bring the figures up to date: Imagine if you woke up tomorrow
and the headlines in the paper, on the radio, on the tv, and your social media
feed were just going off: Tragedy strikes on an unprecedented scale! Overnight
a large number of jetliners crashed. Total death toll stands at 15,000 people.
How would you react? I remember being woken up by my father to be told of the
September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centres. That day I was attended a
block course as part of a printing apprenticeship, and it was all we could talk
about. For comparison, just under 3,000 people died in those attacks. So,
imagine how overwhelmed we would be to learn of the death of 15,000 people
overnight in a vast series of plane crashes. And then you wake up the next day
to be greeted with the exact same headline. Overwhelming tragedy strikes again!
Another 15,000 people dead as large numbers of planes crash. And then the next
day, and the next day. Day after day the sky rains planes and the death toll
mounts at a mind-numbing rate. We would struggle to cope. We’d certainly never
get on a plane again. Yet this is how many children are dying each day from
mostly treatable and preventable causes - typically poverty related.[6] Now
compare you reaction to that fact. Bear in mind this is only one issue in our
world - child poverty. Yes, issues are complex and child poverty is related to
many other issues, but still, this is simply children dying of poverty related
causes. There are many others dying from other unnecessary causes, and even
more who are not dying but are nevertheless suffering greatly.
So how do you react to the death of 15,000
people? Are you as shocked and outraged by the tragedy of 15,000 children dying
of poverty related causes as you are people dying in a series of plane crashes?
Do you think God shrugs his shoulders at
one, and is outraged by the other?
What of the many other issues that have
plagued the world, and continue to do so? Issues that largely pass us by here
None of us have stood atop a church in the
aftermath of genocide and had a crisis of faith wondering how God could’ve
allowed the slaughter of the congregation which are currently being dug out of
a mass grave.[8] What of places in this world
in which slavery is still a reality? It is estimated that over 40 million
people are under some form of slavery today[9], from
actual chattel slavery to forced labour to human trafficking and forced
We just don’t seem to be aware of how bad things are out there. I would like to make this clearer by relating some of the actual experiences of those living in war zones or trapped in sexual slavery, but I think it would be too much for a general audience like this. It is truly and utterly horrifying. But how much does it really impact us? Are our lives too cosy and safe?
The Depersonalisation Of Statistics
You would think that the vast number of
people suffering, that the large number of daily casualties - of which we have
barely scratched the surface - would rock us to the core of our being, yet the
greater the number of people suffering, the easier it is to depersonalise.
Joseph Stalin is attributed as saying “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths
is a statistic”, and behavioural studies appear to bear this out.[10]
Journalist Susan Moeller wrote a book
called ‘Compassion Fatigue.’[11] In it she quoted a statement that she often heard mentioned in
newsrooms around
A child suffering on your doorstep will
break your heart whereas a million children suffering in
Has this depersonalisation led the church,
led us, to ignore many of the sufferings experienced by others over the years?
Is this why the Christian church has permitted slavery, apartheid, or racial
segregation? Could it explain a lack of focus on missions; of the churches in
first world countries largely ignoring the plight of their brethren in churches
in third world countries?
Yet, how do you think God feels about this
issue? Do you think God values the life of a child in
How do you think God views the suffering or deaths of any of those who He created in His image? For those that He came to this earth and lived and died for?
Life's Not Fair
Or do we possess a fundamental
misunderstanding of how the world works. Do we dare to think for even a moment
that life is somehow ‘fair’? Do you truly think that everyone has the same
opportunities available to them in life?
Are the opportunities in
I want to assure you, that life is not
fair. The almost 8 billion of us that call earth home are not all dealt the
same hand. We are not all given the same start. We are not all given the same
We Are God's Solution/Answer
This fact, I find, is a very challenging
fact. It leads to even bigger questions, like why does it appear that God has
given us such blessings, but seemingly denied them to others? We like to talk
about how God has blessed us, but do we then look at the child born in a slum
and declare that God has chosen not to bless him; or the person in a third
world war zone and declare that God doesn’t care about her? Are we guilty of
thinking, even subconsciously, that we are specially chosen and blessed of God
above these others, and in doing so take what we have for granted, almost as if
it was ours by right?
Challenging questions that ultimately lead
on to the ultimate challenging question of theodicy - or as it is more commonly
expressed: “If God is so good, why is there so much evil in this world?” Now
that is a question big enough for at least a sermon on its own, if not a
lecture series, so for the purposes of today I am simply going to note that it
wasn’t God who created all this suffering on earth, but it was people like you
and I. Let us not turn and shake our fists at God or blame Him, let us turn our
gaze inward and look closer to home. God placed the world into human hands, and
it is human hands that have made such a mess of it. Is it not possible then,
that the responsibility to do something about the mess we have made also lies
with us; that the clean-up should also be committed with our hands?
I believe that we are God’s solution; God’s
answer to the world’s problems. Those of us who have are the answer to those
who have not. Those of us who are able are the answer to those who are unable.
Those of us with power are the answer to those who are powerless. Those of us
who are free are the answer to those who are trapped. Yet what are we doing for
God - and for our neighbour?
Do you think God expects those of us in comparatively
wealthy churches to look over to our brothers and sisters struggling in poor
churches and say, “Better luck in the next life!” Do you think God will hold us
guiltless for this attitude? These people are praying to God for help and
assistance. God has prepared us to help. But what are we doing? Do their
prayers appear to be falling on deaf ears because God’s chosen solution - His
agents in this world of sin - have decided to abrogate their responsibilities?
Is it ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’, or have we all gone AWOL?
And not just other Christians, mind you,
when God told the Israelites to help the poor, the captive, the blind, the
oppressed, the hungry, the homeless, the naked, the weak, the fatherless, the
afflicted, the destitute, the needy - he didn’t add, but only the Jewish ones.
No, the command is universal. The gospel is universal. The love of God is
universal. Let our response be universal too. Through us, let the whole world
see what the love of God truly means.
Why Don't We Care?
So why don’t we appear to care? The honest truth is that most of us don’t. And if you are feeling rebuked this morning understand that I am rebuking myself along with you. As I have become more aware of the sorry state of the world and the level of human suffering I have been challenged by my own indifference and lack of response. As I have felt envious of people who have more than me, I have been rebuked in my self-centredness. As I have desired bigger and brighter possessions, I have been rebuked in my greed and selfishness. I have everything I need, why then, do I feel dissatisfied by all the unnecessary things I don’t have? Why do I desire excess, while others lack even the bare minimum? British psychologist Oliver James would diagnose me as suffering from “affluenza.”[12]
Christ cares. But I don’t appear to. What
does that say about my claim to be a Christian; to be a follower of Christ?
Distracted by the World?
Is it possible that we have become
distracted by the world? That the things of this earth have got us hooked and
our focus has turned from the spiritual - which includes loving our neighbours
- and has left us lying in a comatose state, where our eyes are turning square,
or should I say widescreen, and we are developing repetitive strain injuries or
arthritis in our swiping finger? Have we been sedated by worldly pleasures;
drugged by earthly distractions? We don’t have time to think about serious matters,
there’s too much we could be missing out on, from the latest arrivals on
Netflix, to whatever rubbish is trending on our social media feeds. Are we too
busy exploring the Marvel Cinematic Universe to care about our own?
Or have we brought into the world’s lie;
the world’s marketing, and are too busy chasing worldly definitions of success.
Always seeking after the next big thing, always chasing after that illusive pot
of gold at the rainbows end. We don’t have time to worry about others, we’re
too busy worrying about ourselves as we chase bigger pay checks, bigger tv’s,
bigger cars, bigger houses.
The Parable of the Sower provides a stark
warning for those who let the things of this world choke out the Word of God. (Mark 4:19). What does it say
of such?
"But the cares of the world and the
deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and
choke the
word, and it proves unfruitful."
Unfruitful. The Bible has a bit to say on the
subject of fruit, doesn’t it? Matthew
7:16 & Matthew 7:20
tell us that “by their fruits, you will know them.” And verse 19 puts the issue
"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut
down and thrown into the fire."
If this is the destination for the unfruitful, shouldn’t we set aside the world’s distractions and turn back to that word that we have received, and let it take root in the soil of our hearts? I suggest it is high time for most of us to do some weeding.
Bad Attitude?
What about our attitudes? Could it be that
our problem lies there?
What is our attitude towards our possessions
and wealth? Do we feel we deserve what we have? Have we forgotten, as
Christians, that all things ultimately belong to God; that we are simply
stewards of His possessions? Have we already forgotten the lesson of the
Parable of the Talents, and of the accounting that all God’s servants will have
to render to Him for the way in which they have used that which He has
entrusted them with? Have we stopped to consider that if we are God’s servants,
His hands upon this earth - and that if God has blessed us with possessions and
means and time and everything else - that this is for a purpose, a purpose that
does not centre on us and our pleasure and entertainment, but on others, and alleviating
their burdens and raising them up?
What is our attitude towards others;
towards those in need? Is it that we think others don’t deserve the same? That
they could have the same if only they worked harder or improved their
attitudes? I like to think I addressed this when I noted that the world was not
fair, but let me touch on this again by considering the subject of poverty and
noting the experience of Richard Stearn in his work with World Vision:
"What I have discovered in my travels to more
than forty countries with World Vision is that almost all
poverty is
fundamentally the result of a lack of options. It is not that the poor are
lazier, less intelligent, or
unwilling to make efforts to change their condition.
Rather it is that they are trapped by circumstances
beyond their power to
change. … I have found that the poorer people are, the harder they work,
In fact, their daily labour is more strenuous than most of us could
tolerate. It is their circumstances
that conspire to prevent their hard work
from bearing fruit."[13]
For most of us, we will have seen a
connection between how hard we work and the result in our life. Now imagine if
that connection was broken. That is the reality for far too many people in this
I think it is time to check our attitudes.
It may well be a bad attitude, based on false assumptions that we are using to
soothe guilty consciences and justify our inaction on behalf of others.
Easy Excuses?
If our attitude is poor, it becomes easy to
find excuses for our inaction.
One of those easy excuses that I have heard
is that giving to charity is ineffective because much of the money doesn’t make
it to those most in need. But in most circumstances, instead of giving to
somewhere we consider more effective, we end up not giving at all. I recognise
this in my own life. Beside tithe and offering I set aside a little bit of
money each week for charitable purposes. And to be honest with you, most of
that is still sitting in my bank account doing nothing. I could’ve given that
to any number of groups like World Vision or Unicef or ADRA. But what about how
only a small portion makes it to those in need? I tell you this, even if only a
small amount made it to those in need it would still achieve more than if it
was just sitting in the bank! By all means, find effective ways to give or to
do something - it is important, but make sure you are giving; make sure you are
doing something. Do not let it become an excuse for inaction.
It is easy for us to find excuses not to
help. They run in the same path as our natural inclinations. But how well do
you think those excuses will hold up when you have to deliver them before the
judgment throne of God?
Too Busy Playing Church?
Is it possible that we’ve forgotten why we
are here? Why the Church exists? I fear this may be the case and it has been
the purpose of these sermons to help remind us of what we should be doing. God
has called us to work for Him but are we too busy playing church?
We build these nice buildings. We fill them
with nice things. Then having done this we dress up all nice and come and sing
nice songs and listen to a nice message. Then we go back to our homes. And then
we repeat this each week. We get comfortable with ritual and tradition and
eventually it comes to define us; to define what Church means. And it looks
good. It looks like we are honouring God with our church attendance and our
church rituals. But has it all just become an empty formalism?
If I return to the question of the great
commandment that we looked at earlier, a Bible Commentary
makes the following comment:
"The Pharisees exalted the first four precepts
of the Decalogue as being more important than the last six,
and as a result
failed when it came to matters of practical religion."
Are we doing the same? Are we so focused on
religious observance, thinking that we are thereby honouring God, that we fail
to serve in a practical manner, our brothers and sisters who are struggling,
either here or abroad? Has our religion become about ourselves instead of about
others? Have we lost sight of what it really means to be God’s people on this
earth, and how we show that to the world around us?
Someone observed that “We’ve drifted away
from being fishers of men to being keepers of the aquarium.”[14] Does
anyone see the problem here?
What does the world see when they look at
us? I can give you the answer. Because this question has been asked and the
response received. What surveys suggest is that the world sees a bunch of
unpleasant judgmental types who are constantly telling everyone else what they
shouldn’t be doing. That’s largely it. That’s the image most Christians and
most churches are presenting to the world. And what is worse, they see us for
hypocrites, because a lot of Christians are not much different from those
around them.
What we need to do is turn this image
around. What we need to show the world is a true image of Christ and His
gospel. Rather than being defined but what we are against, we should be defined
by what we are for. Dos are more powerful than don’ts. It is the doing that
Christ is best known for. I’ve preached on this before, but Christ lived a life
of love without compromise. He was the example of holiness, yet was devoted to
the serving of others, of offering them love and acceptance and forgiveness,
while never tolerating sin. We can be like Him. We should be like Him.
In the final analysis God will be more
interested in what we have done rather than what we didn’t. If we briefly look
at Matthew 25:31-46 -
the parable of the sheep and goats at the final judgment - we see that when the Son of Man comes in His
glory and separates the sheep from the goats, He separates the saved from the
damned on the basis of how they met the needs of others.
Matthew 25:35–40 ESV
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was
thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed
me, I was
naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and
you came to me.’ Then
the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we
see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give
you drink? And when did we see
you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we
you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I
say to you, as you did it to one of
the least of these my brothers, you did it
to me."
Ideally, living perfect, holy lives and
living to serve others should be combined in each of us, and I would never
encourage the neglect of one or the other. But if I had to stand before God as
either a person who had lived a life of perfect sin-avoidance but didn’t serve
others, or of a person whose life was less than perfect but lived fully to
serve others, I think I’d rather be standing in the shoes that belonged to the
person whose life was committed to doing, rather than not doing. And right now,
I’m worried that I might be wearing the wrong pair of shoes.
Sins of Omission
As a church, we are very good at focusing
on the problem of active sinning. On law breaking. But there is a more
insidious form of sinning - sins of omission. And while the Bible does condemn
the former, it also strongly condemns the latter.
Why were
Ezekiel 16:49–50 ESV
"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister
prosperous ease, but did not aid the
poor and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination before
me. So I
removed them, when I saw it."
In her prosperity
when they had the means and the opportunity. Their destruction as Jude and
Peter note, is designed to
serve as an example.
If we return to the parable of the sheep
and goats in the final judgment, a Bible Commentary explains:
"Jesus bids those on His left hand depart, not
because of gross outward sins, but because of the neglect of
ministrations of love (Matt. 25:41–46). This teaching is in harmony with the
statement of the apostle,
“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth
it not, to him it is sin” (James
But the Problem is Too Big!
There’s one final reason that we might fail
to help others that I want to touch on. And that is a failure to do anything
from a sense of being overwhelmed by the scale of the problem. Of being
discouraged by it all. What can you do? You’re never going to be able to fix
things. It doesn’t matter what you do. You could literally sell all you have,
give it to the less fortunate, and go and live under a bridge somewhere. It
won’t even make a dent in the suffering and evil occurring in the world today.
It won’t even scuff the paintwork! When we look at it like this, all we see is
failure and so we never even make a start.
To be frank with you, there is truth to
this. Evil is widespread and frequently in control. Its resources are vast
while ours are small. You and I are not going to solve the world’s problems by
ourselves. Now, a world full of Christians all acting together might - we could
certainly make an earth-shaking difference - but individually, not so much. Yet
that shouldn’t stop us. God knew this. Right back in the times of the Israelites
wanderings He informed them that there would never cease to be poor in the
land. (Deut 15:11) Yet
he commanded them to open wide their hands to the needy and to the poor. Christ
said the same to His disciples - that they would always have the poor with them
(Mk 14:7). God knows that
these problems exist. They always have, they always will until He shall return
and right all wrongs. Yet in spite of this, His command remains, and the fact
that we can’t completely eliminate it is no excuse.
My advice to you is this: Let God worry
about the big picture. Let God worry about eradicating all evil. Let us focus
on making a difference in whatever way we can. Let us show in miniature what
God will do in full when He returns.
God is busy working on a giant jigsaw
puzzle. He sees how the finished picture is going to look and He is working to
place all the little pieces exactly where they need to be to bring that picture
to completion. And us? We are all pieces of God’s jigsaw puzzle. If we will let
Him, He will place us exactly where we need to be, and in partnership with Him,
a difference will ultimately be made.
But again, forget about that big picture.
God has not given it to you to worry about. Sometimes when we look at the big
picture, the big numbers that statistics give us, we often lose something. It
becomes a statistic instead of a collection of individuals. And if we remember
that we are dealing with individuals, then we should start to see where we can
make a difference.
I’m sure you’ve all heard the story of the
man throwing starfish into the sea, so I’ll keep it brief as I remind you of
The story goes something along these lines:
A man is walking along a beach. On this beach countless starfish have been
washed up in the night, and now the sun is slowly rising. As he walks his way along,
he notices someone ahead of him, who is throwing starfish into the sea. He
stops and watches for a little bit as this other person continues to pick up
starfish and throw them into the sea. The man looks at the beach and sees that
it is still completely covered in starfish. “You’ll never make a difference” he
tells the one throwing starfish “there’s just too many.” The other person
ignores him, bends down, picks up another starfish and tosses it into the sea.
They then turn to the man and reply. “It made a difference to that one.”
Let us also not forget the power of God.
God can bring great things from small things. I’ve heard there is a saying: “if
you think you are too small to make a difference, try spending the night in a
closed room with a mosquito.”[15]
Remember that God used a boy to kill a giant, a teenage girl to birth the Messiah,
and fishermen to establish the church; God uses ordinary people to get great
things done.
Remember also the lesson of the feeding of
the five thousand. The disciples saw only insurmountable problems, Jesus saw an
opportunity for God. Jesus didn’t ask for the impossible, only what they had –
and much was left over.
Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, once
prayed “Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God”. As we bring this sermon - and this series of
sermons - to a close I’d ask you to picture God’s broken heart as He looks upon
the broken world for which He died. Is this broken world, a world for which
your heart also breaks? Are you moved to compassion as Christ is moved to
compassion? We have been called to preach the gospel, yes. But what gospel is
that? I tell you that we have not been called to preach a gospel with a hole in
it, but a gospel that is whole.
We know we are to be doing God’s work on
this earth. We know that we each have talents, gifts, resources, experiences,
interests, and so on that God has given to each one of us. We know that we are
to develop and grow these in God’s service, and we know that God will return -
hallelujah - and He will be looking for what we have done with those talents.
We also know that this world lies under a
shadow of ignorance and sin. People blind and hopeless, struggling, despairing,
trapped in lies and addictions. A world desperately in need of the saving light
and truth and hope of the good news of a God who loves them and died for their
sins that they may have life more abundant and free, and the assurance of an
eternity of joy. We know we have been called to play a part in the spreading of
this gospel - this good news. And I wonder, what good news have we brought to
the world?
And we know, and I hope today’s sermon has
served as a reminder of this, that the world is full of suffering and evil,
with countless millions - even billions - in desperate need, struggling to get
from one day to the next. People with needs that are to be met now, and not
left with sanctimonious promises of a better life in the hereafter. We know
that their plight moves the heart of God and that it will also move the heart
of his true followers. We know that the meeting of present needs was a core
part of the ministry of Jesus. We know that it was part of the ministry of the
early church. We must surely know that it must be a part of the ministry of the
present-day church as well.
The use of our talents, the eternal
salvation of others - and ourselves, the needs of our less fortunate
neighbours. I ask you one more time, what are we doing for God?
[2] https://ourworldindata.org/water-access#:~:text=Citation-,Summary,access%20to%20safe%20drinking%20water.
[5] Stearns, R. (2009). The
Hole in Our Gospel (pp. 106–107).
[7] Gourevitch, P. (1999). We wish to inform you that tomorrow we
will be killed with our families (pp. 41-42). [Kindle version]. Retrieved from
[8] Cain, K., Thomson, A., Postlewait, H. (2004). Emergency Sex (And
Other Desperate Measures). Ebury Press
[9] Forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking. Retrieved
[10] Stearn (2009). p. 115
[11] As cited in Stearn
(2009). p. 107
[12] James, O. (2007). Affluenza.
[13] Stearn (2009). p. 118
[14] As quoted in Stearn (2009). p. 170
[15] As quoted in Stearn
(2009). p. 250
It's never enough to say that you'll pray, nor any platitude give,'Cause the love that God has shown to us is a love that we're meant to live.
So rather than tire any wounded soul and thus leave them even worse,
Let genuine care shine forth in deeds and less in pithy words or verse.
Yes, when Christ said to love one another, He meant it, this very plain and clear,And why if you get this one wrong, you will certainly get things wrong everywhere.
No, you don’t have to like someone, but Christ definitely wants you to love folk;
Love being both an attitude and doing word, and why of such, Christ strongly spoke.